MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 502 Junior Brother, I am here! !

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The army crossed the border, setting off a momentum of engulfing mountains and rivers, and all the evil spirits in Fenghai County retreated.

The sky roared, the earth roared, and the intent of killing continued to rise inside.

When the tens of thousands of huge boats were galloping through the sky, Xu Qing left from Qingqin's right head and came to the frontmost huge boat in the Sword Court.

Xue Lianzi is here.

Xu Qing came here to inquire about the confinement of corpses. It was he who discovered it at the beginning. The big hand inside the bronze door left a deep memory on Xu Qing.

"The Corpse Forbidden Land is the same as other forbidden lands. It is formed by seeing the god's remnant face and opening his eyes twice."

"According to the records of the forbidden corpse in ancient books and many years of exploration, the first time the gods saw it countless years ago was an ancient bronze door in the depths of the forbidden sea, allowing it to enter, and the second time they looked at it. Door."

"In fact, this is not only the case in the forbidden area, but also in many restricted areas. They are all based on some special items. Therefore, some people analyze that every time the god's remnant face seems to open its eyes, it is looking for something. Of course, some people judge that the god's remnant face It is screening, but the specifics are unknown after all.”

If others asked, Xue Lianzi would not go into such detail, but if Xu Qing asked, it would be different.

He opened his mouth slowly, telling his favorite disciple and grandson in front of him everything he knew.

Xu Qing seemed to be thinking. He thought of the broken guzheng that he saw in the restricted area next to the scavenger camp in Nanhuangzhou with the help of the taboo of the seven blood pupils.

"And the Emperor of the Corpse Forbidden City is actually the aura emitted by the ancient bronze gate in this forbidden area and the life form that has been integrated into the heterogeneity for countless years."

"This is also the reason why the bronze door opened a gap, and it was devoured without any resistance. You can actually regard the forbidden area as a pasture to a certain extent."

Xue Lianzi looked at Xu Qing and spoke hoarsely.

"It's just that the rancher on the surface is just managing it on behalf of him. It's also a lamb, the real rancher, sleeping."

"They are all waiting, waiting for the third look at the god's residual face, and they will truly wake up in the bath of the third gaze, turning the area they are in into a god's domain."

This was the first time Xu Qing heard of this statement. After he was silent, he suddenly spoke.

"Then what about Huang Jin?"

"'s different." Xue Lianzi shook his head.

"The source of the Phoenix ban is not objects, but Yanhuang itself, and Yanhuang doesn't need to sleep, she is awake."

"Yanhuang can wait for the gods to open their eyes for the third time, or they can not wait and rely on themselves to advance."

"So, Yanhuang, it's different."

"Gah!" Qingqin's proud voice came from outside the giant boat.

Xu Qing was surprised, and turned to look at Qingqin outside the giant boat.

Qingqin didn't fly, it was a bit lazy, so its two paws each grabbed the huge boat, and it was hanging below it like an upside down, while its three heads were dangling back and forth, breathing out clouds and mist.

Noticing Xu Qing's gaze, it raised its right head, showing dissatisfied mood swings in its eyes.

Xu Qing understood this expression.

He understands that Qingqin wants to exterminate the clan...

"Senior, we are not in a hurry, there will be a chance." Xu Qing hurriedly reassured.

Only then did Qingqin's right head hang down, continuing to puff and puff to fade out a bird's cloud of mist, looking bored.

Xue Lianzi noticed this scene, thoughtfully, and sighed with emotion.

"Your master is a capable person. He accepted you and your senior sister as two disciples in his life. It is his blessing and your blessing, so you should live well and grow well. Don't think about other things. I can still jump around with the old man, I will protect you!"

Xue Lianzi glanced at Xu Qing, and his admiration became stronger.

"Ah? Me and Senior Sister? Aren't there Senior Brother and Third Senior Brother?" Xu Qing was taken aback.

"They? Hehe, I forgot." Xue Lianzi snorted coldly.

"My generation of monks cannot be influenced by lust. Your third senior brother was originally good, but he insisted on hooking up with the saint of the Taisi Xianmen, but he failed to escape from marriage. He was caught by the Taisi Xianmen. I got it back."

"Now he has become a human race in the Taisi Xianmen. Look at how miserable he is. This is the end of insufficient cultivation!" Xue Lianzi looked annoyed.

"If he's cultivated enough, like your master, with a stare, which Taoist companion and his family would dare to say no?"

Xu Qing looked strange, and glanced at the ancestor, not sure if the other party's words had other meanings.

