MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 24 First active contact

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snow! Is it going to snow again? ?

罗 Ai Luojieer looked at the snowflakes falling in the sky in surprise, as if she had seen snow for the first time in her life.

A few days ago, the violent snowstorm finally stopped miraculously, and the happy El Rozelle quickly led everyone to continue the journey. As the weather turned better, everyone seemed to see that the entire team was moving faster than before. Faster. According to the original estimates, as long as the weather continues, the team can cross the large forest into the western part of the mainland for half a month, and then it will be considered truly safe.

"Gresel we must speed up!"

Ai Luojieer shouted loudly to his companion, and now Ai Luojieer was very worried. Although everyone collected a lot of food during the short time when the heavy snow stopped, they made some simple cold-proof items with wide leaves, but There are too many teams and these supplies can not be consumed for a few days. There have been hundreds of compatriots who have died in the journey so many days after entering the forest.

格雷 Greysel followed behind and trot a few steps to Ai Luojieer: "It looks like the snowstorm is coming again, we had better find a place to avoid the snowstorm in advance."

"How many days can our food be eaten?" Asked Ai Luojieer worriedly.

"The food supply has been compressed, but it can still last up to 3 days." Grayther said with a heartache watching the girl's thin face.

During this time, everyone ate only a little bit of food almost every day. If the snowstorm is coming, they will not be able to collect food. Ai Luojieer was worried and thinking, if the blizzard is coming to delay the speed of the team, then the whole team can only meet the end of the total annihilation.

Mingming has come here, why did it become like this! According to previous data, the misty forest will stop during the summer time. Why is it still snowing this year. The thought of all his companions buried in the depths of this uninhabited forest, Elrojeel could not help crying.

Really a sentimental girl! Yalin looked at Ai Luojieer's expression through the system and commented that the girl's performance along the way was amazing. She cared about the safety of every compatriot. Her strong will supported her to lead everyone to the present, but maybe it should be corrected. Earlier, she was an excellent guardian but not an excellent leader! If you replace this elf girl with yourself, then you will definitely leave the wounded and weak who have delayed the speed of the team in order to preserve the team.

We will not leave anyone alone! This is a plot that often appears in Hollywood blockbusters, and it is also a lot of ridiculous lines! Of course, each time the protagonist who takes care of the wounded will survive to the end than the villain who left the wounded ruthlessly, but that is the situation that the protagonist's aura and plot need to appear. When faced with such a dilemma, the sacrifice is necessary Yes, sacrificing the ego to protect the overall situation is a qualification that a leader must have.

"Let's start the first phase of the plan." Yalin, watching the summoning system, instructed Shunetzel behind him.

"Your Majesty!"

The first step of the plan is to approach and guide this team, and guide their minds into the subconscious mind and hint.

The advancing elf team encountered a little trouble, and suffered an attack at the rear of the team. More than ten split-tooth wolves bitten several people after suddenly escaping, one of them bitten an elf boy in the chaos. As he stormed into the forest, three wolves that attacked the team were killed when El Rozelle and Gresel arrived, and the rest fled, and several elves walked towards the name. The child's cracked wolf chased after him.

"Is anyone going to chase! Then I will support them now." When I heard a companion chasing the cracked tooth wolf El Rochelle hurried up, Graysel also let go of the companion and then chased after the companion. Go up.

Soon after chasing Ai Luojieer, the two flew in the forest following the footprints and blood of his companion. After passing through a large tree, the companion's figure reflected in Aijieer's eyes, it seemed that the companions They all heard that they were holding their bows and arrows facing each other.

"What happened." Aijieer, worried in a few steps, hurried to his companion, and the next moment immediately surprised both Aijiejieer and the Gresel who arrived.

Four or five split-tooth wolves in the front have fallen into the pool of blood, but not the companions of Ai Luojieer did, because there were no arrows in the wolf, but the wolf's head was severely pierced by a dart. Creepy blood was constantly flowing with scarlet blood. The person who did all this was on a big tree in front of everyone, holding the child who had just been rescued from the mouth of the wolf, stepping lightly on the trunk as if standing on a flat ground, a stern mask covering them Look, only the pair of pointed ears betrayed their identities.

"Fine Elves !?"

Greysel looked at the three elves on the trunk and shouted in surprise, for a moment he seemed to forget that he was also an elf.

Seeing the arrival of the two, Frost Snow Elf holding the child lightly jumped off the tree branch and fell to the ground, watching the arrows towards his fugitives, Frost Snow Elf, walking slowly step by step, it seemed to feel When the fugitives got there, they gradually lowered their bows and arrows, and when they came to Ai Luo Jieer, the frost and snow elves passed the children who were still bleeding.

"Thank you, thank you."

At the moment when the child was handed over to El Rozaire, Frost Snow Elf took out a bottle of ointment and gave it to El Rozelle, then turned around and left straight away. El Rozelle carefully handed the child over. After taking care of the companions behind him, he couldn't help but asked, "Is that you also our compatriot?"

Stopped, Frost Snow Elf turned around and looked at Ai Luojieer for a while before he said, "You are about to enter our master's territory, step back and leave here immediately."

the host! ? Ai Luojieer looked at the silver-haired elf in front of him in puzzlement and said, "We have no intention of disturbing you, only we are now fleeing before we have to enter into the trance."

I didn't wait for Ai Luojieer to finish his words, and frosted Snow Elf interrupted politely: "Then you are just dying."

When Ai Luojieer was in a hurry and wanted to explain, the silver-haired elf jumped on the branch like a ghost and shuttled with his companion in the big tree and disappeared into the forest. No matter how Aijiejie called, the only thing left was The sound of the cold wind roaring.

