MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 441 441:

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   Chapter 441 441:

  Yun Ran stopped suddenly, turned around to look at Yu Qingyan, and called out affectionately, "Qingqing~"

  The voice of the soft call was soft, the tone was intimate and natural, and even made people hear the slightest tenderness, and it was too sudden!

  Yu Qingyan was completely stunned, and it took a while to realize that Yunran was calling her, with a slightly weird expression.

   "Lin, Miss Lin Lin? You, you call me?"

  Yun Ran has been observing her expression carefully, taking a panoramic view of all her reactions, feeling that she is not quite like the "Qing Qing" in the ghost king's mouth.

   "Miss Lin, what do you want to say when you call me?"

  Yu Qingyan regained her usual beauty and softness, looking at Yunran with full eyes.

  Yunran looked calm and composed, opening his eyes and talking nonsense, "It's okay, I suddenly thought that this name is quite nice, and it especially fits your fresh and refined temperament. Has no one called you that before?"

  Yu Qingyan subconsciously turned her head to look at Shen Mubai next to her, said a few words of self-effacing shyly, and even complimented Yun Ran in reverse, but she was puzzled in her heart:

  What medicine is sold in her gourd? What is the purpose of doing this? Are you deliberately showing kindness to me in front of Shen Lang? Want Shen Lang to miss her even more?

   And it is true for Shen Mubai, after Yun Ran appeared, his eyes never moved away from her.

  The sword-browed and star-eyed eyes of his were supposed to be flamboyant, but the eyes were so complicated, it seemed that there were thousands of words hidden in them but he didn't know how to speak them.

  Yun Ran glanced at him coolly, "What are you looking at?"

  Shen Mubai clenched his fist nervously, and asked cautiously, "Wan Yue, where have you been these days? What happened when you suddenly left without saying goodbye in Qishan?"

"none of your business?"


  Shen Mubai was at a loss for words for a while, and stood awkwardly, not knowing what to say, but Yu Qingyan hurriedly explained, and said softly to Yunran:

   "Miss Lin, you may have misunderstood Shen Lang. These days, he has been concerned about your safety. He has trouble sleeping and eating, and he is also looking for your whereabouts everywhere."

   "It's just that today is my birthday, mother has always asked Shen Lang to accompany me to go shopping, add some powder jewelry, Shen Lang is just out of filial piety and doesn't want to disobey mother, so he..."

  In the end, Yu Qingyan looked at Yunran sincerely and said, "So Miss Lin, don't misunderstand Shen Lang, he is really, really worried about you!"

  Yun Ran silently rolled her eyes in her heart, is she showing off how much she pleases Shen's mother?

   Also, in Lin Wanyue's memory, Shen's mother really didn't like her very much. Every time she saw her, she had a cold face, as if Lin Wanyue owed her eight million taels of silver.

  If Lin Wanyue is still here, after listening to her words, you must be very sad, right?

   Heh... Looking at his cute appearance, he is really not a good person!

   "So it's your birthday today? Now, this is for you!"

   Saying that, Yunran took out a beautiful oiled paper bag and handed it to her, Yu Qingyan took it with some doubts, "This is..."

   "Excellent flower cake! Filled with white lotus, freshly baked, still hot!"

   "Miss Lin, you..."

   "Don't worry, I didn't poison you."



   When Yunran returned to the Qin Palace, it was already time to light the lanterns.

  Just as he reached the gate of the palace, a figure galloped towards him.

   "Sister Wangfei, you are finally back!"

  (end of this chapter)