MTL - On Her Lips-Chapter 63

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You Ran raised her head instantly after hearing the explosive command that the adult said so calmly.

Doubt and surprise were written on his face.

"Sir, you... you just said it?" You Ran was afraid that he had heard it wrong and wanted to confirm it again.

Mu Fei frowned slightly, and had to say those words again.

"Take off your clothes."

Five large characters floated past You Ran Tian Ling Gai.

"Sir, do you mean to take off my clothes or take off your clothes..."

You Ran swallowed his inexplicably dry throat, and muttered softly in a soft voice.

Mu Fei was a little red-faced by the beagle's simple question.

She pretended to have a bad throat and coughed and turned her back.

"Naughty, of course, take off your own clothes."

This sound was a bit of a serious rebuke, but it had a different tone in the ears of a little guy who was standing there waiting for his decision.

God, what does her lord want to do? To make her undress during the day, is it to…

You Ran didn't dare to continue thinking about it. She couldn't guess Mu Fei's mind, but she was not ashamed because she was about to take off her clothes. Instead, she was excited and ecstatic. She was even very willing to show herself to her beloved. Muffy look.

She saw that the adult turned his back to her, and she knew that, as a noble and elegant pure-blood nobleman, of course he would not look at her so straightforwardly.

You Ran thought that she couldn't be too excited, otherwise the adults would definitely think she was a little shameless.

She has to be a little reserved, a little lady, she is just an adult, how can she show that she wants to take off all her clothes and then shout at the adults, "Sir, you are ready" and so on.

The adults will definitely feel that she is very indecent, and it is estimated that she will be blasted out directly!

Blast out of the house, maybe.

Therefore, she had to hold back her inner mirth and pretend to be shy.

To be a little pitiful will be lovable.

The elder sisters in the mansion all said that only children who love to cry can eat candy. Although she cried a lot, the adults seemed to treat her too... ah, I bought chocolates and birthday cakes!

So, it still makes sense.

So, You Ran lowered his head and asked softly.

"Sir, do you really want You Ran to take off here?" There was a touch of tenderness in his tone.

Mu Fei turned his head and glanced at the beagle who was looking down and couldn't see his expression. The other party seemed to be a little resistant. Could he be worried about the cold?

That's right, her room was already gloomy and cold, so Mu Fei rarely took the initiative to turn on the heating.

"It won't be cold." Mu Fei said, then walked to the desk, sat on the leather sofa chair opposite, put on glasses and flipped through the materials.

The indifferent and noble hostess' attitude, You Ran was left in the center of the study.

But Mu Fei herself just felt that the place was too hot just now, and she didn't know whether it was the outlet of the heater or the heat in her heart. In short, she felt that being too close was not a good thing, so she came here to see other things. Taking advantage of the gap between You Ran's undressing, he shifted his attention.

keep cool.

You Ran looked at Mu Fei, who was wearing black silk yarn, leaning on the chair. The other party had long fingers and was holding the stack of contract documents.

A long table of red lacquered wood stood between them.

The grown-up was sitting opposite her with his head lowered, looking at the information seriously, without even raising his head to look at her. With this feeling, You Ran always misunderstood that he was a lamb to be slaughtered by others.

This kind of feeling is like in those eight o'clock dog blood TV dramas that she occasionally accompanies the other sisters in the mansion to watch at night. When the plot of the exclusive nightingale.

You can do whatever the other party asks you to do, and you can't resist.

Just like she couldn't resist the cold-hearted Lord Mu Fei at the moment.

(Woman, you are playing with fire, you are just a **** in my hand...)

You Ran's mind came up with such **** lines.

Obviously, adults would never say such things.

Moreover, she didn't want to resist at all, it was too late to be happy.

You Ran was really unmoved when she saw the adults, so she stood silently in the center of the study, after counting a few seconds in her heart, she first pulled out the scarf around her neck and put it on the sofa beside her.

