MTL - Omni-Magician-Chapter 6 The trick of the giant sword girl: big top!

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"Oh, it’s a big breath!" Seeing that the little figure is holding a giant sword and pointing at himself, he has to fight and say that Kerry suddenly shows a contempt.

Buska smiled coldly. "My son is not the same as Quinlock's two idiots. He is a middle-level swordsman. You can't support a little sister with a round under his hand. !"

"Can you hold on to the great sword in my hand first!" Dearing louder than the British.

The people around the crowd have finally understood what happened: Busca’s ignorance of Anthony’s magical lodge, they have already known about the old neighbourhood. It seems that after the death of George, Busca finally got to work. Now, he will bring his son now!

"Buska is too mean to be a bully."

"Is there an magician apprentice in Anthony's Magic Cabin?"

"That hammerhead? It’s a dull brain. I heard that there will be only some magic like [dust removal] [breeze]. What can I do at this time?"

"Busca is too deceiving. Is it true that the city owner doesn't care about him?"

"How do I manage it? I heard that in order to cure Old George and his funeral, Debbie borrowed five silver coins from Busca, and used a magical cottage as a mortgage. If it expires, this magical cottage is Booth. The card is... Hey, Buska has been waiting to drive the guests in front of the magic hut some time ago, just to make it impossible to pay off the debts. This magical hut is a thing in Busca’s bag. It’s shameless. To the extreme!"

"There is a binding bond, Busca occupies this magical lodge is reasonable... I am afraid that the city government has no right to ask!"

"Oh, if Busca occupies this magical lodge, I will buy more than two blocks in the future. I will never visit Busca's store!"

These onlookers have been talking about it, but they are just ordinary residents. There is no way to intervene in this matter. Busca has invited his fourth-order swordsman son, and they can't help them!

Moreover, the fighting between the swordsman and the magician is very common, and the death and injury are inevitable. As long as the reasons for the struggle are sufficient, even the city owner has no right to interfere.

In the discussion, Buska whispered a few words with Kerry, and then Kerry slammed out the long sword at his waist.

The swordsman's sword is divided into short swords, long swords, fine swords, medium-sized swords, big swords, giant swords, etc. According to the different swords used, after becoming a senior swordsman, it is necessary to differentiate into various occupations, such as Debbie uses a giant sword, and she will grow into a giant swordsman after becoming a senior swordsman.

This Kerry uses a long sword and will grow into a long swordsman in the future.

This long sword of Kerry is not a common product. The blade is silvery and polished. It is smooth and sharp, giving people a feeling of air-cooling. This sword is the same as the armor of Kerry.

I saw Kerry’s cruel smile and pointed the sword at Debbie: “Little girl, come on, play with me, I am the first time to play with the swordsman with the great sword!”


Debbie slammed into the cold, and the little figure waved the giant sword and rushed to Kerry.


The giant sword collided with the long sword, and the smoldering splashed, and the sound of the collision rang loudly.

Debbie's small figure couldn't help but squat back a few steps.

However, Kerry’s waving a long sword did not have any influence, and he pursued the victory and chased it.

Debbie hurriedly blocked with the giant sword, but still could not help but retreat.

Kerry's long sword is extremely fast, and he continually cuts it down. Debbie can only resist it in a hurry. There is no gap between them for a while, and the force is not caught, and it seems to be stretched.

The advantage of the giant sword lies in the strong inertia between the wielding. The great swordsman has the strongest destructive power between the slashing and killing. The shortcoming is that the activity is limited, the attack is powerful, and the defense is not easy.

The long sword is flexible and extremely fast, making it hard to defend.

Ye Chui saw that he had just stepped back and was forced to retreat by Kerry. He couldn’t help but squeeze a sweat and put his hand into the bag in his hand, ready to be compared to Sanqi when he was in crisis. Twenty-first throw the past few reels and say.

"Kerry, don't be merciful, kill her first!" Busca shimmered and shouted.

Ye Dang also hurriedly said: "Debbie, no matter what, forget me!"

