MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 230

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no doubt.

Learning will not be smooth sailing.

Especially at the beginning, learning new knowledge will always feel very jerky and unable to penetrate freely.

Not to mention, Luo Yu accelerated the cramming in order to save a little time.

If Elsa can accept it easily, it shows that she is really talented.

But from the performance at this time, it is obviously just ordinary qualifications.

It is still necessary to teach slowly, hand in hand, and persevere.

With the adjustment of Luo Yu's teaching progress.

Elsa finally got used to it.

I also gradually realized the joy of learning new knowledge again.

But once she was happy, her previous morbid state would reappear.

The only difference is that because of the joyful look on her cheeks, she looks more mature and beautiful, as if learning can make a person beautiful, there is no doubt.

In order to confirm her learning effectiveness, Luo Yu did not give her time to relax, and immediately asked strictly.

"Have you learned?"


"Do you understand?"


"Can you use it yourself?"


Under Luo Yu's strict teaching, Elsa had no chance of slack.

And in order to make her study more convenient, some aspects of her feelings were greatly amplified by Luo Yu.

For example, thermal perception is the most important for the study of thermodynamics, so it has been increased many times.

In addition, the sensory nerves also need to be more sensitive, after all, some experiments require practical operation.

Being more sensitive to all aspects of things, you can undoubtedly feel what is wrong immediately, and it is very convenient when you make adjustments.

However, the human body itself is a sophisticated instrument, and it is a bit difficult to change the degree of sensory perception.

It is not to become extremely sharp all of a sudden, but to strengthen it to a certain extent while retaining normal sanity.

This requires proper adjustment, repeated experiments to observe the situation, and slowly adjust to the best level.

Therefore, the time spent will not be spent. In order to complete all this as soon as possible, Luo Yu can be said to be wholeheartedly and concentratingly on Elsa.

Finally, her hard work paid off. After an hour passed, Elsa finally became a good and good student.

In fact, Emilia on the ground has been lying on the ground. Although there is a barrier that Luo Yu casually arranged to keep warm, it cannot be maintained for a long time.

So bring her back to life as soon as possible.

I have to send her back to the territory, and get to know the people in the territory by the way.

So Elsa, she had to settle in an unknown place beforehand.

Chapter 318 The Mansion of Count Mezas

"how do you feel?"

Luo Yu stopped teaching Elsa harshly, and asked her while pulling her hair.

But at this time, Elsa was lying on the ground as if she was completely out of strength, her dress that was deep to her navel was completely open, and the mountain fell directly to the ground.

It seemed that I was too tired to hide it.

However, there were tears in her eyes, she gasped for a long time, and her face was filled with contentment, as if she wanted to cry with joy.

Hearing Luo Yu's question, he came back to his senses and looked at him with a slightly complicated expression.

But it doesn't matter if you look at it, the smile becomes brighter and brighter at first glance, as if she is very happy just by looking at Luo Yu.

"It's good, it's never been this good~"

After hearing Elsa Yuxin's reply, Luo Yu couldn't help but wipe the sweat on her forehead with a handkerchief, and then stroked her cheek with satisfaction.

"If that's the case, then follow me. Don't go hunting in the future, just stare at me every day."

"Is this really... ok?"

Elsa stared at Luo Yu in disbelief, her eyes sparkling.

Luo Yu fondly touched her head.

"Of course, haven't I said it every day? Of course it counts when you talk, but you have to go somewhere with me."

Elsa nodded without hesitation at all.

"Okay, as long as you can do that every day, no matter where you go, it's fine. I can't leave you anymore, I'll go crazy if I leave you~"

Luo Yu was also a little surprised, and it was so easy to put Elsa in bed.

However, it seems that the meaning of her life is this, and after his change of the will of other gods, it is natural that she will suddenly be inseparable from herself.

"In that case, let's go~"

Soon Luo Yu left with Elsa.

It was as if the world had never been in the future.

But in the next second, Luo Yu appeared on the spot again and removed the enchantment covering Emilia, Feirut and others.

Several people can be said to be bloodless at this time.

His stomach was cut open and he was lying on the ground in pain.

However, when Luo Yu approached them, the wounds began to heal quickly, and not even a single scar was left.

If it weren't for the blood on the ground, it would be as if he had never been hurt.

After doing all this, Luo Yu began to summon spirits again, completely resurrecting them.

As for Felt and her companions who also fell to the ground, Luo Yu didn't pay much attention to it. After all, it was really not his thing, and saving their lives was the greatest blessing.

