MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-~ Chapter 1150: There Is One Hand In Planting The Loot

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This seemingly huge airship is actually very fragile. It only needs to destroy a few major components to make the entire huge airship completely out of control, and then hit like a bird with its wings broken. The false impression of a crash was forged towards the cliff. Everything is so godless that no one can detect the strangeness.

Of course ~ except for a few crew members who are parties!

In order to ensure that in the event of the destruction, Rogge walked down from the sky to the place where the airship crashed. Because it is still driven by magic, the airship itself did not explode but was completely deformed and broken, and the cargo carried on it was completely spilled. When I came out, Roger, who wanted to get rich, saw that the transportation was actually a pile of semi-finished leather, but he walked away with a pinch in disgust. This kind of thing is not worth it, so why not do a major event and hit it? Airships transporting gold and precious stones are really bad!

Suddenly Rogge heard a faint moan, and looked angry, but apparently the other party was alive.

Walking along the position of the sound, Rogge, who had excellent night vision, quickly found the corpse of the crew that was lying on the ground not far away. Under the impact, most people's bodies became distorted or shattered, but in the Under a deformed iron plate, a middle-aged man was shaking with blood on his face.

Rogge walked over and watched this man whose belly was completely cut and said, "The worm is really tough enough, isn't it painful? Then let me uncle Rog give you mercy Process it. "

Under the man's horrified eyes, Rogge grabbed his face gently, and the man's complexion suddenly became pale. A thin layer of ice crystals quickly covered the man's face, and the man's body kept twitching. Then gradually became smaller and eventually subsided. When Rogge released his hand, the man's head was tilted to one side and there was no movement. At this time, Rog found out that something seemed to fall out of the other's pocket, picked it up and looked at it, and found that it was a cylindrical thing that seemed to be made of some kind of plant, and Havana was printed on the package. A few words.

"What is this?"

Roger took it and looked at it. Although he didn't know anything about it, it was quickly judged by the structure of the cigarette. This thing should be sucked in the mouth. With the tips of careful hot hand on the package, it can be concluded that the front is still Need to be ignited with fire.

The Black Dragon is not very good at magic, but it does not mean that even a small fireball cannot be used. However, it took Roger today several times more than usual to manage to ignite the fire. At one sip, Roger almost didn't want to throw away the cigarette when he coughed, but took a second sip after feeling a peculiar fragrance penetrated into the body. This time, the fragrance became stronger and accompanied by some nerves. Stimulating effect, but this effect is too small for the team Black Dragon to ignore, only the taste of this cigarette is acceptable.

Bugs can still invent something interesting occasionally! Roger squinted his fist as he thought about it.

"Yes ~ My strength has indeed become stronger, much stronger than ever!" Compared to the disappointment that there is no oil and water, Rogge is more pleased with the enhancement of his strength.

Watching the black dragon scales on his arm at the moment covered this faint trace of frost, Rogge licked his lips and slowly absorbed the power of the white dragon king's scales. Although the original frost The perfusion of force almost killed his own life, but now it seems that his body has adapted to this change and has begun to actively transform the power of the Dragon King into his own power. Although the sea is slow, it is changing every day, sooner or later I will take all these powers as my own.

Will I be myself then?

Although Rogge is a black dragon, he is usually arrogant, but his powerful mental power also allows Rogge to easily feel the subtle changes in his body. These frost powers are not pure elemental powers. Among them, the sea contains the bloodline of the white dragon king Yalin. Power is not like the power of the abyss, nor the power of the abyss. To be honest, even this is the first time that you have felt this delicate power, like a rule and a procedure that controls the frost power in your body. This kind of rule is running very efficiently. Under the operation of this power, his body is also changing, and he has become like a dragon to have the affinity for frost and water.

Leave him alone!

Gritted his teeth, Rog gave a disdainful cry, no matter how he became a white dragon, no matter how to maintain the blood of the black dragon, the world is already full of power, no matter what it becomes, as long as he can have unmatched power That ’s all. No matter what you want, your rights, your wealth, or your beauties, everything is in your hands. It does n’t matter if you can become a monster and eventually become a monster. Maybe monsters can make people even more afraid!

