MTL - Outside Of Time-v19 Chapter 523 Destiny Dao baby environment

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Chapter 523: Destiny Dao Infant Realm

The team members are tangled.

Xu Qing frowned.

They tried it before when they retreated. The nine phoenix palaces in the area of ​​the flesh and blood city wall are full of strange power. When they get close, they will reappear, and if they stay away, they will decay. The changes there are determined according to who comes.

But if the distance is too close, unpredictable things will happen, people will fall into a distorted state, and time will pass unknowingly. "Little Ah Qing, do you remember what you said just now that you looked familiar? Was it very strong?".

The captain suddenly spoke.

"Very strong." Xu Qing nodded.

"In this case, do you think it is possible? We have explored this place too many times in the past three days."

"Although I also have a sense of familiarity, but it is very slight, so is it possible that every time you explore, you are the one who went in? So your sense of familiarity is stronger than mine?" The team leader looked at Xu Qing. Xu Qing narrowed his eyes and spoke softly.

"If this is the case, we didn't receive the message from Ling Jian just now, and we are aware of the passage of time, then according to the follow-up development, I will ask you to help me, big brother. I may use the protection of the broken hand to integrate myself into it, so that you can take the broken hand. hand in."

"In this case, there is a high probability that I can pass the restriction, and I will be able to explore the Fengniao Palace when I walk out of the severed hand inside the flesh and blood city wall."

After Xu Qing finished speaking, he looked at the severed hand, wanting to find evidence from it, but the severed hand has the ability to recover, and looking at it now, it seems that there is not much change.

However, in the subtleties, some traces of flesh and blood could still be seen. This discovery made the two of them focus their eyes.

There was a gloomy light in the eyes of the captain.

"So, you have indeed explored it many times, but you obviously can't remember what you saw inside...Little brother, think about it carefully and see if you can recall it."

Xu Qing pondered and recalled carefully, but there was no flaw in the memory in his mind, everything was connected perfectly, and he couldn't find any flaws.

Xu Qing frowned, it was indeed similar to what Ding Yisaner had experienced back then, but there were differences. Ding Yi San Er is a phenomenon of two layers, one outside and one inside.

Due to the influence of the power of luck, there is a relative balance there, which makes what normal people see are all external appearances. However, the inner truth exists all the time, and it is right in front of you, but most people can't see it, but its influence still exists.

And once someone wakes up due to various accidents and sees the truth under the external appearance, then his cognition will be changed when he leaves, and everything will be forgotten. Bing or qq browser @

The captain's eyes narrowed.

Xu Qing raised his right hand, and the stone lion and the head were sucked out at the same time as the body shook. After falling on the ground, the head learned to be smart this time, and quickly put on a flattery and spoke loudly.

"Greetings, I respect the great and supreme Lord Guardian!"

The stone lion had no head and could not open its mouth, but its tail swung rapidly and it prostrated itself on the ground. The captain had seen the head, but had never seen the stone lion. Now that he saw it, he showed interest and took a few glances.

"Little brother, these are all your friends. I have seen that head before, and I thought it was a bit interesting at the time. And this lion, it looks very good. I can smell the cloud beast on it. In addition... you The two friends are very strange, not only have luck, but also have been cursed, these two forces seem to be in balance with each other."

"The ability to achieve a balance with luck means that the curse is likely to come from the gods...Little brother, have you ever heard a word called being a tiger's minion? That minion means ghosts. It is rumored that people who are killed by tigers will become a kind of ghost." Special ghosts surround it, and you two friends are the ghosts!"

The captain smiled but wasn't smiling.

When the stone lion heard these words, he trembled suddenly, his head widened and his eyes widened. He quickly glanced at his teammate, feeling suspicious in his heart. This was the second time they met someone who noticed something abnormal at a glance. The first one is Xu Qing, and the second one is the person in front of him.

"He called Xu Motou little junior brother. They are from the same sect, and they really have a good relationship with the devil. They are all monsters!" Brain Core Ji, who was summoned by Xu Qing before, was crushed immediately, and was taken back instantly after recovering. .

At that time, all my attention was on that terrifying existence, so I didn't take a closer look at this second person. At this moment, I couldn't help but activate my ability to take a closer look.

After this glance, his head suddenly screamed, and his eyes burst open.

