MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 401 401:

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   Chapter 401 401:

  Yun Ran was a little unexpected, she opened her eyes slightly and stared blankly at the infinitely magnified handsome face in front of her, unable to react for a while.

  He was talking well, why did he suddenly animal?

  The man narrowed his eyes dangerously, a little dissatisfied, and she is still distracted at this time?

   Fingers passed through her waterfall-like blue hair, and lightly pressed the back of her head with one hand, infinitely deepening the kiss, fierce and domineering, irresistible.

After a long while, Yunran regained his freedom, his cheeks were flushed, his breath was messy, and he stared at him angrily, obviously wanting to make a murderous look in his eyes, but his eyes were full of autumn water, swaying, a bit blurred, but he said no. The delicate and bright appearance is confusing.

  The man's eyes were dim, and he suppressed the restlessness in his heart. He stroked her cheek lightly with his fingers, and his deep voice was slightly hoarse, "Yun Xiaoran, you look at me like this, but you want to continue, huh?"

  Hearing this, Yunran's breath was stagnant, and he slapped it with his backhand, "Bastard! Don't talk!"

  Nangong Mo slightly raised his eyebrows, elegant and evil coexisted, "Don't let me talk, do you want me to do something else?"

  Yunran: "..."

  【Facts have proved that it seems impossible to let shameless people regain their integrity? 】

  【Hoo... calm down! not angry! If I die of anger, who will spend the money? 】

Yun Ran comforted himself in this way, readjusted his emotions, and cast a cold look at Nangong Mo, "Nangong Mo, admit it, your behavior of a beast just now is obviously because you can't accept the fact for a while, and you became angry from embarrassment. Yes or no?"

  The man laughed lowly, like a bewitching demon in the dark night, "A beast? Then there are even more beasts, do you want to try it? Hmm?"

  Yunran: "..."

   "Nan, Gong, Mo! I'm telling you something serious! Can you be more serious?"

   "Okay, it's up to you."

  The man agreed with kindness, and stood up solemnly, "Actually, I don't believe a single word of the nonsense you said just now, so where are the facts?"

  Yunran: "???"

   Taking a panoramic view of her expression and reaction, the man raised his eyebrows, smiling calmly and complacently, "Do you really want to ask, since I didn't believe you, why did you... kiss you?"

  Yun Ran blushed, and secretly cursed asshole!

   "Because I don't like hearing nonsense from you that you like other men, even if I know you are talking nonsense, I will still be jealous! I can't help but want to bully you fiercely!"

  Gazed by his eyes as deep as the sea, Yun Ran's uncontrollable breathing stagnates and his heart beats faster.

She couldn't help but stretch out her hand to push him away, Wei Wei turned her eyes away from his deceptive face, "What's the reason? If you don't like it, I can't say it anymore? Are you a tyrant or a bandit leader? "

   "Of course you can say, but..."

  The man smiled lightly, and only spoke half of his words. His eyes lingered on her face, fell on her soft and moist red lips, and slid across the slender and slender snowy neck, cruising inch by inch, as if there was substance.

  Yunran's little heart trembled, and he was not feeling well!

   At that moment, there was an illusion: she turned into a red carp, lying on the cutting board, and there was a black cat beside her, staring at her and grinding her teeth...

  When the atmosphere was getting weird, Feng Xuan begged to see him outside the gate of the courtyard.

   brings a message.

  Shen Mubai left the hunting conference halfway, and was hurrying to the capital. And the reason why he did this was because Yun Ran forced Yu Qingyan to ask herself to come down, and was going to reconnect with Shen Mubai.

  (end of this chapter)