MTL - Palace Full of Delicacies-Chapter 60 Grilled fish

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I rushed upstairs to run up, ready to do a big job, but went to the third floor but was dumbfounded. How could he go up in the face of the thin and soft silk? Turning to look at the national division who is still drinking tea on the second floor, Su Yu scratched his head. "Uncle, how come up?"

Guo Shi put down the tea pot in his hand, and did not plan to get up and help, just looked up and said to Su Yu, "Let the emperor get you up." Then, continue to drink tea leisurely.

"Emperor?" Su Yu blinked, is the emperor here? I looked around and looked around the soft silk. I was helpless. I just had to look up and shouted, "Imperial, emperor?"

The Anguo Tower seemed to be silent for a moment. In a short time, the emperor wearing a white robe was holding a soft silk and descending from the sky. "Stupid slave, what is it?"

"The emperor, you really are here!" Su Yu was pleasantly rushed to the top. The three floors were full of cushions. They only looked at the emperor and didn't look at the foot. An unstable one fell directly into the emperor's arms.

An Hongche raised his hand to catch the stupid stupid slave and helped him to stand firm. "Besides, don't give up."

Who is willing to send a hug? Su Yu helpless, looking at a serious emperor, unable to argue with him, "the emperor, trouble to get the minister to the fourth floor, the minister wants to go to kill the fish."

"You yelled down, just to put the jingle on the ladder?" The emperor was unhappy, and he was so anxious to hear the stupid slave. He thought that the national teacher had done something to him, and hurriedly ran down, just to do so. A broken thing!

"Oh..." Su Yu blinked, which made the emperor a bit wrong. However, there were three of them in the tower. "But there is no emperor, and the minister can't go up."

An Hongqi heard the words, coldly screamed, but couldn't help but pick it up slightly. Hey, stupid slaves are so dependent on him, it is really distressing, but as a good master, this little request will still be satisfied. One hand put Su Yu into his arms, the other hand held the soft silk, and he made a force, and he slammed it into four layers.

On the fourth floor, the emperor suddenly thought of a question, "How did you come up yesterday?"

"The national teacher brought the minister." Su Yu replied honestly.

The emperor suddenly frowned. "Damn!" Is the national teacher also holding his stupid slaves? Even if you are an uncle, you can't take advantage of it!

The emperor turned and jumped off the third floor, and rushed straight toward the second floor.

Su Yu is not clear, so only when the emperor has an urgent matter to leave, looked at the first stone room opened the door, went straight in. In the stone room, there are five squid that have been licking blood, and a bucket of boiling water. Recalling the killing method of the squid, Su Yu took a deep breath and started to work.

The national teacher confessed to him, killed the fish, and baked it outside, and took the sacrifice at night. Although I don't understand why the fish are still grilled in the sky, Su Yu puts his own reward, the biggest one, into the fish basket, and then honestly grills the remaining four.

Today's seasoning seems to be a little more than yesterday. Su Yu has a good mix of two barbecue sauces, a salty scent, a kind of sauce, but the surface must be brushed with honey. The grilled fish brushed with honey sauce is on the charcoal fire. Ziz is oily. Su Yu starts work and can turn over the two fish. He is working hard and suddenly feels that something is wrong.

The hand of Su Yu’s grilled fish paused and turned his head slowly. He saw the eyes of the four pairs of sparkling eyes staring at him for a moment. Two big cats, two little yellow cats, lined up in a row and sat on the ground, looking at him straight, the national division did not know when to come up, sitting behind the four cats, one handed jaw, Look at him with the pair of cold scorpions.

Su Yu blinked and blinked. "What about the emperor?"

"The fish is paste." The national teacher whispered.

"Ah!" Su Yu quickly turned the fish over.

The two fish were baked, and the national teacher asked Su Yu to put the two pieces on the plate and bake them for two nights. Waiting for Su Yu to bake the two of the sacrifices, the last two have only the tail of the fish.

After grilling an afternoon fish in Anguo Tower, he tried to lure the sauce to return to the Arctic Palace with his own, and Su Yu went back slowly with his reward. Think of a large group of cats in Anguo Tali, Su Yu is very skeptical that the sacrifice can be stored in the evening.

Anyway, the sacrifice of the sky is not his business. The most urgent task is to go back and make a delicious grilled fish for the emperor.

Anguo Tali's tools are simple, can't do high-class cuisine, the Arctic Palace has the peppers that Ling Wanggang sent, and Su Yu is going to make a Wushan roast whole fish for the emperor.

In the evening, the emperor dragged his foot back heavily, and when he entered the temple, he fell on the cushion and did not move.

"The emperor, what's wrong with this?" Su Yu walked over and touched the emperor's forehead.

"Tired." The emperor took the opportunity to put his head on the leg of Su Yu, and stretched a long stretch. The man's body should be hard. The Emperor's kneeling is usually very strong, but when he stretches, he looks very soft. The slender body is pulled into a bow, and then he quickly bounces back and encircles Su.

"Is the Emperor practicing in the Anguo Tower in the afternoon?" Su Yu looked at his high-risk movement and was very worried. He gave him a slap in the face, fearing that he would flash.

"Oh..." vaguely responded, and the emperor was comfortably stunned and stumbled to sleep.

He and the national teacher temporarily put down the prejudice and returned to the fourth floor because the grilled fish was ripe. After Su Yu left, An Hongche and Huang Shu continued to discuss in depth about "How did the uncle yesterday make the daughter-in-law get four layers"? topic.

Ling Wang and Su Wang, who are full of food and drink, are not in the right position, and the chubby cat who is still licking his paws will run.

The result of the fight between the Emperor and the National Master was that Su Yu did not have to go to the Anguo Tower on the 3rd. He only had the peace of mind behind the emperor. After three days, Su Yu went again and found a rope ladder between the third and fourth floors. When he walked over, the yellow-and-white chubby cat appeared on the fourth floor. He pushed the rope ladder down with his ass, and then slid back to the fifth floor, for fear that Su Yu would climb up and touch him.

In the past three days, Su Yu was tied to the emperor, accompanied by a batch of songs in the morning, accompanied by sleep in the afternoon, accompanied by play in the afternoon, in short, not allowed to leave half a step.

In the third day, Yushi’s intention to hit the column in the court was that the emperor’s squatting was still doing his own thing. He insisted that Su Yu should be a cushion and feed the snacks when the audition was made, and Su Yu was gradually immune to the eyelashes of the ministers.

Su Yu found that the emperor was working to eradicate some of the forces in the DPRK, and the means were vigorous and vigorous, and they did not drag the water. This is a good thing to say, the so-called resolute and vigorous, in the view of Su Yu, can be summarized with simple and rude. He is very skeptical that the emperor has no problem in governing the country.

After all, the merits of many things are not as simple as they seem. When the emperor judges the right or wrong of one thing and the guilty of a person, the speed is a bit too fast.

"The emperor, you don't check it anymore?" Su Yu looked at the emperor's tactics and wrote a "斩" on the newly-finished memorial. He couldn't help but pump his mouth.

"What else?" The Emperor left the memorial to the side and yawned on Su Yu. "As long as there is a shackle, the world will not lose its fairness."

The author has something to say: Hey, it’s late today, I can’t wait to write a small theater, and I’m going to work to go to the bird~ What?

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Thank you for the mines, grenades ~ ╭ (╯ 3╰) 大 2k novel reading network