MTL - Palace Full of Delicacies-Chapter 117 accident

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Su Yu quickly took the person into his arms and held it halfway.

"Be careful!" Jing Wang, who was not far away, suddenly exclaimed.

An Hongche slammed the wound with one hand, and suddenly turned around with the strength of Su Yufu, and a sword smashed toward Su.

With a sharp whistling, Xuanzao, who danced with one hand, was cut into two sections. More blood flowed from the wounds of the emperor's knees, spreading from the long white fingers to the light gold sleeves.

"Oh..." The emperor kneeled next to his thin lips, and the blood of the handsome face under the moonlight faded.

King Jing has jumped to them in front of him, and the cross fork protects the emperor behind him.

Ling Wang walked over quickly and picked up the emperor. "Three children, you look at the outside, I am holding the emperor." Said, the fast-going cabin went.

The ship was built with the ship they were originally sitting on, and the pattern is similar. However, these days are used to hold fish, and it is inevitable that there is a sea scent everywhere. Su Yu followed the head and entered the bedroom. Under the bright candlelight, the sharp spurs were particularly glaring. What is even more terrifying is that the spurs of the spurs have turned red, like a huge piece of chalk, greedily sucking. The blood of the emperor's majesty.

More and more Xuanzang began to rush to the cabin, and the sound of the jingle was heard, and from time to time there were black arrows coming in through the window.

The national teacher slowly sat down on the bed, and the cast of the genius made him somewhat distracted. The original pink lips have now become somewhat whitish.

Su Yu wants to go forward, but was pulled by Ling Wang. "When the national teacher finishes watching you, I will go out to help." After that, he patted his shoulder and turned to deal with Xuanzang.

After listening to Ling Wang’s words, Su Yu looked at the national teacher who was as stable as Taishan. He lowered his heart and there was a national teacher. Presumably, there would be nothing in the emperor...

"Ah--" An Hongchu suddenly gave a repressed cry.

Su Yu was stunned and watched the national teacher buckle the jade-like fingers on the bone spurs, so they were pulled out so rudely!

"Emperor!" Su Yu rushed over and hugged the body of the emperor who was slightly twitched because of the pain.

The national teacher did not care for him, quickly tapped around the wound a few times, touched a pill bottle and sprinkled a powder on the wound.

Su Yu is distressed to die, "Uncle Huang, how can this be pulled directly!" Shouldn't I have some anesthesia?

"The bone spurs blood, and after a while he becomes a cat skin." The national teacher threw the bone spurs aside in disgust, rubbed his hands and frowned slightly. Although he did not hurt his heart and lungs, the wound was deep and almost penetrated the shoulders. This disgusting thing has always been a blood-sucking, blood loss.

Su Yu heard the words, could not help but be more anxious, there is no blood transfusion in this era, a long bone spur does not know how much blood!

The cold scorpion swept over the emperor on the bed, and looked at it again and couldn't wait to pump his blood out to the emperor's Su Yu. The national teacher suddenly remembered something and slowly said: "Maybe, you can make up his essence." ”

"Ah?" Su Yu blinked and was not clear.

"The way of heaven, the loss is more than enough to make up for it." Guo Shi left this imaginary words and went out.

"Put me down." An Hongche pressed his hand with one hand, whispering, and the thin lips without **** eyes were tightly tied into a line, apparently enduring pain.

Su Yu still hugged him at this moment. He slowly put him back on the pillow and touched the cold sweat on his forehead. "Fang Caiguo said that I can make up your blood, how can I make up?"

"Mi..." His Royal Highness climbed out of Su’s clothes and his hair was squashed.

The emperor glanced down at his stupid son and shook his head a little. "It's okay, it's fine to sleep." The ear that was exposed to the outside, somehow reddened, was particularly conspicuous in the case of excessive blood loss.

Su Yu’s head is not so good. When he meets the Emperor’s sorrow, he occasionally uses it very well. He suddenly remembers the quick and long wound that he saw this morning. Is it because the blood between them can share each other? Injury or assisted healing? Looking at the cat who slowly closed his eyes and endured the pain, Su Yu gritted his teeth, and he was right, try again.

Putting his son on the pillow, Su Yu opened the emperor's clothes, wiped the blood around the wound and scattered powder with a hot cloth towel, and leaned over and kissed him.