He reluctantly returned to the team with surprise and doubts, and after finishing the team a little bit, Grayser came to Aijieer and asked, "What happened to the child's injury?"

Ai Luojieer, who was applying medicine to the little boy's wound, turned around and nodded, "The blood has stopped, and the medicine given by the elf works well. Take the rest of the medicine to others. Use it for the injured. "

结果 Greysel asked anxiously after she got the medicine bottle from El Rozaire, "What shall we do now?"

┉┉ "I ┉┉ we must move on." Ai Luo Jie said quietly with his head down.

"I don't think what the elves are saying is purely intimidation."

"But we have no way out". Ai Luojieer shook his head helplessly and said, "Even if we wait and retreat and still die, we can only have vitality if we move forward."

Continue to meet death? Greather recalled the words of those elves just now, but Airo Jie was right, there is no room for the team to retreat, whether it is food supplies or the mental state of everyone, and there may be Chasing troops, now retreating and immediately welcoming death is even more terrible humiliation and slavery than death.

Gresel nodded, but he still had to support El Rozelle through this difficult journey. "You are right El Rozelle, we can only move on."

虽然 "Although I don't know why our compatriots are in this forest and who the master they serve is, I hope our compatriots will have mercy on us."


Archmage Gretel was holding a delicate dart and looked at it. This was what Princess Luo Jie'an gave her a few days ago. According to the princess, the assassin's spear was hit by this dart. Therefore, the flight trajectory was missed and the target escaped a fatal blow.

After watching it for a while, Grete returned the dart to Her Royal Highness Princess, who was wearing a heavy trench coat to cover her appearance. She was riding a long-haired cotton bell sheep. Compared with the assassin incident that day, Grete was more concerned about the short stop of the snowstorm. A fire mage, a colleague of the Belika fortress, sent a message to himself that the mercenaries who had stayed near the fortress because of a blizzard had set off into the forest.

A bunch of stupid guys! After learning that the mercenaries hired by the slave merchants entered the forest, Grete dismissed the evaluation, because now the snow in front of her eyes began to slowly blow, although it was far from the previous terrible level, It is also a warning of a crisis. Those stupid mercenaries will be buried here if they are unprepared. At the same time, it also proved that what he had guessed and the materials that the teacher showed himself, the snowstorm did not form naturally behind it, and someone must have manipulated it behind it.

But what kind of existence would it be? Thinking of the silver-haired elf of some day, Grete's uneasy premonition became stronger and stronger.

"Master Gretel." A soldier rode a cotton bovine to Gretel and reported, "Master, we found several bodies in front."

"What! Show me over."

After hearing the soldier's return, Gretel rushed to the goat and Princess Luo Jie'an and Relis hurried to follow. After arriving at the location, Greet jumped down and jumped down the goat's fingers, and there were several frozen bodies lying in the snow. A soldier gently turned the body with a spear, and when the snow fell, the body revealed his features.

This is an elf! Rilith saw the identity of the corpse at one glance. It should be a member of the Elf team that she had seen one day. Seeing that the elf was wearing thin clothing, Relis sighed and shook her head in pain and all blame. Those **** slave merchants!

Princess Luo Jie'an stood behind Leilis, peered her head and looked at the pale face of the elf, and reluctantly retracted her head back.

After a little inspection, Master Gretel took a picture of the snow in his hand and instructed: "Okay, let's go back to the team!"

Following Master Grete, when Princess Luo Jie'an was about to ride a cotton boll sheep, a familiar feeling came to mind! It was the same feeling that day, and it seemed like something was attracting me.

"Wait for Master Gretel!" Princess Luo Jie'an immediately took out the spear behind her and watched around vigilantly.

"What's wrong?" For a while, it wasn't just Master Grett. Even a few soldiers next to him pulled out their swords carefully.

Watching Her Royal Highness Princess Gret's strange look did not hesitate to use a detection magic, the magic wave quickly spread around, through every big tree and each branch, without missing a radius of 200 meters Places to detect, but everything got nothing.

"There is no response to magic detection." Aside from the same magic, Relice also got the same result.

Although there was no response to the detection of magic, Gretel did not doubt Her Royal Highness's intuition for this ~ ~ At least one day, the magic enchantment around the camp was broken without any response: "The other party may have some way to avoid magic detection, be careful!"

After being alert for a while, the surroundings were still quiet. Only the sound of wind. Greet made a gesture to indicate that all people are concentrated. After walking carefully back to the team, Greet temporarily asked peacefully: "I still feel that way ?"

Princess Luo Jie'an looked complex and said, "Yes, Master Gretel, it's just weird! I can't always grasp the feeling accurately, but this feeling does exist."


Can the girl feel it even at such a long distance?

格 When Greet left with everyone, several shadows appeared on the tree in the distance! The frost and snow elf scouts sent by Yalin encountered a very troublesome situation for the first time. I do n’t know why, whenever trying to approach the human team, the silver-haired girls in the team could detect their approach.

Whether it is stealth, magic cover, environmental integration, the girl cannot be concealed by any means, and it seems that only her own party as the frost and snow elves will be found, because not a large number of teams on the way were attacked by a wildlife. The silver-haired girl didn't seem to have shown her imagination at the time.

无论 But anyway, now it is impossible to get close to this human sharp dance.

I must report this to the owner immediately!

The frost and snow elf scouts of AI level LV5 are very aware of the importance of this situation. After taking out the magic communication device, the frost and snow elf quickly reported the current situation.