MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1 Meet the Creator

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From here, I feel that the earth is so beautiful! On a huge platform, the boy looked down at a blue planet below. When he appeared in this cosmic space from the beginning, he was almost overwhelmed, his brain seemed blank, and he didn't know how long after time passed, and he calmed down slowly.

Turned around and sat helplessly on the ground, looking at the platform like the purest white marble in front of him, the teenager looked at his hands, both hands are now slightly transparent like white fog. Just now, I took a picture of myself by the pool of the platform. It seems that my entire body has become this strange state, just like the so-called soul state often said in the mouth of the world!

If I remember correctly, I should be dead.

Yes! The boy nodded surely. After all, his body is not abnormal now, and even the pain that has been entangled in himself for many years has disappeared without trace, everything is incredible. Think back carefully that the teenager can only jokingly think that he has also encountered plots like countless online YY novels? Travel to an unknown space after death

I thought that the teenager stood up in depression here and shouted at the open platform: "Are there any characters like the creation **** now according to the plot? Hey! Is anyone here?"

有 Is there anyone here? Is there anyone here? Is there anyone here?

The young boy's voice echoed in the platform. Seeing that there was no response, the young boy sat down on the ground again disappointed, hateful! It seems different from the plot of the novel. I tried to jump off the platform myself before, but the result was being transmitted back to the place again and again, and it seemed that I couldn't leave this place.

When the teenager was frustrated, a glimmer of light suddenly passed through the center of the platform. A huge light ball shining white appeared in the center of the platform. The strong light caused the young man in the state of soul to subconsciously turn his head and turned away from his eyes. Looking at the photosphere, a majestic sound came suddenly from the ear, and it was impossible to hear whether it was male or female, as if it came from a distant place.

I haven't waited for the voice to finish, and the boy shouted out loud: "STOP"!

The voice in the young man's ears quieted down instantly, and the light emitted by the light ball was instantly reduced. As the light weakened, the boy turned back to stare at the light ball and took a deep breath and said slowly: "I don't know what you are or what you want me to do next! But I want to answer all your suggestions in three words"!

I said that the young man paused here and then gritted his teeth and said three words: "'I', 'Reject', 'Absolute'"!

The atmosphere on the platform seems to be in the cold because of the three words of juvenile. If it is not because it continues to emit a dazzling light, the juvenile will definitely notice that the light ball floating on the platform seems to be holding back slightly. .

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"! A huge laugh came out of the light ball suddenly, without the majestic and heavy feeling just now, and some just laughed like young people.

The teenager was also overwhelmed by the sudden change. The light ball stopped laughing and began to creep slowly to change its shape. Soon the teenager was surprised to see that the light ball in front of him changed to an age when he was alive. Almost older boy.

The ball of light, which turned into a boy, floated to the teenager and said, "Maybe this way can better talk to you!"

The young boy squinted and looked closely at the boy who had changed the light ball, and the boy stood indifferently with only a faint smile!

"You are ┉┉" reached out and pointed at the boy and said, "God ┉┉ alien ┉┉ or something else?"

He did n’t wait for the boy ’s expression to suddenly change into a distressed face and struck his head with his hands. He did n’t know if he was excited or frustrated and said, “Okay! Tell me what ’s going on here, why I met This kind of situation only appears in YY online novels. "

Seeing the behavior of the boy in front of him, he seemed to nodded with satisfaction, and gave a thumbs-up with appreciation, saying, "Very good! It took me only 2 hours and 23 minutes to adjust to my condition after being awake, and the mental aspect is considered to be Relatively stable without insanity! Amazing! "

Clapped his hands gently and the boy said with amusement, but the teenager seemed a little annoyed and took a deep breath, sitting directly on the ground and asking, "Well, can you tell me who you are?"

"who am I"? The boy pointed at his exaggerated laugh and said, "I have been given many identities. Human beings call me God, in the Qur'an I am God, in the Bible I am God, in Taoism I am Hong Jun, in Buddhism I am Lord Buddha, of course, sometimes I'm also called Satan, Devil, Destroyed Puppet

The boy suddenly stopped his exaggerated prosecution and squatted down, looking at the unsolved young man in front of him, saying, "The internet novels you create usually call me the God of Creation, the Creator!"

