MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 19

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But when I heard what Luo Yu said, my spirit suddenly came.

"What are these instruments and talismans? High-tech products?"

Luo Yu shook his head and took out a bead.

"This is a space storage bead called the empty bead. As long as it is injected into the Qi, you can put anything in it."

"It's hard to imagine that this little bead can hold as many things as a ten-story building."

Luo Yu poured Qi into it, and quickly took out a few things.

Along with a stack of talisman papers, several small balls, and several pendants appeared.

Genos' eyes widened.

"Can you really hold things? Something like a ten-story building... That's amazing, isn't it?"

Back then, many people in the Snowflakes group felt that the air-devouring beads made by Luo Yu were astonishing, and they would kneel in shock.

Comparable Genos' reaction is many times more exaggerated.

"This thing will be yours from now on, it looks like you're worried about Qi, right?"

"Since I told you to use it, there is naturally a solution."

Luo Yu said and shoved a strange iron ball the size of a palm to Genos.

"This is a device that can store and invoke Qi. It's called Stealing and Swallowing Beasts. It's specially made for people like you who can't use Qi."

"However, its effect goes far beyond storing Qi. If the enemy is a living creature and can release body energy, then it can absorb that energy."

"In other words, it can help resist the energy attack of living things, and by the way, it can turn that energy into the Qi you want to use."

The iron ball that originally felt light and unremarkable.

It suddenly made Genos feel ten thousand pounds heavy, and he quickly held it in his hands involuntarily.

"This... This magic weapon is really powerful... Teacher, you gave me so much... Then I..."

Luo Yu held Genos's hand with one hand and motioned him to hold it well.

"Surviving every battle, killing weirdos and bringing their remains back is the best reward for my teacher."

Chapter 21 How Strong Is Saitama

Genos was stunned immediately.

And with all kinds of magical talismans, as well as the abilities of the instruments are all introduced.

He was moved by waves of emotions, one wave after another.

A small hollow bead.

It was strung with a rope and hung around his neck, which he held dearly.

And that thief.

He's going back to have Dr. Cusnow fit into his body.

The two soon started having dinner together.

After all, Genos did it together.

I'm sorry not to invite him to eat with me.

"Speaking of teacher... In fact, I have always had a problem that I can't understand. The things you gave me seem to be oriented towards escape and defense..."

"Isn't it biased towards attack?"

good guy.

Cao Yijie still can't get rid of the attributes of a fighting maniac in his bones?

Why didn't I give you a weapon, isn't there a point of force?

"As for weapons, I don't think it's necessary. Because the weapons you can afford are not as powerful as those shells you prepare yourself."

"Those weapons that you can't afford, just a stealing beast is not enough at all, and it is difficult for you to use their full power."

To put it bluntly, it is a question of quantity.

When it comes to this flaw.

Genos started to get frustrated.

"Teacher... I'm really sorry. You kindly accepted me as your apprentice, but I can't learn the slightest ability from you."

Luo Yu smiled and shook his head.

"What do you insist on doing? I accept apprentices at will. As long as they have justice in their hearts, I will accept them whether they have talent or not."

"Actually, you don't need to pay too much attention to this, because I have many apprentices, but you are the only one for now."

Genos scratched his head.

"Really? But I always feel like I can't help you, teacher..."

Luo Yu thought for a moment.

"If you really want to help me better, join the Hero Association."

"Association of Heroes?" Genos was very puzzled. "Can't you fight monsters without joining the Association of Heroes?"

Luo Yu shook his head.

"No no, the difference is huge. Joining the Hero Association means becoming a professional hero."

"Not only can you fight monsters often, but you can also get complete information about monsters. This means that you can choose the monsters you want to fight."

"With your agility and strength, a tiger-level monster can be solved in a few strokes. Killing five or six a day isn't a problem, right?"

Genos' eyes brightened immediately.

"So that's the case, teacher, do you want me to kill more monsters?"

