MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1171 Recruit

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Levran's behavior is very direct. From the beginning, it seems that he did not intend to talk with Battel about the conditions at all. In fact, in the current situation, Battel is not qualified to negotiate with Levran. .

Although she entered the extraordinary realm, she was seriously injured and exhausted, and was suppressed by the more powerful Bujani. In this case, I was placed in front of Batel under the circumstance that I was a man-made sword. One option is either to sign a soul contract or to be invited by Levran to Yunokia. Of course, in order to prevent Battel from saying something that should not be said, it will definitely make him a dead body. Was handed over to Yunokia.

"Will you think about it ~ Mr. Battel?" Levran dangled the contract in front of Battel with a smile: "Ms. Yunokia has been concerned about black roses recently, and I believe she should be very happy See me making the right choice. "

"Yunojia, wait a minute. Are you talking about the female law businessman of the Big Three?"

Battel's expression became a little uneasy. From the perspective of Levran, it seems that the rumored three-legged business woman in the free city is the behind-the-scenes behind these extraordinary people tonight.

Levran sneered: "Should you not even know Yunokia's identity? Mr. Battel."

"Ha ~ I ca n’t say that I do n’t understand. As the city ’s three giants, and the same name as the last emperor of the Perlasian Empire more than two thousand years ago, I ’m not the only one who has stepped into the extraordinary field by luck. I think he is an invincible stupid person who is not stupid enough to provoke an opponent he doesn't know yet. "

"It looks like a smart person."

Levran was quite satisfied with Battel's self-knowledge.

The greatest difference between the person who has stepped into the extraordinary field after thousands of sufferings and trials by his own strength and the person who has easily stepped into the extraordinary field by picking up treasures with luck, is in the mind. The former knows what to call others because they spend more time, know more, and know what it means to be outsiders. The latter relies on luck to step up to become arrogant, as if the whole world is around itself. Just the same, most of these extraordinary people will wantonly think that by virtue of power, they can dominate and plunder others at will.

Fortunately, Battel happened to be somewhere in between. Once, Battel had an adventure when he was an ordinary human, but when he got the opportunity, he also caused a crisis and chose to walk in the dark. As an assassin, Battel on the road has habitually developed a mentality that is absolutely not familiar with manual hands, because he knows that there are too many existences in this world that are more powerful than himself, such as the Yunokia Miss.

After coming to this city, I also met a lot of extraordinary existence. Among them, some pretentious guys saw Yunokia as a prey that must be obtained, but in their own eyes, he was the last emperor of the Perlasian Empire. Fay concubine, a woman who has too many mysterious characters in history with exactly the same name, a woman who has the least hidden information in the free city, and has also established a mysterious lock in the city. Her strength is completely her identity It is a foolish thing to rashly treat it as a prey in a mysterious situation. At that time, who is who may prey may not be sure.

Battel carefully chose to stay away from this mysterious Ms. Yunokia, and even away from the two who are the Big Three. If she wanted to choose, she would rather start with a weaker force that was not paid much attention to, such as It is said that the gangs hidden on the dark streets of the city are just right for them.

"Why is that why Mr. Battel has been dangling out of the Black Rose recently?"

"It made you laugh, Ms. Black Rose."

What Battel can do now is only wry smile. Originally, Black Rose was the habitat of its own choice. This gang has just been established recently, but its development momentum is so fast that even the original largest blood gang has been torn apart. And the Havana cigarettes flowing from the black rose have created amazing wealth. The strength and wealth at the same time have the leader of the black rose, Le Fu Lan, is such a beautiful and touching stunner, he not only values ​​the black rose. The amazing potential of the company even valued this cold and wise black rose lady.

Wealth and beauty want it!

But now I have to say that the rose is really thorny, and this thorn is really very thorny,

However, he was not stunned. Battel has been carefully collecting information about the black rose. It has been determined that there is no character behind the black rose that he can't provoke, or the black Ms. Rose is not a member of the Transcendent, but unfortunately the intelligence has not yet collected the scandals in the Free City behind the scenes.

At first, the city defense team and the security team were working together to clear up the situation. Battel avoided the search because he did not expose himself too much to the outside. The opponent changed from a mortal to an equivalent superhuman, and even more terrible existence. In addition, the other party may have collected information before, and then there was a cleansing that was no different from the massacre.

