MTL - Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously-Chapter 1287 golden river

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The roar in the Styx Death Prison continued until the early morning before it ended!

The Styx Death Prison, which was already quite tattered, was beaten even more tattered!

Many cells have suffered, and even some cells have lost their ceilings, and the prisoners can only curl up in the corners and shiver!

Early the next morning, the Nether Race Engineering Team came over and was stunned!

It was petrified on the spot, and the tool in his hand fell to the ground!


How come this horse is still broken more and more repaired?

In the corridor, the walls are full of pits and holes, and even a lot of Jiu Lan and Jiangnan's pain masks are printed!

This is also understandable, but you can explain to me how the big hole in the wall with wooden characters came out?

What else can I do? Who repairs the broken prison! Let's fix it!

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.\ncom

In the golden house cell in Jiangnan, the black steel squatting in the corner of 90° slept beautifully all night, extremely warm!

No matter the storms outside, Heigang can sleep, and the corner is his eternal home!

As soon as I woke up, I heard a bang, and the cell was kicked open!

Hei Gang couldn't help widening his eyes, looking at the two figures at the door in horror!

I saw Jiu Lan's body was swollen, covered in bruises, her eyes were black, her clothes were tattered, and her hair was messy!


The bridge of the nose was broken, and the front tooth was missing!

The whole person was swollen, and what was even more terrifying was that Hei Gang also found that Jiu Lan still had a lot of tooth marks on her body, her arms and shoulders and even her thighs...

A corner is broken!

Black Steel was shocked, what happened? Was it so intense last night?

I saw Jiu Lan limping into the house with a blood gourd in her hand!

Dragging bloodstains on the ground...

It was Jiang Nan, who was hammered to the point of being unconscious. At this moment, he had completely lost consciousness and fell asleep...

Hei Gang swallowed his saliva, this... It seems that the boss of Nanshen is even worse than Jiu Lan?

I saw Jiu Lan threw Jiang Nan on the bed and took out a portable smart brain to take pictures, but this time I didn't dare to take a picture of myself!


Then turned to look at Black Steel!

Heigang was shocked, and quickly stood at attention and salute:

∠(` dish′●) "Sister Jiulan! Order at any time!"

Jiu Lan wiped the blood on her face: "Take care of him, if he wakes up and his spirit is not normal, call me at any time..."

While speaking, he limped out of the house, muttering softly as he walked!

(???Benefit???(#) "God-killed Jiangnan, he still bites people even if he can't beat him. He dares to bite anywhere? Damn it! He better not remember it!"

While muttering, he opened his neckline to check, his face darkened even more...

Yesterday's Jiangnan was really crazy to the extreme. It was different from the previous one. The attack was like a violent storm, and it didn't give people a chance to breathe!

It seems that no matter how many times you are knocked down, you can stand up intact and fight back with a stronger attitude!

However, Jiu Lan is not without progress, at least her Nether Eight Forms have successfully reached the level of Tianxiu!

However, Heigang looked strange. Did the two really fight yesterday?

Instead of doing something weird!

Turning his head to look at Jiangnan, he saw that the injury on his body was recovering quickly, and he was back to normal in a short while!

It seemed that he was completely uninjured, but he didn't wake up, he snorted and slept soundly...

The prisoners experienced the baptism of war all night, and in the morning they looked at the Styx Death Prison like the ruins of the battlefield, and their eyes were dazed!

Many cells were beaten and leaked, and the battle last night was a little too intense, right?

However, Tarot and the others couldn't be idle anymore. The riots were over. It's been a few days, and it's time to go into the river to fish for crystals!

Why is the death prison not organized? Doesn't this delay our physical training?

And without crystals, you can't go to Nanshen's small shop to consume?

"Go down the river ~ fish for crystals! Go down the river ~ fish for crystals!"

Early in the morning, the prisoners began to collectively petition and shout!

But the Styx death prison has been destroyed like this, how can the jailers still have the mood to organize the river?

However, the prisoners gave up and came out of the hole in the cell one after another!

Tarot snorted at that time:

?(?yi?(?kou?)?﹃?)~Zzz "Go! Go to Brother Chacha and let him open the Wave Breaking Plaza for us!"

So the prisoners of Wuyang Wuyang rushed towards Pingchacha's room!

However, halfway through, the prisoners realized that something was wrong, and there was an unusually conspicuous bloodstain on the ground!

It was very long, extending from the women's prison to the door of Ping Chacha's room!

The prisoners who watched were stunned for a while, what was the situation?

But the prisoners don't care so much and start banging on the door!

"Brother Chacha? We are going to go to the river for voluntary labor. Would you like to organize it?"

"That's right, why don't you, the deputy warden, do anything? What are the responsibilities you have on your shoulders? It's not a problem for you to continue to mess around like this?"

"Isn't it? What about ideals and aspirations? How can you get a promotion and a salary increase like you who fish for three days and spend two days in the net? Have you completed this month's KPIs?"

The prisoners were talking nonsense, going into the river when they said anything. Shan Chacha, who fainted at the door in the room, was woken up!

The whole person was swollen three times, and as soon as he woke up, he spit out a large mouthful of black blood!


