MTL - Omni-Magician-v8 Chapter 663 Is this shy reaction a bit of a bad day?

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The Godu animal husbandry is very large, and it occupies half of the entire territory of the Blood Hammer Empire.

In fact, tens of thousands of years ago, this wilderness was still a dense forest, part of the dark forest, the territory of the dark forest family, when the elves were the most noble race in the world.

Terrans, orcs, dwarves, giants... All kinds of intelligent races must follow the guidance of the elves and respect the opinions of the elves. The elves at that time are the symbols of noble and majestic.

However, all this changed after the devil was born.

No matter how evil the image of the Emperor in Yeh’s heart is now, it has to be acknowledged that in the first few hundred years of the opening of the magic era, the Emperor was indeed a great man of great humanity who laid the foundation for mankind.

His behavior at that time was very worthy of the people's worship of him now, some evil and ferocious races, such as swamp monsters, gargoyles, blood elves, trolls, these races that may affect the peace of mankind, all by the devil Extinct, he has since become the hegemon of this continent on the basis of human beings who are incomparably weak and even in the lowest level of the intellectual race.

At that time, in order to give a rich life to human beings, he negotiated with the elves, and he deforested a lot of trees and opened up suitable cultivated land.

It is said that the Elf King of the Dark Forest at that time was very angry with the action of the Emperor. The Dark Forest was the largest forest in the world at the time (of course, now), and the Dark Elf was also the most powerful Elf race. The Dark Elf King claimed that it would not let the Devil The Emperor felled a tree and joined other Elfs against the Emperor. However, the Emperor broke into the meeting of the Elven Kings in the Dark Forest. No one knew what happened at that time.

Even if there is a record in this matter inside the elves, I am afraid that the situation at the time will not be passed on.

But in short, after a few hundred years, the Dark Elf King has never been exposed. It is said that he has been damaged by terror, and almost almost has to undergo the degree of [elf reincarnation], which takes a long time to heal...

Since that visit, the Dark Elves directly opened up half of the forest and handed it over to the Emperor, and developed it into a plain suitable for planting (although it was originally covered by the 10% range of the Ai Gendars continent). Huge forests, even if they have cut half of the territory, the dark forest is still the largest forest in the world...), and several other elves in the world have also compromised, ceding the forest field and turning it into cultivated land.

This is a humiliation for the elves.

However... in the face of the Emperor, these humiliations can only be swallowed.

——When I heard about these deeds from Freya, Ye Ding couldn’t help but feel bloody. The first demon was really an admirable hero, the glory of the human race, at least The Terran is indeed an indispensable great man, but then how can he start thinking about it and want to die?

The transition from big hero to big boss is too extreme, right?

The magical transformation process of the devil must be a rather tortuous story...

In short, this is the source of the Godu pasture.

Of course, at that time, it was not called the wilderness, but called Godumu Plain. Godou Mu is a fairy language. The meaning is humiliation. The Elves have regarded the Godoumu Plain as their own humiliation for a long time, but they have no choice but to Du Mu Plain supported the agriculture and animal husbandry of the entire ancestral dynasty.

What makes the elves more helpless is that when the emperor created the space world that rivals the Aegeans continent, then the space world is broken and turned into pieces of small space worlds, and those space world fragments flow into one When the royal lords were in the hands of local tyrants, humans soon discovered that it was easier to grow bankers, food, and livestock in those small space worlds. After all, in such a small world, rainfall and temperature are very easy to control. The local tyrants who control the space world have transformed into space farmers.

In the past few hundred years, almost all the food that the Terran needs is produced from these space farms.

Therefore, the existence of the Godu animal husbandry and wilderness became more and more important.

But for no reason, the Dark Elves did not take back the territory of the Godu Mu Plain. According to some scholars, the Godu Plains represent the shame of the elves. How can their noble souls accept this representative? What about the shame of giving back?

In this way, after thousands of years of tens of thousands of years, there are fewer and fewer people who are still planting or animal husbandry on the Godumu plain. Until now, when this territory became the territory of the Blood Hammer Empire, it is no longer here. It is called the Godumu Plain, and it is called the Godu Shepherd. In addition to some villages, the cultivation and breeding industry is still continuing. It is a desolate place. The Warcraft squad that runs out of the dark forest makes it dangerous.

The area here is very wide and endless.

When Ye Sai started from Stan City, he crossed the Godu Shepherd Wilderness and spent two days. After Ye Li and Sal and Kara separated, he took Lear to the storm camp on the border of Godou. Until that night, he did not see the shadow of the storm camp. Although the speed of the dragon's flight was not as fast as the space of the leaf, it was also very fast. For the weak Lil, Yeh was always riding. Longbao flight, according to his calculations, how should he come to the storm camp for half a day, but the result is not the case.

Then, when I saw the starry sky in the sky at night, Ye Chui understood the problem: Longbao, the stupid dragon, went in the wrong direction, and the world did not have a compass...

Forget it, although the direction is a little different, but it is not the kind of one hundred and eighty degree contrast. If you follow the road for a long time in the morning, you should be close to the storm camp.

After eating dinner at night, Ye Ding set up a tent in the wilderness. He was afraid that the fallen elf called Illidan would continue to harass Lil, so he set up dozens of seals around the tent to let Lil Rest in peace.

He himself was directly suspended from the top of the camp to find the movement around him, and Longbao was deeply sorry for his mistakes. He had been hovering and patrolling this night.

In this way, one night passed.

In the early hours of the morning, Ye Dang suddenly received the magic communication of Debbie.