"Well, let's get back to the topic, now Mr. Battel, can you sign it?"

"The situation now: I just don't want to sign, right?"

Levran nodded with a smile: "Of course, Mr. Battel, there are two options at the beginning, either signed the contract or turned into a corpse."

"Although I know it will be a terrible contract, can I find out what it is?"

"of course!"

For this indifferent attitude of requesting Levran, it does not seem to worry that Battel will use this to delay time. In fact, delaying time now does not make any sense.

Although the contract constructed by magic power is not as powerful as the real name contract, it is enough for Levran. Those who really know how to control people's hearts use cleverly constructed power structures, just like an emperor who is not as good as his generals. So brave and fierce, but he can let those who are brave and wary face their own trembling, and such things as contracts can only be regarded as crooked and evil. Levran does not want to rely too much on so-called contracts to control these extraordinary people. Using more contracts simply proves that he has no confidence in his wrist. As long as Battier becomes a member of the Black Rose, Levran will soon make him loyal like a dog, even if there is no contract. Bondage.

"Last question ┉"

After reading the contents of the contract, Battel looked ugly but gloomy and asked, "Who is Yunokia?"

Le Fulan smiled and did not answer, but got up to give up the position, and Lu Luxiu, wearing a Zero mask behind Le Fulan, came in at this time.

"Let me answer your question."

Lelouch, who walked in through the courtyard, watched the light of Geass brewing in Battel's eyes, but in the end Lelouch did not try to turn an extraordinary person into a puppet: "As you guessed, once Perl The last princess of the Russ Empire. "

"An old woman who has lived for more than two thousand years, T-M-D **** it!" Battel had long expected this answer: "I think she is not just the last princess of the Perlasian Empire."

"Of course ~ if you want to say, her existence may go back to the era when the gods were struggling ten thousand years ago."

Lelouch explained that some things were also hidden, but Battel was very uneasy. As human beings entered the extraordinary realm, the lifespan was indeed prolonged, but how can it be extended compared with long-lived races such as elves. There are no other opportunities and great strengths to break through six or seven hundred years, which is the limit. One lives for two thousand ~ No! A woman of thousands of years, Yunokia has probably exceeded the limits of a race named human, or she was not human at first.

No wonder there will be so many powerful transcendents surrendering to her, and to what extent has her strength grown to tens of thousands of years, this is something I can't even imagine. Poor fools who do n’t know the so-called fools, who are not as old as others but who want to treat others as their own.

Battel sighed with gnashing his teeth: "If I knew that this monster in the city was dominated behind the scenes, I should have left here long ago."

After talking about it, Battel mobilized the power in his body and concentrated on the fingertips to prepare to press the fingerprint on the contract. This is an unfair contract. It is severely unfair to himself. It can almost be described as squeezing, but he is still more than dying immediately. If you want to survive, or if this contract is oppressive, at least it is not infinite. The above stipulates that as long as you serve the Black Rose for 20 years, you can regain your freedom, although you can survive during the implementation of this contract. It's also a problem, but there is at least a bit of hope.

I have to say that this lady of black roses is also very deliberate. If this contract originally stipulated that she would be a servant of black roses forever and forever, then she would rather die now than want to be enslaved all her life ~ ~ But Ms. Black Rose has left a hope for herself, a hope that is too small to be traced, but evokes her desire to survive, and even desperately wants to seize it.

"What is your relationship with Yunokia?" Battel asked at the moment he was about to press his finger.

"Enemies," Lelouch answered without hesitation: "At least now."

Finally the assassin smiled bitterly: "Haha ~ It's really bad luck. For 20 years, I don't know if I can survive the first year."

After saying this, Battel ’s finger was pressed on the contract, and the departure of the contract formed by magic began to take effect to connect Battel with Levran ’s soul. From now on, Levran ’s order is to Batel Is his destiny.

"Welcome to join Mr. Black Rose Battier. From today you are our companion. Although it is a bit late, please introduce myself. In the free city, you can call me" ┉ "

Lu Luxiu opened his hand and shouted, "Zero! The leader of the Blackrock Knights."
