MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1117 Blooming poisonous flower

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The smelly soil is the best breeding ground for the development of black roses, as it was in Noxus, and the same in this twisted city of desires and desires.

Just like a fish in the water, Levran has already established the prototype of the black rose with its own strength and money, and then slowly annexed it from the small gangs. In the process, it continued to improve the organization of the black rose and eliminated it. Compared with the development model where most newly established gangs have initially stolen third-class methods such as extortion, Levran's Black Rose has quickly started to take advantage of financial resources after passing through the initial development period. Intelligence, smuggling, casinos, brothels, etc. have penetrated the past, and the speed is far faster than the imagination of all the gangs in Black Street. Even those gangs who originally held Black Rose as their subordinates suddenly found each other overnight. Grow stronger than yourself.

For the rapidly developing black rose, the big gangs in Black Street quickly changed their mindset to vigilance from the initial disdain, and soon vigilance deteriorated into a threat of extreme horror.

The lower members of a gang may be cruel and stupid, but sitting at the top of the head can be bloodthirsty but cruel, but not stupid. Faced with the unprecedented rapid rise and operation of Black Rose, there are many small gang parties at first. The black rose cast an olive branch in an attempt to imitate and share a piece of it, but everyone soon found that the development method of the black rose could not be copied. In short, in addition to the operation of money, the force was also skillfully operated inside and out. In addition, as the leader, Le Fulan deserves the title of her sly demon demon, almost knowing little by little about this alien and absorbing the nutrients of these corpses to make her power grow rapidly, and in the process Avoiding the risks and pitfalls counteract the rulers of many unwritten rules on the black street.

Of course, the rule that does not become a violation of the ruler is beyond reproach, but when someone really starts to attack the black rose, the black rose is like a highly toxic and spiked rose, so that anyone who touches it will suffer. A deadly backlash, such as the **** gangster who was the most powerful in Black Street not long ago, had its leader Gundak disappeared mysteriously.

I came up with a unified answer to the missing gangs in Gundak's missing black streets, that is, he was bound to hang, but Levran, the only insider, knew all the truth.

The leader of the blood gang, Gundak, has been mingling with the uncrowned king in the black street for more than 30 years. This pretentious stupid actually made a ridiculous suggestion to himself as his mistress to divide the entire black street, perhaps at the time of Gonda It seems that the newly-born black rose has a fierce development momentum, but in fact still does not have the price of confronting the Blood Hand Gang, and even the bad dogs who do n’t need the Blood Hand Gang to directly operate are enough to tear up this flower that has not fully bloomed. Rose, and proposed that the beauty of the leader of the Black Rose with coquettishness and intellectual coexistence be his mistress and share the entire black street is like a gift of goodwill. The leader of this black rose should be in front of himself Grateful for nothing.

However, Gundak did not know the bottom line of Levran, nor the ambitiousness of the former leader of the organization that had once played a military power in the applause.

乐 In Le Fulan's view, a black street can't satisfy his greed at all. Here is what it is to dominate the king. Gondaq's little spirit is as boring as a childish farce. A group of maggots that squirm in the gutter and survive on the leftovers of others is not their goal. Just as in Noxus, the black rose must be the witness and executor of the contract, and the ruler behind the city. Become a person who pulls the line, not a puppet being pulled by others.

So Gundak disappeared, turned into a dead crystal under the breath of the water elves, and was squeezed into a pile of fragments no more than one centimeter in diameter by the force of space.

The existence of Black Street in the Free City has spawned its own ecosystem. Knowing this, Levran does not intend to use extraordinary powers to cause a fatal blow to this system in one go. After a few key characters, Levran stopped Crystal Dragon Buani, but took the right of Black Street to restart the shuffle and started to transform it little by little!

Black roses that are too hidden in the dark side of a city are never chaotic and disorderly. On the contrary, any organization that wants to grow itself must establish order, because humans are social creatures, and no social creatures can be disorderly. The end result of disorder is self-destruction.

And after the order ~ to be precise, the order that belongs to the black rose started, Levran immediately began to transform the black street within the sphere of influence of the black rose. Those low houses were demolished and reconstructed, and garbage was piled up randomly. It ’s been cleared, the broken muddy roads have been renovated, and all this in the black street seems to all that the black rose is too incredible. Use the money you earn to do these meaningless complete It's a loss.