"I won't be looking for my gold coins again..." Ye Feng looked at the magic sound that was constantly making a loud noise, and his face was sweating - the kind of "哗啦啦" sound is the communication ringtone, that voice It’s set by Debbie himself. Yeah, that’s actually a pile of gold coins colliding with each other, because Debbie thinks this sound is the most pleasant, so she will be the magic of all the people she knows. The ringtones are set to this, and this love is so obsessed with the gold coins, she does not struggle to become the first rich woman is not ah...

In my heart, I complained that Ye Ding connected the magic communication in my hand: "Debbie, you are a woman who will master the [Golden Rule] sooner or later, don't care about the hundreds of thousands of millions of gold coins?"

"..." The other side of the magic sound was slightly dizzy, and then said, "I don't want to talk about this thing with you, it's about Gloria."

"What happened to Gloria? Gloria?" Ye asked strangely. Is it because of the influence of the world tree on Gloria?

"She was in a coma." Debbie seemed to have some worries, short and quick. "After you left, Gloria has been depressed. This time you came back with her and stayed for half an hour. She seems to miss you very much." Last night, we gave her a party in her castle to comfort her. As a result, she suddenly found out that she had fainted in the middle of the night, and she has not yet woken up.

"Is she not drunk?" Ye asked when he was worried.

"She is so big, she can't get drunk with the whole blood hammer empire's wine." Debbie said with some helplessness. "But when she said you last night, it seemed like tears came, I and Fu. Lei Ya and Da Jinsi checked her condition. She looked okay, but the spiritual world was very strange, as if she was caught in some kind of sleep."

"...what is her strength? Dajinsi's glasses mother should be able to determine her strength." Ye hang asked, who had already opened the tent and entered, wanting to see how Lil was doing. .

"I know what you are worried about, but Gloria's coma seems to have nothing to do with the world tree. Her strength is still very strong." Debbie replied, "Now Jinsi is doing a mental examination with her, trying to figure out her." What the **** is going on, hammering you..."

"I know what happened to her!"

Ye Hang suddenly interrupted Debbie’s words, and the voice was a little bit amazed, and his eyes were looking straight at the picture inside the tent.

Although the tents are simple, but the various furniture facilities are very complete, in a comfortable bed, Lier is sleeping quietly, and Lier is still lying next to another girl!

The girl has a long black hair, slim and slender, quite petite, but slightly higher than the cockroach. It looks like she is about seventeen or eight years old. She slept very sweetly and gave a uniform breath. Sweet and lovely, and her body... This time is red fruit. Last night, the towel hanging on Lill’s body covered a part of her body, as if she was lying alone last night. Lier’s side, then grabbed something and covered it.

The most important thing in this picture is that this girl is Gloria.

Just as Ye Hang first saw Gloria under the Alexandrian tomb, her body shape looked exactly like the normal human girl at that time.

The giant Goliath was now asleep in the castle of the Lord's world, and then a human girl, Gloria, appeared in front of the leaf.

What exactly is going on?

"Hammer, what are you talking about? You know what happened to Gloria? What happened to her?" Debbie asked quickly.

"Gloria is now in my place." Ye Hang continued.

"Ah! What are you talking about?" Debbie was obviously forced.

About Debbie’s voice was too loud, and Gloria’s eyes, lying with Lil, had a little bit of pain, and then slowly opened their eyes.

Ye rushed to say goodbye to Debbie: "I have already known what happened to the song Golia. Now it is the body of Gloria lying in the castle. You should take good care of her with Dajinsi. I will explain to you later."

After saying this, Ye Hang did not wait for what he said, and ended the magic communication.

He walked over to the bed and squatted down, revealing a kind smile and looking at Gloria: "Are you awake?"

Gloria blinked and her eyes were full of doubts. She was getting used to her own giant body, and everyone around me was only a small person with a finger size, but she woke up and saw one. Zhang’s face, which is about the size of her, appears in front of her eyes. This experience has not been felt for a long time, so she suspected that she was dreaming for the first time.

So she shouted with a few crying voices: "Mr. Hammerhead..."

"How did you cry? You see tears coming out." Ye squatted, and quickly helped Song Lia wipe the tears in his eyes.

Gloria hurriedly grabbed the hand of Ye Ding, put the hand of the leaf drop on her face, and gently rubbed it. Her face showed a smile: "A good real dream, Mr. Hammer, you are like a real person, hands. There is even temperature, it’s weird..."

So, Gloria smiled and grabbed the hand of Ye Ding and climbed up from the bed. Then she looked at the environment she was in now, looked at Lier lying next to her, and finally looked down at her own red. The body of the fruit, she blinked and blinked: "It seems not to dream..."

"Amount... This is really not a dream, Gloria, your current state is very strange, listen to me and explain it to you first..." Ye Hang said quickly, while the eyes could not help but squat down.

"Don't look!"

Gloria hurriedly shouted, and shyly reached out and pushed to the leaf.

She is only a subconscious reaction, wanting to push the leaves down.


With her tiny arm pushed to the leaf hanging body, suddenly, a huge arm phantom appeared in front of the leaf hangs out of thin air, this arm is very similar to the super curse of the sag [Titan's Strike]~www But Ye Teng's [Titan's Strike] is the power to simulate Titan, and the phantom that appears around the face of this song, but has the power of the real Titan.

Ye Xuan was lying in the trough. He quickly set up dozens of space shields in front of his face, but those space shields were broken like glass, and the figure of the leaves fell involuntarily. Directly rising from the sky, where a huge arm passes, a huge gully of hundreds of meters long appeared on the ground in front of the tent.

Hey -

After a full ten seconds, when Ye Ding felt that he was just hanging on the line, he stopped. He looked at the gully in front of him and showed a sweaty expression. Then he looked at the face and was sitting on the bed and wondering. Gloria, who looked at her arm, couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: "Is this shy reaction a bit against the sky..."

The next chapter is around nine o'clock, is being revised ~ ~ summing ~ ~ (to be continued). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, and your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read. )