"It's so horrible now, your master is too lazy to save him, and I don't want to ask for someone."

"As for your senior brother... for some reason, he also started to cheat. I wrote to your master half a year ago, asking your master to help him propose marriage to a man named Tao. Just know it!"

Xu Qing blinked, but said nothing.

"You are still good fourth, you have to remember, my generation of monks does not mean cutting off lust, but this kind of thing is not the point, cultivation is the most important thing."

"When you arrive in Guixu, what kind of Taoist companions can't be found. Tall, short, fat, thin, all kinds of female cultivators are lined up for you to choose."

"Master, I am an experienced person, you listened to me right, you have to work hard!"

Xuelian Ziyu has a long heart.

Xu Qing hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice.

"Second Senior Sister and Huangyan are also there..."

"That's different!" Xue Lianzi coughed, glanced at Qingqin outside, and said nothing more.

Xu Qing was a little surprised. He noticed Xue Lianzi's gaze, and the scene that Huang Yan noticed when he used the taboo magic weapon of the seven blood pupils to look at Huang Yan appeared in his mind.

At that time, he felt that Huangyan was a bit difficult.

"It seems that Huang Yan said that he has a brother in the county capital and asked him to take care of me..." Thinking of this, Xu Qing suddenly had an unbelievable thought in his mind, his heart skipped a beat, and he instinctively looked at Qingqin.

Qingqin agreed so easily before, but Xu Qing still didn't know why.

After pondering, Xu Qing pressed the matter to the bottom of his heart, and he was going to find an opportunity to ask Qingqin.

And just like that, time passed.

Under the arrangement of the sword holding court, the army of Yinghuangzhou launched a large-scale teleportation, which shortened the journey to Quzhaozhou. Three days later, the army was only three hours away from Quzhaozhou.

During these three days, Xu Qing stayed by Xue Lianzi's side, and had some understanding of what happened in the sect during his absence.

At the same time, he also went to the Great Elder many times to inform him of what he knew about the frontline and the real-time information he had received about the skirt from Commander Shu, and planned a coordinated strategy.

"The skirt of Quzhaozhou is at the edge of the territory of the Yi tribe. It is not a jungle, but a huge black shroud."

"This shroud contains ominousness and is filled with heterogeneity. All the creatures who enter are like stepping into a dark world that is completely isolated from the outside."

"The essence of this disaster is the recovery of this black shroud."

"The ones who bear the brunt are actually not the sword-wielding court and the human race in Quzhaozhou, but the Yi tribe."

"The Yi clan is actually not the original clan of Quzhaozhou. They are a new clan that was born inside after the remnant face of the gods came and the skirt was formed."

"They reject death and yearn for beauty. They don't fit the environment of Yijin, so they split off and formed a family of their own. Because of this, they are incompatible with Yijin."

"So guarding the clothing ban on weekdays is the instinctive behavior of the Yi people."

"This time, Quzhaozhou gathered the power of a state, and the seal of the clothing ban is almost completed. According to the information given by Quzhaozhou's Sword Court, the situation has been largely brought under control."

These are the information that Xu Qing received and compiled by Qing Qiu, and the Great Elder also has some understanding of this, but it is still not as comprehensive as Shu Lingsi's summary.

"Then this time, with our help, we can speed up the completion of this seal like a corpse restraint." The Great Elder said in a deep voice after hearing this.

Xu Qing nodded, his eyes swept across the expression of the Phantom Spirit Venerable who had shrunk to an ordinary person behind the Great Elder.

As a prisoner, she has no personal freedom, so she was also taken into the army


Sensing Xu Qing's gaze at this moment, You Jing snorted and ignored it.

Xu Qing glanced, didn't pay attention, and discussed with the elder again, as the army got closer to Qu Zhaozhou, he left the giant boat and returned to Qingqin's right head.

Taking advantage of the time when he was about to reach Qu Zhaozhou, Xu Qing thought of some of his previous guesses, so he spoke softly.

"Senior Qing Qin, do you... know Huang Yan?"

"Huh?" Qingqin was poking the feathers on each other's necks, and the three heads blinked at the same time.

Xu Qing looked at him and asked tentatively.

"Senior Qingqin, why don't we communicate with each other?"


Qingqin's eyes showed dissatisfaction, as if it was more persistent in relying on Ga Yin to convey its own language, so the three heads were shaking their heads, and were about to continue Ga Yin, but the next moment its three heads suddenly shook, and they all looked into the distance.

Not only that, but the Yinghuangzhou army in the sky also immediately released magical fluctuations and locked on the front.

