MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 25 Poison Road: Destruction

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This voice fell into Xu Qing's ears, and his eyes suddenly widened.

During the shortness of breath, he only felt the roar of his mind, and it was his dream to be able to attend the lecture. At this moment, he took a deep breath and bowed deeply to the tent.

"Thank you, Master!"

These four words, Xu Qing said very seriously.

After a long time, he stood up and left the tent.

On this day, when he looked back, he didn't see Master Bai, but he heard Master Bai's criticism of the young man and woman in the tent.

Ignoring this, Xu Qing was already filled with intense excitement.

When he returned to his residence, he immediately informed Team Lei about it, and Team Lei was also very pleasantly surprised, especially seeing Xu Qing's happy appearance, he smiled even more, and his heart was filled with emotion.

Although he didn't tell him the reason why the child in front of him frequently went to the restricted area during this time, he knew that the other party was looking for the flower of destiny to prolong his life.

In this cold world, how could he not cherish such a kind and righteous child who saved his life, but he couldn't bear to see Xu Qing who was tired every time he returned.

Seeing Xu Qing happy at the moment, Lei team is also very happy, so on the same day, Lei team cooked a quite sumptuous dinner for Xu Qing, during which he kept telling him to respect the teacher and respect Master Bai Wait, Xu Qing took them all seriously in his heart.

Xu Qing, who returned to the room after eating, was still in a state of excitement.

Thinking that she can go to the tent to listen to the class tomorrow, Xu Qing tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

In the midst of worrying about gains and losses, he suddenly thought of the scene when he and other children met the teacher for the first time when he was in the slum.

So he opened the leather bag and sorted it out, and finally took out a newer bag and put most of the spirit coins in it, as well as a lot of his Baidan.

In Xu Qing's perception, knowledge is priceless, and it doesn't matter if all his savings are given away.

But he had to consider the Thunder team, so he kept half of it.

After doing this, he breathed a long sigh of relief, silently closed his eyes, and began to practice breathing, waiting for the dawn.

This night was a bit long for Xu Qing.

Until the early sun lifted off, Xu Qing rarely changed into a new dress, washed his hands clean, and then walked out of the room.

Just as he was about to leave, he was stopped by the Thunder Team, who never got up early.

He told Xu Qing carefully, and Xu Qing nodded tirelessly and listened carefully. Finally, Team Lei helped Xu Qing organize his clothes and handed him a leather bag.

"You can't go into the tent to listen to the class empty-handed."

"I have." Xu Qing said softly.

Lei Dui stared, but he could see the persistence in Xu Qing's eyes, so he put away the leather bag, went back to the room and took out a jug of wine.

"I know Master Bai. He likes to drink. You can take it with you."

This time Xu Qing did not refuse. After taking the jug, he left the yard. After walking a few steps, he turned his head and waved at the Thunder Team standing there. He ran a few steps and went straight to Master Bai's tent.

Looking at Xu Qing's back, Team Lei smiled.

"This kid, I didn't see him so happy when he was allotting the clover."

Mixed with happy and nervous emotions, Xu Qing came to the place outside the tent where he had been standing for more than a month. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door of the tent.

"come in."

Hearing Master Bai's voice, Xu Qing lowered his head to check his clothes, and tugged at the front of his clothes to make it look neater, and then slowly opened the door. In addition to the guards, I saw Master Bai and the boys and girls sitting there in the tent.

When Xu Qing looked at them, they were also looking at Xu Qing.

Compared with Master Bai's calm expression, the expressions of the young and the young were much richer. Among them, the young man known as Chen Feiyuan was dissatisfied, while the young girl Tingyu was mostly curious.

Xu Qing withdrew his gaze, bowed deeply to Master Bai, then took out the leather bag and jug he had prepared, learned the way he did in the slum, and handed it out with both hands.

Xu Qing, who did not look up, and Master Bai, who had never seen this moment, had some softness in his calm eyes.

Master Bai didn't go to pick up the leather bag, but just took the pot of wine and took a sip in front of Xu Qing, as if it were some kind of ceremony.

"Let's start the class." Putting down the jug, Master Bai spoke slowly.

It was still the first review. Tingyu and Chen Feiyuan seemed to be on a par with Xu Qing. Apparently, they did their homework last night, and they answered very succinctly. After answering, they immediately looked at Xu Qing.