"Hey..." An Hongchee slightly frowned, opened his eyes and looked at Su Yu, "stupid slave..."

Su Yu looked up and spit out his tongue. This powder can be really bitter!

The Emperor looked at him, and a pair of eyes became sparkling. "This method will consume your own blood, you..."

"Is it really useful?" Su Yu's eyes lit up, useful on the line, bowed his head and prepared to kiss again, and suddenly the emperor held the back of his head and kissed his lips.

Now is not the time to be emotional, he has to get better soon, in order to protect his stupid slaves on this sea.

Su Yu felt that something was sucked away from the place where the two were connected. There was no discomfort. It just felt a little sleepy. Shouldn't this be a sorcerer that **** yang?

"Where is the sorcerer!" It was just thinking, and suddenly there was a sudden sound of the emperor's impatience in the sea.

Su Yu suddenly blushed, how to forget, when they kissed each other, they could hear what the other person thought.

"Stupid death." The emperor took a bite on his lips and still not forgetting to count on the sea.

The Xuanzang in the sea was attracted by the pure blood stasis. The locusts usually rushed to the boat. The national teacher let Wang Gonggong who climbed the boat hard to burn the **** bone spurs. Some relief. The soldiers on the boat couldn't kill these monsters, but they could throw them to the prince, and the King and Ling Wang who had the soft hands would move a stool and sit on the deck, waiting for the soldiers to throw the Xuanzang, they will give up. On the last knife, I was so boring to cut a night.

Su Yu kissed and kissed and fell asleep. When the sky was bright, he suddenly woke up, and quickly checked the situation of the emperor. He was pleasantly surprised to find that the deep blood hole had already closed, and the handsome face was not like yesterday. It was pale in the evening, and there was a hint of pale pink. I couldn’t help but take a kiss.

The long eyelashes trembled, and the emperor slowly opened his eyes.

Su Yu quickly closed his eyes, pretending that he was still asleep, clinker, a pair of cool lips and sticking it up. He opened his eyes before squatting, facing a pair of gentle and beautiful eyes.

Huh? Shouldn’t this kind of gaze be used by King Jing? I saw it in the eyes of the emperor, this... must be wrong!

Sure enough, when Su Yu did not sleep at all, the fleeting gentle eyes were suddenly replaced by anger and anger. "Wake up and sleep, do you want to kiss you?"

"Which, how can I..." Su Yu sat up and did not intend to discuss this issue with him again. Look at the outside is still dark.

An Hongche sat up and prepared to go out and see the situation.

"It's better if you become a cat. I will take you out." Su Yu suggested that although the wound has been taken up, but the heavy injury and the magical healing can not make it stand right, if it runs, it is not allowed to crack. open.

The emperor kneels next to him.

Su Yu looked back innocently.

After a while, Su Yu took two hair **** out of the cabin.

The golden big cat pushed the small ball that was crowded around him and pushed it away. He looked at the clothes of Su Yu and looked out. He didn’t mind if he didn’t sleep, and he didn’t mind, holding the father’s big tail and yawning. The warm chest is on the head and continues to sleep.

The deck was full of blood and minced meat. The two princes had given up their weapons, one took a machete, and placed a chopping board in front of him, numbly squinting Xuanzang.

"This is not a solution. How long does it take to get to the island?" King Wang licked his sore arm and asked the **** on the side.

Haizhu looked around in confusion. "It should be coming soon, but..." Since the appearance of the sea monster, the sea in front of her is different from her memory. Last night, she also deliberately dive into the water and looked at it. Said the island, she could not find the way home.

"Come here, Gao Peng, you come for a while!" King Wang pulled the Lu Guogong Shizi, who was doing his duty to the side, and gave him the internal strength of the wrists of Su Niang, and handed the chopper give him.

When Ling Wang saw Lu Guogong’s son, he began to smack Xuan Zang, and he threw the knife aside. He took a lazy waist. “Walk, let’s go to sleep.”

The boat was full of fishy smells. When they walked into the cabin, they turned into cats and squeezed into the room of the National Teacher. It must be warm and clean.

The rising star of the rising star is now the darkness before dawn, the moonlight retreats, and the daylight is unknown.

"The monster seems to be afraid of the moonlight." Su Yu looked at the horizon, hoping that the sun would come out soon. Since the national division can use the moonlight to drive away the monsters, the sun is stronger than the moonlight.

