MTL - Old Chapters-v2 Chapter 10 great gaze

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The four discussed this dungeon. In fact, it was just Gao Xiaowen and Uncle Xu Haoran discussing it. Lu Li was playing Mengxin. Hu Wenxu closed his eyes with a cold expression and started his practice again.

None of these people are good friends. The names quoted are probably pseudonyms. Except for some basic information, no important things have been explained. Although Xu Haoran shared the information of the mermaid, it was also for the purpose of the mission.

Xu Haoran didn't reveal his other skills and basic enhancement abilities. On the contrary, it was revealed that he had exploration skills. Instead, he felt that he had become the captain of this temporary team. Gao Xiaowen, who has always played a role in connecting the team, did not know why he chose it. Taking a step back, he handed over the team leader position to Xu Haoran. During the discussion about this dungeon mission, he always relied on some of Xu Haoran's opinions.

"I have a question. Although the game has released a dungeon quest, it does not stipulate that we must complete it, and there is no punishment for failing the quest. Can we give up the quest and go to other places to kill monsters and explode equipment?" Lu Li listened to their words. The conversation came to an end, and he asked curiously.

"Do you think this is still a test dungeon? In the official dungeon, except for those powerful bosses, monsters hardly explode out of modules. Generally, you can get rewards through quests. In addition, the customs clearance lottery is also related to your quest completion. If the mission fails, the five cards in the lottery draw, do you believe that they are all blank?"

"In addition, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that if you don't actively complete the task, you will encounter some terrifying events. In the end, you may even be trapped in the dungeon world and suffer endless torture!" Xu Haoran said with a sneer. I didn't say it clearly, but those who dared to deliberately fail to complete the mission will have no good end. If you complete the mission seriously, even if you fail, you may escape your life. Thinking of the last dungeon, because the mission was too difficult, I encountered it after escaping the mission. Those were all tentacles of the second-generation earth burrowing worms, and a trace of fear flashed in Xu Haoran's eyes.

"Please come with me!" A mermaid swam in the palace and said to the four Lu Li, who looked at each other, ended the conversation, and climbed the ice stairs to the lake.

Along a hidden river path on the island, the mermaid led the way in the river, and four players followed along the narrow bank. After a while, a few people were led by the mermaid to the shore of the island. There is a small boat not far away, docked on the shore, there are some items inside the boat, and even the clothes that Lu Li changed are there.

"The princess told you to set off as soon as possible, you just need to get on the boat, and we will take you there!" Although the mermaid's words were not polite at all, the unique voice was really sweet and made people feel Immerse yourself in the urge under that wonderful sound.

The few people who didn't have any comments quickly got on the boat, and then they saw that there were many sounds flickering under the water, and the fish tails could be seen swimming, and the boat set off towards their destination at a very fast speed. .

The sea breeze is a bit rushing, the smell of fishy and salty, it will feel disgusting when you smell it. Looking at the endless sea, the small island behind you is getting farther and farther, and soon it turns into a small black spot , At this time, Lu Li and several people were in a small boat, and there was no support around them, and he felt a panic in his heart for some reason.

Especially looking at the flipping fish tail under the sea, my thoughts can't help but diverge. There are so many unknown things below, people are always afraid of the unknown, and on this planet, the biggest unknown should be under the sea. Well, compared to the seemingly incomparably huge ocean, they felt that they were just an ant walking in front of a giant, as if they would die in the next second.

Fortunately, these gamers are not simple, the panic in his heart gradually passed over time, and Lu Li didn't care about this negative emotion for a long time, but for this cute new role-playing game, he also pretended to have lingering fears. , and then asked a few others in a panic, "What was the situation just now? Why did you suddenly feel fear."

"Sure enough, this dungeon also has that kind of existence!" Xu Haoran's face flashed with fear, then looked at Gao Xiaowen and Hu Wenxu with clear expressions on one side, and then saw Lu Li with a blank face, forced a smile, like Give yourself some courage to say.

"A rookie is a rookie. The dungeons we conduct may have some out-of-specification things. Generally, they are either sealed or fell into a deep sleep. In short, these out-of-specification existences cannot move, but they occasionally turn their attention to us. However, Even just looking at us can cause a special reaction in us, and sometimes even their eyes will reveal something, causing the incident to mutate directly."

"I don't know how long it is under the sea bottom, maybe there is such an out-of-spec existence!" Hu Wenxu rarely said a lot, but the moment he was still pretending to be of course, the next moment he was crazy said: "I really want to dissect this existence one day, and see how it is different from normal humans, how they exist, and why they can turn the sight, the organ that receives light, into emitting various substances. The magical organ of..."

The expressions of the other two changed. They originally thought they were just a cold-faced man who concentrated on cultivation. Although he might be the strongest, he was no more than the life of a thug, but now that he looks at it, he is simply a research-oriented lunatic. Maybe one day before you can react, you will be knocked unconscious by him and thrown onto the dissection table.

This kind of person is the most dangerous. Their brain circuits are completely different from normal people. They can do anything for research purposes. What is even more terrifying is that this kind of person is easy to gain powerful strength.

"Hey, Brother Hu, do you know how to dissect? It's very interesting, can you take me with you in the next experiment?" Just when Xu Haoran and Gao Xiaowen were thinking about how to stabilize Hu Wenxu's trouble, they heard that in their eyes The rookie asked with interest.

"Are you interested in anatomy? It just so happens that I still need an assistant. I will teach you some knowledge. This game is really good. There are all kinds of strange materials everywhere. This is our paradise!" Hu Wenxu looked excited. , and occasionally looked at the mermaid under the boat, the purpose was self-evident.

Xu Haoran and Gao Xiaowen looked at each other, MDZZ, how did they meet such a broken team, what kind of people are they...