"Mouth, countless mouths, iron chains, iron chains from the Nine Nether... seals, endless seals, oh my god, what is this I see, divine skeletons, countless divine skeletons!"

With a bang, his head exploded. Xu Qing looked at the captain, who had an innocent face.

The stone lion trembled even more.

After a long while, his head came back to life again, trembling and quickly lowered his head, extremely well-behaved, full of flattery, he didn't dare to look at it, and the ultimate wailing echoed in his heart.

It remembered the third person whom Xu Qing summoned and saw before.

Although Xu Qing took it away quickly at that time, it trembled for a long time in Ding Yi San Er, because he really felt that the third person was too scary, so scary that it didn't dare to activate its own ability. ....

"These are the three great horrors!",

Xu Qing was also curious, even though he knew that the team members had many secrets, the reaction in his head was a bit too big, but he also knew that this was not the time to ask questions, so he looked at his head with cold eyes, and opened his mouth lightly.

"Both of you, go and fetch me the purple vial there. If you behave well, I will commute your sentences as appropriate."

"The great guard, it doesn't really matter whether the sentence is commuted or not, as long as it can..." the head spoke quickly, but the words didn't finish.

The stone lion on the side has raised its two front paws, stomped **** the ground, turned around and rushed...

Seeing this, his head became anxious, and quickly rolled away, even flying up and landing on the stone lion's neck, heading straight for the decaying land surrounded by the flesh and blood city wall.

Watching Xu Qing observe closely, the team leader also narrowed his eyes.

"Can they work?"

"They are all prisoners of Ding Yisaner. If you have been immersed in Ding Yisaner for a long time, it should be fine."

After Xu Qing explained the principle of Ding Yi San Er, the captain's eyes brightened.

"There is such a magical place in the Prison Division!"

After saying this, the team leader saw Xu Qing's expression was gloomy, and knew that he remembered the life of the prison secretary, the palace master, and the peace in the past, so he sighed deeply and patted Xu Qing. Qing's shoulder, and then pointed to the distance.

"It's really good!"

Xu Qing looked up, and at this moment the stone lion with its head on its head was approaching the city of flesh and blood while running fast.

The walls jumped up, it seemed that because of their special existence, the restraining power here had no effect on them.

Xu Qing saw with his own eyes the stone lions leaping into the city wall of flesh and blood, circling in circles, as if looking for them, but the purple vials were not far away, but they couldn't find them.

Xu Qing frowned.

But soon things got better, it seemed that it was the head's idea, they separated from each other, and then slammed into each other, each shattered and fell to the ground.

Soon, they revived each other, dashed forward for a certain distance energetically, and then hit death again, repeating the cycle, they gradually approached the purple vial.

"These two things are actually smart. They use the moment of death and resurrection, and use the luck and curse in the body to blend together to explore the surroundings."

The teammate laughed.

Xu Qing nodded.

Under their witness, the stone lion and the head died more than ten times before they finally came to the purple vial. Without any hesitation, the head opened its mouth to grab the vial, and quickly returned with the stone lion.

And as they left, the half statues that existed in that decayed area began to mold the lake until they became fly ash and dissipated.

Then the surrounding flesh and blood city walls swarmed up and completely covered it.

During this process, the stone lion and the head also rushed back until they returned to Xu Qing's side. The head let go of the purple vial hanging from his mouth, and was about to continue to please, but Xu Qing put them away with a wave of his right hand .

The team leader squatted down and picked up the purple vial. The moment he touched it, his body trembled visibly. When Xu Qing was concentrating, the team leader recovered, his expression was full of disbelief, and he took a deep breath.

"This is... the bottle of time!"...

After finishing speaking, the captain instinctively looked around quickly, then grabbed Xu Qing and left quickly.

Xu Qingxin was full of doubts, but he saw the seriousness of the captain, so he held back his mouth until he and the captain left here completely. After arriving at a relatively safe place, the two squatted inside the severed hand, and the captain breathed. Thick, with a strong light in his eyes.

"Brother, what is the bottle of time?" Xu Qing asked.

The captain hissed, checked the surroundings again, and made sure there was nothing wrong with it, and arranged some seals. After covering this place, he was extremely excited and spoke immediately.

"Little Ah Qing, this time I made a lot of money!!"

