MTL - Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously-Chapter 2198 It's just reckless home

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Wang Youzhi's mouth twitched, are you sure that you are a criminal who took Jiu Lan as a hostage?

This is the first time I have seen such an arrogant hostage!

If threatened, you wink!

Tarot laughed excitedly:

(^?^(⌒?⌒)?﹃?)~Zz "Hahaha! Good! Has the long-awaited escape finally started?"

"What are we going to do?"

Suona also said with excitement: "Boss Nanshen! Please tell me your plan!"

At this moment, Jiangnan straightened up:

(??????口???)? "What's the plan for stepping on a horse? Lao Tzu's plan is that there is no plan!"

"Dazhi! Choose a direction!"

Wang Youzhi waved his hand:

(?°???°)? "Then south!"

I saw Jiangnan hijacking Jiu Lan, strangling her neck with one hand, and breaking her head with the other!

He shouted: "Brothers! The hostages are in hand! I have the world! It's time to prove you!"

"Where Dazhi's finger is, is also where you charge! Rush out, the sky is high for birds to fly, and the sea is wide for donkeys to swim! Go and embrace freedom!"

"All the bullies have it! Charge!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed forward with Jiu Lan, but after a few steps, he found that no one was with him!

Everyone stared blankly at Jiangnan, the corners of their mouths twitching!


God special meow just choose a direction and rush, there is no plan at all?


Tarot covered his face: "I thought Boss Nanshen had some great tricks, but what's the difference between your plan and the one before me!"

Aren't you all sullen and reckless?

Jiang Nan stared: (???) "Bah! The difference is huge! Don't compare my plan to yours, I'll feel insulted!"

"What are you doing? You don't want to go out? Rush?"

The younger brothers gritted their teeth and stomped their feet, whether Te Miao's jailbreak or an increased sentence package?

"Reckless! Freedom! I'm here~"

"Come on, run towards the stars! To my lost youth!"

At this moment, all the members of the bully gang had red eyes and launched a charge towards the south!


The south wall was directly smashed through and smashed, and a big hole was smashed. The three Tarot brothers swung the king and eight fists to open the way!

The bully gang followed by the army of ten thousand people, supporting Jiangnan and others in the middle!

Insect Yuyu slammed his chest with excitement, only the corners of his acrylic mouth twitched!

Can this really get out? Really reliable?

I don't know how many cells were smashed through, and the prisoners were stunned. What happened to the bullies?

But ah?

As he was running, Jiang Nan suddenly remembered something!

∑(°mouth°?) "Yeah! I forgot about Carl and the others. I'm out here. What should they do?"

Jiu Lan is speechless, you have already started to escape from prison, and you still think about those two big grievances?

How much hatred?

Hei Gang grinned: "Boss Nanshen! Just leave it to me, do you need me to slap them? It won't take long!"

Jiang Nan frowned. If he kills now, it will be a bit difficult to deal with in the future!

Wang Youzhi grinned:

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "It's alright! Let's run our way, I've left Dadi here, he'll keep checking in, don't worry!"

Anyway, going out with the big worm is also a death, it is better to stay in the Styx Death Prison and stick to punching cards and use the residual heat!

Jiang Nan was stunned for a moment, only to realize that he had never seen a figure in the bully gang from beginning to end!

Was the card left behind?

The smile on Jiangnan's face gradually deformed:

(〃???) "Oh Huo? Didn't the big scorpion come with us? Is he willing to stay?"

Wang Youzhi sweated profusely on his forehead, and said with a guilty conscience:

('???`) "Aha~ahha~ Everyone has their own aspirations, Da Ji is unwilling to escape from prison, and wants to stay here to atone for his sins and carry out in-depth transformation!"

"I can't persuade it, so I gave it the task of punching the card!"

Jiangnan stretched his voice and said:

(??????) "Ah~ that's how it is~ I know~"

Wang Youzhi: ! !

Shet! Can Jiangnan see it again? Lai Lai has legs!

I must not let Jiangnan know that the big bug is also my trumpet, otherwise the image will not be guaranteed!

I don't want to be ashamed?

Jiangnan's heart is crazy, acting? Are you playing? Just your little acting skills~

But Wang Youzhi didn't say it, and Jiangnan didn't mean to expose it!

It's also good to continue to check in, at least for Xing Luo and Carl, the nightmare is not over!

Jiangnan didn't think they could make any trouble on the nether territory!

Sure enough, the bully gang's rush to break through all the way caught the attention of the jailers!

Even the prisoners started booing, and if they didn't notice the movement, they would be blind!

"Jailbreak! They must be breaking out! Alarm! Raise the alarm! All jailers gather!"

However, the alarm went off as soon as it rang twice. In today's Netherworld Death Prison, there is nothing left to do!

The prison guards had no choice but to sound the manual alarm!

"Mighty ~ Mighty ~" kept yelling!

Bing Chacha, who had just climbed out of the Styx River, was swollen all over, and was planning how to sneak into Bug Yuyu's room next time to regain his happiness!

I heard the siren, and the "boom boom" crash!

"What's the situation? Jiu Lan was beaten again?"

However, a jailer came to report immediately!

Σ(っ°Д°;)っ "Lord Pangchacha! It's not good! Something big happened, Jiangnan and the others organized prisoners to escape! Several layers of defense systems have been broken through!"

"At this moment, we are charging towards Styx!"

Handle Chacha: ! !

