MTL - Open the Simple Mode After Wearing the Book-Chapter 3 hairpin

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Wu You has locked himself in the room these days, one is to organize the plot and decide the next action plan; the other is to avoid his own plot kill.

In the original book, Wu You was lured out and then killed. After all, the original master's martial arts are not weak, but unfortunately he lacks vigilance. This plot may have really changed, and no one will tempt him at this time.

Stopped the pen that was writing the plan in his hand, and stretched out a lot.

I knocked on my head, which was a little heavy, and I have been suffocating myself these days. Because he was afraid of Zhao Qingzi's revenge, the doors and windows were closed by himself. Before he came through, he was an ordinary medical student. Wu You found that he was more suitable for the acting department.

It's a pity...the major that I have learned doesn't seem to be of much use. Familiar with the structure of the human body and then add help to my kung fu, hitting someone is more deadly?

Wu worry trembled, isn't it good to make the world full of love and peace? What a bad fight.

While thinking about it, a voice came from outside the door: "Miss, Miss Zhao of Yongding Houfu is here."

Here! Sure enough, amateur performances still can't deceive the real master of performances, what the **** is he doing... This is the person who deceived everyone.

Even her brother who lived with her was the last to know that her sister was a cold-blooded monster.

I sorted out my emotions, just wanted to say sickness and refuse. On second thought, if she didn't go out at her own house, she wouldn't be able to start. Besides, the two of us had already formed a tie, and if you repeatedly avoided it, the tie would never be undone.

Zhao Qingzi is not a murderer, she would not be interested if there is no benefit and benefit, not to mention she cherishes people who are good to herself, such as her brother.

After making up her mind, Wu You decided to meet Zhao Qingzi for a while. It would be better if she could take advantage of the situation to eliminate her malice towards him.

At the same time, in the lobby of the General's Mansion, Zhao Qingzi was sitting in a wheelchair with only a little maid behind him to help him move. Today, she is still dressed in white, looking quite plain.

A simple emerald hairpin was inserted on her head, and a shallow smile hung on the corner of her mouth.

Zhao Qingzi looked around at the furnishings in this hall. The Wu Mansion was the gate, and all furnishings were simple. The Daxin Dynasty placed a high priority on literature over martial arts, and even when surrounded by powerful enemies, this situation of emphasizing literature over martial arts did not change much.

His eyes sank, and a bit of sneer and disdain flashed in his eyes. My uncle, the emperor, is really cowardly. If I don't need to be afraid at all, and I go to war with them directly, and I'm afraid of wolves, tigers and leopards, how dare they stick out their fangs to people?

As soon as Wu You entered the hall, what he saw was a mocking smile from the corner of the girl's mouth, and when he looked at it again, it was gentle and obedient.

I can't help but feel that this person is really a talent for not acting.

"Miss Qingzi, I'll keep you waiting."

Hearing Wu You's voice, Zhao Qingzi was a little happy, but she didn't show it, she just responded with a smile: "Miss Wu has never neglected me, there is no need to do so. This time I came here for my family's sake Regarding your brother, he came to bother you a few days ago, my brother only cares about me and will be out of proportion, please don't worry, miss."

No, it's you who really worries me...

He complained so much in his heart, but he still answered politely that he didn't take it to heart.

I looked at Zhao Qingzi's left shoulder, but unfortunately it was covered by clothes and couldn't see anything.

Zhao Qingzi watched her stare at her wound, the sweetness in her heart came up uncontrollably, and her heartbeat accelerated slightly.

Since that day, Zhao Qingzi sent people to pay attention to Wu You, wanting to keep track of her movements, and listened to her subordinates reporting that she had not gone out for four days, and she even refused all the invitations from her friends. .

This is completely different from her previous madness, and Zhao Qingzi decided to visit the door in person.

It’s not good to keep yourself locked in the room, I have to find a way to invite her out, I definitely don’t want to go shopping with her, eh!

Zhao Qingzi felt a little sweaty in her palms, she stirred the handkerchief in her hand, not knowing how to speak.

Wu You looked at her blushing and stirred her handkerchief vigorously, which was deformed by her. She was slightly startled, how much hatred she had for herself, you can see that her face was red with anger, she must have regarded the handkerchief as herself.

After brewing a good mood, Zhao Qingzi summoned the courage to speak to Wu You opposite: "I wonder if Qingzi has the honor to invite Miss Wu out today."

Hearing this, Wu You's ruddy complexion turned a little pale. There was a voice in my heart who couldn't stop shouting: "Come! Come! Sure enough, I still can't escape!"

In order to save her life, Wu You's acting skills skyrocketed, she coughed a few times, and her voice became a little hoarse and weak.

There is a strong look of hope and helplessness on her face: "I am very happy to be invited by Miss Zhao, but recently I have been feeling cold and feel extremely unwell, so I took care of Miss Zhao's kindness."