"Creation God"! ? After hearing the word, the young man supported the ground with a weird expression and murmured at the boy with a weak hand.

"Actually, you can call me a" seeder ", literally to understand that I was the first living body born in the universe, and I do n’t know how many years I traveled in the universe to spread life on countless planets seed". The boy stood up and looked down at the teenager, "If you are not used to this name, then you can call me 'spectacled panda'."

The juvenile's brain seemed to be dead because of this sentence. For a long time, he just stared blankly at the boy who claimed to be ‘spectacled panda’.

┉┉ "You ┉┉ Are you really a" panda "? The mysterious CG producer has always been the boy in front of him, and he is the creator of the world! ?

Glasses Panda nodded for sure: "Are you surprised?"

The juvenile watched the boy unbelievably. ‘Eyeglasses Panda’ watched the boy reach out his hand and gently nodded on his head. The boy suddenly felt a coolness pouring into his heart, and the excited emotion calmed down immediately.

"What the **** is this?" The teenager touched his forehead and looked at ‘spectacled panda’ incredible.

Glasses Panda shrugged gently and said, "Nothing, it's just a little trick to calm your emotions, otherwise your emotions are always agitated. Can we talk now?"

The teenager slowly stood up with his hands on the ground and faced the "spectacled panda" helplessly, saying, "What is there to talk about? I didn't expect that the first friend I thought of as" true "was actually God. "

所以 "That's why you should feel more glorious"! "Panda Glasses" said with a proud look with hands on hips.

句话 This sentence seems a little annoying to the young man: "But until now you haven't even had the majesty and temperament that‘ God ’should have, which is quite disappointing to me”.

‘Eyeglasses Panda’ listened to Leng Leng and then smiled and said, “I just thought it might be more convenient to talk to you if you want to say majesty.”

Having said that, half of the "spectacled panda" snapped his fingers, the surrounding scenery suddenly twisted, and began to spin quickly as if he were in the center of the storm. The teenager's fright closed his eyes for a while, but when he opened his eyes, The teenager found that the empty platform had disappeared, and he was actually in a large, solemn room. The floor is covered with a neat red carpet with quaint rosewood furniture, bookshelves are full of books, and a party flag and red five-stars are hanging on the walls. The whole room looks like a revolutionary of the older generation. The study is the same.

This is how the same thing? The teenager slowly walked towards the round table, where several cups of tea were steaming. Reached out and touched the tea cup gently, the teenager found that he couldn't seem to feel the temperature of the tea cup.

"Now you are in a state of soul, you won't be hungry, you can't feel the temperature without pain." With the words, a majestic figure came over slowly.

As the figure turned his head fiercely, when he saw the person coming, he felt his heart almost jumped out of his chest, of course, if he still had a heart now 现在

"Don't be nervous, Comrade, sit down and talk." The visitor sat on the sofa by himself.

Sit down reflexively, and looked at the familiar great man in front of him in disbelief. The young man stuttered and said, "Chairman, Chairman?"

The once great man didn't answer, just took the tea and took a sip gently.

At this time, the Fangmen Gate was pushed open by several people. The greatest diplomat after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the commander-in-chief of the Volunteers of the Resistance to the US and the DPRK, and the chief designer of reform and opening up.

"Oh! You have arrived first"?

的 The prime minister in a proper Zhongshan suit smiled and found a sofa and sat down

After being seated in the middle by these older revolutionaries, the young man only felt a little trembling. Suddenly the young man's eyes narrowed to his white misty and transparent legs. He immediately remembered that he was dead. Talking to the 'spectacled panda' who is the creator, where did these older revolutionaries come from?

激 A spirited boy almost bounced off the bench and asked the chairman in doubt: "┉┉ panda, hello! You ┉┉ you are 'spectacled panda', right?"

"Bingo! Guess right, but no reward!" The chairman who was still serious at this time revealed the smirk that young people can only have.

"Hehe, Comrade Xiao's adaptability is very good! I reacted so soon" The chief designer of the reform and opening up smiled, and then took out a cigarette from his pocket and took a sip.

Not only looks and sounds, but even the look and manner are the same as real people. The young man stared at the great people in front of him, turned his head to the ‘spectacled panda’ and asked, “Are they ┉┉?”