Qu Zhaozhou, here we come.

The reason why everyone was so dignified was because the extremely strong breath of death rose from the land of Quzhao Prefecture, changing the sky and changing everything.

In Xu Qing's memory, the land of Quzhaozhou is dominated by plains, especially the place they entered now, which belongs to the territory of the Yi people.

The Yi tribe occupies almost the second floor of Quzhao Prefecture. Their existence makes the land colorful and beautiful.

But now...the place is covered in gray and white.

It was a gigantic shroud!

If you look carefully, you can see that the shroud is composed of countless Yi tribes, and they merge with each other to form such a vast shroud.

There are clothes, pants, hats, gloves, and all kinds of clothing, but the colors are no longer colorful, but uniform gray and white.

Terrifying fluctuations emanated from the shroud, affecting the sky, making the sky here dark, like the color of a decaying corpse, making people feel oppressed.

And the earth is gray and white, withered and decayed, exuding a strong breath of death, and even a scan of the mind can detect that the Yizu who made up the shroud are all dead.

This is the cloth they made from corpses.


Xu Qing was silent.

With the entry of the army from Yinghuangzhou, the group of them finally saw the army composed of all clans and ethnic groups in Yinghuangzhou during their continuous march.

There are more than one million of them. Under the command of Quzhaozhou Sword Court, they are scattered on the edge of the huge shroud. Lift up and slowly cover forward.

There are also taboo magic weapons with different shapes, surrounded by the sky, emitting strands of silk threads, connected with the shroud, and lifted them up with all their strength.

And what was covered by them was a huge black shroud. Compared with it, the monks were like ants, insignificant.

Only the huge shroud is the most conspicuous.

At this moment, in this covering, it has been covered to the chest of the shroud, and at the same time, there are dozens of Guixu major repairs, led by the elder of Qu Zhaozhou's sword holding court, who are launching supernatural powers to bombard the shroud.

What fought against them was a hideous figure formed by the black air emitted from the black shroud.

There are all ethnic groups in it, wearing the same black shroud, exuding amazing heterogeneity.

And at the bottom, the black shroud itself is like an abyss, giving people a terrifying and evil meaning, countless black twists and turns, as if struggling with all their strength.

Bursts of shocking low growls came from inside, and at the same time they were earth-shattering, accompanied by breaths.

Every time he exhales, there is an eruption of a black mist of death. Wherever he passes, those Guixu monks have to avoid it, and the shroud will also shake at this time.

This is the seal formed by Qu Zhaozhou gathering the power of one state.

The arrival of Yinghuangzhou has already attracted the attention of Qu Zhaozhou, and the monks of all ethnic groups are excited.

the way

In the morning, Xu Qing had already contacted the Sword Court in Qu Zhaozhou with his own authority, so they were not surprised, but had been waiting for a long time.

"Thank you Xu Shuling for your help! Thank you fellow Taoists in Yinghuang Prefecture for your help!"

"Please use your suppressive power and cooperate with me to complete the seal!"

The Great Elder of Quzhaozhou's sword court is a middle-aged monk. After sweeping his eyes across the army of Yinghuangzhou, his expression was excited.

Xu Qing nodded. He knew that this was not the time to exchange pleasantries, so after gently stroking Qingqin, Qingqin let out a roar, and was the first to rush out, throwing a beam of his own divine light directly at the black shroud.

When the divine light fell, the hideous figure formed by a large amount of black air suddenly collapsed, and a roar came from inside the shroud as it shook.

At the same time, the monks from Yinghuang Prefecture also rushed out. Under the command of various sects, they sat down cross-legged in the formation of the Yin and Yang formations in the Sword Court, and the sound of chanting echoed again.

"I contain the spirit of the heaven and the earth, and the curse of the Tao seals the ghost."

"The way of yin and yang is sealed, and it cannot be violated."

The color of the sky and the earth changed, the wind blew up and the clouds were surging, to welcome the suppression of Huangzhou, in the twinkling of the yin and yang, and in the reverberation of the scriptures, they descended from the sky and suppressed them with a loud crash.

The ground rumbled, and the black shroud trembled obviously, and the addition of Yinghuangzhou also made the exhausted Quzhaozhou cultivators arouse their spare energy, covering and spreading the shroud at a faster speed.

At this moment, Xu Qing, who was standing on the right side of Qingqin, swept across the black shroud, his sound transmission jade slip suddenly trembled, and a long-lost voice came from inside.