Time bottle, I have seen descriptions in some ancient books. This is a thing that only the royal family can use in the Xuanyou ancient emperor era. The number is very small. Any one born will cause the royal family to focus. If a non-royal person hides it privately, he will be exterminated, which is a serious crime. "

"It's said that when Emperor Xuanyou left this world with the royal family and some human races, he took all the time bottles with him. How could there be another one here!"

Seeing Xu Qing was puzzled, the captain spoke in a low voice. "The time bottle has an unpredictable origin. Throughout the ages, not many people know its true origin, but the ancient emperors who have unified the ancient world will collect it."

"Legends are just legends. The time bottle contains the huge secrets of the ancient world. Some people say that there is a way for the ancient emperor to break through the shackles of himself."

"Some people even say that the time bottle contains a supreme inheritance."

"You can say anything, and the number of time bottles is an era, and one will be born by itself."

"In short, it is mysterious and unpredictable, and it is regarded as the exclusive property of the royal family."

"However, for countless years, it seems that no one has really cracked the secret inside, but this bottle can retain time on its own, and at the same time, it also has the effect of a container, so that the items will not rot."

"Junior brother, I know why that area was mysterious before, because for a period of time, it was trapped by the time bottle, and it continued to disperse, and the cycle continued."

When Xu Qing heard about this item for the first time, he was also very surprised. He instinctively thought of the wish box and the sound-catching bottle, so he asked about it.

"The wish box and the sound-catching bottle? In fact, those two things are imitations made according to the time bottle. One imitates its immortal effect, and the other imitates the cut-off

Keep the power of time!"

After the captain explained, he took the purple vial in his hand and shook it.

"There is still something inside. Listening to the sound, it's liquid!" The captain's eyes became brighter, and he smelled it with a look of intoxication. "

"It's very fragrant. I don't know what it is, but I think it's edible. Junior brother, how about we eat it?"

The captain looked at Xu Qing, licked his lips, and handed the bottle to Xu Qing. "You smell it."

Xu Qing took it, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, a strange fragrance penetrated into his nose, turned into breath and flowed through his whole body, without causing any reaction from the body of the god, but the four life lamps of his sea of ​​consciousness trembled violently. It reveals endless longing, as if this thing is unusual for the lamp of life.

"There is also the Twelfth Yao Palace that has not yet been concretized, and it is also shaking. Obviously, the things in the time bottle are also of great help to the concretization of the Yao Palace.  …

Xu Qing was moved.

But the bottom of the heart is somewhat hesitant. After all, the liquid inside is unknown and has existed for too many years. However, Xu Qing finally chose to trust the teammate as to whether it can be eaten.

"Let's eat!" Xu Qing nodded heavily.

The captain smiled, took the bottle, shook it, and poured it into his mouth. Suddenly, a drop of transparent but extremely viscous liquid slipped down the mouth of the bottle and into his mouth.

There was still a drop behind, before it fell, the captain put the vial in front of Xu Qing.

Xu Qing opened his mouth, and the next moment, a second drop of viscous liquid fell into his mouth.

In the next moment, each of them closed their eyes and began to digest.

Here, Xu Qing only felt that his body was about to explode at this moment. An earth-shattering breath exploded from his mouth, poured into his body along his throat, and then spread throughout his body, gathering in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The palace transformed by the four life lamps of his sea of ​​consciousness trembled violently, just like the reaction of the pill of drug prohibition before when he felt the divine essence, exuding extreme desire. Apparently, they have all been extremely dry during these long years, and it is extremely difficult to encounter this kind of nourishment. After all, although they are in Xu Qing's body and bless them, they are not formed by Xu Qing's blood.

After absorbing each of them at this moment, the fire of life burning on it became brighter than ever before. The flames were so bright that they shone in all directions, and even the fog of the sea of ​​consciousness became clear under this light.

As for the four lamps of life, the aura also increased a lot during the surge of flames, and their shapes changed indistinctly, as if each of them had a phantom of a little man sitting cross-legged, forming in the wick .

Seeing this scene, Xu Qingxin made huge waves, he knew what that villain was.

That's Nascent Soul!

Although it is still virtual and has not really formed yet, it seems that the speed of illusion is not far away.

And indeed it is.

As the ancient liquid in the dripping time bottle continued to erupt, Xu Qing's four life lamps became more and more intense, as if they had been dripped with lamp oil. The villain in the wick became clearer and clearer, exactly the same as Xu Qing's face.

