MTL - Online Games: Unlimited Enhancement of SSS Talent at the Beginning-Chapter 796 80 Tao level fragments

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However, the next words of the Fengzhi Beast Venerable completely shattered the last hope in their hearts.

"Senior, I was wrong!"

"I don't know Mount Tai with my eyes, don't you want fragments of Dao-level magic weapons?" Under the huge gap in strength, Feng Nao Beast Venerable quickly recognized the reality, and said in horror.

While speaking, he opened his storage space.

"Here, I'll give it to you!"

"And this huge resource, I will give it to you!"

"Please, senior, let me go!"

"Forgive me to listen to the dog's life!"

At this time, the Fengfu Beast Lord was crawling in mid-air, trembling, begging Zhou Han for mercy,

Take out all the resources, just to save your own life.

Feng Zhi Beast Venerable felt very regretful in his heart. If he had known that Zhou Han had such a majestic power, he should have admitted it back then.

There will be no such follow-up.

It's a pity that it doesn't have a powerful appraisal technique, so it can't see through Zhou Han's true strength at all.

"Now you know how to beg for mercy?"

"It's too late! The opportunity is given to you, and you don't cherish it yourself!"

Zhou Han turned around, not wanting to look at Fengzhi Beast Master, and said indifferently, without a trace of emotion.

When he turned around, another burst of sword energy gushed out, heading straight for Feng Nao Beast Venerable.

Just now because the Fengzhu Beast Venerable used the [Yin-Yang Against the Heaven Art], it has two lives. This kind of life is somewhat different from resurrection and avoiding death.

Therefore, some powerful special effects did not take effect at the first time, so that the Fengfu Beast Venerable was not instantly killed on the spot.

However, in the face of absolute power, let alone two lives, even 20,000 lives are futile.

[System prompt: Congratulations, you have successfully killed the Fengfei Beast Venerable! 】

[Special effects are detected and luck is added, the rewards you get will automatically increase by 80 times! 】

[You gained 1,680 trillion experience points, 80 Dao-level magic weapon fragments, 400 Emperor-level magic weapons, and Emperor-level special props...]

"Hey! Did the fragments of the Dao-level magic weapon really burst out?"

"Needless to say, it must be ten times luck, and it played a role again!"

When he heard the prompt, Zhou Han immediately clicked on the battle panel and checked it.

Seeing the fragments of the Dao-level magic weapon, the smile in his eyes could no longer be hidden, and he was extremely relieved.

Although, this tenfold luck cannot be seen or touched,

However, invisibly, it has been playing a role, which makes Zhou Han very satisfied.

"Boss, leave these wild monsters to us to deal with!"

"You rest first!" The gray ghost monster saw that the fragments were not simple, and said quickly and wittily.

"Well, practice your hands for you!"

"I'll count the spoils first!" Zhou Han nodded with a smile.

Now his three pets have mastered powerful Taoism, and their combat effectiveness is very good.

With a powerful suit, it is not difficult to clean up these wild monsters.


"We will clean up the mess as quickly as possible!" King Hunyuan Jinpeng said confidently,

Without the threat of the wind-flying beast, the next step is to harvest directly.

Zhou Han's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and they also want to prove their worth urgently,

Otherwise, you won't be able to keep up with Zhou Han's pace,

Doomed to be eliminated.

This is also the reason why the three major pets practice so desperately in order not to fall behind.

In addition, their original talents are considered good, with Zhou Han providing unlimited resources,

With hard work, one can achieve good results.

Seeing three rays of light fly out,

Immediately afterwards, I heard the tragic neighing of the alien wild monsters, who had lost the protection of the Fengzhi Beast Venerable. Their strength was too poor, and they were destined to become other people's resources.

Zhou Han didn't pay attention to the battle, because this kind of petty fighting didn't arouse his interest at all.

After all, the level is different now, and the goal of the challenge has also increased a lot accordingly.

"I don't know, what kind of power these eighty Dao-level magic weapon fragments can provide!"

With a chuckle, the violent wind element in Zhou Han's hand surged, and the extreme suction force spread instantly, sucking all the objects that exploded from the corpse of the Fengfu beast a thousand meters away.

Of course, at the same time, Zhou Han's eyes quickly locked on the fragments of the Dao-level magic weapon.

Although only fragments,

However, the tyrannical energy fluctuations all show a majestic momentum.

"Huh? It's not a fragment of the Unyielding Demon Blade?"

"But random fragments?"

When Zhou Han launched the appraisal, the result of the appraisal surprised him a bit.

Because, he had checked the fragment of the magic weapon on the body of Fengzhi Beast Venerable beforehand, which was called [Unyielding Demon Blade].

Therefore, it is natural to think that after the fragments exploded, after receiving an eighty-fold increase in rewards,

It will be eighty fragments of the Unyielding Demon Blade.

However, it turned out not to be like this.

【Random fragments】

【Category: Special props】

[Description: This kind of fragment is random, as long as it is in the category of Dao-level magic weapon, it has a certain chance to be opened. However, the more powerful the magic weapon of Dao-level quality, the lower the chance of opening it. 】

[Effect: The probability of opening emperor-level quality magic weapon fragments is 99%; the probability of opening Dao-level quality magic weapon fragments is 1%. 】

[Explanation: Use the power in your body to cover the magic weapon fragments, and the sword will activate the fragments, so you will know what fragments you have opened. 】

[Reminder: One-time props will disappear automatically after activation. And this process is irreversible! 】

"Based on such a comparison, I should be earning money, right?"

"After all, in this way, I have a chance to open the fragments of the Jade Plate of Creation!"

Zhou Han carefully read the description of the relevant attributes of the random fragments, and soon had his own analysis, thinking in his heart.

Although, the probability of getting emperor-level fragments is as high as 99%, which means that it is very likely that even dao-level fragments cannot be kept.

However, as long as there is a slight chance to get the fragments of the good fortune jade plate, Zhou Han feels that the price is worth it.

Moreover, there is another point, this Unyielding Demon Blade, among the Dao-level magic weapons, is only the lowest level.

Even if eighty fragments can inherit the power of many unyielding magic blades, it is very limited.

Thinking of this, Zhou Han showed a smile,

This feeling of the unknown, like opening a blind box, is exciting enough.

"It stands to reason that this random fragment can also be strengthened!"

"I just don't know how many enhancement points need to be consumed?" Zhou Han said to himself.

After all, his money is indeed a little tight now.

I have tried to strengthen the good luck jade plate fragments before, but the supreme strengthening point that needs to be consumed is an extremely terrifying astronomical figure, which is far beyond imagination.

Let Zhou Han directly dispel this idea.

After all, as the strongest Dao-level magic weapon in the universe, it has special characteristics, which are completely understandable.

Therefore, Zhou Han is now also worried that this happens when strengthening random fragments.

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