MTL - On Her Lips-Chapter 12

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Fuya glanced indifferently at the human girl behind him, who was holding a bag of food from Mr. Han Sheng.

What a disgusting lowly short-breed.

The noble blood clan can tidy up all the flowers and plants in the backyard in just one hour, and this girl spent nearly an afternoon, why can she get the food that Han Sheng personally prepared for her.

No, this is not the chef's decision, but the intention of the supreme master of this mansion.

She couldn't understand why a mere inferior race should be treated specially by the master, this girl is not worthy of it at all.

A scumbag who can't even speak.

Thinking of this, Fuya's heart was already flooded with anger.

But she still had a warm expression on her face, she took a deep breath and stopped.

When You Ran behind him saw Fuya stop, she immediately followed and stood there.

"You Ran, is this snack delicious?" Fu Ya's voice bent over slightly, and asked the girl in front of her with a soft smile.

You Ran listened, immediately handed the snack bag in front of the other party, and nodded quickly.

Fu Ya was stunned, looking at the girl handing the snack bag to her, is she going to feed herself human food?

Fujaro glanced at the other party's snack bag with disgust, immediately concealed his displeasure, and shook his head with a smile, "This is what the master gave you, we won't eat it."

You Ran originally wanted to share her food with Sister Fuya, but seeing that the other party refused, she had to take it back and wait for Fuya's arrangement.

Because Aunt Dai said that if Aunt Dai was busy, she would let Sister Fuya tell her what happened.

Therefore, she obeyed the words of Sister Fuya, who taught herself to take care of flowers and plants.

"How about I tell you a secret?" Fu Ya sat under the eaves of the porch. This is another path to the residence. At this point, no one will pass through here.

You Ran was stunned for a moment, then hesitated, not knowing whether to listen or not.

Fu Ya stared at You Ran's micro-expression, her peach lips slightly raised, and continued, "It's about the owner of the mansion, that is, Mr. Mu."

You Ran suddenly raised his head, unable to contain curiosity in his eyes.

Sure enough, stupid human nature.

Fuya pursed his lips and shared this deadly secret very kindly.

"There is a forest in the north of our mansion. That forest is called 'The Forest of Black Mist'. Don't listen to the name. It's very strange. In fact, it's just foggy inside every once in a while. The point is, there is a forest in the forest. This magical purple flower has a pleasant fragrance and is very good for treating insomnia. The owner has been sleeping very badly recently, and many medicines don't work. I think she needs this flower very much."

Fuya whispered in a low voice.

You Ran could hear every word clearly.

"If you can find that little purple flower and give it to the owner, she will be very happy." Fuya said the main point without hesitation.

She knew that the girl was innocent and harmless on the surface, but she just wanted to please the master to gain benefits, so in this case, she "kindly" guided her and asked the other party to use her life in exchange for the master's favor.

"You, you, you are letting me"

"Of course not," Fuya immediately interrupted the other's stammering question, frowning slightly, "I didn't ask you, I just told you this secret very kindly. And you can't tell anyone about this secret, what do you want? It's your own business, do you hear it clearly?"

You Ran stood beside Fu Ya and nodded.

Fu Ya moved away and frowned slightly. She realized that her high voice had scared the girl, and immediately softened her tone, explaining the doubts the other party would have in advance.

"I actually really want to go to that forest to find purple flowers. Who doesn't want to make the master happy, but, you just came here, other people treat you..."

Fuya deliberately paused and looked at Youran's lost expression, because Youran was a human being, so of course the other servants in the house avoided him, and only Fuya, who was assigned an errand, could only let Youran Following by her side, she took this advantage and said, "No one else wants you to stay here, but I like you, so I also hope you can stay, so I kindly tell you."

After hearing this, You Ran was filled with emotion and grievance.

Indeed, everyone else she passed by this afternoon looked at her with cold and repulsive eyes, just like her own mother, so she was very careful wherever she went.

Hearing sister Fuya saying to herself that the other party was kind to her, she believed the other party's words even more.

After saying this, You Ran was taken to his utility room by Fuya to rest.

Winter nights are always cold.

You Ran curled up and lay sideways on the board, and she was covered with a quilt, which Aunt Dai gave to her later.

It's still a bit cold, but it's much warmer than before.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at the warm yellow light above her head, unable to sleep.

She used to like night the most, because only at night would her mother go out with other people, and she wouldn't bother her, and she wouldn't suddenly drag her outside the cold house to pick up firewood.

