MTL - Omni-Magician-v8 Chapter 630 At least a mascot is also ok.

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The matter of the quiet town has come to an end.

The hidden secrets underneath the sacred tree, there are three special scorpions to guard, respectively, [eternal] [no me] [destroy], now Ye Hang and his party have experienced [eternal] and [no me], they are about to face It is [destruction].

Ye Ding saw the glimpses of the seven [Supreme Rules] in the [Prophet], and some understanding of the Seven [Supreme Rules] - [Destruction], no doubt will be the strongest of the Seven [Supreme Rules] The big one, like its name, is a force that is completely destructive.

[Eternal] and [No Me] are more tests of the mind, but the "destruction" that is about to face will probably be a complete hardship.

Therefore, after the completion of the quiet town, Ye Hang and his party did not rush to leave immediately. Since Freya took control of the [shared consciousness] in the town, she can take the line directly at any time. People enter the next test, but in order to meet the next battle, Ye Hang and his party are temporarily preparing to cultivate for a while.

In the same way, Freya can also come up with some information about the shadow king through [shared consciousness].

"The King of Shadows brought Jarvis to the quiet town 13 days ago. He woke up in a quiet town for half a day and then borrowed a magical creation called [No Blood Pool]. [Assimilation] The [shared consciousness] in the quiet town, and then took Jarvis into the next test."

Freya closed her eyes with the town's [shared consciousness], which is also a doctor, and communicated. She continued to say: "It has been ten days since the movie king entered the next secret."

Although the current [shared consciousness] has been controlled by doctors, some of the memory fragments of the original shadow king still remain in [shared consciousness], from which many useful information can be obtained.

"But don't worry, I feel worried from the shadow king's consciousness. He doesn't have much confidence in the test of "destruction". He can successfully pass the [no me] rule and set a trap for us. The main reason is because he himself has mastered certain [no rules] power. He originally expected to [assimilate] us, and then borrow our strength to crack the test of "destruction"." Freya continued.

This made Ye Hang and his party feel at ease. In fact, they don't know what the big secrets under the tree are, but they use three [Supreme Rules] to protect them. It definitely has different general meanings.

But it is imperative. They are not in a hurry.

In fact, in essence, Ye Dang did not have much interest in guarding the big secret. What he really cares about is to take back Jarvis from the shadow king, and then kill the Shadow King to find a way to contact the vows of the faceless people. .

The town is now dilapidated. Many of the houses around the central square have been turned into ashes. Anthony's grocery store and Doria's shop were not spared. Their group could only temporarily rest in the center of the square.

Time has arrived in the evening.

Debbie and Dajinsi got a fire, and then took some food from the space ring to simply cook.

Freya continued to communicate with her doctor and was as familiar as possible with her new strength.

And the leaves are hanging on the magic keyboard one after another. Each magic character continually condenses in the air - he is trying to make a cheat, using the sentiment that Jarvis passed to him on the [attribute matrix] to make a magic program that will allow Hippo to restore its peak. .

To win back Jarvis, Hippo is crucial.

After completely resolving the Shadow King, [No My Rules] for the Shiboer, the strong, the three thousand you want, and the power blockade of Serti have been lifted, the three skeletons have restored the original form of 傀儡, and Serti is also thoroughly Restored memory.

At this moment, Hippo, sitting next to the fire, looked at the fire in front of her face and didn't know what she was thinking. She knew what the three special cockroaches meant, but knew that she couldn't get anything from her. For useful information, Ye Ding simply did not ask her.

On the other hand, Serti is being held in his arms by Dajinsi. This is a reflection of the experience of the past two days: "I just turned into a crystal ball for divination? I feel that there is no value in my life..."

"At the time, if you were not you, I couldn't find the hammer. Your guidance is very important." Dajinsi smiled and comforted Freya, and thought of his own lightning, his face flashed a little helpless.

The lightning was completely killed. Although this cockroach followed Dajinsi for a few days, it still gave Dajinsi an incomparable anger. This kind of anger is the key to let her master the power of the demon. Now My rule] Although her power blockade has been eliminated, her control over the power of the gods will not change.