"Little brother, I'm here! I saw you, you're finally here, come and help me!"

Xu Qing's eyes froze. After he and the captain separated from the ten intestine tree, there was no news from each other. If it wasn't for the firm belief that the captain would not die even if he only had his head left, Xu Qing would have thought that the captain had died.

So he was always worried.

Even at this moment, in this forbidden room, he actually heard the captain's voice.

Xu Qing looked sharply.

Under the black shroud that covered most of it, among the many figures formed in the endless thick fog, there was a figure waving at Xu Qing, whose appearance was vaguely similar to the captain.

Due to the distance and the hazy fog, Xu Qing could only see a vague outline, and the other party also emitted black air. At first glance, it was not much different from the hideous fog shadows produced by other clothes. .

So after Xu Qing took a look, suspicion arose in his heart.

"I've never heard that the power of clothing can produce hallucinations..."

"It's not an illusion! Little Aqing, come and save me!"

Xu Qing raised her eyebrows, stood on Qingqin's right shoulder, lowered her head and looked carefully, her eyes fixed on the figure suspected to be the captain, and gradually saw the black mist rolling behind him, big hands formed, as if filled with madness and anger, The look of grabbing it.

In this scene, it was obvious that he had done something outrageous.

Seeing this, Xu Qing confirmed the identity of the other party.

"Senior Qingqin, that person is my senior brother, please trouble you old man..." Xu Qing said to Qingqin.

Qingqin was constantly shining its purple-red light all around, and every time it was swiped, it caused many figures in clothes to collapse, and it took the opportunity to **** the three heads back and forth, like drinking wine, and drank happily.

After hearing Xu Qing's words, Qingqin shook her head.


With a bang, its huge body rushed straight into the dense fog below the clothes bar, and all the clothes clothes figures that rushed out of the place they passed made shrill sounds, either being scattered by the light, or being directly smashed to pieces, or It is directly swallowed alive.

In the blink of an eye, Qingqin took Xu Qing deep into the clothes.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of Yinghuangzhou and Quzhaozhou's sword-wielding courts. The expressions of the two elders changed and they rushed out at the same time.

Xu Qing's current status is extraordinary in their eyes, and there is no room for loss.

Also, Xue Lianzi's speed was also very fast. He was obviously not as good as the two elders, but he was the first to rush towards Xu Qing.

After all, he is his own child. On this battlefield, in his eyes, the seal is also good for the lives of others.

Regardless of death, the safety of his family is the most important thing, so he never left too far.

At this moment when the three of them rushed out, Qingqin had already led Xu Qing deep into the clothing prison again. As it sank, everything around it became dark, and thick heterogeneous substances gathered from all directions, and at the same time came from inside the clothing prison. The roar became louder and louder.

As for the fuzzy figure of the captain in front, it is much clearer than before. He is rushing out from the restraint with all his strength, but the countless big hands behind him are about to catch up at this moment.

At the critical juncture, the captain also fought hard, with madness in his eyes, and with a flick of his body, countless eyes suddenly grew out of his body, all of them detached from his body, went straight to those big hands, and exploded after being embedded in them.

Amidst the roar, many big hands exploded directly. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the captain rushed out and went straight to Xu Qing.

"Little Junior Brother!" The captain raised his right hand, trying to grab Qingqin, but the distance between the two sides is only a hundred feet at the moment.

For Qingqin, the length of hundreds of feet is within reach of the probe, but at the moment when Qingqin's right head is about to go, suddenly the expression of its three heads changes instantly, and the feathers all over the body stand upright.

An intense life-and-death crisis rose up in his mind.

A terrifying coercion erupted from the depths of the clothes, roaring the world, shaking all directions, Xu Qing and Qingqin were the first to bear the brunt.

There was even a low growl like thunder, and the clothes guard behind the captain roared out.

"The villain!"

In this roar, more big hands appeared, with black veins bulging, looking more ferocious, faster, and grabbed the captain.

Even under these big hands, in the deepest part of the cloak, a pair of red eyes suddenly opened, filled with madness and anger, rapidly growing in size.

Apparently, the face where the eyes were located was rapidly approaching.

Seeing this, the captain suddenly panicked, and the madness in his eyes became even worse. He raised his right hand and turned into a long knife, which cut across his neck and cut off his head.

Then the headless body turned, and with all its strength, it raised its right foot and kicked it **** the head, kicking it directly towards Xu Qing like a ball.

After crossing hundreds of feet and being grabbed by Xu Qing, the captain finally breathed a sigh of relief, and Qingqin also retreated suddenly.

