MTL - Our Binding Love: My Gentle Tyrant-Chapter 239 Soul Return (2)

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"In fact, what I exploded was an explosion-proof system."

After she finished speaking, everyone wanted to run out as soon as her face changed, but late, the huge explosion began to flow one after another!

In countless wailing sounds, when Ye Mu was swallowed up by the fire, she suddenly returned to God what she did.

It turned out that her three souls only returned one soul, because her obsession has not subsided, so after she came back, she was surprisingly calm, as if she could do everything. So it turned out that she was obsessed only after she came back?

Throughout her life, she suddenly had a lot of memories in her mind. About Mo Linyuan and her modern one, it became alive! And she hadn't had time to express her feelings, the cold one in this world has been swallowed up by the fire!

She hadn't bid farewell to her father and hadn't had time to ask her friends carefully, but her life had come to an end. She tried her best and couldn't stay for another second.

Then, returning to one of these three souls in modern times, the life soul suddenly returned, Ye Mu suddenly took a long breath and sat up!

dream? Really? She looked at the antique room in front of her, and was a little confused. Why did she just feel that she had gone back to modern times and dealt with things very calmly and rationally?

She remembered that she seemed to have rescued her father, and she was inexplicably caught up in the experimental storm. In the end, she directly chose to end up with those who harmed her. All the pictures were like silent films.

Will she really go, or is she just dreaming? Is my father really well? Will the kitten take good care of him?

And Mo Linyuan? Why isn't he around her?

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