The glasses panda dropped the tea cup and shook his head, saying, "It's not 'they' but 'us', everyone in this room is myself except you".

what? Could it be that! The teenager seemed to react to something, and looked at the others in surprise.

The commander-in-chief of the volunteer army wearing a military uniform nodded affirmatively, and everyone present at the moment said in unison: "I don't have a fixed life form, I can imitate any kind of posture as I want and split out countless numbers under the same will New entity in control. "

There are four great men, four different voices, but they say the same words at the same time at the same time. For a time, the young man only feels that this solemn and solemn room has become a little weird and scary.

"Forget it, it seems that it makes you feel more nervous."

Sitting on the sofa, ‘spectacled panda’ and the other three ’s bodies slowly began to split into countless tiny light spots, and the room began to twist and rotate as fast as before.

怎么 样 What will happen this time? Although there was no such fear at the beginning, the teenager subconsciously blocked his eyes with his hands, and soon the whirlwind stopped again. The room turned into a Victorian-style living room, the sun shining through the window Let the entire room be full of light and vitality.

In front of the boy's eyes, the black wings and blood-red pupils, and the silver-haired girl in a black gothic costume put a graceful bow on her chest with one hand and smiled, "Maybe you will feel more at ease, father? grown ups".

Mercury lamp! ? That ’s right. The teenager is sure that she read it right. The girl ’s smile has a hint of evil charm. Even when she bows to herself, she still shows a solitary height, except that she is taller than the original doll. Much taller, closer to the height of a normal human little girl. This is exactly the popular character in the anime "Rose Maiden". The first doll is a mercury lamp.

The lovely mercury lamp in front of me like a delicate porcelain doll, the young boy was a bit mad for a while, but because of the previous experience, the young boy did not seem so surprised and disturbed this time.

The young boy walked gently to the "mercury lamp" and bent down to look at her carefully. Looking at the fine face and proud behavior, the idea of ​​"cute death" suddenly appeared in the mind of the young boy.

She shook her head fiercely and quickly lost her strange idea: "Panda"?

"Bingo! Guess right again, but still no reward!" The ‘spectacled panda’ who turned into a mercury lamp lifted the skirt and turned around with a smile.

Through the appearance of a mercury lamp, ‘spectacled panda’ can almost be regarded as a malicious seller, saying, “Do you like what I am now? Oh dosa (Japanese: Father Father)”!

Oh, Dosha, I actually pronounced it in Japanese on purpose. Although the sound is exactly the same as the mercury lamp, but the boy felt awkward because he knew it was a "spectacled panda". Therefore, the boy gave a bad comment: "In addition to letting I don't think you have the temperament and majesty that God should have at all ~ ~ I now even more doubt whether you have some personality split! "

'Panda Glasses' said that I was hurt by your fragile heart and said, "It's really sad evaluation, don't you always like the character of mercury lamp"?

Juvenile ‘spectacled panda’ said at a glance: “I like more anime characters.”

"Yes! It's just that you have a special feeling for characters like mercury lamps." "Panda Glasses" now slowly puts down a cynical expression slowly, "After all, I can also say that it is Sorry for the sick! The first doll of the beautiful rose girl, Mercury Lamp, is still strong in pursuit of her dreams even when her body is defective! Similarly, you are still alive and hopeless under the torture of blood cancer You admire the strong will of the mercury lamp, she looks like a mirror reflecting on you. "

Maybe I should thank ‘Panda’ for your CG work and your encouragement┉┉

The monologue boy of ‘spectacled panda’ briefly silenced for a moment and said, “You ’re really upholding me! When I was tortured by my illness, I also had the idea to end my life more than once ┉┉”

I sighed lightly and ‘spectacled panda’ clapped and said, “Forget it, let ’s get back to business!”

"Please wait a minute"! !! The teenager said hastily at this moment.

'Glasses Panda' stopped and looked at the boy in puzzlement: "What else is going on?"

┉┉ "Actually, that ┉┉" The boy squatted down and looked at the "mercury lamp" in front of his face and said, "Can I hug you?"

"I want to answer your proposal in three words!‘ I ’‘ Reject ’‘ Absolute ’”!