MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 2 002: Dark Moon and Stormy Night

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  Chapter 2 002: Dark Moon and Stormy Night

  The moon was dark and the wind was high, and the night was gloomy. The two of them, together with a tiger, walked through the windy purple bamboo forest.

  The two men are handsome, tall and straight, dressed in black clothes, they are extraordinarily heroic,

  The white tiger walked beside them, and it was no less impressive.

   "Old Feng, do we really want to do this? Wouldn't this be a little bad?"

  Ye Xiao looked at the white tiger beside him, thinking about it, Feng Xuan gave him a sideways look.

   "Why don't you go and tell Grandpa?"

   "No! I haven't married a wife yet! Refuse to die young!"

   "Then keep your mouth shut."


  But Ye Xiao couldn't be quiet for a while and started thinking again.

   "By the way, why did that girl offend our master? Master actually wants to scare her with Dabai?"

   "You said this delicate and weak woman, what if something goes wrong from being frightened?"

   "Hey, my master really doesn't know how to be sympathetic to women! What can I do if no girl likes her in the future?"

  Feng Xuan: "..." I can't hear it!

   While speaking, two people and one tiger had already walked outside Tingfengyuan,

  Feng Xuan stretched out his hand and patted the white tiger, "Go, be careful, don't hurt anyone."

  Baihu looked up to the sky and let out a long howl, his figure shot towards Tingfengyuan like an arrow off the string, and bumped into Yunran who was about to go out to look for food.

  The girl and the beast look at each other, staring at each other.


  The white tiger raised its paws, propped its hind legs up on the ground, and grinned at the petite woman in front of it, showing off its might.

  Yunran: "..."

  The Prince Qin Mansion was renamed the Qin Beast Mansion.

  There is also this one in front of you, could it be that Nangong Mo sent it to kill people and silence it?


  Perhaps it was her calm and composed appearance that made Baihu feel that his majesty had been challenged, so he bared his mouth, showing his fierce canine teeth.

  The owner asked him to scare the one in front of him vigorously, but this human doesn't seem to be afraid? !

   "Roar! Whoop!"

   "Shut up! It's so noisy!"

  The corner outside the courtyard.

  Ye Xiao tried hard to press his ear to the wall, "Huh? Why is there no movement? How about I go up and take a look?"

   Before he finished speaking, he rushed up to the wall with a 'bass'.

  Feng Xuan stretched out his hand to stop him, but only managed to grab one of his feet...

  Looking at the stripped shoe in his hand, Feng Xuan looked disgusted and helpless, "... Come down quickly!"

   "God! The old style is amazing! Come and see!"

   "Stop talking nonsense, come down quickly."

   "It's true, Dabai has betrayed!"

  Feng Xuan frowned, and flew over to take a look, his eyes were also full of surprise.

   Dabai, who was arrogant and fierce just now, is lying on the ground like a docile big cat?

   Still wagging his tail at the girl in front of him, with a flattering and humble attitude!

  Looking at the girl again, poking Dabai's forehead with her slender fingers, repeatedly, like training a puppy...


  The two looked at each other in surprise, and both saw disbelief in each other's eyes.

   Immediately afterwards, Dabai stood up from the ground, and the girl jumped up and landed on Dabai's back in a graceful posture, and walked away while the two were stunned.

  Feng Xuan was the first to regain his senses, and flew to follow.

   "I'll follow to see, you go and report to the Lord."



  Nangong Mo sat lazily in front of the desk, propped his chin with one hand, tilted his head slightly, and casually listened to the information about Lin Wanyue reported by the female hidden guard below, his profile was as perfect as the mansion of Nine Heavens.

  The night pearl exuded a blue light, coating his whole body with a layer of hazy light and shadow, blurred and dangerous.

   "Although Lin Yanran and the Qin family conspired to push Lin Wanyue to marry instead, Lin Qianqiu knew about it."

   "Lin Wanyue has someone she likes, but at first she refused, and then she was given soft tendon powder, knocked out and sent to the sedan chair."

   "Lin Wanyue is timid by nature, weak and can be bullied, she has always been submissive in the mansion, suffered bullying, but never resisted."

  The corner of the man's mouth slowly raised a playful arc, and he looked down at the portrait on the table.

  The woman in the painting is beautiful, but her expression is dull, her eyes are timid, and there is a touch of unresolved sadness between her brows, and her gestures are cramped and restless.

   It was consistent with what Xueluo said, but it was completely incompatible with the woman he saw tonight.

  Exactly the same appearance, but they look like two different people.

  Shang Shufu made Lin Wanyue and Li Daitao stiff, could it be that even this Lin Wanyue is fake?

  At this moment, Ye Xiao's ghostly howl came from outside the door:

   "Master, it's not good, Dabai has betrayed!"

  After Ye Xiao gave an emotional description, Nangong Mo frowned imperceptibly, and his eyes gradually darkened.

  She actually knows the art of controlling beasts? Is it possible for a young lady who is raised in a deep boudoir and is not favored?

