MTL - One Piece Talent System-v2 Chapter 405 Let the 0 beast become history!

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"Hurricane incarnation, the strength is not inferior to everyone here."

After simply explaining that the corpse-like thing was his own cockroach, Rhodes explored the temperament of the hurricane.


The hurricane avatar was under the guise of Rhodes, and it was instantly deformed and compressed into a smoky ball with a white radiance, which exudes a heart-warming atmosphere.

Everyone present is a master who is proficient in domineering. When you see the color of domineering and simple perception, you will know how horrible the typhoon contains!

In addition to the addition of the new VIII team and the team leader of the Jiufen team in the past few years, there were two more powerful captain-level combat forces. The presence of Fischerman and others could not help but change.

The Ghosts and Pirates team has become stronger, of course, it is a good thing, but it also means that the authority of Rhodes will become even more terrifying. Even these people present here are not necessary combat power for the nations. .

of course.

They themselves are also very clear, they are the first captains of the establishment of the United States, as long as they do not violate certain principles, the position of the captain will always be them.

"The reason why I did not inform the VIII team and the Jiufen team this time is because this action will be a covert operation and will not be made public."

Rhodes walked to his position and stood, his eyes glanced at the captain on the left hand side and the many captains on the right hand side.

Many of the captains present have actually made some guesses about what will happen next, and Fujiwa and Robin have already known it.


"The next step is our action... to destroy the pirate pirates!"

This sentence sounded in the hall, but did not pick up any waves, even the many captains present, even the face did not change much.

It is no longer the same day!

At that time, it was difficult for them to defeat the pirates of the beasts, let alone destroy the pirates of the beasts, but now they are standing in the position of the world's strongest pirates!

In this sea, apart from the world government, there is no power that allows them to retreat. The other four emperors do not!

"It seems that the death knell of the beast pirate group is going to ring, hehe."

In a silence, Lafitte smiled and laughter swayed in the hall.

Rhodes was very satisfied with the attitude of the many captains present. No one raised objections, and no one even asked what. This is his favorite.


"Next, let's talk about the main points of this action."

After Rhodes paused, the tone was slow: "The Beast Pirates are now in the country, and the position of the country has been locked in by the intelligence forces."

"This time, we took the initiative to invade and go to the country."

"The black charcoal snake of the generals of Kaido and the country is now a cooperative relationship. The specific information of this black charcoal snake is not clear, but the strength will not be inferior to the three disasters of the beast pirate group."

Having said that, Rhodes's tone has become a bit more serious.

"That is to say, this time we are faced with the three disasters of the Beast Pirates, the two stars that the BIGMOM pirates had escaped before, and the black charcoal snake."

Fujio has no problem with the first of the three disasters. There is no problem in suppressing a three-hazard in the hurricane. The rain is also a three-disaster.

The remaining two stars, Fischerman and Trafalgaro, who have grown up, are enough to deal with. As for the black charcoal snake, it is no problem to hand over to Heerding.

As for other combat power.

The Giant Corps, the vice captain of the seven teams, and the Ai Ni Road of Hell Road, responded enough to defeat the drums!

The last remaining beast, Kato, was naturally dealt with by Lodz himself. When he relied on the beast of Kato, he was not familiar with his ability, he was able to strike a match with the beast, but now He, compared with the strength of that time, can already be more than one point and two points!

Even Kaido can become stronger, but also promotes some domineering because of the battle, but the extent of the improvement is far less than that of Rhodes. It is impossible to compare with him.

"That is to say... is this action only for our captain?"

Fujio listened to a brief introduction to Rhodes and asked for a cry at Lodz.

Rhodes did not answer, Robin took a step forward and replaced Rhodes to answer this detailed question. She licked her lips and said calmly:

"In addition to the captain, there are also giants and other deputy captains, including the deputy captain of the Eight Teams, Lei Wei."

Fujihu heard the words and nodded slightly.

If this is the case, then it does not carry other forces, and it is enough to make a fool of the country. Even if it can't kill the pirate group, it will not be too difficult to defeat the other party.

"When do you act?"

Yu Zhixi left the cigar and exhaled a smog. He was faintly showing a icy cold, and the ground beneath his feet showed a frozen texture, and he slowly asked.

Rhodes looked at him and smiled, saying:

"just now."

No prior notice has been given in advance, and a notice is a direct action.

Not to mention the Beast Pirates, even if it is the world government, it is impossible to know in advance. The invasion of this country and the country will not be known or unexpected until it is completely erupted.

"The combat power of the Beast Pirates and the specific combat plan will be read carefully by Robin, and another..."

Rhodes narrowed his eyes and looked at the many captains. "This war is not allowed to fail. I want to make the Beast Pirates a complete history!"


On the Cake Island side, when the captain and the vice captain assembled.

Just a short distance from the nearby half of the great route straw hats arrived in the capital of seven waters, and finally there was a lot of trouble, and the new CP9 of the world government, and finally the new CP9 Crushed and rescued Frankie.

This news made the world government a big headache. The world government did not expect that the CP9 would be defeated by a straw hat, which led to the complete flight of Pluto's design drawings.


When the world government inquired about the naval general responsible for the matter, Qingzhi shirked that it involved the intelligence organization CP. He could not intervene and ask the five old stars to die half-hearted.

The things of the Seven Rivers Capital attracted the attention of the top officials of the world government. The various intelligence agencies have never discovered that the many captains of the Ghosts and Pirates Group have gathered together, together with the Giant Corps and many vice-captains, to the depths of the new world. Going forward.

Goal, and country.

The route of travel is... the sky!

Almost no possibility of being discovered at sea, until the world government noticed, Rhodes has already completely invaded the country, everything will not stop!