Zhao Qingzi was in a hurry when he heard the words, and blurted out: "If that's the case, why don't you take medicine?" After saying this, he suddenly realized that it was wrong. Under normal circumstances, he should not be so aware of whether others have taken it or not. medicine.

Wu You heard this and realized that it was wrong, but exposing it in person might make her angry. So he took the conversation gently.

"People who practice martial arts are strong. It's shameful to say it. What I'm most afraid of is taking medicine, which is bitter."

Zhao Qingzi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he didn't notice anything wrong. Hearing her words again, she was quite disapproving.

"Good medicine is bitter and good for the disease, and you need to pay attention to your body, don't let a small illness turn into a serious one, my legs were..."

Suddenly stopped, Zhao Qingzi clenched the fabric on his leg, and his body trembled.

Wu You looked at her and felt very uncomfortable. As mentioned in the original book, Zhao Qingzi's favorite thing is dancing. If her legs are healthy, she will be the brightest girl in the capital.

Seeing Zhao Qingzi immersed in sadness, her head lowered slightly, Wu You could see that the girl's long black hair was wearing only a simple jasper hairpin.

My heart moved, and I didn't forget the setting that I was infected with the cold at this time, Wu You covered his face with his sleeves and walked to the girl. He took off the butterfly gold hairpin he was wearing on his head and gently inserted it on the girl's head.

This hairpin is a bit gorgeous, just like Wu You himself, but it doesn't look awkward when worn on Zhao Qingzi's head.

Wu You sighed in her heart, sure enough, she looks good in everything she wears.

Zhao Qingzi escaped from the sadness in shock by this action, and when he looked up, he saw an enlarged face in front of him. Wu You covered his face with his sleeves, leaving only a pair of smiling eyes. There was a beauty mole under the eyes, and the ends of the eyes were raised. Just a pair of eyes is infinite style.

Wu You looked at Zhao Qingzi and saw that she was a little stunned. Although she didn't know what she meant, it still mattered to her: "Miss is kind to me, I can't accompany her out today, this hairpin is My gift of apology, although a little thin, is still my heart."

After finishing speaking, Wu You deepened his smile: "I hope Miss can live this life happily and everything goes smoothly."

Zhao Qingzi didn't know how he came out of the General's Mansion, and his mind was full of those charming eyes.

Go back to my room and sit by the window habitually. Whenever I am in a mess, I will sit here and feel the wind blowing gently and the leaves rustling. Your heart will calm down.

But recently, this method has become less and less effective. When you open your eyes and close your eyes, it is the voice of that person and the appearance of that person. .

I couldn't help but scolded: "What a vixen!"

There is no one around at this time, so no one can see that this lady who is usually gentle and has no temper will also curse in anger.

Reach out and pull out the hairpin on the head, the hairpin is all golden, and there are two butterflies on the top.

And remembered that the most accustomed clothes of those who disturbed their peace were also red, as red as the ruby ​​on the wings of this butterfly. His face suddenly turned red, Zhao Qingzi was used to thinking a lot, and looking at the style of this hairpin seemed to be full of hints.

He pouted softly again: "I don't know shame!"

Wu You didn't know that the things she gave away made Zhao Qingzi think so much, she was immersed in the joy of escaping from death at the moment.

At the same time, from today's point of view, Zhao Qingzi should have sent someone to control her whereabouts, otherwise how would she know that she did not drink medicine...

In order not to make Zhao Qingzi suspicious, Wu You sent a maid to buy medicine for typhoid fever and come back to decoct every day. Then carry it into the room and pour it into a potted plant.

The room was suddenly filled with the smell of medicine, covering up the smell of incense. In fact, Wu You did not lie to Zhao Qingzi in some places. For example, she really did not like medicine, and was really afraid of suffering.

Wu You covered her nose and burst into tears. For the sake of herself, I will endure it!

Suddenly my heart was filled with infinite pride and ambition, even if I didn't have the golden finger, I would definitely be able to live smoothly with my intelligence and intelligence, and maybe I could become a legend in this world in the future. Woolen cloth!

Thinking about a bright future, Wu You is full of motivation. Pick up the brush and start writing hard, deciding on the next planning steps.

Suddenly I thought again, if I wanted to be safe, I would have a good relationship with the male protagonist... But as soon as this idea came up, what appeared was the fire in my dream, and the fire The burnt Zhao Qingzi.

The despairing eyes linger in my mind…

At this time, she has not yet begun to do evil, and she can still be saved. If you partner with the male protagonist, you can only save your own life, and both of their siblings will die.

Thinking of this, Wu You stopped writing. I just feel a headache like I've never had before, if only I wasn't in this body. I will treat you without any scruples, but mistakes have been made. Even if I want to influence you, I also need to pay attention to the way.

Zhao Qingzi, she should be more sad than me, why not learn to take responsibility with her brother...

In a few days, the Hundred Flowers Banquet will begin. She is going astray.