Then he slowly loosened the button on the front of the chest, pulled it down, and folded the coat and placed it between the sofas.

Then there was the shirt inside. She slowly twisted the white pearl buttons one by one until she revealed the small white suspenders that were slightly tube tops.

Sitting in front, Mu Fei pursed her thin lips tightly. In fact, she couldn't read a word.

Because the only sound coming from your ears was the rustling of You Ran unbuttoning her clothes.

It was not loud, even slow, but it grabbed her full attention like a hook.

hooked her heart.

I don't know how long it took, until the air was filled with that familiar faint fragrance.

A soft, shallow voice reached Mu Fei's auricle.

"Sir, You Ran, you have already taken off the top."

Mu Fei didn't know why, but when he heard You Ran's soft voice, he suddenly choked in his heart and swallowed for no reason.

She took a deep breath, then raised her eyes with pretense of indifference, just a glance—

"Who made you take it all off..."

Mu Fei was stunned by the sight in front of him.

Her beagle Zhengguang had her upper body covered, but her chest was covered with her hands, and the looming arc of the outline was still clearly visible.

You Ran stood in front of her like this, her face flushed red, and her hair was scattered on and below the fair swan's neck because of the untangle, sketching a very perfect carcass portrait.

After watching it for a few seconds, Mu Fei instantly passed the unbearable visual impact.

"Sir, I... didn't you ask me to take off my clothes..."

For the first time, Guolu showed her upper body in front of a person and showed herself to the other person without reservation.

She just covered the sensitive parts with her hands. Although she was glad when she took it off at first, it was just that when she wore less and less clothes, she would still feel embarrassed when she was unmanned, and then her blushing became more and more obvious.

She is still very innocent, to herself and to adults.

You Ran's face turned red and even pursed her lips in embarrassment. Could it be that she was wrong?

Mu Fei listened to the other party's questions full of grievances, as if the little guy would cry if she reprimanded again.

Mu Fei had no choice but to put down the information and walked quickly to the little idiot in front of him.

You Ran felt that the adults were staring at her, and she looked up at the adults with slightly aggrieved red eyes.

"..." In the end, Mu Fei still couldn't bear the blame.

Immediately afterwards, You Ran was covered with her small white lace suspender.

"Put this on first."

"Oh... You Ran will wear it now."

You Rancong took the lace sling on her head in her hand, and then unbuttoned the back button with a blushing face. This kind of bra-like sling is relatively soft and suitable for a girl like her.

But obviously, You Ran is developing very well, so every time she wears it, it is a little hard for her to wear it.

You Ran just awkwardly bent down slightly to wear it, and then her smart eyes looked at the adults beside him for a while.

The adults didn't look at her.

Dear adults, take a look at me, okay?

Isn't Yu Ran looking good? Is it not attractive at all?

Quickly turn your head back to your only beagle, who is wagging her tail at you.

You Ran was eagerly calling out Mu Fei's name in her heart, hoping that the other party could look back at her. She was like a signal transmitter at the moment, infinitely eager for her sweetheart to accept her courtship-like signal.

Well, the signal transmission failed.

Lord Mu Fei did not receive any hints from her at all. His whole body was cold and shielded from all external signals, so thinking about it was more or less relieved.

You Ran stared pitifully at Mu Fei, who was ten feet away from him, while clasping the back button.

Since the adults don't take the initiative, it's fine for her to take the initiative.

So she pressed the button on the back with one hand, God, it's really hard to button, so she only buttoned the bottom row, but she doesn't care.

"Sir, You Ran is dressed, you can look back at me."

You Ran took the initiative to get behind Mu Fei and told him softly.

Only then did Mu Fei turn around, watching You Ran finally wear a small suspender on his body, but it was because he didn't wear it properly, the slightly full chest squeezed out that very strong line.

Her girl's figure is so well developed? It was completely impossible to see that the slender little Youran had hidden her good figure so deeply.