"The fourth-order swordsman moves quickly, and your curse can't attack him at all!" At this time, the giant sword girl actually had a leisurely attack on the leaf sag... She suddenly slammed back and fell on the steps of the magic hut. While watching the Kerry who is about to continue to attack, he said to Ye Hang, "You can rest assured, I still have a trick!"

"The trick?" Ye Yiyi, "What trick?"

"When the last time I came to Busca, I was afraid of ruining the things in the store, so I have never used them, but now I don't have to take care of them on the street." Debbie said confidently, and he still gasped in his mouth. She grabbed the hilt of the great sword with both hands and took a deep breath. "Look at my trick, big top!"

Ye Ding: "What big things?"

In doubt, the body of the giant sword has been rotated faster than both hands. The huge sword of the giant sword suddenly forms a whole body around the body, making the girl seem to become a big gyro, with a sharp blade. Gyro!

The leaves are drooping with big eyes and two drops of sweat on the forehead: "It turned out to be such a big top...but it seems to be a little effective?"

I saw Kerry’s original attack, and suddenly fell apart. He waved a long sword and tried to slash to the giant sword girl, but he only heard the sound of “瓮”. The fire was splashed and the sword was directly bounced off. People are frightened and tend to retreat, fearing that they will receive innocent disasters.

Kerry also began to retreat constantly, and the face that was originally casual and escaping was even more revealing. It was obvious that the big gyro of Debbie made him somewhat ignorant of how to be good.

Looking at all of this, Ye Dang suddenly thought of these days when he was in the leisure time of marking the scroll to see the dance of the sword in the backyard. Most of the time she saw Debbie waving a giant sword in a circle...

At that time, Ye Ding still felt a little strange. Now I know that it was deliberately made by Debbie, giving full play to the advantages of his giant sword, using the principle of centrifugal force, and dancing the giant sword into a gyro, thus completely making up for the giant swordsman movement. The weakness of the dull, this giant sword dances is simply impenetrable, both offensive and defensive, the most important reason is the use of centrifugal force, this trick requires very little effort, it is perfect.

"It seems that I can't use the magic scrolls that I played." Ye Sheng couldn't help but feel relieved. The big gyro of the giant sword girl made it unbeatable.

"Kerry, you can attack quickly, hurry up!" Buska, who was next to the carriage, shouted in a hurry.

Kerry is helpless: "This... this makes me attack..."

He bit his teeth and waved a sword in his hand to a sword flower. When he was desperate, he rushed up and prepared to deal with the enemy quickly. In a very short period of time, he stabbed three swords to Debbie.

However, only three sounds of “when”, “when” and “when” are heard.

All three of these swords were all bounced off by the giant sword!

Even more terrible is that the giant sword girl movement in the gyro state is surprisingly rapid, just in the moment when the Kerry sword is bounced, and immediately rushed to the front of Kerry.


The sword of the Great Sword cuts into Kerry's armor without any The magical runes on the armor are illuminated, which is the defensive ability of the armor, which will damage the maximum extent. Unloading, it is still inevitable in the armor to send out a beautiful fire.

The powerful impact force made Kerry fall back directly and hit the bus of Busca.

With a bang, the carriage directly fell apart.

Standing on the carriage, watching the lively groom screamed and jumped to the side, the horse on the carriage was runaway.

The second-order swordsman Debbie actually knocked down the fourth-order swordsman Kerry with this big gyro!

Debbie, who had been rushing to turn around, stopped, and supported the ground with a giant sword. His face was a little red, and his mouth was still vigorously gasping. His eyes stared at Kerry, who was in front of the carriage residue.

"Debbie, he just just knocked down, no injuries!" Ye Hang found something, and rushed to the front of Debbie.

"I know, look at my big!"

Debbie suddenly spoke up and screamed at the giant sword.

It’s no exaggeration to say that the noodles cooked at noon yesterday were spit out...

- Turn around for a few minutes, and change to someone who is like this.

Everyone around: "..."

Debbie spit for a while, rubbed his mouth and continued to hold the giant sword: "...see my big top to kill him!"

" still have a break." Ye hangs a little sweat and pats the shoulders of Debbie. "Let's see me."


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