But Levran didn't think so. The clean neighborhood that was replanned and built after being demolished has attracted people in the dark streets to try to move in. The smugglers, pickpockets, prostitutes, and even some others The merchants of the shops are trying to flood in here, because in addition to a certain order here, it is more important to have better living conditions.

The pursuit of better production and living conditions is an instinct for all people and all living things!

The influx of large populations brought enough labor and technical personnel to the area occupied by Black Rose. The Black Rose organization quickly began to change and eliminated a large number of low-quality members, allowing the organizations injected with new blood to use higher efficiency. To perform the task, and the huge consumption brought by the population has made these neighborhoods prosperous, and the more prosperous it is, the more the vitality of other neighborhoods has been extracted. For other neighborhoods, the black roses are like a vicious circle. It is the weakness that grows stronger and stronger, and finally dies.

Renovating part of the block and attracting a large population is one purpose, and the other purpose is that Levran has already planned to let the black roses penetrate the upper areas of the free city, and the black roses that are now used as the lower floors cannot Ignorance and ignorance, as well as a little fortunate to be alive, to change their own habit of living at the lowest end of the world, to change the preconceived notions that gangs in black streets should of course lie on the ground with garbage. It is a must to make a complete makeover of Black Street.

Loveland has already made up its mind to completely reform Black Street. In the future, this lawless area will become an important hub connecting the upper and lower levels. An important hub can be full of greed, plunder, full of weak meat and strong food. The essence, but it must not be surrounded by rancid garbage and chaos, because that is a sign of failure.

Recently, when the incident following Claire was full of enthusiasm, the black rose has already been on the line with the city's security team as quickly as possible. The black roses have already stuck the necks of the big and small gangs on the black street and waited for the imprisonment of the **** hands. At the end, I am afraid that the largest gang on the black street had to bow to Black Rose.

With the rights and manpower, the organization structure of the Black Rose has gradually improved, and now it is necessary to infiltrate the upper layers with a lot of funds and sufficient influence.

The law and order team is the first choice of Levran. With the search of Claire some time ago, Black Rose successfully replaced the blood hand with the city law team and not only acted as a low-level informant like the previous blood hand. And thugs, but cleverly operated and became a cooperative organization linked to the security team to provide them with intelligence on the lower levels and help to see any signs of resistance to the city system.

The next thing was a gift from Ulduar that allowed Levran to avoid some of the frontal collisions with the city's main etiquette group. Yalin sent a box of seeds called a hemp plant to make money. On the one hand, this kind of plant called cannabis suddenly opened up a new world. For people suffering from mental stress in this city, this kind of plant is simply a panacea to soothe their soul.

The low price and refreshing hi-tech make the special tobacco packaged as 'Havana' quickly become popular. The use of this magic plant is very familiar. Levran has already aimed at the spread of the lower layer. Upper level, through the convenience of cooperating with the security team, this 'harmless' tobacco was quickly sold to the upper level through the hands of many children ~ ~ Although the rich people in the upper level accept this It will take some time for this kind of thing, but Loveland doesn't think it will be difficult.

The consumption level of the upper zone has already been prepared, and the black rose has already prepared a luxury version of Havana, which has a more special and stronger formula, and is ready to slaughter these fat sheep in the upper zone.

"The supply of goods is being strengthened. I'm hiring some mages to increase the output. After one month, I will get the planting rights on three farms outside the city!" Playing with the gold coins, Le Fulan quickly adjusted the schedule.

"Observe ~ Ms. Black Rose!"

The servants quickly recorded the request of Levran and executed her will under the opening of money and force.

Now almost every family is planting this kind of plant on Black Street. Black Rose is responsible for providing seeds and unified purchase of dried tobacco leaves. According to the quality of some people, residents of Black Street have found this plant to be a treasure maker and some vassals. The small gang simply stopped the private business and started whole-scale planting wholeheartedly. Of course, no one tried to spread this kind of thing, but Black Street is now controlled by the all-pervasive members of Black Rose and hesitates to kill anyone who dares to foul. And most of the residents here, after getting rich because of black roses and this kind of plant, also regard the benefits of black roses as their own interests and become a part of the supervision system. When someone finds that someone is hiding tobacco leaves and secretly selling them to black Someone quietly comes to communicate with organizations other than roses.

Everything is under the control of the demon monster, but none of this has yet satisfied the beautiful poison rose! 8)