MTL - Overturned Tower-Chapter 4 bad day

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At that moment, Russell subconsciously relaxed.

Although the head rolled to his feet, blood spattered his boots. But Russell felt a sense of security being sheltered instead.

That look was all too familiar.

As if missing something.

If Russell wants to use a metaphor, it is like the look in his eyes when he finds a new colleague who graduated from the same high school and was brought by his class teacher after working for a few years after graduating from university.

"Do you know my mother?"


The young man responded: "Ms. Alice is my senior.

"Her psychic power is called 'Invisible Device'. As the name suggests, it is a device that does not really exist in the world. Therefore, it can ignore all external factors that you want to ignore, and only touch the parts you want to touch. If you turn into a screwdriver , you can unscrew the screws inside the box without opening the case; if it’s a scalpel, you can go over clothing, skin, bones, muscles, and directly cut tendons or nerves.”

When he said this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a pointed smile: "Whether it's a healer or an assassin, it's all first-class strength."

Russell was silent and didn't say anything.

He also just found out that his mother was actually a psychic.

After recalling his previous life and the memory of the newborn, Russell immediately realized that his mother's death, including their ordinary life...even his father's running away from home, might not be simple.

I was probably involved in some complicated situation.

Trouble arose.

The young man looked at the silent Russell with interest: "However, your psychic power seems to be more complicated than your mother's. Can you actually transform into your mother's appearance perfectly? And you have mastered her psychic power... this Did you inherit the spiritual power from her, or did you imitate it?"

—If nothing else happens, it should consume the chips left by others after death to activate it. As long as you put on the "mask" that represents that person, you can get the other person's spiritual power...

Russell thought to himself.

Just like before he used his mother's relic to transform into her and got her psychic powers. That dark green light should represent the mother's spiritual power.

When Russell was a child, he occasionally saw the gleam of this color in his mother's eyes.

But at the time he didn't realize what it was.

And after the candlelight in his illusion turned into the same color, Russell got the spiritual power called "Void of Extinction".

The punch of the bear-eared mercenary before can be said to be powerful and heavy. Russell clearly heard the sound of his spine cracking, but after the avatar was broken, his body was not injured at all.

Russell felt that it would take at least a month for him to become like that again.

But the good thing is that as long as you successfully transform once, you can use the same kind of spiritual power that is weaker than the next level even if you don't transform.

However, Russell did not share this important information with this individual.

Although in his memory, he saw that he was a student of his father and mother—he called his father a "mentor" and respected his mother.

— but that was more than twenty years ago.

Russell knew very well that people's hearts can change. He doesn't know anything now, and he can't easily determine the identity and position of the other party.

The attitude of the villain who pretended to be the "Tower of Babel" organization just now when he entered the house also showed a lot of things.

Russell was pretending to be asleep, but was actually watching him.

The simple-minded idiot with well-developed limbs, after entering the room and seeing himself, did not try to find another person from the room; he didn't even guard himself, and turned his back to look at the door.

If he hadn't been on the phone at that time, Russell would have acted immediately.

Afterwards, when Russell was pointed at by the gun, he immediately stepped over the mercenary and looked at the white-haired young man behind him.

He had already guessed at that time that there was probably no bullet in the gun. But Russell couldn't gamble, so he hoped that the mercenary could be separated for a split second and give himself a chance to get up from the ground and dodge.

However, the bear-eared mercenary did not waver at all. He wasn't even nervous - which meant he didn't think there was anyone behind him.

These details show that Russell's intuition was indeed correct at the beginning.

— This room is a single room. Moreover, this group of robbers has mastered the surveillance in the captain's room, and can determine the entry and exit of each room.

Although first class has multiple seats, multiple tables, and even multiple sofas and multiple beds of different sizes.

But Russell noticed a detail. That is, on the wine glass holder, there is only one glass of the same specification.

From that moment on, Russell actually had doubts about this familiar stranger.

But at that time, Russell hadn't retrieved the memory of his previous life. His knowledge is relatively shallow, and his character is relatively soft.

Although Russell noticed something was wrong at the first time and became suspicious, he was not too wary of the other party.

In other words, Russell is habitually hoping to please the other party. Use the image of "answering all questions" and "gentle attitude" to prevent the other party from attacking yourself.

