MTL - Omni-Magician-v8 Chapter 702 My daughter is learning to be a fool, and I am very pleased.

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The place where the Elf Tree was originally grown has become a terrible scorched earth. The smoke is filled with smoke, and some places are still burning with flames. This unimaginable destructive power makes all the elves on the scene widen their eyes. On the one hand, I lament the magic of hanging around the leaves, and on the other hand, I have a deep understanding of the power of Lier. [Free novel reading]

In fact, when they learned about the existence of Lil, the elder elders had a night of discussion: they needed an elf king with a royal blood. Some elves had proposed to invite Ril directly to be their queen, and they could even agree. Joining Lear's clan, the Green Elf, as a long-lived elf, did not see how his clan was focused on continuing the prosperity of the entire race.

Of course, this view quickly got the objection of a part of the elves led by the Elven King of Light. It is ridiculous to let an elf become a queen after more than one year old and join her clan.

What's more, this elf is still the daughter of the all-round magician, which will undoubtedly bring disaster to the dark elves.

In the end, they came to the conclusion that Lier joined their dark elves and combined with Legolas to extend the blood of the royal family to the dark elves and give Lil a title for the queen, but to truly control the dark elves. It will be Legolas.

Lill is just a little kid anyway.

However, at this moment, watching the horrible destruction caused by Lier, the spirits such as the Elf King of Light have greatly changed their views on Lill. This elf is really extraordinary, causing such great damage between raising hands. With this powerful destructive power, she is absolutely more than enough to be the queen of their dark elves.

Of course, the premise is that she did not blow herself up to the ashes.

"Boss, there is no trace of Lier everywhere, she... she won't be..." Vivian's voice began to tremble, clutching the arm of the leaf, and the eyes were filled with tears. .

The leaves are screaming, and the elves of the elders are angry and angry. He wants to ask him to ruin the holy place of their dark elves, but they are exposed to the ruined eyes of the leaves. These elves The elders closed their mouths and subconsciously stepped back a few steps. The leaves slammed softly, and a circle of halo emerged from his side and quickly filled the way around, finally covering his three-meter radius. Place, this is his absolute field.

He and Vivian were enveloped, and the time outside the absolute field was frozen.

The leaves closed and the eyes perceive for a moment, then he began to cast a magic - the magic of time [time backtracking]

He wants to go back a few minutes and see what happened at the time of the explosion.

Ye Ding now masters the magic of time, but if there is no assistance from the absolute field, what Ye can do is to condense the time element, use the time element as a means of attack, or influence the time flow of other objects and creatures and even attack. The impact is completely incomprehensible. He can wave the growth of a plant but can't let the plant fade from the foliage to the seed.

But in the absolute field, Ye Ding can do whatever he wants to do. In some ways, if Ye can detach from the absolute field and control the time at will, it means that he has thoroughly Master the [time rule].

Now, with the help of the absolute field, Ye Sai backs up to a few minutes ago, and the scorched earth in the absolute field has once again become prosperous, and part of the elves' holy branches appear in the absolute field.

It is not an entity, but with some kind of illusory translucent texture, the time back of the leaf can not completely restore the elf tree to its original state.

He and Vivian returned to the room inside the Elf Tree, Lil was standing beside a weird huge plant, the flowers of the plant had withered, and a horrible tremble was trembled. The fruit of the explosion, that is the fruit of the explosion, if it is completely detonated, it will bring the power of terror.

A few minutes ago, Ye Ding was standing there. Similarly, whether it was Lil or Ye Hang, there was a translucent illusion. It is certainly impossible to recreate a new self or Lil. He is only looking back through the past to observe what happened in the past.

The events that have happened in the past are once again revealed: Lier enters the eternal emptiness under the guidance of Ye Ding, and the blasting plants are about to be completely detonated.

The leaf a few minutes ago fell to the time of departure. He seemed to perceive what it was. After a few minutes, he took a look back at the leaf drop of this moment, and then the figure disappeared quickly.

Vivian also curiously glanced at the leaf. The leaf drop a few minutes ago sensed that he would go back to this moment in the future. It was a magical feeling, and she continued to look at Lier: the blasting plant Completely bursting, white light filled the entire absolute field, Vivian was a little scared to hold the leaf, but his eyes were always staring at Lil.