She sighed and suddenly thought of something, and suddenly she reached out and put on the glasses on her nose, and then swept across the crowd next to the fire.

Debbie saw her movements and knew what she was doing, so she smiled and asked: "Are you letting the spectacles carry out [power measurement]? What are our strengths now?"

"Guarantee to surprise you." For the results of [power measurement], it is clear that Dajinsi is very pleasant.

The strength of the leaf sag has been drilled by the aunt in the eternal desert, and now it has increased by ten points to reach two hundred and ten, and the positive error is still one hundred.

The power value of Debbie is one hundred and eighty because of the [eternal rule], and the positive error is fifty.

Because Dajinsi himself completely integrated the power of the demon god, the result of the strength measurement was one hundred and nine, and the positive error was also fifty, which was slightly better than the other.

And Freya, the original chicken ribs, also has a measured value of 100 because of the addition of [No My Rule], and the positive error is twenty. This value is naturally not comparable to the leaf drop and the contrast. There is Dajinsi, but the speciality of [No My Killing] allows her to launch skills if she is under the protection of others, then her role will be limitless.

Vigorously, Xiboer, and your life, three thousand, remain the same.

As for Serti...

The sister lost her body. The original leaf was used to help her to modify her body. The body did not have self-will, and now I don’t know where to throw it. I am afraid it has been destroyed with the destroyed town. So Serti is now a head.

Strength measurement... well, only one. And the positive error is zero.

obviously. Selti could not accept this result...

"Unfairness is simply unfair. I feel that I have no value at all..." This sister mourned.

"How come?" Ye Xiaoxiao took the head of Serti from the arms of Dajinsi and licked the soft hair of Celtic. "At least as a mascot is also possible!"

Serti: "The mascot..."

Others have laughed a lot.


Early the next morning, Ye Hang, Debbie, Da Jinsi, and Freya and his group were transferred from the quiet town that had been destroyed under the control of Freya. The shared consciousness that was assimilated by the doctor - now that the consciousness belongs to the doctor only, so it can be called [doctoral consciousness] or [no my consciousness] - then boarding the key in the hands of Freya.

This is different from ordinary mental power. It is a regular force, and although it is not, the body will become weak. But it does not dissipate.

They soon appeared on... a plain.

"Here is the place where [Destruction] 傀儡 guard?" After coming here. Debbie looked around, but it was quite unexpected. He thought that he would be in danger immediately when he appeared here, but it seems... here is surprisingly peaceful?

"There seems to be no danger around us..." Dakins's body floated in the air, using the enhanced vision to explore the situation here. "I don't see any threats, but this place is so big. The scope of this space world is probably bigger than our lord world."

"Is there any trace of fighting? The Shadow King came here ten days ago. Should he leave at least some traces?" Ye Hang continued.

"I am searching...and so on, there seems to be something over there!"

With that said, Dajinsi quickly flew in a certain direction.

Ye Dang also hurriedly followed, and Freya took out the magic car, carrying Debbie and vigorously and so on.

What Da Vinci found was a trace of the legacy of the battle.

A piece of land there showed some kind of burnt dark brown, the soil was dry, the trees were turned into ashes, and even some pieces of armor that were corrupted by some kind of force were seen on the ground, and the leaves and strange investigations. The situation here.

"This is a powerful attacking force... completely destroying the vitality of this land. Even I feel that the earth magic elements of this area are completely destroyed!" Ye Hang looked at the station with a bit of exclamation On the side of Hippo, "Do you know what this is?"

Hippo nodded slightly: "[Destruction rule] power... I said in a full of struggling tone."

"The power of destroying everything directly..." Ye Hang picked up the pieces of armor and frowned strangely. "The breakage of these pieces of armor seems to be only a few days... The battle here took place about three days ago! This is the one. Did the shadow king stay?"

"Hammer, something is approaching here!" Dajinsi suddenly shouted, her body subconsciously filled with layers of black mist, her fingers pointing in a certain direction.

Ye Ding, Debbie, and Freya also quickly watched in a certain direction.

One thing is rushing over quickly.

And when you see what it is -

"Hey? What is this stuff used for?" He asked with a look of surprise.

