MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 406 407:

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   Chapter 406 407:

  Xian Ge didn't even look at the guards who drew their swords, he looked calm, as motionless as a mountain, and stopped half a step in front of the prince.

  The prince looked as usual, he didn't seem to be offended by Xiange's rudeness, and waved his hand to order everyone to withdraw their swords and retreat.

   "I know that you are commendable for your loyalty and bravery. My ninth brother is so relieved to have this good general."

   "However, although Gu is the prince, he is also an elder brother. Gu is very worried about the sudden illness of the ninth younger brother, and it has not improved after a few days. It is really worrying."

   Facing the prince, Xian Ge is still neither humble nor overbearing, not giving an inch.

   "I am grateful for His Highness the Crown Prince's concern. However, my prince took a rest after taking the medicine. The doctor repeatedly asked him to rest. I hope His Highness the Crown Prince will forgive me."

  Xiange's voice just fell, and a person jumped out from behind the prince, glared at him, and scolded him: "Bold! His Royal Highness, please persuade me with kind words, don't be ignorant of what is good and bad, and make progress!"

   "Stand down! Don't make mistakes!"

  The prince shouted back his subordinates again, looked at Xiange, with a warm and gentle face, "You don't have to worry, just go in and see how the ninth brother is doing."

   "If he is resting, Guzi will withdraw quietly and will never disturb him. You can rest assured."

  Although the prince had already said this, but Xiange still did not give way.

  He guarded outside Qin Wang's tent like a patron saint, blocking the current prince from the door.

   "The humble official obeys orders, and please don't embarrass the humble official."

  The prince's eyes darkened, but no joy or anger could be seen on his face. Instead, a servant behind him pointed at Xiange, glared at each other, and reprimanded in a shrill voice:

   "Bold lunatic! Hugh is rampant! How can you be presumptuous in front of His Highness the Crown Prince! Why don't you kneel down and kowtow to His Highness the Crown Prince to confess your guilt!"

  The moment his words fell to the ground, a fierce and domineering gust of wind shot out from behind the door curtain, sweeping away the servant like a gust of wind in an instant.




  The servant flew far away, fell heavily on the ground, and didn't get up for a long time.

   "Escort! Quick! Protect His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

   This scene of change happened only in the blink of an eye. After reacting, everyone rushed forward, drew their sabers, and stood beside the prince, looking around vigilantly, and shouted angrily:

   "Who dares to commit murder? If you don't show up quickly, you will be arrested!"

  The guards were really nervous, they didn't see how the man made the attack at all, and the man flew out! He didn't even see clearly from which direction the other party shot.

  If that person's goal is not the prince but the crown prince, this... is unimaginable, let alone think about it!

  The prince stood on the spot, with one hand behind his back, with a calm and calm posture, but if you look closely, you can see that his eyes are slightly narrowed, and the dim light in his eyes is dimmed. He is staring at the hanging curtain, as if he is thinking about something.

  At this moment, the door curtain was lifted from inside by an extremely beautiful hand, the fingers were slender like jade, with clear joints, so beautiful, but it seemed to be full of power, turning the wind and clouds, and the world.

  Everyone was looking at that hand, with constant suspicion in their hearts.

   Could it be that he was the one who hurt someone just now?

  Appeared in King Qin's camp, is it the guards next to King Qin?

  But he dared to attack and hurt someone in front of the prince, and he hit the prince's servant. Doesn't he take the prince seriously?

  The guards turned their knives tacitly, aiming at the curtain one after another, looking alert.

  The next moment, they opened their eyes wide in shock, looking at the man who slowly appeared from behind the curtain in disbelief.

   "Qin, King Qin?!"

How could it be him?

   Isn't he terminally ill, bedridden and dying?

   It doesn't look like she's seriously ill! It doesn't look like it's injured either!

  The crown prince clenched his hands slightly behind his back, staring at the familiar face with deep and dark eyes.

  Looking at him sitting lazily on the wheelchair, with his thin lips slightly hooked, with a half-smile, he gracefully turned the wheelchair out of the tent.

  The crown prince squinted his eyes imperceptibly, his expression remained unchanged, but his heart was overwhelmed.

  He is still in Qishan! Moreover, he was not injured!

How is this possible?

  He was clearly injured in the ambush that night! Even if his physique is amazing and he recovers quickly from his injuries, but Lin Wanyue's move, those careful layout and planning, should be foolproof, how could he be safe and sound?

  Which step went wrong?

   Could it be that there is an expert hiding beside him, who has already helped him break the spell?

   No, this is unlikely.

  The spell is insoluble at all! Even that person can't solve it!

  So, is it Lin Wanyue?

   Could it be that she broke through the restriction and got out of control? Didn't really stab him that knife? Or, in order to deceive others, she secretly changed the dagger and used only an ordinary dagger?

  The crown prince quickly vetoed this speculation, thinking that Lin Wanyue would never break through the restriction he personally planted for her.

   Just when the prince was full of doubts, Nangong Mo spoke.

  The voice was deep and sweet, and the tone was contemptuous and mocking, "The prince is in a big battle! What? Are you trying to kill people by mobilizing people like this?"

  When those deep but ethereal blind eyes slowly passed by, the guards trembled, subconsciously lowered the knives in their hands, and pointed the tip of the knives to the ground one after another.

   As expected of King Qin! The peerless master who once ranked in the Jiuzhou Billboard! Even though he is blind and disabled now, his terrifying aura is still there, one look can make people feel terrified, like the top of Mount Tai!

  You don’t need to look, you can judge the number of people around you from the breath, and you can tell the direction by listening to the sound.

  The prince waved his hand and ordered all the guards to withdraw their knives and retreat, "What did the ninth brother say? It was all a misunderstanding! Gu is just worried about your condition, so I came to see you."

  Nangong Mo didn't appreciate it at all, and a lazy sneer curled up on the corner of his lips, "This king hasn't died of illness yet, isn't the prince disappointed?"

  Hearing this, the prince shook his head slightly and smiled lightly, "Ninth brother, you still like to joke so much."

   "However, judging by your complexion and state, it seems that you have recovered from your illness? It just so happens that the imperial doctor is here, so let him check your pulse, and then see, if you are really cured, Gu can rest assured."

  Hearing the prince's words, the imperial doctor immediately walked forward with the medicine box, with a respectful attitude, "His Royal Highness, please stretch out your left hand, and allow me to make a diagnosis."

   "This king doesn't need it, you should go to the prince for a consultation."

  The imperial doctor was at a loss for a while, "This..."

   "Ninth brother, you are the one who fell ill these few days, and you are healthy alone, so there is no need for a pulse diagnosis."

"Is it?"

  Nangong Mo hooked the corners of his mouth playfully, raised his eyebrows lightly, and smiled half-smile, "That's not necessarily the case, what if the prince has some hidden illness?"

  Prince: "..."

  Everyone: "!!"

What is he saying? How could it be so... not right! What did we hear?

  (end of this chapter)