After confirming that there were no survivors, Rogge took out the last cigarette in the box and lit it slowly, and left here slowly. According to the efficiency of human affairs, it is estimated that it will take ten days and a half to find the wreck of the airship and find the wreckage. At that time, the evidence was almost destroyed by time.

Two days after the crash of the Lawrence airship, Closide also contacted Yunochia to give a lesson to one of the three giants. As a legal businessman with the largest free city power, he provided 80% of the Chamber of Commerce and personal magic. The technical Yunokia will naturally leave some backdoors on the matrix that can be manipulated by herself. She has seduced the banshee's cautious nature, and no one of her mages knows this. Closside naturally It is impossible to get the news, but Prince Black Dragon is convinced that this wily woman will definitely have this operation.

And Yunokia does provide this operation. In fact, in order to not smash your own signboard, except for listening to information, Yunokia has never used these backdoors. She has ensured that the magic array and magic techniques she has provided have been It is the benchmark for the entire city's NO.1, but Claire's appearance borrowed this gem with the power of the star child has completely smashed his own signboard, facing the star child's power that completely ignores any legal array protection and even the fan lock cannot work, Even Yunokia, who also has the legacy of a child of the stars, can do nothing.

Anyway, the signboards have been smashed, so there is no need to take care of so much!

Yunokia also simply provided the back door. Now anyway, Claire has been on the blacklist of the city security team and even the top three blacklists. What she wants is to imitate Claire's behavior and repeat it. The young and vengeful child wanted to imitate his behavior is very simple, and even after he found out he had been stolen, forgive him, he dare not clarify the road.

As for whether the rules of the upper zone will be ruined, Claire is also a special case anyway. As long as the concealment does not leave as much evidence as the fools who attacked the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce to make it known to everyone, then no one will care. Just as Lawrence and Phillips are ready to fight Emma, ​​as long as the concealment is not directly touching the bottom line, it is not a fanfare and everyone knows, then the only thing that Croside, who is also a 'victim', can do is It's just patience.

It is under these considerations that Croside's men have solved the fear of the guards in the shop lighting the entire shop into a burning bonfire, and Yunokia also perfectly forged Claire through the back door manipulation. The arson method in the warehouse even left some imprints that should not belong to this world in order to be realistic.


At least the next day, Lelouch in the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce got the news. The Chamber of Commerce of Phillips, one of the three giants, was ordered, and the guards guarding the Chamber of Commerce were all settled. All the scenes The evidence points to Claire the boy who was running away, and according to the message sent by Lagwen Lux, the investigative officer, the death of the killed guard was simply terrible, and even the boy who was suspected of colluding with the demon summoned Of what the demons from the abyss have done.

"Did you have been quiet for so long and finally started to work again? But this method seems to have not learned the lesson of this little ghost." After reading the report sent by Lagwen, Lelouch made a circle on the city map.

Unsurprisingly, the attacked Chamber of Commerce of Phillips belonged to the upper zone. Claire, who had previously hid in the watercourse of the lower zone, could not reach that long, but this attack clearly shows that Clare did live in the upper zone. After coming down, and still has Filibesi as the number one target of revenge, as for the Gelget boy who should theoretically belong to the second target of revenge, it seems that he did not intend to touch him.

How Phillips has power and power is also a mortal ~ ~ and when Gelkat suppresses the slave riots of the night, even the orcs with soul gems with such terrible power can be defeated, Claire is afraid There is a serious lack of confidence in whether or not the power that he has now can go against Gelcate.

But there is a subtle sense of incongruity!

Lelouch always felt that there was something wrong with this attack. Although Cong Lagwen's investigation report looked how Claire would use it, this method was too much overlap with the previous attack, it was like a copy. After an attack, at least a little more modification on the basis of the original.

A boy with a demon who follows him should theoretically not act in such a spirited manner, hide it and create an opportunity to destroy the opponent he should really destroy, instead of destroying and exposing himself for venting.

And this idea was quickly confirmed. With the visit of Black Dragon Rog, Lelouch finally learned who the real black man behind the attack was. He had to say that the truth was somewhat erratic, but Some are expected.

Borrowing a knife and killing it perfectly can also be stolen. This Prince His Royal Highness still plays!