MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 390 voila! She really likes Grandpa!

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  Yunran pulled the quilt to cover herself, and dragged her limp body to roll towards the corner with great effort. This action involved, how sore her body was, she looked so, no, sympathetic, at Nangong Mo at this moment!

   Stared at by the girl's murderous and angry eyes, Nangong Mo touched his nose with some guilt, and coaxed softly:

   "Good boy, Aran! It's on the medicine, can you cooperate with it? Let me finish it, huh?"


Cooperate? Finished? What a joke!

  The previous time, she fell asleep, unconscious, and didn't know anything about her. Even if she was ashamed, embarrassed, and embarrassed, she didn't have to face it directly, and she could still deceive herself for the time being.

  But now that she is awake, how can she let him...

  In an instant, Yunran looked at Nangong Mo with a murderous look in his eyes.

   "Leave the medicine, you can go."

  The voice is cool, cold and unfeeling

   But who knows, Nangong Mo shook his head and chuckled, raised his left knee and half-kneeled on the bed, leaned forward and grabbed Yun Ran's ankle.

  Yunran: "!!"

   "Nangong Mo! You bastard! Let go!"

   "Good boy! Don't move!"

  Nangong Mo just held her ankle lightly, without making any further movements, the brows were full of tenderness, "I know, Ah Ran must be shy and feel embarrassed, but is it someone else?"

   "You belong to me, is there anything I can't see?"

   "Besides, even if the master closes his eyes, he can still describe the appearance of my Aran. Yiren Qianying has already been deeply rooted in his heart. If you look at it, you don't look at it. If you don't look at it, you look at it."

  Yunran: "?!..."

【what did he say? This brazen dog man who is full of fallacies and fallacies! ! 】

  【But why, he is obviously saying such shameless words, but his expression is so serious? It even looks a bit noble, elegant and holy like a fairy? ! 】

  【It's crazy! Only then will there be such an illusion! He was clearly an out-and-out shameless bastard! 】

It was with great difficulty that Yunran calmed down the thousands of emotions in his heart, and managed to find his own voice, "Nangong Mo! You shameless bastard! Don't talk nonsense! Hurry up before this girl makes a move. Get out!"

  The man nodded seriously, with a friendly look, "It doesn't matter if you are shameless or a beast, you can get out, but you have to wait until the master gives you the medicine before you get out, huh?"

  Yunran: "..."

  【He dares to raise conditions? ! 】

  【Where is my knife? What about my poison? Where is my silver needle? 】

  Nangong Mo proved with his actions that not only did he dare to raise conditions, but he also dared to do it directly.

   Not only that, he dared to: threaten, threaten, her!

   "Yun Xiaoran, if you move around again, you may hurt yourself, so I have no choice but to touch your acupoints."


  Yun Ran raised her head in astonishment, and looked at him incredulously, she couldn't believe what she heard.

  【How did he manage to say such shameless words of such a robber so fresh and refined? ! Do you want to show your face? 】

Nangong Mo cast a sideways glance at her, raised the corners of his mouth, and reminded her lazily and leisurely, "Yun Xiaoran, if you look at me so tenderly and affectionately, I might, hold, hold, no, hold .”

  Yunran: "..."

  【Who is tender? Who is affectionate? Didn't she want to kill him and bury his eyes? ! 】

  Nangong Mo: Huh? Killed and buried? voila! She really likes Grandpa!

Ah! Girls are duplicity! He obviously likes Master very much in his heart, but he doesn't admit it with his mouth!

   Not only did he not admit it, but he also told him to go away!

   Fortunately, Grandpa has already seen through everything!

The man's heart was tight with pride, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously turned up to the sky, "Aran, don't look at me like this anymore. Although my father is very talented and capable, you are very weak now, but you can't stand it." Toss."

  Yunran: "???"

  【Is he trying to die? ! Is he no longer attached to this world? ! 】

  【How about helping him? 】

Nangong Mo even stretched out a hand and patted her head, his tone was like coaxing a puppy, "Good~! When you get well, you can do whatever you want, eh? Don't say yes Seven hours, three days and three nights is fine."

  Yunran: "!!"

  【This damn... bastard! Beast! Son of a bitch! 】

   I can't tell what my mood is right now, is it because I'm more angry? Or more shame?

  Yunran couldn't bear it any longer, so he raised his leg and kicked towards him reluctantly, "Nangong bastard! Go to hell!"

   "Damn girl! Don't move!"

  Nangong Mo's eyes quickly grasped the girl's snow-like jade feet, and quickly tapped her acupuncture points.

  Looking at Yun Ran's crescent eyebrows furrowed in pain, Nangong Mo also frowned, feeling distressed and blaming himself, "It's all my fault, I know you won't be good, it's overdue!"

  Yunran really wanted to pull back her feet, but she couldn't move. She was anxious and angry. Coupled with the pain in her body, she couldn't hold back her tears and shed tears directly.

  When Nangong Mo saw it, he immediately panicked, and hurriedly went to wipe her tears, but the more tears she wiped, Nangong Mo almost became a fairy in place!

   "Aran, you, you, don't cry! It's all my fault! I'm a bastard! I'm not a person! I'm not a thing! I'm just a beast!"

   "Why are you still crying? Ah Ran, if you are really angry, you can chop me up with a knife in a while, okay? If you are too tired, I will cut you down by yourself. Don't cry, okay?"