After more than ten breaths, the first black umbrella life lamp that followed Xu Qing burst out its light, and after a strong force surged inside, the villain inside directly changed from illusion to reality. In the flames, it became extremely clear, and his eyes opened suddenly, touching Xu Qing's consciousness through the fire of life, as if they were looking at each other.

Xu Qing's mind was shaken, and the aura of his cultivation fluctuated accordingly, exuding a powerful force that surpassed before.

At the same time, a canopy also transformed on top of Xu Qing's head.

Different from the previous ones, the canopy that appeared this time has a more obvious color and looks more real. Under its reflection, Xu Qing, who is sitting cross-legged in meditation, really looks like a young ancient emperor. Full of majesty.

But all this is not over yet, and soon his colorful wind-chanting lamp, amidst bursts of melodious whistling sounds, the villain in the wick opened his eyes.

The second canopy appeared! Then the Nascent Soul was formed in the Blood Wing Lamp of the Underworld, and then the Nascent Soul was formed again in the Immortal Devouring Lamp!

Xu Qing, sitting cross-legged under the four canopies, has colorful awns flowing all over his body, with a black umbrella as the top, surrounded by colorful colors, **** wings behind him, and his breath is killing.

With his handsome face, if this scene is placed outside, it will definitely shock countless people, and even

Without knowing his identity, he might think that he is the descendant of the prince of the human race. ....

The four Nascent Souls appeared one after another, causing Xu Qing's cultivation to rise again and again. At this moment, the fluctuations were astounding, and the power of terror circulated in his body, and exploded on his five Nascent Souls, including the Golden Crow Nascent Soul. .

At the same time, a sense of imminent catastrophe also surfaced in Xu Qingxin's mind, but it was not enough, and it could only be attracted when the feeling was stronger.

And the power of the liquid in the time bottle still has a trace left at this moment, and under the guidance of Xu Qing, he went straight to the long-awaited Twelfth Heavenly Palace.

This Yao Palace is now more than half concretized, and in its absorption, the concretization accelerates, and soon reaches 80%, until 90%, and finally reaches 99%!

The twelfth Yao Palace shone brightly and swayed constantly.

There is only one thing to suppress, and it can be completely complete! Xu Qing opened his eyes, and saw the team member in front of him looking at his canopy with some regret.

The aura of the captain has also obviously increased a lot compared to before. Like Xu Qing, they all exude the fluctuation of Nascent Soul, but it is difficult to see the specific strength of several infants.

"Little Aqing, the Nascent Soul born from the life lamp in your body is almost at the point of attracting the power of the first calamity!"

Noticing that Xu Qing was awake, the captain took a deep breath, showing some regret.

"The life lamp is a treasure, but unfortunately, we don't have the blood of the ancient emperor, so we can't give birth to the life lamp by ourselves, and the foreign life lamp cannot be completely integrated with our own blood after all, so we can't do it like those legendary ancient emperors. Like the heirs of the ruler, turn the lamp of life into an oven for the realm of spiritual treasures, place them in the five secret treasures, burn them continuously, and refine them into the foundation of your own secret treasures."

"This is also the reason why those major repairs who have reached Lingzang don't have much desire for the life lamp. It's not that the life lamp is bad, but that we can't use it later, alas."

Xu Qing was silent. Although he didn't know that the lamp of life could be turned into an oven in Lingzang, he also noticed that with the improvement of his cultivation, the blessing of the lamp of life was about to come to an end.

"Is there no way to completely integrate it with my own blood?" Xu Qing asked.

"This is the solution that everyone has been trying to find throughout the ages, but unfortunately, it cannot be done, unless one's own cultivation has reached the realm of the ancient emperor's ruler, then everything can be reversed, so that the bloodline can form a life lamp, so that the bloodline of future generations can also have this blessing .” The national team leader shook his head.

Xu Qing nodded, but he didn't have too many regrets. After all, in the realm of Yuanying, the life lamp can still be blessed, and Xu Qing feels that the life lamp should be the embodiment of the strongest state in the realm of Yuanying.

The captain patted Xu Qing on the shoulder.

"It's nothing, wait for me to think of a way, maybe we can use our strength to do it, let's not talk about this, Master probably didn't expect us to have the good fortune of this time bottle before, so we left in a hurry without going into details, then About the Nascent Soul, let me tell you first."

