MTL - Our Mommy is the Best Investigator!-Chapter 17 Doubtful

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  Chapter 17 Doubts

  Chu Nanzhi brought half a plate of shredded pork with green peppers and fried eggplant in front of Erlao and Liu Qingbo, and said with a smile, "Erlao and Li are eating some more vegetables."

   It was rare for an outsider to speak for her, and she was inexplicably moved.

  Liu Qingbo also got up at this time and refilled the wine for the two elders.

  After the two old men reprimanded Lin Jinxiao, they felt relieved. They both shook hands and made peace, and ate the food Chu Nanzhi handed over in harmony, with joy on their faces.

  Nie Huai'an couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "We two old things have lived together all our lives. We haven't seen what kind of world. Our vision is not as good as that of a few little dolls."


  Chang Lao laughed heartily.

  Chu Nanzhi heard that Nie always praised her cooking skills.

   It seems that it has been recognized by the great Confucians.

  Yesterday, when Liu Yun and Chu Nanzhu came to the house, seeing that they all liked to eat the dishes they cooked, she began to think about opening a restaurant for their mother and daughter.

   Now that she has been recognized by two great Confucians in the world, she has further strengthened her mind.

   It's just that the investment to open a restaurant is not small. Even in a small county like Luyan Port, I'm afraid it will cost three to five hundred taels of silver to start it.

  She has to find a way to earn more money.

   Waiting for three rounds of drinking, Chu Nanzhi finally heard Mr. Nie mention his real intention for coming today:

   "Now the county lieutenant surnamed Liu has been imprisoned, so he will not die. Last night, County Magistrate Hu went to the humble house to propose to the old man, saying that he would recommend Da Lang to fill this position, and wanted to ask the old man for his opinion."

   As he said, he looked at Chang Yanjue deliberately, and said with a wry smile: "I know Chang is also very concerned about Da Lang's future. You and I have carefully cultivated him for these years, so we can't let him be trapped in the countryside like us."

   "It's just a county lieutenant, why should Mr. Nie come to discuss with me so condescendingly?"

  Chang Lao put down his wine glass and frowned slightly:

"The old man does not object to Da Lang's pursuit of fame and fame, but now the court is dark, and it is not the time to serve him. His Majesty is weak and childless. Several princes in Jingling City have been fighting openly and secretly for many years, so that the court only knows about party struggle and self-interest, regardless of the country's danger. Da Lang is pure by nature, and this old man is worried that he will fall into this quagmire sooner or later."

   As he spoke, he looked at Chu Nanzhi who was burying his head in his meal, and said worriedly:

"After learning that the tax and bank case was not done by Dongsang people, the old man always felt a little weird. Then Liu Ping, who was just a county captain from Jiupin, dared to embezzle 20,000 taels of gold for himself. But it’s a full two hundred thousand taels of silver, I’m afraid it’s not that simple.”

  Often reminded by the elder one, Chu Nanzhi reacted belatedly, recalling Liu Xianwei's behavior that day.

  The man confessed quickly without interrogation. How could such a cowardly and ruthless person dare to suddenly change his mind about such a huge amount of tax money.

  At this time, Nie Huai'an also stroked his beard and frowned:

"Chang Lao said that, but the old man also thinks it is very strange. If it is Dongsang people, it will be fine, but if it is the work of the county captain surnamed Liu, then the whole Luyan Port can hurt Dalang into such a state and still be able to recover from the whole body. I have never heard of the old man who retired, let alone he brought many good hands from the county government with him that day."

  Lin Jinxiao also thought of something at this moment:

   "Students fought with thieves that day. These people's skills are not like the third class of the county government office, and they are not like the reckless rivers and lakes. They are more like well-trained military personnel."

  Nie Huai'an immediately said: "Does Da Lang feel that this matter has something to do with the army?"

   “Students can’t decide.”

  Lin Jinxiao shook his head blankly.

   He never speculates on things without evidence.

