MTL - Okay, I Can’t Eat This-Chapter 19

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A total of 5 people came, three men and two women. There is a wonderful scenery to that stop, because all three men are bald, but the degree of baldness is different. The most serious one is almost bald, with only three or two hairs. And it was the kind of thin, obviously malnourished hair that fluttered in the wind on the seeds of his head.

The center of the lightest head was also shiny, but the hair around it was still alive.

The two women are okay, with long hair fluttering, and they are different scenery, although one of the hairlines recedes a little.

Xie hesitated for a moment: "You are all teachers, right?"

"How do you know!" the most bald one—let's just call him Big Bald—asked in horror.

"It looks like..." Xie Chi felt a little distressed when she looked at their thinning hair. It was too miserable to be bald. She found that several teachers, directors, etc., that she had known recently, all had relatively hair. ...Ahem, the last time I saw such dense hair loss was on a group of programmers and designers... Is this a work-related injury?

The female ghost whose hairline receded suddenly choked out: "If I knew it would be like this, I shouldn't have studied education back then..."

The female ghost next to it said coolly: "It's too late to regret it now, but not everyone is bald. It depends on personal care and physique. Some people don't have such troubles, sigh, no way..."

Before it could finish speaking, the hairline female ghost grabbed its hair and dragged it down, revealing a shiny bald head: "Don't think I don't know about your burning wig!"

Xie Chi:…

Seeing the two female ghosts being torn together, she said helplessly: "Don't quarrel first, you have business affairs, don't talk first, I have a few questions to ask you, and I will answer them later, understand?"

The black air dumpling made a background board above her head with claws and claws, but it did frighten a few ghosts. After all, they couldn't beat them. When they came, I heard a few students talk about how fierce Xie Chi was.

"First of all, are you the teachers and students who died in the flood?"

"Yes." The most bald person probably has the highest official position, so he spoke on behalf of the others: "All of us, I was the dean of the year."

No wonder he was so bald, Xie Chi nodded and continued, "Are you the only ones here? Where are the other ghosts?"

"In recent years, many people have been reincarnated one after another, and those who stay here are too obsessed to go. We just like before, we got a few books to teach the children new knowledge, so that They will not be left behind by the times." Director Dabald said, probably feeling that his statement was a bit official, he coughed, and then said: "There are actually two teachers among us, who can be reincarnated, but The students have not left yet, and they are not at ease. When the students here are all reincarnated, a few of us may also leave."

"I'll give you a notebook at that time, you write down your obsessions, and I'll see if I can help you solve it. Okay, the next question, Liu Shaoyu and Xie Wenqing, do you know?" Xie Chi's voice suddenly turned cold: "I don't mind you hiding some little things from me, but you'd better not lie about it."

Several ghosts shrank their necks at that time, and said baldly: "I the student who entered here by mistake not long ago? But I have only seen one of them..."

"I've seen another one." The female ghost wearing a wig raised her hand: "I don't know the name, but that person has also entered by mistake, but I found it in time and sent him back at that time."

"Oh? Why don't I know?" Xie Wenqing looked blank.

The wig girl rolled her eyes: "Of course you don't know, you came in when you were sleepwalking."

Xie Wenqing:…

"Why are their names in your classroom?"

"It's like this, we want to protect them... In the early years, many people came in accidentally, but as long as we found out, we would find a way to send them back. It's easy for ordinary people to get in and get out, so we can only rely on us to help, but Because something happened recently, we can't help... so we put their names on the class list." Datu gave a wry smile, and then said, "That person... won't hurt the students of this school, that's the only way. to protect them."

"That person? Who?" Xie Chi felt that this person was the key point. Dabald was about to speak when suddenly the mountain shook. They seemed to be used to this kind of scene. Several teachers acted quickly to protect the students. live.

"Go first! Advance to the classroom!"

The few of them who came from outside did not know what happened, so they could only follow them into the classroom first. At the moment when she entered the door of the classroom, Xie Chi turned her head, and she vaguely saw a large figure walking through the dilapidated ruins. .