But after retrieving the memory, Russell realized more things: for example, the robber was obviously taken aback after seeing the gun on the table, and immediately became wary of himself—this shows that even they It is also difficult to bring this kind of thing on the airship. Russell didn't know this model of gun, but the robber had a very obvious greed for that gun, even when he beat Russell, he was unwilling to let go of his hand, and he was not willing to hit him with the **** of the gun.

This all shows the preciousness of this gun.

Considering that this big white-haired dog has never been infected with the virus from the very beginning...

"You are the one from the Tower of Babel, right?"

Russell said slowly: "You didn't board the plane through the usual way, but was directly teleported to my room by some means. Therefore, you were not photographed by the outside surveillance, nor were you noticed by those gangsters.

"You are following the stolen or leaked Babel virus. Of course, it is not ruled out that this virus was sold on purpose by you. But in any case, your position in this incident will not be' victim'.

"Am I right...Your Excellency Nan Liujing?"

Russell said the name in his memory without warning.

He didn't have any evidence, just a pure, intuitive temptation.

But seeing the unsurprised and unwavering reaction of the other party, Russell knew that he had made the right bet.

I didn't know him at first, but after I got the virus, I knew his name...

This kind of abnormal behavior is also expected by the other party, if he is not surprised at all, then he is probably the "Southern Flow Scene" that sealed his memory back then.

"What will you do next?"

Russell asked sharply: "I guess, you will drive those people to death... and then throw the blame on me?"

His hands hang down naturally.

Between Russell's right index finger and middle finger, a faint halo emerged.

It's like the light reflected on clean glasses, so faint that it's almost imperceptible.

This time it was not the scalpel that appeared before, but the blade of a razor. Because it can "not exist", so you don't need to worry about hurting yourself or getting out of your hand.

The blade is a more suitable weapon for Russell than the scalpel that Russell's mother Maria is good at using.

Seeing Russell guarding himself like a cat with an arched back, the corners of Nan Liujing's mouth rose slightly.

He didn't answer Russell's question, just stepped forward.

Not afraid of the phantom blade between Russell's fingers at all, he squatted down and straightened Russell's collar.

This was caused by Russell being punched in the face by the mercenary before, like a Kamen Rider who was kicked until he was untransformed and rolled on the ground with his mouth closed and his eyes closed.

After that, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"That way I can rest easy."

His tone became relaxed: "I was still worried just now... If you are too naive, it's best to find a way to drive you back. If you trust others too much, you can't survive on Happy Island. Now it seems that at least you are still a little vigilant.

"And you were on guard, but didn't really attack me, which shows that you are also rational enough. You can judge the strength and weakness, and distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.

"That's how it should be—even if you know that the opponent may not be an enemy, you must still be on guard; even if you know that you are definitely not an opponent of the opponent, UU Reading cannot give up resistance."

Said, Nan Liujing smiled and touched Russell's head, then gently pinched his furry ears.

Russell's ears twitched, but he didn't break away from his grasp.

At the moment when the other party touched him, a flash of understanding suddenly flashed in Russell's heart.

"You're going to use me."

He raised his head and said softly to Nan Liujing who was a head taller than him, "But you won't kill me."

Hearing this, Nan Liujing was taken aback.

For the first time, a genuine smile appeared on his smiling face.

"The second half of your sentence, it comforts me. But you know what, Russell—it's far less reassuring than the first half."

Nan Liujing said slowly: "It seems that you are much more mature than you look.

"I'm just using you, but that's not a bad thing. It's a hundred times more dangerous to have no value to be used than to be used. When you still have value, you will be safer than others."

Looking at the thoughtful Russell, Nan Liujing added: "Also, if you can, it's best not to call me by that name. It makes me sick."

Not for privacy...but for disgust?

Russell's heart skipped a beat.

"Then what should I call you?" he asked.

"'Bad Day'. This is my code name, Bad Day of [Babel Tower]," the big white-haired dog code-named "Bad Day" smiled, "but it is best not to mention this name outside, especially Don't let people know that you are related to me, or you will get yourself into a lot of trouble.

"Of course, maybe in the near will see this name on the arrest warrant on Sky Island. Don't mention 'Southern Stream' either, or those elves may trouble you."