The cat in his arms raised his head and rubbed his chin, trying to tell him something, and suddenly, the water was violently churning.

"Oh--" The huge monster suddenly emerged from the water on the side of the boat, and before the crowd reacted, it crashed over the ship.

The horrified shouts rang across the sky, and Su Yu saw a golden light shining in front of him before he lost consciousness.

When I opened my eyes again, the sun had risen and the warm sunshine shone on the body, but it could not give the slightest warmth to people. Su Yu was on a floating wooden board and was full of cold.

The two hair **** in the plaque were gone, and the surrounding sea was full of broken wood. There was no living person. The East China Sea fleet did not know where to go.

"Is this seat not a living person?" The national teacher sitting behind Su Yu's cold voice.

"The emperor? Prince?" Su Yu is mad, and the cat uncle is still hurt, and the little ball can't even talk, what's the matter?

"Reassured, he is fine." The national teacher got up, took care of the clothes, gently stroked his fingertips, dripped a drop of blood in the sea, and slowly closed his eyes.

"How do you know?" Su Yu is still looking around.

The national teacher opened his eyes, and in a few moments, Haizhu, the deaf person in the potential water, came out and found a string of ropes on the monks, letting the monks pull them forward, which is not too slow. Said: "Because you are still alive."

"What?" Su Yu heard a fog, the National Teacher did not take care of him, carefully felt the position, and led the monks to bring them to find Wang Gonggong and Lu Guogong, who were kneeling on a driftwood.

The national teacher took the hand of Su Yu and raised a slender finger and stroked it at his fingertips.

“嘶—” The nails of the National Teacher’s nails were neatly rounded, but they easily smashed his fingers and took a drop of blood floating in front of him.

"You died with the emperor, you live well, of course he did not die," Guo Shi explained in a good mood, the finger, the blood bead is like a string of arrows, flying in one direction Go, the rushing man lifted his chin and "follow it."

The monk girl wiped the sweat, tightened the rope on her body, and chased the blood beads and swam.

With the total death……

Su Yu chewed the meaning of this sentence, and Wang Gonggong kindly explained a few words.

The life expectancy of the royal family is longer than that of the average person. The blood contract signed by the emperor and Su Yu is a special blood deed that exchanges blood and lives together, so the life of Su Yu can be extended, but if Huang Yingying When he died young, he will go west.

Su Yu took a slap in the mouth. It is no wonder that before the departure, the grandfather of the cat said that if he died, he would be buried with him. He had already bound him. He would have to be buried even if he was not willing to be buried. However, fortunately, they signed the contract, the national division can use his blood to find the missing cat uncle.

After swimming in the sea for nearly an hour, an island appeared in front of you. From a distance, the island was lush and very peaceful. The waves gently swayed through the golden sands, above the beach, and sat on four confused cats.

The pure black big cat jumped up, left and ran to run right, rushed over to give the black and yellow big cat a paw, "17 uncle, my clockwork mouse?"

"How do I know?" The black and yellow cat was beaten and jumped to bite him.

"Mi..." The golden little hairball looked around and went to the father and looked up at him.

The golden big cat took a look at his son. "It’s not that you can’t find your mother. Look at your unexplained look!” Just talking, suddenly stood up and ran two steps towards the beach, far away A monk pulled a wooden board and swam quickly. He stood up and waved his paw. "Stupid, here!"

The author has something to say: Small theater:

"The Reunion of the God Fish and the Heroes"

Attack: Fish, I finally found you!

Small fish: But how do we get out of the sea?

Attack: Nothing, I have a brother!

The two looked forward to seeing the brother

Carving brother (small bird): Hey? I can't fly!

Wow Kaka, today, from the bird to a slightly thicker brother, I love to praise me.

Dengniu threw a grenade

He threw a mine

He threw a mine

He threw a mine

He threw a rocket

Darknight threw a mine

He threw a mine

Three no throws a mine

(づ_ど) threw a mine

Jessiel3025 threw a mine

Heead7 threw a mine

Heead7 threw a mine

Heead7 threw a mine

Heead7 threw a mine

Evening cherry blossoms throw a mine

喵小鱼! Throw a mine

Thank you for the mines, grenades, rockets of the adults~~ Today's event, "Need to find the lost clockwork mouse", you can go to Jingwang shopkeeper to receive a black cat boxing gloves~ Act quickly~~2k novel reading network