MTL - Our Mommy is the Best Investigator!-Chapter 778 torrent retreat

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  Chapter 778 Rapid Retirement

   "Da Zhi, you are about to give birth now, you should be more careful, just leave the miscellaneous things in the house to the servants, and be careful not to get pregnant."

  Ji Huazhen lost her son, and now she regards Chu Nanzhi as half her daughter.

  Seeing that she has a big belly and has to take care of so many things, I feel very worried.

   "Jin Xiao is also ignorant. Government affairs are left to the officials of the state government. How can we ask Da Zhi to help with the management."

  Cui's two sons are also stationed in the north and the south respectively, and they are not around all year round. Now the only one who can make her feel close is this sensible student.

"I don't know how long it will take for Jinxiao to go north. Fortunately, we two old guys are here. From now on, let us take care of it with your mother. You can go to other things after giving birth with peace of mind. Not too late."

   After Cui Shiyu finished exhorting him earnestly, he felt some complaints towards Lin Jinxiao in his heart.

   "Don't worry, the two teachers and wives, I can't be idle anyway, so I can walk around and do what I can while I can."

  After Chu Nanzhi finished speaking, she led everyone into their seats, and ordered Achun and Abi to lead the servants to bring jasmine shrimp tofu soup.

  Ji Huazhen only took a sip, then hurriedly nodded with joy on her face and said, "It's really good. I didn't expect Jinxiao to have such a skill, but I have underestimated him."

   Cui tasted some and was full of praise.

Seeing that the two teachers and grandmas lost their temper at all, Sibao Lin Ruijia happily interjected: "My father has learned a lot of dishes from my mother, but it's a pity that he is not at home now. When my father comes back, I will definitely Let daddy prepare delicious food for the two masters and grandmas himself."

  Hearing this, the soup that Ji Huazhen just put into her mouth almost spewed out.

  Coughed a few times, and then replied with a stiff smile: "Your father is filial, and we are satisfied if you have this kind of heart, but your father is so busy today, how can you do these trivial things."

   It's only been a year, and the down-and-out prince that the two of them have been caring for is no longer what it used to be. I'm afraid it won't be long before I see him again, but I will kneel down and worship him.

  Let him cook and spread the word, and he will not lose his own life.

   Along the way, Chu Nanzhi is most grateful to the elders.

  If it weren't for the two of them, how could I have won the favor and approval of the emperor and ancestors so easily.

  The two veterans devoted their entire lives to the great cause of the imperial court, and they were dispatched to the bitter cold borderlands together with their sons.

  Now that she and Lin Jinxiao have embarked on the road of prosperity, she has never forgotten her original intention. Taking advantage of this time, she sincerely discussed with Ji Huazhen and Cui Shi:

"I brought the two masters to Langzhou this time, not just because the two elders had to take care of the affairs of the state capital for the poor husband. The brothers were all stationed at the border. The students wanted to wait until Jingling City was stabilized. We entered the capital together, and my poor husband can't live without the teachings of the two elders."

   After a moment of silence, she looked at Ji Huazhen with a smile, and said: "Besides, Mrs. Ji and the ancestor have been separated for many years, and the ancestor also misses you."

   It seemed that she wanted to keep the two elders from staying with Lin Jinxiao, but Ji Huazhen knew what this girl wanted. It was nothing more than a feeling of pity that she and the old man were old and there was no one around to take care of them.

She and Mrs. Cui looked at each other, and replied with a wry smile: "Da Zhi, your kindness is appreciated, but you are also aware of your Mr. Chang's body and bones. At the age of 10, it will be difficult for Jinxiao to help him stabilize the court if he stays by his side."

After a pause, the smile on her mouth gradually deepened: "When I just entered the mansion, I saw him and I was very happy when I saw your selection strategy. I have been with him for so many years. The last time I saw him so excited was last year. The day you were a student, it can be seen that he attaches great importance to this matter. Although I bear the title of your teacher's wife, I am not as insightful as you, but I also know that the official system of the imperial court has indeed reached the point where it needs to be reformed.