"Purple... little flower."

You Ran was talking about the things she heard at night. In fact, when she heard that adults needed that kind of flowers, she thought about how nice it would be if she could find little flowers to give to each other.

The words of sister Fuya after that should be regarded as tacit approval that she can go to the flower, but she can't say it to anyone.

Because it's a secret.


"Master, these are the running water records of Sichao Manor for the past three days."

As the man's voice fell, a virtual projection of countless scrolling numbers was displayed in front of them.

Mu Fei raised her eyes and looked at the rapidly scrolling account numbers and numbers. She stared at the screen and read out a few names and numbers for Da Lei to write down.

Immediately afterwards, the projection is automatically turned off.

She pulled out exactly what she needed, and leaned slightly wearily on the leather armchair.

After Da Lei called the person in charge of the Sichao Manor, he briefly explained a few words to the other party, turned his head to look at Mu Fei who was frowning at the roof of the car, and hung up the phone decisively.

"Master, I have already handed over to Mr. Gao. When you arrive at the manor tomorrow, there will be results."

Mu Fei raised his eyebrows, knowing that.

Dao Lei looked at the time, it was three o'clock in the morning.

For the blood clan, night is the best time for mental state, but the master seated in the back row does not seem to be very energetic.

"Listen to Aunt Dai, you haven't slept well recently."

Dory asked in a low voice.

It was also a little boring along the way, Mu Fei snorted lightly, which was regarded as the default.

Xu is because there have been a lot of headaches recently, and the list of members of the secret meeting of Sichao Manor has also been leaked. It was handled by myself. All kinds of incidents happened to happen together. As a result, I wanted to sleep during the day. After a while, Yin Sili visited again and didn't have much rest.

"Maybe you need a suitable bed partner." Dao Lei gave his opinion calmly. If the owner agrees, he can choose a suitable person, regardless of gender.


"Are you still running on me because of that last time?" Mu Fei frowned, looking at the back of Da Lei's head.

Da Lei shook his head, "Of course not."

Mu Fei, his mistress.

Sober and beautiful yet dangerous.

After living for more than seven centuries, I have always been alone, and it is inevitable that I am a little lonely. Of course, because of drunkenness, there have been several absurd one-night stands, but the arrogant personality never really has feelings for anyone.

Therefore, it was rumored from the outside world that the young head of the Mu family was a pure-blooded nobleman who was uncertain. It was very strange. After passing this on, Mu Fei was really marginalized in the high-level aristocratic circle.

Although she herself does not like to participate in those fake entertainment banquets, for the sake of family glory and business, it is also a headache for her to show up occasionally.

"I don't need someone else to accompany me to improve the quality of my sleep, Dao Lei." Mu Fei snorted, she always felt that Da Lei was really trying to find a partner for herself, very similar to her old father.

Dao Lei put aside the topic, "I just want you to rest better. This season is when the 'Purple Roses' of the Black Mist Forest are in full bloom. I will pick some for you when I go back and put them on the head of the bed."

"That couldn't be better." Mu Fei smiled, the little purple flower had a magical hypnotic effect, and she liked it very much.

But only a powerful class like Dao Lei can escape from the forest of black mist, because that forest is cursed, and when humans enter, only the black matter will corrode and melt there as fodder, and the same is true for the low-level vampires .

Therefore, in the cursed forest in the north, except for Mu Fei's consent, no one is allowed to enter the mansion. This can be regarded as the protection of the entire family by the owner.

"At this point, the human world is really quiet."

The further south you go, the closer you are to the realm of humans.

Mu Fei closed his eyes and listened to this silent realm.

"Yes, night is the sleep time of human beings." Dale replied.

Mu Fei stroked the ring on her phalanx, and the golden earrings looked particularly dazzling under the moonlight, just like her eyes and **** red lips.

I don't know if the human child named You Ran is used to living in his own mansion. Mu Fei thought of the words that popped out of the other party's blushing face before he left.

Dao Lei observed Mu Fei's slight expression, and then tentatively said, "If you are worried (You Ran), I can contact the mansion now."

(To shut up)

Mu Fei muttered in the bottom of his heart, and sure enough Dao Lei's mouth "swish" tightly into a line.

Da Lei sat back upright in his seat with a black line on his face, slapping the cheeks that were invisibly tugged at by the housekeeper's thoughts.

Dao Lei suddenly felt that he should bring Xiao Youran, at least he wouldn't suffer for revealing his master's mind.

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