Almost at the moment when the captain's head was grabbed by Xu Qing, hundreds of meters away, the captain's headless body was swallowed up by a big mouth that suddenly appeared, and at the same time, a huge face also appeared there.

This huge face seemed to have been soaked in water for a long time, rotted and swollen, extremely disgusting and ferocious, exuding a strong stench, chewing with all its strength in the mouth, as if hating to the limit.

Its eyes were red with madness, locked on the head in Xu Qing's hand at this moment, roared again, set off a monstrous black mist, and rushed towards Xu Qing violently.

Qingqin let out a roar like piercing gold and cracking stones, flapped her wings with all her strength, and her cultivation level exploded, making herself faster, and she rushed out of the clothing restraint in the blink of an eye.

Just as the huge face was about to chase it out, the two great elders and Xue Lianzi shot away at the same time, and Yinghuangzhou's suppressive power erupted and suppressed it fiercely.

With a bang, the face roared and shocked the sky, and it rushed forward, but the captain's head was farther away, it struggled violently under the madness, and wanted to chase after it.

But at this moment, Qu Zhaozhou's shroud has rolled up quickly, and the moment the face breaks free and continues to chase, it passes over it.

In the next moment, a roar filled with endless aggrieved and angry came muffled from under the shroud, and soon the face protruded from the shroud, as if trying to break through it.

"You villain, I'm going to kill you!"

The roar was shocking, revealing extreme hatred.

However, the converging power of the two prefectures, the repressive force is astonishing. Under the reverberation of the scriptures, under the seal of the monks of all ethnic groups in Quzhao prefecture, the shroud continued to cover forward, and the protruding face could not be broken after all. was suppressed.

But the roar remained.

"Evil thief! Shameless! I must eat you, crush you, and swallow you!"

The ghost in the distance was moved when he heard the voice, and obviously remembered his own misery, and with empathy, he couldn't help cursing in his heart.


Thief, I will never let you go, I will kill you sooner or later, swallow you, eat you! "

But at this moment, Xu Qing was on the right side of Qingqin in the air, looking at this scene and listening to all of this, his expression was strange and at the same time his heart palpitations were very strong.

He glanced at the suppressed but still struggling face on the shroud below, then turned to look at the captain's head in his hand.

At the same time, Qingqin's head in the middle and on the left side also stared at the captain, as well as the two great elders of the sword-wielding court and more monks from Erzhou, all looked at the captain's head one after another.

This scene immediately made the captain take a deep breath, and after reacting, he quickly spoke loudly.

"I've done it!"

"I have made great contributions to Sword Holding Palace, and I have made great contributions to Qu Zhaozhou!"

"Do you know why this brainless guy in the forbidden area failed to fully recover in the end, because I, with my identification with my own sword-bearer, with the determination to save Qu Zhaozhou, with love for the human race, risked Huge life and death, go to the depths of the forbidden clothes alone!"

"Finally, at the moment when this big brainless guy came back to life, I succeeded in biting his soul heart a few times, making him incomplete!"

"This, led to his recovery, there was an accident!"

The captain was a little anxious. He knew very well that his appearance and actions this time could easily cause misunderstandings, which was why he immediately explained it.

Once it is believed that he caused the disaster of clothing ban, then the trouble will be great.

He also didn't expect that he was just going to play with his friends back then, and unexpectedly encountered earth-shattering accidents, and now that he escaped from a narrow escape, millions of monks from the two prefectures gathered in the world he saw.

Everyone's eyes seemed to be unfriendly, and he, who didn't know anything about the outside world, couldn't help being anxious when he saw this scene.

He felt that in this battle, UU Reading seemed to kill him easily.

Thinking of this, the captain shuddered a bit, feeling even more aggrieved, and lamented in his heart that this was indeed not caused by himself!

And those words of the captain fell into the ears of the surrounding people. They had different expressions. Qu Zhaozhou didn't seem to believe it. After all, the huge face below was still roaring...

As a result, most of the people in Quzhaozhou looked at Xu Qing and the great elder of Yinghuangzhou.

The elder of Yinghuangzhou frowned slightly.

He was very impressed with Chen Erniu, and at this moment he was weighing the authenticity of the other party's words, so he looked at Xue Lianzi.

After all, this Chen Erniu was Qi Xuetong's disciple.

Xue Lianzi straightened his expression and spoke solemnly.

"Chen Erniu is one of the best disciples of my Qixuetong. He grew up in Qixuetong since he was a child. He is honest and honest. The words of the old man believe it.”