MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 397 397:

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   Chapter 397 397:

  The long and good-looking man is even more charming when he smiles, and he hooks his soul away accidentally.

   Fortunately, Yun Ran resisted the temptation of beauty, and a cool look swept over her, with a murderous tone, "Oh! Is there really one? Who is it?"

  The smile in the man's eyes deepened, "You don't know."

  Yunran: "..."

【I? do not know? He really incurred a lot of love debts? 】

   While she was contemplating with her eyebrows fixed, the man flicked her forehead lightly with his fingers, "Yun Xiaoran, what expression do you have? Do you not believe it?"

   "Your father, Yushu, is suave and suave. He looks better than Pan Anyan and Song Yu. There is a little beauty who secretly promises to admire and be infatuated with you. Isn't that normal?"


  The corners of Yunran's mouth twitched slightly, and he stared at him speechlessly, "Nangong Mo, where did you practice your narcissistic and shameless Taoism?"

  The man raised his eyebrows lightly, and smiled evilly, "I want to know? Why don't you just kiss your father and he will tell you, how about it?"

  Yunran: "..."

   Speechless, Yun Ran directly raised his hand and slapped it, "Why don't I give you a slap and send you down for a walk?"

   "Death under the peony flower, even being a ghost is romantic! I have no objection, but, is Ah Ran willing?"


  Seeing the charming and smug smile on the man's lips, Yun Ran gritted her teeth, and directly took out a three-inch long silver needle and shook it in front of his eyes, "Why don't you try it?"

  Nangong Mo: "...I refused! I was wrong! I still have nostalgia for this world!"


  Yunran just put away the needle and felt the world spinning for a while. Nangong Mo put the person and blanket on the swing chair, and he pushed it lightly, and the swing chair swayed slowly, about to fly away.

   It is said to be a swing chair, but Yunran can lie on it completely. The sun shines through the gallery above, falling on the body and warming the body. There is a gentle wind blowing past, sending bursts of elegant floral fragrance.

  Yun Ran lazily nestled in the chair, slightly closed his eyes to feel the sunshine and the wind, and couldn't help feeling sincerely:

  【Comfortable, comfortable, happy! 】

  A ray of sweet fragrance suddenly strung into the fragrance of flowers, and the man's deep voice sounded, "Aran, you eat."

  Yunran opened one eye, and glanced at the slender jade hand in front of him, and the peach blossom cake in his hand...

   Wei Wei was a little speechless, "I've only eaten so much! Do you raise pigs?"

  The man's expression was serious and serious, "It's okay, even if you become Master Pig, you won't dislike it."

  Yunran: "..."

  【I hate myself, can I? 】

   "Take it away! Don't eat it!"

   Nangong Mo could see that she was really not hungry and didn't want to eat, because she usually saw the appearance of peach blossom cakes, that look in her eyes, that little expression...he knew it clearly!

  So, he put away the peach cake and put it aside, then took out another thing and handed it to her.

  Yunran didn't even think about it, "Take it away! Don't eat it!"

  Nangong Mo: "...Yun Xiaoran, do you only have food in your eyes?"

【what? Be despised? ! 】

  Yun Ran opened her eyes a little, glanced at Nangong Mo's hand, was slightly taken aback, and was a little surprised, "That is... the title deed? What are you doing?"

"give you to eat."


  The title deed is exactly this other garden. Although it is not as big as Qin Wang's mansion, it is definitely worth ten thousand gold.

  Yun Ran was really surprised when she learned that Nangong Mo was going to give it to herself.

   "You, really want to give me this house?"

  (end of this chapter)