The white light with the power of terror swept Lil in an instant, but Lier’s body became illusory at that moment, disappearing without a trace.

She successfully entered the eternal emptiness.

At the end of the time, Ye Ding and Vivian were still standing in a scorched earth.

Time backtracking is not just to trace time back to the past. To see the past picture, it is a process of directly launching the "cause" through the "fruit". It is a kind of creation, but the time backtracking of the leaf drop is not strong enough. The time backtracking is more like seeing the past, and this is enough.

"Lille has nothing to do, she successfully entered the eternal emptiness." Ye sighed with relief.

Vivian is also relieved, but she still has doubts: "Boss, what is the eternal emptiness you said? How do we bring Lier out of that eternal emptiness?"

"[Eternal nothingness] is a phenomenon of misplaced life. It is difficult to explain. I suspect that even the author does not know what is going on, but I can be sure that Lill will not have any problems. She can rely on her if she can return. I am not sure if I can help her return to the real world." Ye said in his mouth that he waved away the absolute field that was shrouded in the surrounding area. "It will take some time to save Lille, maybe it will take a few months. It may take a few years."

Vivian looks a little sad: "Lie’s exile in the world of eternal emptiness for so long will be very lonely..."

Then, the absolute field was completely removed. A sudden burst of light appeared in front of Ye Ding and Vivian. A petite figure emerged in the light. It was Lil, her body gradually changed from translucent to solid, and the elf was big. The eyes looked around and they rushed to the leaves of the leaves. The octopus clung to the leaves: "Dad!"

Ye Ding: "..."

Vivian: "..."

"Boss, you said that it will take months or even years for Lear to come back..." Vivian asked with a look of weakness.

"Amount..." Ye Ding's heart can't tell the strangeness. It seems that it must be the secret of his own family, Lier's talent, and thoroughly understand the secret of "eternal emptiness." He asked Lier, "How do you get from [eternal] Out of nothingness?"

"Oh..." Lier seemed to think of something interesting, revealing a mysterious smile. "Of course, it depends on people themselves."

Leaf hang: "?"

At this time, the elves around them saw that Lil reappeared. They were very angry with this. The elves were the sacred objects of their elves, and they were the most important things. Now they are given by this ignorant elf. Blow up directly?

And it seems that she still has nothing to do!

How can this be tolerated?

Elf elders, elf guards, elf warriors have been around the group, the Light Elf King is the most angry first, the scar on his face seems to be more embarrassing, the eyes of the fire-spraying general said to the leaf: "The Elf Tree was destroyed by you, the Almighty Wizard, the Elf will not die with you!"

"I rely, do you think I am afraid?"

Ye Dang immediately put down Lil, the cold look of the Elf King of Light, they are now kidnapped by Lear, then they should accept all consequences!

The Elves of Light, the singer of the Light, will immediately launch all the elves to attack the leaf sag. Ye hang is also ready for the battle. His hands have begun to condense [the fire of the elves]. Let all the elves lose their magical powers.

But at this time, Lill, who was previously guarded by the leaves, suddenly stood up. The elf with his hands on his hips, could not tell the serious elves who were sweeping all around, and finally looked at the Elf King of Light: " What are you doing!? Do you want to start with your new queen?"

New queen?

Everyone, including Yet and Vivian, was a little surprised to see Lil.

"What are you talking about!" The sorcerer of the Light Elf King shouted.

"I will be your Elf Queen in the future!" Lier said with a hard end. She realized that she was too small, and she couldn’t get any momentum. So she quickly gave birth to a strain at her feet. The magical plant came, it was a shrub plant, and Lill stood at the top of the plant, letting himself stand above the Elf King of Light and stop.

She continued and said, "Your elf tree has been crying all the time. Haven't you heard it? So it asks me to kill it. It is its wish. It will kill you all when it dies. The race was handed over to me, so from today I am your elven queen, you must obey my orders!"

"What are you talking about! How can the Elf Tree give you the entire Dark Elves to you? For thousands of years, it has never been communicated with any elf!" The Elves of Light are almost hysterical.

