MTL - One Hundred Ways to Become a God-Chapter 36 My husband has a sick brain

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It’s not right, it’s not right.

He Yan stared at the three messages lying quietly in the chat box and fell into meditation.

[Red bone]: Fix it for a while.

[Red bone]: When are you free?

[Red bone]:.

Anyone who has mixed the mechs of the mech is aware that the first big red bone is a very cold person.

Of course, as the first in the mechs driving range and the second big 18th Street, this kind of high cold is normal. Even though the Eight Diagrams section of the Imperial Mechs Forum has countless buildings about him, there has been nothing to talk about since the gossip, because "Red Bone" appears on the driving range every time, except for the battle, who is with him. Active chat can only get one "um" at most. Later, with the rapid progress of this, the practice field gradually has no opponents who can fight with him, and his frequency of appearing in the driving range is getting lower and lower. In the end, it was almost hidden, and it only appeared once every two months. It became a legend that could not be seen and touched in the driving range.

Until recently, "Red Bone" seemed to have some interest in the newcomer who was not inferior to his driving range in the driving range. He personally played a few games with the newcomers, and the frequency of appearing in the driving range gradually increased. Of course, the big ones. Part of the time is to fight against the newcomer, and the harassment of others is still as usual, and they ignore it.

So the gossip people in the gossip section quickly set up the tall buildings, and they were amazed: the driving range finally had a person who could make the big bones look at the eyes! And the newcomers are also very promising, do not know if one day can not do the great god?

For He Wei, who is especially favored by the great **** in the rumor, although the red bone is quite friendly to him, he is willing to waste time and guide him through the discussion from time to time, but that is all. He Wei also sent several messages to the Red Bone, but the reply that the Great God gave him was basically one or two words. He couldn’t see the way he was particularly favored.

And now the Great God actually sent him a message, even three consecutive ones?

He counted the number, plus punctuation marks a total of seventeen words... The total number of words that replied to him before the red bone did not seem to be so much?

Is it the great **** that after a period of investigation, I feel that his qualifications are acceptable, and decided to teach him formally?

When He Wei was guessing this way, a new message appeared in the dialog box:

[Red bone]: At?

He was shocked and replied quickly: Yes, but will it be too troublesome for you?

In the Imperial Mechs Forum, there is a building that specializes in guessing the true identity of the three-dimensional red bone. The highest recognition is that the great **** may have been a student when he first came to the driving range. At the moment, at least it is also a senior in the military. Generals, otherwise they can't explain his current strength.

For this speculation, He Wei is also more agreeable. In short, the person with the strength of the red bones must be a big man in real life, and there will be no more time in the spare time.

The opposite quickly responded.

[Red bone]: No. Two hours a week, time you set.

[also]: Is it ok at 7:00 on the weekend?

Generally speaking, even if you are a soldier, there will be a change of time on the weekend, so why not consider it and choose the time of the weekend.

However, at this time he did not realize that in the empire, there is a position that is open all year round.

[Red bones]: Yes, I will inform you in advance of something.

[also]: Thank you, God.

[Red bone]: No thanks.

[Red bone]: You have great potential.

He Wei: "..............." In the face of the sudden encouragement of the great god, I am inexplicably ignorant, I don’t know what to say.

Still feel that the **** is not quite right today!

After half a month in the final of the mech-match match, the final result was finally decided. The fourth-grade team undoubtedly won the first place in Aaron, and the second- and third-year grades did not change much compared with last year. Compared with the results of the three grades, the results of the first-grade group can be said to be quite eye-catching.

The first "戚" no doubt, this student from the beginning, is all the way to hang up the opponent, the level is significantly higher than the first-grade students more than one grade, the first is also expected. Some people even speculated that if "戚" is to fight with Aaron, it will not be possible to decide who will die.

The second place was somewhat unexpected. It was not the first-year chairman who had the highest voice before the finals. It was a mysterious student “Y” who had not been rid of the vest, like “戚”.

"Y" performed very well in the game. Before the result came out, many people speculated that he had a good chance to enter the top ten, but at most he stopped there, but surprisingly, Y’s luck seems to be total. It’s a good day, in the last few games, he’s been beaten by opponents almost every game, but what’s incredible is that he can finally win the game at the last minute and let him not be optimistic. The people are stunned.

As for the third place, it is the first-year chairman who won the highest title before the start of the game. The chairman was pressed by two black horses on his head and suffered two invisible faces. It can be said that it is very faceless. In the building where he waxed, there was also a row of neatly arranged "2333333333333".

After the finals came out, the Imperial Military Academy will announce the real names and professional classes of the top 500 students on the official website at 3 pm that day, so this morning, the final game of the finals also came to an end, the Imperial Military Academy The official website ushered in the peak of the visit. Countless people couldn’t wait to squeeze into the website after the last game. They excitedly refreshed the page over and over again, waiting for the true identity of the mysterious students to be revealed, especially Most of the two dark horses in the first grade are running with these two people!

Eli, like everyone else, opened the official website of the Imperial Military Academy early, waiting for the moment of announcement.

He can already imagine how many people will focus on him when the second place in the first grade is an omega result, and his name will also be greatly influenced by the imperial military academy match. It is known to people of the whole empire!

Although the mysterious "戚" is too strong, he regrets that he did not get the first place, but it doesn't matter, even the second place is good enough. After all, in the previous mechs, omega can The best result achieved was only the 17th.

Anyway, he is much better than the waste omega, isn't it? In fact, a lot of omega, especially those born in the big family, have more than A mental strength, but are not willing to focus on the mech driving, will be wasted their talent. Like He Wei, Ming is as strong as S, but he does not cherish his talents. He only knows that he relies on the power of the family to bully the admirers of Aaron’s Highness, but he does not understand that if he is not enough Excellent, how can Aaron’s Highness always refuse him?

Eli thought happily, he could already imagine, when He was aware of the angry expression of his second-place news.