MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 456 456: Eyes expressing love, affectionate?

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  Chapter 456 Chapter 456: Eyebrows express affection, affectionate?

  The woman smiled at Yan Yan, she was graceful, her smile was indescribably elegant, but what she said really made Yuan Feishuang angry!

   "What does it mean to like your appearance? Aren't you women from the Central Plains known for being reserved? How can there be such a brazen person like you?"

  Seeing Yuan Feishuang's distraught look, Yun Ran's smile became brighter and she was not angry at all.

   "My cousin's words are wrong! Excessive modesty is complacency and hypocrisy. As for me, I am more frank and sincere, and I just like to tell the truth."

  Yuan Feishuang stared at Yunran angrily, very depressed, "You are praising yourself again!!"

  Yun Ran blinked her eyes, her eyes were extremely sincere and innocent, "No! I'm praising my prince!"

  Yuan Feishuang was taken aback for a moment, thinking that she was talking nonsense with her eyes open, deceiving ghosts!

  She snorted coldly with disdain, and despised Yun Ran, "Why should you praise my cousin's celestial appearance? What you should do is to feel ashamed of yourself!"

   Nangong Mo tilted his head slightly, and asked Yun Ran, "What are you boasting about?"

   "Of course I praise you for your unique insight and unparalleled wisdom. You can always discover the most authentic and beautiful people and things through the flashy appearance of the world~"


  The corners of Nangong Mo's mouth raised slightly, and he raised his eyebrows lightly, with a half-smile, "You mean, I like you because I have good eyesight?"

  Yunran looked at him without guilt, with crooked eyebrows and smiling eyes, "Don't you have bad eyesight?"

  Nangong Mo: "..."

not good! I'm blind, so I fell in love with you villain!

  Yun Ran tilted her head, and stared at Nangong Mo with a gentle smile.

  【What kind of strange eyes does the dog man have? Are you scolding this girl in your heart? There's a lake in front of about pretending to be slippery and sending him down for a drink? 】

  Nangong Mo: "..."

  He glanced at his fingers indiscriminately, his eyes coolly swept across Yun Ran's smiling face, and then squeezed his fingers.

  Yun Ran noticed his subtle movements, frowned, and tried hard to meditate.

  【Why is he pinching his hands when he has nothing to do? Squeeze your hands, and look at me with that kind of eyes... Could it be that you want to strangle this girl to death? 】

  【How about I act first? 】


  Yuan Feishuang looked at the two people's 'eyebrows expressing affection', inexplicably found it very eye-catching!

  She took a step forward, blocked between the two, separated them, looked at Yunran with unkind eyes, and said:

   "Lin Wanyue, do you think I can't hear you? You're just turning corners and trying to brag about yourself. Are you women from the Central Plains as arrogant and self-righteous as you?"

   "What do you mean my cousin likes your looks? You really know how to put gold on your face!"

   "Did I post it?"

  Yun Ran stretched out her hand and touched her face, raised her eyebrows and chuckled disapprovingly, "He doesn't like me like this, so could it be that he likes you like this?"

   These words stimulated Yuan Feishuang, and she exploded immediately!

   "Why can't you like me like this? What's wrong with liking me like this? You look like this, and you still have such virtues! You don't deserve your cousin at all!"

   "Also, I forgot to tell you that this time when the princess comes to Tianchu, she shoulders the mission of bringing the two countries closer and closer. I want to marry my cousin!"

  Speaking of this, Yuan Feishuang swept away his depression, and instantly became energetic, looking at Yun Ran provocatively from the corners of his eyes, "As for you, just wait to be divorced!"

  Hearing this, Yun Ran blinked slightly, and looked at Nangong Mo with a rather cool look in his eyes.

  (end of this chapter)