"The realm of Yuanying is called differently by different races. Some are called Yaoming Realm, some are called Daoying Realm, and some are called Yaoming Yuanying Realm. Each name is actually based on the previous unified ancient emperor. to decide and change."

"After the unification of the ancient emperor Xuanyou, he fixed a name for it, called Yaoming Daoying, which actually has the same meaning. The word Dao was added to unify the cognition of all ethnic groups."

"As for death, it is a kind of catastrophe."...

Following the captain's opening, Xu Qing gradually gained a comprehensive understanding based on his previous understanding of the realm of the Taoist Infant. Here, at least one Dao infant must have experienced the baptism of the catastrophe before it can be called the Dao infant.

It can be regarded as really stepping into this realm without experiencing catastrophe. No matter how many Taoist babies there are, they are all fake babies in theory.

This was true in the time of the Xuanyou ancient emperor, but with the disappearance of the unity of the human race, the statement has also been changed.

According to the cognition of different races, there are many understandings. Many races believe that even if they have not experienced the catastrophe, as long as the Taoist baby appears, it is the Nascent Soul Realm.

As for the necessary level of Yaojie, it is the shackles of the Nascent Soul Realm itself. Every time a new baby appears, it accumulates the strength to face Yaojie, and after being baptized by Yaojie, it breaks the shackles once.

After all, looking at the ancient world is too

Large, there are many people in the clan, and the physique is different. For example, the Jinxian clan has a completely different cognition from other clans. There are also many people, so it is difficult to have any unified cognition at this stage.

As for the method of promotion, there are many branches according to different clans, so there are strengths and weaknesses.

But in the final analysis, it can be roughly divided into two categories. One is that when the second Nascent Soul is born in the body, it chooses to attract the baptism of Yao Jie, so as to promote the life of death.

The second category has fewer options for cultivation, that is, after turning all the celestial palaces into dao infants, they will experience cataclysmic catastrophes all at once, and undergo earth-shaking changes at one time.

The latter is difficult, but once successful, the power of death will be stronger, which will be of great help to the follow-up spiritual treasure.

And after stepping into the realm of Yaoming Daoying, the way of promotion is also different from Yaogong Jindan. You need to go through the catastrophe of Yaoming. All Yuanying have experienced it once, which is a big promotion.

A total of five times, all experienced, is Dzogchen.

It contains dangers, so it is necessary for the Nascent Soul to improve its own strength and continue to grow, so as to have the capital to overcome the catastrophe. Otherwise, once the catastrophe fails, the Nascent Soul will irreversibly collapse and disappear forever.

The Fate Lamp is indeed the most powerful manifestation at this stage, because even if the Fate Lamp Tribulation fails, it will not disappear, so you can try many times after failure.

Xu Qing understood this, and when he looked inside his twelfth palace, the captain suddenly raised his hand and handed the time bottle to Xu Qing.

"Put this thing in your twelfth palace as a thing of suppression!"

Xu Qing looked up at the captain.

"Although this thing is precious, I don't need it. My practice is to unseal it."

The captain smiled and blinked at Xu Qing.

"Thank you, big brother." Xu Qingxin felt warm. Over the years, he had already regarded his captain and Qiye as his indispensable relatives.

Xu Qing's childhood experience made him cold-hearted, but deep in his heart he always longed for his relatives.

As for the captain, the two of them have gone through so many things along the way, and have experienced so many lives and deaths. In Xu Qing's heart, Xu Qing has already unknowingly filled him in the position of the elder brother.

Taking over the time bottle at this moment, Xu Qing put it into his twelfth palace without hesitation. Bing or qq browser @Add title to read first every day.

The Yao Palace roared and was completely completed, and unlike other Yao Palaces, this twelfth palace exuded the power of time, vaguely, Xu Qing seemed to have heard a familiar sigh echoing from the years.

This sigh made him startled.

That was...Zi Xuan's voice.

Xu Qing just wanted to explore carefully, but at this moment, there was a deafening roar from the sky, and there was even a rattling sound echoing, cracks and cracks came from the distant sky, quickly filling the entire sky. The sky, as if turned into a spider web.

A crimson meaning exploded in the sky!

The expressions of Xu Qing and his teammate changed at the same time. .

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