   "Where is she now?"


   Dining room.

   Yun Ran, who had been hungry all day and finally had a full meal, stretched contentedly.

   "Hmm! I'm full, I don't want to sleep, it's dark and windy this month, what should I do?"

  Baihu stared at Yunran with wide innocent eyes: It doesn't feel like a good thing...

  Yunran blew on her fingers, smiling softly and brightly.

   That black-hearted Nangong Mo actually sent a ferocious beast to frighten a weak woman? ! If this is the original owner, shouldn't he cry in fright?

  Since he doesn't do human affairs, don't blame her... Hehe!

  After a stick of incense, Yunran carefully prepared a lot, reached out and touched Baihu's head, and said with a smile:

   "Xiaobai, which room does your master sleep in? Let's give him some surprises."

   Dabai stared at Yunran for a while with his beautiful amber eyes. Although he resisted in his heart, he still carried her to Tingxue Pavilion where Nangong Mo lived.

   The journey went surprisingly smoothly, there were not even half of the guards blocking it, Yun Ran sighed a little:

   At least a prince, at least get some guards or something, she came to the door of his bedroom so easily... It's not challenging at all!

  Looking at the wooden bucket filled with ice water in his left hand, Yun Ran waved his hand to signal Dabai to retreat, and tiptoed into the bedroom.

   All the way around the screen bead curtains, and finally sneaked to Nangong Mo's bed in the dark.

  The banana leaf in his right hand was dipped in ice water, and he fanned Nangong Mo's bed.

  The sound of the wind whimpered, and it was cold and cold, like a dark wind passing through.

   "Beauty... I am here, wake up quickly, pick me up..."

  Yunran's voice sounded cold and gloomy, like a ghost in a barren mountain in the middle of the night...

  Nangong Mo slowly opened his eyes, and when he saw the woman who was 'floating' beside the bed, the corners of his mouth twitched imperceptibly.

  Moonlight casts a blurred light and shadow in the room through the half-closed window. In the twilight, a girl in a loose white dress floats in the air, her long sleeves almost dragging to the ground.

  She was holding a bucket in her left hand and a banana leaf in her right hand, fanning the wind at him in a smooth manner.

  Three thousand blue hairs flew away like a waterfall, and a few strands of hair came along with the wind and brushed the side of his face, a wisp of faint fragrance.

  Nangong Mo raised his hand, lightly brushed a strand of black hair by his ear, and wrapped one around his fingertips.

   Then, pull hard.

  Yun Ran let out a low cry unexpectedly, and rushed to bite him to death!

  【The dog man who killed a thousand knives! wait! This girl will bald your hair sooner or later! 】

   "Since you're awake, then give me a smile first to make me happy."

  Yunran's voice at this moment is not only gloomy and ghostly, but also a bit more murderous with gnashing of teeth.

  Nangong Mo's thin lips hooked lightly, a half-smile, a cold snort.

   "He Fangxiao is young, pretending to be a ghost."

  Yunran fanned over with a fan, and her long, cold and silky sleeves twirled around his face.

   "This immortal is a ray of spirit that has wandered away from the world for thousands of years. I passed by here tonight and saw your unparalleled beauty. I am very satisfied and want to take you back to be a husband in the village."

   "Oh! So it's a female ghost."

  Yun Ran looked at the curvature of his mouth that seemed to be a smile, and was very depressed.

  【He's not scared at all? 】

  【And still seems to be laughing at her? ! 】

  【Knowing that he can't see, she even carefully 'dressed up', so dedicated, it's really blind! 】

   "Wrong! It's Cai, Hua, female, and ghost! Pick a stunningly beautiful man like you!"

   "So, were you beaten to death because of your **** and coveting the beauty of others?"

  Yunran: "..."

  【Are you polite? Is this something you should be concerned about? ! Can you have the awareness of those who are about to be picked flowers? 】

  By the faint moonlight, Nangong Mo stared at the girl dressed as a female ghost in front of her.

  Bright eyes and white teeth, picturesque eyebrows, exquisite and beautiful facial features, and a graceful and unconventional face.

  Especially those eyes, as if the sky is full of stars falling in the Yingying autumn water, shining brightly, agile and cunning.

   It is such a pair of eyes that light up the whole face and make the surrounding scenery eclipsed.

   "Congratulations, I have decided not to pick flowers!"

   "Oh? Get out of trouble?"

   Regarding this, Yun Ran sneered sinisterly, "No, I want to eat you! One bite at a time, eat it raw."

  Nangong Mo: "..."

   "By the way, I haven't eaten human beings for a long time. Looking at your beautiful and handsome face, it must be extremely delicious! Well, where should I start eating?"

  Nangong Mo: "..."

  Yunran really drifted forward a little bit, leaning slightly to approach Nangong Mo.

   One hand was propped on the bed beside him, the other hand was wrapped in a special sleeve that was as cold as water and silk, and stretched towards his unparalleled handsome face.

  (end of this chapter)