Xu Qing didn't go to see them, but looked at Master Bai and answered the other party's review one by one. After it was very comprehensive, Master Bai nodded and started the formal course.

Xu Qing listened very seriously, he cherished the opportunity to enter the tent, and the whole process was not distracted at all.

And Chen Feiyuan and Tingyu are the same, which makes Master Bai have some smiles in his heart.

In this way, more than ten days have passed, Xu Qing is also used to listening to the lectures in the tent, but the degree of seriousness has not decreased in the slightest, and the knowledge gained has become more and more abundant.

However, compared to him, Chen Feiyuan returned to his old appearance within a few days, but Tingyu was still comparing with Xu Qing and was very serious.

However, after the class, the two of them spoke more, but most of them were Tingyu curiously asking about life in the camp. Xu Qing was taciturn and just answered a few words.

And Chen Feiyuan was dissatisfied with Xu Qing from the beginning to the end, and he didn't say a few words.

Xu Qing didn't care about this. He was not good at socializing, so he would leave as soon as possible after class to go to the restricted area. The reason why Xu Qing went to the restricted area every day was now more grass and trees.

Before he didn't know the knowledge of plants and trees, all the flowers, plants and trees in the restricted area were no different in his eyes, but now they are different.

Xu Qing can often discover some medicinal herbs that he knows, and every time such a discovery, his understanding of herbs and trees will deepen a lot.

However, Xu Qing also slowly discovered that most of the restricted areas are yin and poisonous herbs, and there are not many positive yang herbs.

Therefore, his research on medicinal herbs has been mainly based on poison from the very beginning.

As those poisonous weeds were picked by him, he also built a simple house in the small canyon as a pharmacy for studying poisonous weeds.

With his physique that can detoxify toxins, Xu Qing is very bold in the research of poisonous weeds. After trying various combinations and combinations, he finally formulated an unknown venom.

This venom is made by mixing eight poisonous weeds, and then adding snake venom to prepare these nine substances.

The toxin contains strong corrosion. Xu Qing has tried it. A drop of it falls into the flesh and blood, and the corpse of the alien animal in the experiment can be turned into blood within five breaths.

But it's only so fast for corpses. For living creatures, for some reason, the time will increase a lot.

Even so, Xu Qing was already very satisfied with the first venom he had prepared in his life.

After he dried it into powder, he named it Zombie San.

As for Zhengyang herbs, although there are very few, but with the method of Yin and Yang, Xu Qing simply prepared some semi-finished medicinal liquids.

A small part of it is mixed with horse chestnut, which has some effect of suppressing heterogeneity. Xu Qing once asked Master Bai if he could cooperate with his to have a better effect on Thunder Team.

Master Bai told him that apart from the Destiny Flower, other things are useless, and his prescription will eventually fail.

This is indeed the case. Even though Lei Dui takes medicine on time every day, his physical weakness is still visible to the naked eye. Xu Qing sees it in his eyes, and his heart is silent.

Until this day, when the two were eating, Team Lei hesitated, but told Xu Qing that he felt that he was no longer suitable to stay in the scavenger camp, and planned to buy a residence right in a nearby city in the near future.

"Child, I know that your journey will never stop at this small camp, and your future will be farther, so I won't call you to retire with me."

The moment he heard these words, Xu Qing, who was eating, moved for a while. After a while, he lowered his head, was silent for a long time, and asked a question softly.

"Are you coming back?"

"Of course, I'll come back occasionally." Lei Dui raised his hand with a smile and touched Xu Qing's head for the first time. He felt in his heart that he didn't want Xu Qing to go to the jungle in the restricted area for himself.

Xu Qing instinctively wanted to avoid it, but he glanced at Lei Dui and didn't move, so Lei Dui's hand fell smoothly on his head, and while stroking lightly, Lei Dui laughed.

"Besides, you can come and see me anytime."

Xu Qing nodded heavily upon hearing this.

This night, Xu Qing opened his eyes many times during his practice and looked at Lei Dui's room.

This emotion was not buried in Xu Qing's heart until a few days later. In addition to going to Master Bai to listen to the class, he spent more time in the restricted area every day, trying hard to find the Flower of Destiny.

It's just that this kind of flower, as Master Bai said, is hard to come by.


Zhengyang is medicine, and vice versa is poison. I hope everyone likes the poisonous way of this book.