The leaf is full of doubts: "Is this the detection?"

Da Jinsi topped his own glasses: "The glasses can't be used for it [power measurement], it seems that it is not dangerous."

And Hippo, this face-faced girl entered the state of full combat for the first time, even she shouted: "This thing is very dangerous... I said in a trembling tone!"

Appearing in front of Yepeng et al. is a weird object that is more than one meter high. It is an object because it has no human form at all. Even if there are all kinds of cockroaches in the black castle, this can be the case. I have never seen it before.

Judging from the appearance, he is a cylinder with a narrow upper and a lower width, and a wheel for the movement is installed below.

"Danger?" For the warnings of Hippo, Debbie felt very confused first. "What is the danger of this stuff?"

Just as Debbie’s words were just finished, a hoarse and blunt, completely without any feelings, but it was able to make people feel the cold and hateful voice passed from that weird embarrassment: "Discover the invaders, destroy! Destruction! Destruction!"

Accompanied by the uncomfortable sound, a slender tube suddenly appeared in its cylindrical body, like a barrel for shooting, followed by a pale white beam. come out.

It seems to be an understatement of shooting, however, Ye Sheng feels the power of terror from it.

Ye Hang instantly realized that the earth that lost its vitality and even the destruction of the earth's magical elements was the light beam.

This beam contains the power of [destruction rule].

"Everyone is careful!"

Ye screamed and screamed, and instantly condensed dozens of space shield defenses in front of him.

However, the beam of light penetrated the shields without any hindrance, and the multiple shields that were enough to block the super-attack skills were as fragile as the glass under the beam.

[Destruction Rule] Strength, the rule of destroying everything!

Even the magic element itself can be directly turned into ashes!

"Did away here!" Ye rushed to let everyone escape the attack range of this ruined beam.

"Destruction! Destruction! Destruction!"

The weird screaming continued to scream, and successively made a beam of light.

Ye Hang is rushing to avoid it.

And here, here, she saw a beam of light that was shot next to her, and her heart moved, waving the golden sword in her hand to try to resist, and a loud bang, the golden giant sword was directly blasted out of a circle. hole!

You must know that the Golden Sword is a weapon that Debbie gave to Debbie, with the power of [Eternal Rule], which is far stronger than the average steel, but it is so understated that it is bombarded by this weird!

Debbie immediately slammed, and slammed the golden giant sword and jumped away. The little girl looked at the round hole above the golden giant sword, and the small face was full of complex and aggressive expressions...


At this time, Freya suddenly started, she has entered the state of the elf, after a dexterous backflip, volley shot.

[No me killing]

A white bullet instantly hit the weird barrel.

The horrible destruction beam finally stopped.

Obviously, [no killing me] has worked.

However, not waiting for Ye Hang and his party to breathe a sigh of relief -

"Error! Error! Error!" Weird screams hoarse, "Jump the destruction matrix, perform matrix reorganization... Reorganization is complete, destruction! Destruction! Destruction!"

Along with these screams, a white beam of light was shot again in its barrel.

It actually eliminates the influence of [no me killing] through some sort of matrix reorganization!

The devastating beams of the road were shot again to the leaves.

Ye hangs here and hurries to dodge.

Fortunately, destroying the beam, although powerful, but each shot seems to need at least one second interval, which gives them enough time to avoid.

"This is [destruction] 傀儡!?" Ye Ding was shocked at the moment. "Unlike the two special shackles in the front, this time I don't play imaginary, it really is to go straight to work as soon as I come up!"

"Hammer, there are other people close!" Dajinsi suddenly shouted loudly.

A leaf hangs, is there someone else close? Other [destruction]? Then he perceives something, while avoiding a devastating beam, while looking to the side: not [destruction] 傀儡, but five soldiers wearing armor are approaching here quickly!

There are other human beings here?

They wore armor that seemed to be no different from the outside world, with combat weapons such as battle axes, swords, and bows.

Even Ye Hang heard a screaming warrior shouting: "Found a Dai Like, ready to destroy it!"

The name of this [destruction] 傀儡 is called Dai Like. (To be continued.) Enable new URL