MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 16

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The sound of metal cutting suddenly sounded.

After Mosquito Girl brushed Genos' body, a metal arm was added to the spikes on her head.

"Hehe, it's so fragile, it's easy to take off one arm, and then take off your leg..."

Mosquito Girl said this, her throat was suddenly blocked, and she suddenly turned to look at her legs.

"My legs... how..."

I saw the part of the legs below the knees, all disappeared.

Not far away, Genos, who had only one arm left, was holding two mosquito legs in his hands.

At this time, Genos, who had lost his mosquito leg, was staring at the mosquito girl in the air with murderous intent.

The frightened Mosquito Girl hurriedly flapped her wings in an attempt to escape.

In the palm of Genos' palm, the scorching energy gathered again.

"It's useless, you can't escape~"

As he said that, Genos turned his palm to the Mosquito Girl in the sky.

While the Mosquito Girl was flying around, she kept calling out to the mosquitoes around her with a solemn expression.

"Who the **** is this guy? It can't go on like this. Maybe he will be killed."

Suddenly, Mosquito Girl felt that she flew to a more suitable place and completely stretched her body.

"The blood provided by mosquitoes in a radius of 50 kilometers will definitely give me the strength to defeat that guy!"

"Come on, pour the juice into my body~"

The mosquito girl greeted the mosquitoes with a look of enjoyment.

I saw dense mosquitoes, like a tornado, converging on her position from all directions.

"It's useless. It would be too naive to think that gathering the weak mosquitoes to resist my attack."

The energy in Genos' palm gradually gathered to an incomparably majestic level.


The mosquito swarm that covered the sky and the sun like a dark cloud was suddenly penetrated by a hot and dazzling energy column.

Mosquitoes were annihilated directly into fly ash, and the world seemed to be suddenly much cleaner.

Looking at the mosquito girl who had disappeared from the sky, Genos stretched his arms lightly, his expression as indifferent as ever.

"Insects are still bugs after all. Even if they can speak words, they will only be annihilated under the flames."


"He's really a conceited guy, thinking that destroying my subordinates is equivalent to destroying me."

"You are so stupid~"

A silver bell-like laughter resounded through the wilderness.

I saw that the whole body was red, and there was no mosquito girl with missing arms and legs.

Appearing in front of Genos in a brand-new form.

"Now I am several times stronger than before, and you are really vulnerable~"

Mosquito Girl chuckled and flashed behind Genos, with an extra arm suddenly in her hand.

It looks the same as the previous picture.

But Genos didn't have Mosquito Girl's legs.

Even when he came back to his senses, he realized that more than just his arms were torn off his body.

There was also a huge hole in the waist.

The other party is too fast!

He couldn't keep up with the opponent's speed at all!

But you can't let the opponent attack like this!

Genos gritted his teeth, his expression extremely tense.

Every time he noticed a slight change in the air, he immediately waved his fist in that direction.


The sound of metal being cut continued one after another.

Genos was like a kite with a broken string, ravaged by the wind without any self-control.

"Hahaha, you can't even fight mosquitoes, you're really weak~"

The blood-red shadow, every time it flashed past Genos, left huge scratches on his body.

His body quickly became dilapidated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The last second was a very proud krypton gold player.

The next second becomes even more miserable than a beggar.

Looking at Genos was like a candle in the wind.

Mosquito Girl also put away her joking heart, and her smile suddenly became cruel.

"The next blow will be your head!"

The **** of death issued a judgment-like voice that rang in Genos' ears.

It made his heart sink to a trough in an instant.

"It turns out that the blood of those mosquitoes completed the evolution to become so strong."

"It's too careless, so far, I can only blow myself up."

"I'm so sorry doctor~"

While Genos' heart was extremely sad, the light in the core of his body became brighter and brighter.

"Hundred Layers of Trapped Immortal Talisman!"


The sound of the salted fish falling to the ground suddenly sounded, and the mosquito girl, who was originally aggressive, was instantly wrapped in white chains into a white cocoon.

"Um...uh...Who is it? Who is attacking me?"

"Get me out!"

"Tsk tsk, she's still so energetic after being tied into a ball. It seems that if you want her to be safe, you have to fight a few more times~"

When Luo Yu raised his hand, dozens of sky blue talismans immediately floated in the void.

Chapter 18 Mosquito Girl Repaying Kindness?

"Fifty Thunder Talismans"


The dazzling blue lightning instantly shot at Mosquito Girl evenly from all directions.

Lightning immediately tore the chains of the Sleeping Immortal Talisman, revealing the hot mosquito girl inside.

The Mosquito Girl, who was shocked by lightning in all directions, twitched non-stop for a moment.

In the end, he rolled his eyes, his mouth was full of foam, and he looked like he had passed out.

Seeing that Mosquito Girl was no longer struggling, Luo Yu took out the air-devouring beads and put her in.

"Sir...Are you a superpower? Thank you for saving me just now."

Luo Yu looked at Genos and suddenly felt a little weird.

According to the routine of the original book, shouldn't Genos directly apprentice?

Why can't he be replaced?

Is it because the means are too complicated and not shocking enough?

After all, Saitama solved the mosquito girl with a slap...

He used two methods, and it really doesn't look amazing enough...

But could it be that the means look like superpowers, making Genos instinctively feel that he won't be able to learn it?

In order to verify the conjecture in mind.

Luo Yu asked tentatively.

"The method I used just now is not a superpower. If you want to learn, I can teach you~"

"What? Not superpowers? Is it some special martial arts? Can you teach me, is this true?"

Genoston was startled and carried away.

No one was the same, stood up and stared at Luo Yu eagerly.

Genos was still a simple child.

But teach him to become stronger.

Luo Yu was not lying.

He wasn't like Saitama, who couldn't teach Genos real things.

Not to mention Fulu.

Some of the refined instruments do not require the use of Qi.

Can be used directly on Genos.

After all, he transforms people himself, and he is also good at fighting with various weapons.

Modern weapons can be used, why can't magic weapons be used?

Think of this.

Luo Yu nodded calmly.

"Yes, if you want to learn, I can teach you. But you can fix yourself first, you can't learn from me like this."

clap clap clap...

A burst of Martian passion.

In response to what Luo Yu said.

Genos also realized that he was ill, and quickly apologized.

"It seems to be quite serious, but teacher. My name is Genos, and I am a reformer who executes justice alone. Please also tell me your name!"

Luo Yu responded quickly.

"My name is Luo Yu, you should go back quickly, I just have something to deal with."

"Well, the disciple will come when he goes~"

Before Genos left, he bowed respectfully before flying away, regardless of his broken body.

After watching Genos leave.

Luo Yu just walked back to his residence.

Um... ah... oh...

Finally, a high-pitched and melodious voice rang out.

The room suddenly fell silent.

But whether it's a man or a woman in the room.

They were all covered in sweat, as if they had just experienced a vigorous exercise.

"Benefactor, no matter what... Wenwen will satisfy you wholeheartedly, and please accept Wenwen's repayment~"