MTL - On the Day the Scumbag Got Married, I Lay Flat and Became His Sister-in-law-Chapter 18 Facing Zhou Mu, she was flustered and hypocritical.

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  Chapter 18 Facing Zhou Mu, she was panicked and hypocritical

  After listening to what happened, Zhou Mu decided that it was a man-made plan.

   Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that the charcoal on the market was sold out when the news of the great cold this year came out?

  There is also that businessman surnamed Li who suddenly appeared. How could it be such a coincidence that a large amount of charcoal happened to be sent to the capital?

  He set out to investigate the businessman surnamed Li, but found that no one knew the origin of the businessman surnamed Li. Even more coincidentally, Li disappeared on the day the charcoal was sold out.

  Qi Zhiyuan sent someone to hand over Li's portrait to Zhou Mu. Zhou Mu only felt that Li's appearance was plain, his face was covered with charcoal dust, and he didn't have any characteristics at first glance.

   "Go and find out who bought the charcoal a few days ago." Zhou Mu finished reading Li's portrait, and ordered Qi Zhiyuan's elder brother Qi Youyuan.

   Acquiring such a large amount of charcoal must require a large enough place to store it.

  If the charcoal sold by the businessman surnamed Li is the same batch that was bought before, there can always be traces.

  Qi Youyuan ran outside for most of the day, reporting the information he found to Zhou Mu.

"There is no record of the businessman surnamed Li entering or leaving the city at the city gate, and no one has ever sent a large amount of goods into and out of the capital. If there is no accident, the batch of charcoal that was bought before is hidden somewhere in the capital, and will be taken when the time is right. Come out to sell. As for the merchants who bought the charcoal, the subordinates have checked carefully, those merchants have never carefully paid attention to the appearance of the other party, they only know that the other party's money is rich, and the appearance is very ordinary."

"Such a large amount of goods requires a large warehouse to store, which only shows that this person has his own warehouse in the capital. This person is a powerful character, and he made a lot of money in less than ten days. The most urgent thing is to appease the people's hearts. " Zhou Mu looked at Qi Zhiyuan, his usually warm eyes were slightly cold: "You go to the palace and ask Qin Tianjian to clarify that this year is not a cold winter, so as not to make the situation worse. Besides, it must be done in a short time. Find out who is spreading the rumors."

  He thought that to find out who spread rumors, most of them would find out the main messenger of this charcoal reselling incident.

  The next day the weather was fine, and there was no news from Qi Yingyuan, so Zhou Mu planned to go out for a walk.

  The market is a good place to inquire about news, and there may be unexpected gains.

   "Which restaurant is the busiest in the capital?" Zhou Mu asked.

Qi Zhiyuan immediately replied: "Jixianglou, known as the number one restaurant in the capital. Jixianglou researches new dishes every month, plus the chef's cooking skills are excellent, and he has made his mark in the capital in the past two years .”

   "Go to Jixianglou for lunch." Zhou Mu made a decision.

  They came earlier, and there were not too many diners.

  Xiao Eryi's eyes lit up when he saw Zhou Mu.

  Jixianglou is a time-honored brand. He has worked in Jixianglou for five or six years, and he has never seen such a handsome young man. With such an appearance and such a demeanor, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he is a fairy.

  He graciously led Zhou Mu to his seat, and curiously asked: "Young master, I have never seen you before, is he a foreigner?"

   Zhou Mu didn't answer the call, and chose a seat by the window to sit down.

  He was about to sit down, when he saw a carriage driving by, barely parked under Jixiang Building.

  Followed by a girl in a light pink floral dress, she got out of the carriage with the help of a servant girl. I saw her pink face and peach cheeks, graceful figure and slender waist.

  With just one glance, he recognized that it was Gu Xiyan.

   It is rare for him to go out of the mansion and meet Gu Xiyan. Could it be that she also came to Jixianglou for lunch?

  Now it's the right time, it's too early for lunch, he has something to ask, so he goes out early.

  Then what about Gu Xiyan?

  Actually, Gu Xiyan made an appointment with Su Mei to meet at Jixianglou today. At noon, there were many customers in Jixianglou, and there were too many people talking, so she came here early on purpose, hoping to avoid the peak time of crowds.

  Luo Bin only told her yesterday that Zhou Mu was thoroughly investigating the charcoal reselling. She knew Zhou Mu's ability, and she was afraid that Zhou Mu would find out about her, so she asked Su Mei to discuss it temporarily.