Mu Fei only glanced slightly, and then his eyes moved to other places.

She had to see if You Ran had the so-called hickey mark on his upper body.

Obviously, she went around in a circle and removed the red mark on You Ran's neck, there was no mark anywhere else at all, and.

She moved slightly closer to You Ran's shoulder, and You Ran still had that faint gentle fragrance on her body. It was the fragrance she was very fond of last night, and she remembered the smell.

Because of this smell, it can urge her to relax her nerves and body. She can be sure that nothing happened to the two of them. On the contrary, it should be her Mu Fei who exaggeratedly fell asleep.

She can really see this by looking at the little guy's body.

Mu Fei circled around You Ran and looked at it carefully.

But what she didn't know was that while she was observing the other party, You Ran was looking at her with loving eyes.

However, when she raised her head, You Ran lowered her head again, pretending to look elsewhere, very well behaved.

"Sir, although I don't know why you asked me to take off my shirt, if you have other needs, You Ran can also take off the skirt below for you." You Ran looked at Mu Fei's thoughtful face, then slowly Speak slowly with wonderful advice.

Mu Fei immediately raised his eyes, bumped into You Ran's pure and simple eyes, glanced a little angrily, and then coldly refused, "No need, it has been confirmed."

"What's the confirmation, my lord?" You Ran watched Mu Fei walk in front of her again, so she asked behind him with a smile.

Mu Fei took off the gold-rimmed glasses. She was relaxed now. After all, she neither sucked the other party's blood nor put You Ran to sleep.

Without the condemnation of conscience, I immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

But, why suddenly there is an inexplicable sense of loss, Mu Fei felt that he must have sobered up and not completely.

"It's nothing, you don't need to know, just put on your clothes." Mu Fei told You Ran not to ask again.

You Ran was not satisfied, the adults just looked at her? Do nothing else? Just touch it.

She nodded superficially, but she didn't want to miss such an opportunity.

The grown-up is really a bad woman through and through. She asked her to take off her clothes, just look around like this, and then pat her **** and be irresponsible, and her heart is like a deer.

After being silent for a few seconds, You Ran's dark eyes flashed with a sly light, and he asked Mu Fei from behind, "Sir, is the beagle in good shape?"

After Mu Fei heard this, he immediately turned his head to look at You Ran with a smile on his face.

"Beagle?" Mu Fei asked back, his expression even more incredible.

The adults are restless.

"Yes, actually," You Ran touched his face with his fingers, and then said embarrassedly, "Last night, the adults called me 'Beagle'."

After speaking, You Ran suddenly blushed.

Mu Fei looked at You Ran's shy expression and blushing quickly, and secretly screamed in his heart. When he was drunk, he called the little guy's nickname in his heart.

Suddenly a little ashamed.

She had to deny it quickly to remain graceful.

"You heard it wrong." Mu Fei took an excuse and walked to the desk, picked up a glass of water and took a sip.

"You Ran heard it right. You said last night, 'My beagle has grown up' and 'Happy birthday, beagle'. You don't remember it, but You Ran remembers it." Staring at Mu Fei's face, she did not miss the other party's dodging gaze and reddish ear tips.

Adults are rarely shy.

You Ran forcibly held back his smile, still keeping the puppy in Mu Fei's sight.

It made Mu Fei flustered.

"The name 'Beagle' is a hunting dog I used to raise, not you." Mu Fei looked away and explained the name slightly pale.

"Could it be that it has the same birthday as me??" You Ran didn't believe it, and immediately grabbed the key word to refute.

"You..." Mu Fei was annoyed by this little clever ghost for the first time.

And now downstairs

Aunt Dai was holding a fresh fruit on the table, she was waiting for the little guy to come out, and then handed the fruit to the hostess of the mansion.

"I advise you to go up and have a look now." Dao Lei came over and said to Aunt Dai with a slightly worried tone.