In a few seconds, a hoarse sound like two pieces of rusted iron colliding with each other sounded. There was a little despair in the sound, but more pain: "Run! Run! The flood is coming... The flood is coming! Everyone run... run!"

Xie Chi looked out through the crack of the door, it was a... gigantic creature, at least three or four meters tall, and very bloated.

As it walked slowly, its voice became more and more shrill: "Get out of here quickly and go to a high place! The flood is coming soon, everyone, hurry up!"

It is in the dark, Xie Chi can't see its appearance clearly, but can feel the strong anger and resentment on its body, this is a very powerful ghost, if Zhong Buyue comes by himself, it is estimated that he will send it directly. dishes.

"What is that..." Zhong Buyue asked tremblingly.

"Shh!" Several teachers covered Zhong Buyue's mouth in horror.

Zhong Buyue shuddered, and his instinct almost made him do it.

That thing moved very slowly, it walked round and round the school, and finally walked away slowly.

"Who is that?" Xie Chi asked in a low voice.

"It's the principal..." The hairline female ghost trembled and said, "It's us... the principal of the year..."

The female ghost spoke with blood and tears, choked up and sobbed, and another female ghost also hugged it and patted its back lightly.

Everyone calmed down slowly and began to tell the principal's story.

The principal is already quite old, but when he established this school, he was in his prime. This school was almost built by the principal himself. First, he asked his grandfather to tell his grandmother for borrowed money, plus all his family resources, and personally supervised the school. He even helped move bricks and mud to build the prototype of the school.

Later, rich people helped to fund it, and the school was expanded again.

When the flood happened, the principal was already the old principal. He had already reached the age of retirement, but he refused to leave the school. Although he had handed over the school to someone else to be the principal, he still walked around the school every day to clean it up. Leaves on the ground or something.

Everyone likes him very much, and still calls him the old principal.

until the flood came.

He could have survived, because he was not at the school when the flood came, and the old principal's house was built on a high place, which was relatively safe, but he came to the school with a cane to save those who were submerged by the flood. children.

The old principal was a needle for calming the sea. His command made many people calm down. After they were less panicked, naturally more people could be saved.

They sent most of the children to a high place, removed the door panels, and let the children who were too late to leave sit on it. There were actually only three or four hundred children and a dozen teachers in the school at that time.

Almost all of the dozen teachers and the old principal drowned in the flood, while most of the more than 300 children survived.

After the old principal died, he wandered around the school he built every day. The old principal knew that the new school would be built on the top of the mountain. Even if there was a flood, it would be fine, but it was still there every night. Wander back and forth between the old campus and the new campus.

Those dead children in the old school district are the old principal who have the responsibility firmly on their backs, and those children in the new school district are hope.

Everything was fine at first. Under the leadership of the old principal, they sent away many children who were going to be reincarnated, and also helped to take care of many children on the mountain. Until not long ago, a bunch of evil spirits came to the old school.

They are all ghosts who never hurt anyone, but they are obsessed, so they didn't reincarnate. In fact, they don't have much fighting power, and those evil ghosts have seen blood.

The evil ghosts occupied the old campus and wanted to devour the ghosts here. How could the old principal watch the children who had died in the flood without even their souls and lost the chance of reincarnation?

The old principal protected all the teachers and students like crazy. Many ghosts were injured in the melee. After the old principal devoured an evil ghost, it was out of control. The old principal's obsession was too deep. Specter, is stronger than all the ghosts in this school, and stronger than many foreign evil ghosts.

It devoured one demon after another in the melee, and finally ate all the demons.

The old principal once again protected his children, but because he devoured too many evil spirits, he lost his mind. There was only obsession left in his heart, and he wandered around the old school every day, devouring everyone who dared to approach. And ghosts, protect the student ghosts who are still in the old campus.

Only the students in the old campus would not be attacked, so several teachers wrote the name of Liu Shaoyu, who had strayed here, on the student list, and sent him away secretly when they found an opportunity.

Whether it was a teacher or a student, tears flowed down his face as he spoke. The leading dean bowed first, and the rest of the ghosts quickly followed.

"Although I know this request is excessive, please don't hurt our principal, our principal is really a good person..."

The author has something to say: I have a manuscript! A chapter…

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