MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 448 448: Stop pretending, I know it's you!

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  Chapter 448 Chapter 448: Stop pretending, I know it's you!

  Almost at the same time as Yunran's voice fell to the ground, a lazy voice drifted through the room, with a bit of casual comfort.

   Obviously, the speaker is in a great mood.

  Yun Ran frowned, there was always someone in the room, but she didn't notice his breath before he spoke?

  Although she doesn't want to admit it, her martial arts are indeed not as good as his!

   "Cut! You have practiced such good martial arts but you don't need to go on the right path, just learn some things like robbing houses, aren't you ashamed? Are you ashamed?"

   "Why should you be ashamed? I think the robbery... well, it's quite interesting!"

  There was an obvious smile in that voice, even if Yun Ran was blindfolded, he could imagine his expression at the moment! How underwhelming!

   "What kind of hobby is this? Some people just don't learn well...except for the straight ones, the rest are crooked!"

   "Hey, that kidnapped villain, what are you mumbling about?"

  Yunran: "???"

  【Who is the villain? ! 】

  【You are a villain! Your whole family is a villain! 】

   "Fellow Daoist, I advise you to rein in the precipice, find your way back when you get lost, and turn your back on the shore!"

  When the man heard the words, he sneered lightly, without concealing his contempt, "Who is your fellow Taoist? I am a kidnapper, and you are a hostage. The villain must be a little bit more enlightened."

  Yunran: "..."

   "Also, don't roll your eyes, hand over the silver ticket quickly."


  Yunran was rolling her eyes at first, when suddenly such a light word came to her ears, she became even more speechless in an instant!

   That is to say, her eyes were still blindfolded, how did he see that she was rolling her eyes? !

   "If you don't hand over the money, don't blame me for not knowing how to be compassionate and cherish jade. If you want to..."

  He paused slightly when he said this, and smiled lazily and evilly, with malicious intentions, "Spicy, hand, smash, flower, too."


  Yun Ran was so speechless that she didn't even bother to roll her eyes!

   "Nangong Mo, you are enough!"

   "Huh? Could it be that you were scared to death? How can there be any Nangongmo here?"

  Yunran: "..."

  【He still doesn't admit it? 】

   "Nangong Mo, stop pretending, I already knew it was you!"

  But the man said, "What are you talking about? I don't understand."

"Can't understand?!"

Yun Ran didn't want to despise him anymore, "Don't understand, right? Look at the room for yourself, the heater, incense, chaise longue, oh yes, even the ropes used to bind people are top-quality silk, whose kidnappers So particular?"

  【At least this girl was never so gentle when she was a kidnapper. 】

But the man let out a low laugh and explained slowly, "Who made me a gentle kidnapper? Besides, he only seeks money, not kills. You little girl has delicate skin and tender flesh. If you tie her with hemp rope, It’s not good if you get hurt.”


  Yunran silently looked up at the sky... It was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything...

  【Well, it’s like someone’s heart that can’t be darker! 】

   "Nangong Mo, stop making excuses! Seriously, when did you steal this girl's Mixiang?"

  【Stole my Mixiang, then stunned me and kidnapped me? Ah! dog man! Why doesn't he go to heaven? ! 】

The man's lazy and slow voice came from the darkness, with some doubts, "Well... I really don't understand what you are talking nonsense, little beauty? Hurry up and hand over the money, my son's gentleness, but there is a time limit of."


  Yun Ran rolled her eyes quite speechlessly: 【What's the matter? When the time limit is up, why do you still want to transform? 】

   "Okay, if you want money, you can, but you have to untie me first, so I can get you money, right?"

【Humph! I'll slap you on the wall when I turn around! The kind that can't even be buckled! 】

  Yun Ran was grinding his teeth secretly, when he heard the man sigh, "Is it so troublesome? Forget it, I won't rob money, let's change my color!"

  Yunran: "..."

   Shocked, sluggish, speechless!

"I object!"

   "What's the use of your objection? The kidnapper is my son. You are a pretty little girl, but you are not very clever."

  Yunran: "..."

  【He actually laughed at me? How dare he laugh at me? ! 】

   "Nangong Mo, you bastard! Release me if you have the ability, and let's have a fair life-and-death duel!"

   A gust of breeze blew by, and Yun Ran clearly felt that there was an extra person on the chaise longue.

  The next moment, the man poked her forehead with his cool fingertips, and chuckled jokingly, "Why do you, a hostage, like to fight and kill more than this kidnapper, my son? If you don't agree with me, you will fight to the death?"

  Yun Ran snorted coldly and turned her face to the side, "Just tell me if you dare to fight a decisive battle?"

The man laughed lowly, leaned over and stroked her cheeks with his fingertips, and said in a frivolous and flat tone, "For a little beauty like you, I don't want to be beaten and killed, so why don't I rob her?" Let’s have fun! It’s a beautiful day, a great time.”

  Yunran: "..."

  【Tired! 】

   "Come on, little lady, give me a smile first."


  The man's fingertips gently lifted her chin, and as he got closer, Yun Ran could really feel the strange ripples in his heart when his light and warm breath brushed his neck.

   It makes people feel a little nervous.

  Yunran tried hard to turn her face away, "...Get lost! Stay away from me, you bastard!"

   "How can you be seductive when you are far away? The little beauty is somewhat silly."


  Hearing the man's serious nonsense, Yun Ran kicked him directly.

   Others can be tolerated, but calling her stupid is absolutely unbearable!

  (end of this chapter)