Aunt Dai frowned slightly, "When did you, like the rest of the mansion, believe in the false scandal spread by Yin Guigong?"

Since Yin Sili came to the mansion the day before yesterday, then the scandal between the master and the little guy spread, and the rumors stopped at the wise.

Therefore, before it would reach the ears of the hostess of the mansion, Aunt Dai made repeated orders, and no one was allowed to talk about these unwarranted things, or she would be kicked out of the mansion.

Unexpectedly, Da Lei, who has always been smart, was also worried because of this.

"No, if you were me who saw it with my own eyes last night, you wouldn't think I was believing the scandal anymore." Because those are all true, their dearest and most respected masters have poisoned the innocent little guy .

Aunt Dai felt that everyone was busy, but who made her secretly fall in love with this man.

So at Dao Lei's request, she had to go upstairs and send some fruit to see the situation. She was 100% sure that Da Lei's old fox was fooling around.

And here

You Ran was refuting Mu Fei's pale explanations, she just wanted the other party to admit that she really called her the beagle last night.

"Sir, I actually like the name 'Beagle' very much. It sounds like we have a very good relationship, mainly because You Ran really wants to get close to you." You Ran was only wearing a very short white suspender on his upper body, one of which was not yet fastened. hang on the arm.

But she didn't care, she just wanted to take this opportunity to show her feelings.

However, Mu Fei was completely attracted by You Ran's revealing clothes, and did not ponder the hidden love in the other party's words at all.

"What you have to do now is to shut your mouth, put on all your clothes, and walk out of the room." Mu Fei solemnly ordered You Ran, who was somewhat disobedient, why did the other party insist on a title issue.

She just didn't want to admit it, she always felt ashamed.

"Okay, my lord, before I leave, can you still call me 'Beagle' like last night?" You Ran suddenly jumped behind Mu Fei and coaxed her lord with a very gentle tone. Say those three words.

Mu Fei was irritated by You Ran's sudden attacking voice, You Ran was too close to her, she didn't even think about it, turned around and pushed the little guy away, but she didn't dare to exert any force.

So, she didn't know if it was in the wrong position, but her hand pressed down on You Ran's full and soft lace sling.

It is very accurate and sensitive, and the sensitive part is pressed tightly by her all at once, and Mu Fei instantly has the urge to kill. If this situation is seen, she will definitely kill.

"Um..." You Ran poured out an embarrassing groan.

Mu Fei wanted to withdraw his hand, but You Ran quickly grabbed his wrist.

You Ran wanted to let the adults feel his heartbeat, and his eyes flashed, "Master, just once, just ask me to let you go."

Mu Fei's face instantly burned.

Just as they both stared at each other.

A very suitable voice came from the door.

"Master, I brought water..."

Aunt Dai saw that the door was open, and opened the door as she spoke, and then she opened her mouth halfway, looking at the scene inside the house, and was stunned.

You Ran was wearing only negligible suspenders, her clothes were messy, and her greatest master actually held her chest.

"Sorry for disturbing—!"

Immediately afterwards, the door of the hostess of the mansion closed instantly.

Just as Aunt Dai walked downstairs stiffly, she saw Dao Lei.

"Xiao Youran wasn't bullied, right?" Dao Lei asked immediately.

Aunt Dai mechanically smiled and shook her head, then sat in the hall and looked at the house from a distance.

"Dao Lei, I was thinking of waiting for Xiao Youran to get married one day, and prepare a little dowry. After all, I have seen big things since I was a child." Aunt Dai suddenly drifted off the topic, looking thoughtful .

Dao Lei looked at Aunt Dai, "then what are you thinking now?"

Aunt Dai sighed, thinking about the scene just now, the evil deeds of her master's beasts, she didn't know whether she was mostly happy or a little worried, "I'm thinking about it now, if it will eventually be internal digestion, it means that If it wasn't for me, I wouldn't have to prepare a dowry."