"Um...almost...but remember to do what you can, never be careless~"

"Well...Understood, the disciple will remember the teacher's teaching."

ding dong~

The doorbell rang suddenly.

It immediately caught Genos' attention.

"Teacher, is your friend here?"

Luo Yu motioned Genos to sit down and stood up by himself.

"Forget it, you eat your meal, and I'll open the door."

Although Genos was curious, he did not dare to disobey.

He just looked out curiously while slicing the rice.


The door opened, and the dazzling light immediately reflected into the room.

I saw Saitama holding two lunch boxes and looking nervously into the room.

"By the way, Luo Yujun, your future daughter-in-law shouldn't be there, right?"

Seeing Saitama looking very nervous.

Luo Yu couldn't help poking his head.

"If she's here, I won't let you in. I'm all out of the way, can you react faster?"

Saitama smiled back.

"I'm not afraid that your future daughter-in-law will be upset with me? Yesterday was really impressive..."

"Huh? Who is this young man? A friend you just met?"

Saitama walked inside for a while, and immediately saw Genos, and was immediately very curious.

Genos put down the bowl and chopsticks and held out his hand to Saitama very solemnly.

"The first time we met, I'm Mr. Luo Yu's apprentice Genos. Are you Mr.'s friend? The color of your head seems to light up~"

Cao Yijie said that Saitama is a creature that looks too round and does not look like a human being.

And Saitama stretched out his hand in the air and immediately pulled it back.

With a black face, his body hunched over and pointed to Genos to Luo Yu.

"By the way, Luo Yujun, you should look at your qualifications when you accept apprentices."

"This person doesn't seem to be very smart. I have normal skin, okay?"

Luo Yu was also very surprised. He didn't expect the two of them to meet in such a scene...

"Ahem, Genos, this is Mr. Saitama. He is very strong. It's better to take back those rude words just now."

Before Genos could respond, Saitama immediately looked overjoyed.

"Where, that is, I have never encountered a powerful opponent, maybe one day."

"Speaking of which, Luo Yujun, you haven't played against me yet, why don't you try it sometime?"

Luo Yu resisted.

"No, you should go to register as a hero tomorrow, right? Why don't you go with him, he is also going to register as a hero~"

Saitama was stunned for a moment before reaching out to Genos.

"Really? Then I really have to get to know each other. Don't I want to be a colleague in the future? Hello Genos, my name is Saitama, and I'm a friend of your teacher."

Genos took Saitama's hand.

"Is Mr. Saitama really as powerful as the teacher said?"

Saitama scratched his head.

"Actually, I have never played against your teacher. When we met for the first time, we each dealt with a tiger-level monster."

"He burned his one to death instantly with fire, and I blew mine up with one punch. In fact, it's a no-brainer."

Genos nodded understandingly.

"Then Mr. Saitama, go to the Hero Association tomorrow and let me see your strength."

Saitama rubbed his nose and smiled.

"Actually, it's not really that strong, but there should be a test tomorrow, you just have to follow it directly."

"Okay~" Genos nodded in response.

Saitama left with two large lunch boxes.

Luo Yu and the two continued to eat dinner.

"Teacher, how did you know that Mr. Saitama is very strong? Haven't you ever fought against him?"

Luo Yu looked at Genos strangely.

"To beat a tiger-level monster with one punch, at least have the strength of an A-level hero."

"As for why I know he is strong, you can assume that I have a special observation technique."

"If you want to play against him, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance. He is more powerful than you can imagine. Don't be discouraged if you lose."

Genos was even more puzzled.

"Teacher...Actually, I didn't want to play against him, I was just curious. But you said that...I don't quite understand it..."

"Your strength is already unimaginably high, and he is even more unimaginable than you. How much is that?"

Luo Yu smiled as he had expected.

"Your curiosity, I'm afraid you can't suppress it without verifying it yourself. You don't need to suppress yourself so much."