God special meow to the river to fish for crystals, why are you more active than Laozi?

I was almost beaten to death last night, **** it, I tried my best to get back to the room!

Just came back, have to organize you to go to the river to fish for crystals?

(#?????)Yi(???#)…"Fuck your ass! Today is a holiday!"

But the prisoners quit:

?(ˊyiˋ*)? "We don't have holidays! We have to go to work and do voluntary labor!"

The half-blooded rope slammed on the door frantically, shouting in a loud voice!

(?òkouó)? "Brother Chacha, you open the door~ Don't hide in there and don't open the door, I know you are at home!"

Ping Chacha's forehead blue veins throbbing violently, is it so difficult for Lao Tzu to rest for a while?

Can't help struggling to get up and open the door:

(#?????) Mouth(???#) "Alright, alright! Fishing! Going down to the river to fish on a horse, right?"

However, the prisoners at this moment froze collectively, and they gasped as they watched Shanchacha, who was hanged and beaten to the point of swollen like a pig's head!

Suona's mouth twitched: (????) "Brother Chacha, did you sleep well at night? Why do I feel that you are a little swollen?"

Wang Youzhi: (??????) "You can get rid of the feeling!"

Insect Rain was very ruthless last night, huh? Is this a real fight to the death?

Ping Chacha's face turned even darker: "Okay! It can't be better!"

After speaking, he limped and took the prisoners to open the Polang Plaza. He didn't even need to organize anything. The prisoners were already familiar with the road!

In front of the bridge on the other side, the prisoners were preparing to go down the river, but when they looked under the bridge, they were stunned!

Σ(?△?|||) "What the hell? The color of the Styx today is a bit wrong, isn't it?"

I didn't even believe in evil and rubbed my eyes to make sure I read it right!

The original Styx was silver-gray, but today's Styx is golden!

It's not a small area, but a river several light-years wide is completely infested with gold!

Like a flowing river of gold!


"Huh~ does it taste like this?"

Tarot's face was full of disgust, and he blocked all his six nostrils!

Even Ping Chacha noticed something was wrong!

Wasn't it that serious the last time the prisoners were sprayed in the river?

And this taste...

It seems to have a similar smell to the warden, right?

Suddenly, Ping Chacha realized something, and remembered that the warden seemed to have said before that he had beaten the Styx koi!


The next moment, I saw an unparalleled golden light in the middle of the river!

It is comparable to a thousand supernova explosions, and everyone who is bright can't open their eyes!


The water burst into the sky, and a huge colorful bald koi jumped up from the river!

It was as if a thousand stars had risen from the river Styx at the same time!

The size of the koi is too huge to describe in words!

Compared with the Styx Death Star floating on the river, it is as small as dust!


The Styx koi that jumped up slammed into the Styx, setting off a huge wave!

The height of the surge has even surpassed the Death Star of the Styx River, and in an irresistible attitude, it is shooting towards this side!

Handle Chacha: ! !

Nima! Not to mention the koi, just this wave is taken, and there is no Death Star in the Styx River!

For a creature of this level, destroying a planet is as simple as that!

"What are you still doing? Go back now! Do you want to die?"

The prisoners all turned pale with fright, screaming and running to Polang Square!

Is there really such a perverted creature in this starry sky?

What's the point of riding a horse?

Many people are hearing about it for the first time and seeing it for the first time!

Wang Youzhi's eyes were bright, and he looked at the colorful bald koi with great interest!

(?°??°)? "Oh? Is this silly fish still alive? I remember it wasn't this big before? The head doesn't shine..."

∑(°mouth°?) "Hi~ Jiangnan, this kid shouldn't give it a lot of power, right?"

Seeing that Wang Youzhi was still watching the fun, Tarot picked up Wang Youzhi, turned his head and ran away!

"Damn it? You'll die if you look at it again!"

But at this moment, Ping Chacha roared and rushed up!

"The realm unfolds? The Great Mill of Death!"

In an instant, the infinite Styx energy gathered in the starry sky, condensed into two oversized death grinding discs!

The size of the grinding disc has surpassed the Styx Death Star. In the outside world, Shan Chacha can expand his entire field without any scruples!

Its domain planets are all crushed, and it is no problem to protect the Styx Death Star!

However, it is of no use, facing the sky-high waves set off by the Styx koi!

Shanchacha's small grinding disc is as crisp as a piece of paper!

As soon as they touched it, they were smashed to pieces. Ping Chacha vomited blood, and he was injured. He almost didn't die!

The Boundless Styx Wave Wall was shot towards the Death Star with a fierce attitude!

The Death Star of the Stygian River vibrated crazily. If this wave goes on, the planet is designated to have no **** left!

But at this moment, the boundless momentum erupted in the Death Star, and the spiritual power surged!

The Styx River, which was surging with huge waves just a moment ago, was directly flattened, and the river surface was flattened like a mirror!

Even the river stopped flowing!

From extreme movement to extreme stillness, but in an instant!

However, this did not delay the action of the Styx koi, and the dazzling light under the river surface was frantically approaching the Styx Death Star!

The boundless and huge Styx koi slanted their tails from below, and they looked up and collided with the Death Star of the Styx...