"You are a group of children who are not sensible. The sacred tree depends on the blood of the royal family to survive. But your dark elves have no blood for the royal family. You still have to do everything possible to continue its life. Do you know that this is a A painful torture? Communicate with you? The only thing that communicates with you is to skunk you!"

Lier said with a slap in the face, the little hand pointed at the elf elder warrior who was surrounded by a circle of embarrassment: "It is very disappointing to you, so I beg you to let me help you, but you are its children after all." Although it hates you, it still has some love for you. Please help me to take care of you in the future. Although I am absolutely troublesome in this matter, it is so sad to see it crying, so it is difficult to promise it."

A group of elves face each other, they force the life of the elf tree, which really caused the pain of the elf tree. In fact, many of them have heard the cry of the elf tree, but they have never thought of giving up. The Elf Tree, which is, after all, the root of the Elves, Lille’s words undoubtedly awakened the fact that they have been trying to ignore.

The Elf Tree allows Lear to help end his life and hand over the Elf to Lil... This is indeed possible.

Soon, more than half of the elves around have begun to believe in Lier’s words.

The dark genie nowadays really needs an elf king.

"This is your conspiracy! Although each elf race is intimate, but it has the essential difference, the dark elf holy tree is absolutely impossible to hand over the race to the elf king of the foreign race. This is impossible. All this is a conspiracy of hammerhead! "The Light Elf is in the mouth of the king."

"Hey, please don't force the shabu-shabu?"

Shouted and screamed: "And all the elf races are born from the world tree, and they are essentially the same. Lil is fully qualified to be your queen. If she is not qualified, you have previously kidnapped her as a queen. what?"

"That is different. We hope that she can integrate her blood into the dark elves..." The voice of the Elves of Light is trembling, and he suddenly looks at the leaves and hangs. "Let Lil be our queen." But it must be the name of the Queen of the Dark Elves! Her Elf Tree also needs to be transplanted to the Dark Elves."

"Sorry, this can't be promised. Lil is the Queen of the Green Elf." Ye slammed back. "Her sacred tree also needs to grow in my lord world, let her be your queen, not let her join you in the dark Elf, but let all of your dark elves join her Green Elf race!"

The elves are not very interested in the clan, but it is still very difficult for them to accept the clan to join other clan.

"This is impossible. The Dark Elf has the largest forest in the world, and what is your lord's world forest?" The Light Elf King sneered, and he thought that Ye's proposal was ridiculous.

However, he soon couldn’t laugh out...

Ye Ding sacrificed a big killer: "The world tree is growing in my forest, and the Titan giant guards it."

"World...the world tree?" an elder elder shouted in a trembling voice. "No, the world tree was taken away by the emperor 10,000 years ago. Since then, the whereabouts are unknown. It has been withered since the Titan giant was sealed... can it appear in your lord world?"

"I got it from the black castle of the Emperor. It is now a new life and begins to grow again." Ye said with a smile, "The elf was born from the elf tree, and the elf tree comes from the world tree, so the world tree is the elf. The ancestor, my lord world grows the only remaining world tree in the world. Now do you think your dark forest is stronger or my lord world is stronger?"

The elves looked at each other and whispered.

They found that they have no reason to refuse now.

So all the elves kneel down on one knee at the same They shouted in unison: "Queen Queen!"

Lill stood on the shrub with a small face and looked at the elves around.

"Lille, I didn't expect the Elf Tree to entrust the entire race to you." Ye hanged with a few gratified whispers.

However, Lier blinked and squinted: "The Elf Tree is just asking me to end its sad life. It doesn't make me a Queen of the Elves. Oh, but these gangs are really stupid. I was completely convinced by my flickering."

Ye Ding: "..."

My daughter learned to be a fool, and I am very pleased...

Ps: This book has been written to 2.5 million words. It is estimated that everyone has been completely weak recently. Although there is no problem in the outline, the feeling of writing is getting worse and worse. Next, there are about three units. Content, about three or four hundred thousand words, this end cannon can hope to be perfect, so the next time will be more every day, each word will not be less than four thousand, the content of the plot to achieve a high enough level, hope Everyone forgive me~~~