He walked over to Emilia and picked up her princess.

But not long after she picked it up, the emerald on her chest glowed blue, and the gray-white cat suddenly appeared, as if it was Parker.

Seeing the unconscious Emilia, her expression suddenly became tense.

"Liya... what's wrong with Liya? Isn't she looking for a thief? Why did this happen all of a sudden?"

In fact, just in order to prevent Parker from coming out, Luo Yu set the time to stand still in Emilia's enchantment.

Now that the enchantment is removed, Parker appears suddenly like a coincidence, and it is natural.

"There was a battle just now. It was a relatively powerful assassin. Emilia was attacked without paying attention. But I came in and defeated the assassin and cured her, so don't worry too much."

Parker was still worried, his fluffy hand pressed against Emilia's cheek, and energy ripples passed out from his hand for a while before he let out a sigh of relief.

"It's really not a big deal. Although I felt a little movement before, I didn't expect that she was attacked by a sneak attack. I really blame me for not appearing immediately..."

Complaining about himself for a moment, Parker stared at Luo Yu again.

"But why didn't you come in with her? Didn't I ask you to take good care of her?"

Luo Yu couldn't help but sighed.

"Although I wanted to, but she insisted again and again, I really couldn't beat her, so that's what happened."

Parker suddenly jumped to bully him, and then his soft fist hit Luo Yu's nose, and then he hated iron.

"Why did you believe what she said? She has always been inconsiderate. Maybe she insisted on going in by herself, but she still longs to be with you?"

Luo Yu wondered.

"This... can't be? After all, we've only known each other for a day, why are we suddenly thirsty? But it's more important to send her home to rest now, right? Do you know where she lives?"

Parker was stunned, and then got rid of the mess in his mind and began to focus his attention seriously.

"Of course I know, but I'm running out of energy, so I'll be flying very fast, you can keep up with it quickly."

Luo Yu made an ok gesture directly.

"No problem, you can lead the way outside, I will follow you quickly."

Seven o'clock at night.

It ran for an hour.

Luo Yu finally followed Parker to the earl's mansion in Mezas's territory.

"Lord Emilia was injured and comatose, what is going on?"

Seeing Luo Yu holding Emilia in his arms, with short blue hair covering one eye, a round face, and wearing a maid outfit, she was a really cute girl.

He asked in surprise for the first time.

But before Luo Yu could answer, Parker stuck his waist and looked ugly.

"Now is not the time to ask these questions, Rem, let's go in quickly."

"By the way, quickly prepare some warm water or something to wipe Liya, and by the way, bring some medical supplies."

At this time, Luo Yu and Parker were outside the manor, and thanks to Parker flying in and calling Rem,

Rem was stunned for a moment, then stared at Luo Yu for a while.

"Okay, come in quickly, and Parker will ask you to take this gentleman to Lord Emilia's bedroom. I'll wake up my sister and make some preparations."

Following Rem hastily walked away.

Parker turned around.

"Mr. Luo Yu, just go to the bedroom with me and put Liya down first."

Luo Yu was suddenly a little incomprehensible.

"Uh...Isn't it a big deal? There's no need to mobilize people like that, right? I actually know a little medical skills, and she's really fine."

Parker was stunned for a moment.

"Is that so? But a little bit is probably not enough, right? Otherwise, why hasn't she woken up yet? I'm prepared for this."

Luo Yu thought a little.

"No wonder you're so worried. In fact, she may have lost too much blood. After all, she had an opening in her stomach. Don't you think her clothes were torn?"

"What? A cut in the abdomen and excessive blood loss? Isn't this serious?"

Parker felt dizzy when he heard it, as if he was going to faint in the next second.

But soon looked at Luo Yu strangely.

"You have healed such a serious injury, and you didn't even leave a scar. You can't be magic, right?"

"And you can solve an opponent that even Liya can't defeat without a single injury. Are you really just a magician?"

Luo Yu said with a faint smile.

"Of course, magic must be accompanied by magic, so there will be no flaws. I can become a magician, and of course I will also have a little magic."

Chapter 319 Ram Rem

Parker's face suddenly turned ugly.

"You are so powerful, why do you want to put her in deep danger and just help her solve everything?"

Luo Yu sighed helplessly.

"I didn't say that I really wanted to do this just now, but wouldn't that mean I don't care about her thoughts at all? Besides, I didn't know there would be danger there. Didn't I only encounter thieves?"