  Now that Jinxiao has passed through Yizhou, it will be a matter of time before he enters Jingling City, so let him burn the last embers of fire for you and your wife in Langzhou. "

  The so-called meritorious officials retire, which is probably the case.

   Once the emperor and the courtiers, even if your husband still has some prestige, but when the new king succeeds, this companion is like a tiger. It is really unpredictable what will happen in the future.

  Ji Huazhen knew that her husband and Mr. Nie already had the idea of ​​retreating bravely, so she didn't dare to make decisions for the two of them.

Mrs. Cui nodded understandingly and said in agreement: "Dazhi, your Mrs. Ji is right, both of your teachers are half-buried in the loess, if you can help the Langzhou government reform the official system this time, it will be considered a no-brainer." Our ancestors and His Majesty have valued them so much for so many years, and when Jinxiao enters Jingling City, it's time for us to return to our hometown to take care of our lives."

   "But I still want to learn swordsmanship from Grandpa Chang."

Dabao Lin Ruiwen didn't know why the two teachers and grandmas suddenly said these words. He looked at the two old people reluctantly, and begged in frustration: "Teacher and grandma, please promise your mother to come to Beijing with us. I will take care of you in the future." Yours."

   "Ruiwen, you guys are all good boys. When you enter Beijing in the future, you need to practice your homework well. Your father and mother will find better husbands for you."

  Ji Huazhen comforted her with eyes full of kindness.

  Chu Nanzhi also completely saw at this time that the two elders had decided to leave.

   Great sages like them who have been officials in the court for decades know the truth of being an official best.

  As Ji Huazhen said, now that Lin Jinxiao has entered Yizhou, the road to the north is basically unimpeded, and their mission of protecting the posthumous son of the former prince has come to an end.

  Kyoto is already a place where dragons' lakes and tigers' lairs lie. If I try to keep them forcibly, I may end up harming the elders instead.

After deliberating in her heart for a moment, she first comforted the little treasures: "Grandfather Chang, Grandpa Nie has been traveling around with us for so many days, and he is indeed very tired. After waiting for the two grandpas to help your father complete the reform of the government system in Langzhou, is it right?" They should be allowed to return to Luyan Port to live up to their old age, these days, you should follow the two grandpas and ask for advice."

  The little ones didn't dare to lose their temper when they saw their mother had spoken, so they had to obediently obey.

Sanbao Lin Ruichong pulled Ji Huazhen and Cui Shi, and said playfully: "Grandma, you also said just now that you will not return to Luyan Port until Aniang gives birth. There are still some days left, and then let me take you to Langzhou City to have a good time." Go around, Langzhou City is really fun."

   "Okay, as long as you are obedient, anything will do."

  Ji Huazhen looked at the cute little guy with warm eyes. When these people enter Beijing in the future, it may be hopeless to see them again.

   Therefore, she now cherishes the days with them very much.

  Looking at the young and old cuddling together, Chu Nanzhi felt extremely complicated at this moment.

  But there is no banquet in the world that never ends, no matter how much you feel reluctant to let go, the two elders have to leave when the time comes.

Sighing secretly, he murmured to Tang Weiming and said: "Mr. Tang, you can choose a few more nimble girls to serve in front of the two old ladies. The weather in Langzhou is not as humid as Luyan Port, and you are about to enter Xia, you must be extra careful in the courtyard of the elders, if you don’t have enough equipment to cool off the heat, go buy some as soon as possible.”

   "Princess, please rest assured, the slaves will be settled properly."

   After Tang Weiming answered with a smile, Chu Nanzhi felt much more at ease.

  I only hope that these days when the two elders are with me can make them live as comfortably as possible.

   In this way, it can be considered that they have not inherited their status as students in vain.

  (end of this chapter)