MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 240

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And through the crack of the door, she also inhaled the stale air inside, but felt very similar to something in the morning.

Thinking of this, her face suddenly turned red, and she stared at Luo Yu.

I think that maybe, Luo Yu and Luo Yu have unknowingly had some kind of indescribable intersection...

As soon as she thought of this possibility, she felt a great shock to her head and became dizzy.

His cheeks were also extremely red, like a boiled steam engine, and white gas began to rise.


"By the way, your sister seems to be outside, do you want to go out and have a look?"

After that, Luo Yu took Ram into his arms and whispered in her ear.

In fact, Luo Yu had discovered Rem long ago. After all, it was impossible for him to be on guard against the surrounding environment.

Even Roswaal, who was going to the toilet, could be seen clearly by him. Of course, Rem, who was so close, was different.

As for Ram, who was exhaling with extreme comfort, he shrank into Luo Yu's arms like a lazy cat and didn't want to get up, but when he heard about Rem, he immediately got up.

Quickly tidy up everything on the body, wanting to return to the way it was before, not wanting to be noticed.

This kind of trivial matter, Luo Yu, of course, waved his hand and did it completely for her.

Not only was the maid outfit completely new, but even the blackened white silk was replaced with a new one.

The messy pink neck-length short hair has become as meticulous as before, and the delicate and white collarbone has also become clean.

At this time, Ram, except that his face was still puffed, the rest can be said to be almost exactly the same as before.

Ram's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Husband, did you use magic or magic, isn't it incredible? Or did you just give me a new set of clothes?"

Luo Yu couldn't help caressing Ram's face tenderly.

"Magic and magic don't matter, right? Wouldn't it be nice to let you meet your sister without shame?"

Although Ram was even more shy, he still consciously distanced himself, and then covered his face with his hands.

"Having said that, but my husband... Rem won't see us, right? Probably not... Otherwise, even if I change my clothes, I won't be able to raise my head in front of her..."

This made Luo Yu a little embarrassed.

It was indeed at a special time just now that he had no intention of guarding against his sister-in-law who did not need to be guarded. After all, this sister-in-law should also be his own.

So I showed it to Rem very candidly.

And he also knew very well that Rem still yearned for it.

So what should I tell Ram?


A slight crash sounded.

Soon the sound of footsteps was heard outside.

Luo Yu knew that Rem fled in panic, but this made Ram anxious.

Without saying goodbye to Luo Yu, he hurriedly chased out.

However, this just happened to save Luo Yu from having to explain more to Ram.

At this time, there was no one else at all, and Luo Yu put on the knight's clothes by himself.

Of course it is not difficult to get dressed.

As long as you like it, you can directly teleport it to your body.

So after a while, Luo Yu had a brand new look, a white knight uniform with a cape.

Make the whole person look more majestic and handsome.

Just taking advantage of this complacent feeling welled up in his heart, the next second he came to Betty's resting room.

At this moment on the pink chuang, Betty exhaled a little sullenly, as if she had lost her dream.

"Smelly...Smelly Luo Yu...What are you coming back for?"

Although her spirit was sluggish, Betty still found Luo Yu's appearance, and immediately raised her spirits and stared at him angrily.

However, she had no strength at all, so Luo Yu had nothing to worry about at this time, and immediately went to the big chuang to hold her hands and feet down.

"Why do you ask me, do you need to ask? Of course, it's the strategy that Ram told me to continue traveling, so that you naughty **** will stay calm all day."

"After all, if you are like this now, it is estimated that you will get up in a while, so I have to continue to let you down~"

When Betty realized that the situation was not good, it was too late.

It didn't give her a chance to breathe at all, just like the unfolding in the cloakroom just now, but it was more enthusiastic.

It seems that because of the change of clothes, Luo Yu's behavior has become more justifiable, and he is extremely professional.

So that Betty quickly fell asleep again.


At this time, Ram had come to the kitchen where Rem was taking a nap.

Of course, it is a nap, but in fact it is also preparing for lunch.

So Rem was just drinking with a cup of tea, but it was very strange that his hands were shaking as if he had Parkinson's.

As soon as Ram came in, he saw something wrong with Rem, and his mood suddenly became a little complicated. He didn't know what to say and made himself a cup of tea.

But seeing that Rem was so abnormal, she also vaguely guessed that Rem should know about her situation.

So much so that her face turned red when making tea.

"Sister... Are you comfortable doing that? When did it start? You and the new Luo Yu are..."

Before Rem could finish his question, Ram immediately interrupted.

"Don't ask so much first... I beg you, elder sister, don't say anything. Because elder sister... I already fell in love with Luo Yu, probably just yesterday."

Ram's answer shocked Rem.