  Seeing this, Chang Yanjue unconsciously shifted his gaze to Chu Nanzhi.

  For some reason, he had an inexplicable sense of anticipation for this woman at this time, and always felt that she would say something amazing in the next step:

   "Chu, what's your opinion on this?"

  As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a little regretful.

   Is it because I am too unreserved and not dignified?

   Actually asked a woman for advice on this kind of problem.

  Chu Nanzhi had just picked up a small piece of chicken and fed it into her mouth. Before she could chew it, she heard Chang Lao calling, and she was so frightened that she hurriedly put the meat back into the bowl.

  Looking around, seeing that everyone was looking at him with strange eyes, he suddenly felt uncomfortable.

  The four little guys sat at the door, and they also got together and started whispering: "Why would Grandpa Chang ask this bad woman, is she smarter than Dad?"

  Chu Nanzhi glanced at Lin Jinxiao. This guy looked at her as if a bottle of vinegar had been knocked over, with mixed flavors that were indescribable.

  She quickly replied: "Chang Lao was joking, how can I, a woman, understand this?"

  Cracking this case was only to save her life, she didn't want to think so complicated.

  Chang Yanjue didn't know if she was pretending to be something on purpose or if she really didn't know anything, so she could only sigh resentfully.

  When everyone was at a loss, Li Ce ran in in a hurry. Seeing that everyone first bowed their hands as a salute, and then said calmly:

"Reporting to the elders, someone from the county government came, saying that the county magistrate Liu and Taoist Ximen committed suicide in prison in fear of crime this morning. The county magistrate was about to close the case and report it, so he sent someone to send a letter to Nie's home. I found it in the village."

   "Why do you need to report this kind of thing to the old man, the old man is just a coward from the countryside."

  Being respected by others, Mr. Nie was happy in his heart, but he pretended to be bored and complained. Then he looked at Lin Jinxiao and Chang Yanjuan with some disappointment, and resentfully said: "It seems that this is the only way to close the case hastily."

  How did Taoist Ximen understand the principle that gold and mercury can be dyed white together, and whether Lieutenant Liu was instigated by others, these have become mysteries.

   What made him even more worried was that if the matter really involved the military and partisanship, the lingering flames of the partisanship would have infiltrated the lower-level officials, which would be very frightening.

  Old Chang also nodded worriedly, and said to Lin Jinxiao: "Dalang's leg may need to be raised for a while, so don't think about it for now, everything will be planned after the injury is healed."

   "Follow the teacher's instructions."

  Lin Jinxiao replied respectfully.

  Chu Nanzhi could hear that Chang always refused Lin Jinxiao to replace the county captain.

   This made her a little disappointed.

  If Lin Jinxiao can really be promoted to the post of county lieutenant and have a good future, then he will not cause a lot of gossip if he makes peace with him after he recovers his legs.

  But thinking about it carefully, I am not a flower protector, so I have no obligation to guard him all the time.

   Taking care of his legs and feet, helping the family through this difficult time is considered to be the most benevolent.

  When something like this happened in the county, the two elders didn't have the mood to stay here any longer, so they got up and said goodbye to Lin Jinxiao's family.

  But today, Chu Nanzhi's dishes really opened their eyes, and they ate very comfortably, so they were still reluctant to part before leaving.

  Chu Nanzhi also saw what the elders were thinking, and sent Lizheng and the elders outside the courtyard, pretending to beg:

   "Dalang's legs and feet are bad now, and he might be bored if he stays at home all day. If the two elders have spare time, please come and walk around more."

  The eyes of the two elders brightened when they heard this, Chang Lao changed his normal attitude, and immediately answered: "It's not difficult, but I have to trouble Mrs. Chu to prepare more side dishes like today."

  Old Nie was afraid of losing the wind, so he hurriedly said: "Don't worry, we two old guys don't eat free food, we bring our own ingredients."

   "Must satisfy the elders."

  Chu Nanzhi laughed.

  (end of this chapter)