∑(°mouth°(#) "What? They escaped from Jiangnan? Now the Styx Death Prison still has a fart defense system?"

"If there is any, it will be useless to Jiangnan and the others! Quickly, gather all our people in the Styx Death Prison, and we must intercept Jiangnan and the others!"

"Hurry up!"

Ping Chacha yelled while running, are Jiangnan and the others crazy?

I don't know that Lord Nether sits in the Styx Death Prison, dare to choose this time to escape?

Water in your head or you don't want to live anymore?


The strong-phase alloy wall was instantly smashed, and the bully helped ten thousand people escape from the prison, but was blocked by the army of jailers headed by Ping Chacha!

(?◣д◢)? "Fuck! I'll stop for you! When the rules of the Underworld Death Prison don't exist?"

"Go back to me now, I can pretend it didn't happen, otherwise... oops!"

Before Ping Chacha finished speaking, he screamed, because he saw the figure of the **** miracle acrylic in the bully gang!

Jiang Nan let him out? Are you really going to jailbreak? Not kidding?

In the prison escape army, there is not only acrylic, but also a rain of insects that hit him forty or fifty times a month!

Pingchacha's back was soaked in cold sweat!

This is afraid that the horse is a bit unstoppable, right?

I saw that the bully gang army suddenly made way, and Jiang Nan went to the front with Jiu Lan hostage!

(?ˉ??ˉ?(?????????c) "Bangchacha! Watch who this is! Your people are in my hands!"

"If you know each other, get out of the way quickly and make way for us, or believe it or not, I will tear up the tickets in minutes?"

Insect Rain waving a small fist:

(??????)? "Tear up the ticket! Hey!"

Ping Chacha widened his eyes:

∑(??mouth??lll) "Jiu Lan? Why did you go to their place? Stop making trouble! Come over quickly!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(??~???) "I think you still don't know the situation right now?"

After speaking, he pressed the top of Jiu Lan with his shoulder and whispered:

(?)?3?) "Hey, hey~ cooperate! You are a hostage now!"

Jiu Lanbei clenched her teeth, then her face turned red, and her hands and feet began to struggle!

(??~?) "Umm~ I... u... um... I'm out of breath, I... I'm so scared! Jiangnan! Please don't kill me, I don't want to die!"

"Bang Chacha! Hurry up and get people back! Do you want me to die in Jiangnan's hands?"

When Jiu Lan finished speaking, the audience fell into a dead silence!

Jiangnan: (??ω???)

Shanchacha: (#)???(#)…

Jiu Lan: (??﹏???)

Ping Chacha's face turned black, can your acting skills be any worse?

"Jiu Lan, don't make trouble, okay? It's just you? Can you be kidnapped by Jiangnan? You can turn around and punch Jiangnan for three days, right?"

"You don't turn your elbows out like you, don't forget your identity and responsibilities!"

Jiu Lan saw that she had been pierced, and she couldn't help but become angry, her whole body burst out with aura, she glared at Bing Chacha and said:

(?°?д°?) "Why can't this girl be a hostage? Say it again? Get out of here! Get out of your way!"

"I was kidnapped, if I die! Can you be held responsible?"

Ping Chacha was smashed back two steps by Jiu Lan's blooming momentum, and the corners of his eyes twitched!

You call this being hijacked?

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva:

(??ω???) "Then what~ we can't be so arrogant, it's a bit too much, calm down, you're a hostage now!"

Jiu Lan was stunned for a moment, and then said with an apologetic expression:

('?﹏?`) "No... I'm sorry, it's my first time as a hostage and I don't have much experience, next... pay attention next time!"

Jiang Nan coughed twice: (?°??°) "So you saw it too, I checked three numbers, and if she doesn't retreat, I will kill her!"

"Jie Jie Jie~ You don't want such a flowery little girl to die in my hands like this, right?"

While speaking, one hand has already pressed against Jiu Lan's temple, and it seems that the trigger will be pulled at any time!

Ping Chacha gritted his teeth: (#)?ˇyiˇ?) "I really don't believe it, you can shoot her to death with one brain!"

You are a little too perfunctory when you step on a horse to threaten?

Is it really useful to put a head on her head?

With Jiu Lan's physical fitness, the Star Collapse Cannon can't kill him, right?

[The resentment value from Ping Chacha +1009! ]

Jiang Nan stared: "Don't believe me? Have you heard of Vigorous Diamond Finger? Three! Two!"

Ping Chacha's eyes narrowed slightly: "Jiangnan! Don't seek death yourself! Lord Nether is sitting here!"

"Go back now, I can pretend nothing happened! Otherwise..."

His Lai Lai! Is Lord Nether offline? Jiangnan is about to take someone out of prison, and it's real!

Why hasn't Master Nether come over yet?

"You have no chance at all..."

Before the words were finished, I saw Insect Yuyu rushing out with a stride, and when he went up to Ping Chacha's chest, it was a straight kick!


Ping Chacha's chest was directly crushed, he vomited blood, his eyes protruded, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball!

Once again, I was kicked into the Styx by the rain of insects!

I saw Insect Rain patted the little skirt with a look of disgust:

(¬~¬) "It's so annoying! Is there anyone else to stop it? Stand up!"

Hearing a uniform voice, all the jailers with a white face backed away neatly to make way!

Bowing 90 degrees, with a big hand, they said in unison:

"Good evening, big brother and big sister! This way, please~"