"Do you like him? I thought you were simply adding Mana...but why did you fall in love with him after meeting him? And it's progressing too fast, right?"

In fact, Lerem doesn't really understand.

Because even supplementing Mana shouldn't be a stranger.

But in the end... Ram was the one he met, and suddenly became so close...

Is it because Ram hated Roswaal so much that when he saw someone who was more pleasing to the eye, he suddenly wanted to get rid of Roswaal?

Chapter 333: Do It All You Need To Do?

After all, Roswaal looked yin and yang, like a clown.

If Rem was allowed to choose, if she had to choose, she would not choose Roswaal.

And Luo Yu looks personable, if you can also provide Mana, it is indeed a good choice.

Is this progress too fast?

It wasn't that Rem was thinking wildly and didn't want to hear Ram's explanation.

It was because he knew Ram so well that he had guessed the best result based on Ram's past performance.

And I think this should be the truth!

After Rem made a rough inference.

Ram also had a rough countermeasure and took a sip of tea.

"Actually, it's nothing, I just took a look at him. And he can also help me with Mana, so that's it..."

"But speaking of it... you shouldn't have seen me like him... Don't get me wrong, it's not really to make up Mana, it's just something I'm happy to talk about..."

Ram's mood was complicated, and he didn't know what to say.

When I think of being seen by my sister in such a scene, my heart is messed up, and I feel that I have lost all face as a sister.

While complaining a little bit about Luo Yu in his heart, he also humiliated himself for not being careful at that time.

Originally, I just wanted to solve Betty, but I also fell into it...

I regret it at this moment.

However, Rem pretended that nothing had happened, and showed the same sweet smile as before.

"Okay, I already know my sister, you don't need to explain too much. No matter what you choose, I will respect you."

"Let's hurry up and prepare lunch together. Now that there is one more person, we should prepare earlier than before~"

Seeing Rem revealing everything without much reaction, Ram heaved a sigh of relief.

However, he was still a little worried.

"Speaking of which, you must never tell others about me and Luo Yu. I don't want others to know about it."

"Really? But then again, does he have any special thoughts on Emilia-sama? I won't let me tell others, is it because you want to hide it, elder sister, or does he want to hide it?"

Rem actually thought that Ram might have something in mind that he didn't want Roswaal to know.

But then I thought that Luo Yu had just proposed to become Emilia's knight, and suddenly he felt that Luo Yu didn't seem to be paying attention.

Still very suspicious.

However, Ram suddenly lost his temper.

"Don't think too much. No matter what kind of person he is, I will recognize him. In short, I hope you can help me keep it a secret, and don't tell me about him."

Although Rem did not understand, he nodded in agreement.

However, while mashing potatoes, he suddenly thought of something, and looked maliciously at Ram, who was carefully handling the fruit.

"By the way, sister... What's the matter? Is there a big difference between how you and I usually feel? It seems that you have a much bigger reaction than usual."

Ram, who had calmed down at first, suddenly looked down again.

"You, you, isn't it over for today? Do you have to know your sister clearly before you stop?"

On the contrary, Rem became pitiful.

"The main reason is that my elder sister has a estrangement with me. I'm a little worried that you won't want me in the future. If I don't understand it clearly, I'm really worried."

Ram was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, it seemed that it really made sense, and he said vaguely.

"Okay, okay, it's nothing. It's definitely a bit more intense, but it's pretty much the same as usual..."

"If you really want to understand clearly, there will be opportunities in the future, right? Why do you want to understand clearly now, are you also starting to yearn for it?"

Rem suddenly blushed.

"I'm also looking forward to where it is. It's obviously my elder sister. You are acting abnormally, which makes me very curious. If you don't say anything, I'll go ask my brother-in-law what he said, and beat him for you by the way."

Ram suddenly changed his face and said anxiously.

"What's not to beat, don't mess around, he's not as easy to deal with as you think, he's really powerful~"

"Yeah, can the man who makes the elder sister scream? But you are a little too biased towards him, right? Speaking of whether he is dangerous to the mansion, I don't know~"

Rem said complainingly, as if he was warning her to Ram because of Luo Yu, and he felt very appetizing.

I always feel that my sister is about to be snatched away by a strange man.

However, these words did make Ram a little unable to answer, and he was silent for a long time before answering.

"Then you can test it. According to what you said, I am not suitable for testing him. But be careful not to do anything with him, because you can't deal with him. Don't blame my sister for not telling you in advance."

Although Ram was not very worried about Luo Yu's ability to pass the test.

But I am still worried that Rem will be confused and do something radical.

Although Rem felt a little weird, he didn't continue to raise the bar or anything, and responded very obediently.


The days that followed were peaceful.

However, because Emilia has to study, she doesn't often need to be guarded when she goes out.