  This incident also sounded the alarm for her. In the future, she and Su Mei should be more low-key, and try not to meet again in Jixiang Building. After all, this is the most crowded area, and it is easy for people to discover her relationship with Su Mei.

  She went up to the second floor full of thoughts, and subconsciously looked around, not wanting to see the man sitting in front of the window at a glance.

  The man was dressed in green, and his black hair was tied with a jade crown. His eyebrows and eyes are picturesque, and his temperament is striking.

   Just sitting there is the most beautiful scene in the world.

  Many thoughts flashed through her mind, and finally she wondered if Zhou Mu had found her and wanted to take her down for interrogation.

   Soon Qi Zhiyuan walked up to her: "Miss Gu, you are welcome."

  Gu Xiyan forced a smile, and asked tentatively, "I don't know what's the matter with Mr. Zhou?"

   "Young master, please meet me by chance, and ask the girl to have lunch together."

  Qi Zhiyuan's words made Gu Xiyan feel relieved, as long as Zhou Mu didn't come to imprison her, it would be fine.

   "Wait a minute, I have a few words to explain." Gu Xiyan said, took Qiushi to the side, and whispered a few words to her.

  We can't let Zhou Mu find out that she and Su Mei made an appointment to meet at Jixiang Building, so Qiu Shi can only pass on the message, intercept Su Mei on the road, and make an appointment to meet in Beijiao instead.

  Jinyu Pavilion is actually a shop under her name, but that place has a lot of people, and it's not a good place for a date either.

  Qiu Shi took the lead and left.

  Gu Xiyan went to Zhou Mu, "I don't want to meet you here."

   Zhou Mu responded: "It's the first time I came to Jixianglou, how could I meet a girl."

  Considering Gu Xiyan's status as a woman, he temporarily asked for a box, which was also a seat by the window.

   Entering the box, Gu Xiyan pretended to be casual and asked: "Is the young master meeting with friends here today?"

   "I walked to Jixiang Tower by accident, so I went up to take a look."

   As soon as Zhou Mu finished speaking, he saw Gu Xiyan pouring tea for him.

  Her fingers are as slender as green onions, and compared with a teapot made of white porcelain, they are three points more translucent.

  Unknowingly, he was fascinated.

When he realized that he was a bit impolite, he hurriedly found a topic: "I have business affairs these few days, and I didn't meet the girl in time, so I asked the girl to wait for a while. If there is a suitable candidate, I will notify you in time girl."

  Gu Xiyan felt it was funny in her heart, if she didn't know Zhou Mu's temperament, people might think that he likes to be a matchmaker.

   "Fate is something that can be met but not sought. I am not in a hurry. You can help me choose slowly. I believe in your eyes." A faint smile flashed in her eyes.

  Because it was still early, they didn't rush to order food, but just chatted about irrelevant topics.

   Soon there were guests outside again. The diners outside could not hear the conversation of the diners in the box, but the conversation of the outside guests could be heard in the box.

  If there is any interesting thing that happened in the capital recently, it is naturally the charcoal crisis.

  This incident started strangely and ended abruptly, but there were some people who benefited from the prediction of "this winter's great cold" and made a lot of money.

   And I still don't know the identity of that person.

   There was a male diner who talked about the matter eloquently, his eyebrows were beaming, and his voice was full of emotion, which was comparable to a storyteller.

   "You also bought charcoal at the time, do you remember what that boss Li looks like?" another diner asked curiously.

"That man doesn't look like a boss. He looks very ordinary, with charcoal dust on his face. At that time, they were all customers who wanted to buy charcoal. I was afraid that they would not be able to grab it if they came too late. I remember an old man in ordinary clothes who also wanted to buy charcoal. The charcoal, but Boss Li said that he would not sell it for less than 100 catties. That Boss Li was really greedy, and at the end of the sale, the silver frost charcoal was 50 times higher than the market price..."

  Gu Xiyan was terrified when she heard it in the private room. She knew she could make a fortune this time, but she didn't expect to make so much.

  She didn't want to drag ordinary people into the water from the beginning, so she made a request that buyers under 100 catties would not be entertained, which also prevented ordinary people from being implicated.

  The only ones who can spend tens of taels of silver or hundreds of taels of silver on charcoal at a time can only be noble families, and they will not be hurt by spending large sums of money.

  I didn't want to meet this requirement, but instead had a windfall, which made them a lot of money.

   "Miss, have you ever heard of this?" Zhou Mu's voice sounded abruptly.


  Gu Xiyan: Guilty, flustered.

  Zhou Mu: Why panic, but which wild man did you find?

  Gu Xiyan: Smile.jpg

  (end of this chapter)