MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-Chapter 10 Brother injured

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After eating breakfast, Du Xiuheng and Du Xiaoli did not go there. They sorted out the furniture that had been moved at home. When the sun was setting, they saw the four people coming down the mountain.

"Glass hoe, remember to come to me tomorrow to learn to identify herbs!" Niu Jing shouted at the house as he passed by.

Du Xiaoli ran out of the room and shouted at Niu Jing with a small hand: "I know, Grandpa. I will pass tomorrow morning."

Niu Jing saw the appearance of Du Xiaoli, and he laughed twice.

"The cow doctor, how long does it take for the medicine to mature?" asked a black man.

"Three or five months." Niu Jing replied, "This time just happened to adjust the body to the young master, otherwise the body can not withstand the strong medicinal properties after the ripening of the medicine. I have guarded it for so many years and have been concentrating on it. Studying how to cure the illness of the young master, all hopes are now pinned on it."

"The cow doctor does not have to worry, life and death, and understand in his heart." Han Mingxi knows that he spent a lot of thoughts on his own disease, and even went to such a remote place to stay for so many years.

"I will definitely find a way to cure the illness of the young master." Niu Jing said that even if he is fighting his old life, he will not hesitate.

Early the next morning, Du Xiuheng went to the mountains to go to the firewood, and Du Xiaoli went to the home of Niujing. When he went, he happened to meet Han Ming’s guards and moved him to the yard to let him lie down. sun.

"Little brother." Du Xiaoli greeted Han Mingqi, then shouted and shouted: "Grandpa, I am coming."

Niu Jing came out of the house and said, "Glass, you wait a while, I will chop the medicine inside."

"I will help you." Du Xiaoli went to the house after he finished speaking. From before to after, he did not care whether Han Mingyi responded to himself.

Niu Jing originally wanted to call Du Xiaoli out, fearing that she would mess up her own medicine. But Du Xiaoli insisted, he took a small sickle to her, let her cut some ordinary herbs.

Soon he discovered that Du Xiaoli was very talented in medicinal materials. He said how to cut it. She cut it with two knives. And every medicinal material is well organized and there is no confusion.

"Haha, it seems that you have a good relationship with the medicinal herbs!" Niu Jing looked at Du Xiaoli's movements and said with a smile, "It seems that it is correct to let you touch the medicinal materials. Even if you can't become a doctor in the future, you can become a medical woman."

In Fengmingguo, doctors and doctors are like modern doctors and nurses. Doctors can see doctors, but nurses can only lay hands and take care of patients.

"Then ask the grandfather of the cow to teach more and more glasses." Du Xiaoli said sweetly.

Although she is a legend in modern Chinese medicine, it does not mean that the medical skills here are exactly the same as modern ones.

Seeing that Du Xiaoli has this talent and is willing to learn, Niu Jing is very happy. He immediately turned over a medical technique and gave it to Du Xiaoli. He said, "This is an introductory book for medical students. You take it back and look at it. Looking back at me. Test you again."

"Good." Du Xiaoli put away the book, since it is necessary to understand, naturally it is from the most basic medical books.

"Go, I will take you outside to identify the medicinal herbs." Niu Jing finished, pulling Du Xiaoli into the yard.

Yesterday, after I decided to let Du Xiaoli give me a drug, Niujing dug some common herbs back on the mountain and prepared to explain it to Du Xiaoli today.

There are several kinds of medicinal herbs in the courtyard of the yard. Du Xiaoli saw at a glance what kind of medicinal materials are there. However, she pretended to be very ignorant, and listened to Niu Jing one by one to explain to herself.

When Niu Jing said, he took a look at Du Xiaoli from time to time and found that she was listening carefully to her explanation and nodded with satisfaction. I didn't expect her to be so sad when she was young.

After Du Xiaoli and other Niu Jing finished speaking, he repeated the words he had just said, the name of each medicine, the medicinal properties and so on. Niu Jingyue is more excited and finds that Du Xiaoli is really a good seed for studying medicine!

"Mother often said that I have had the ability to remember!" Du Xiaoli was afraid of Niu Jing to see what was the clue, and moved the old lady who had just died to be a scorpion.

She didn't know the predecessor's ability to remember it, but she did not know it in her previous life, or she would not be taken away by the organization.

"Haha, good! Good! Go back and study the medicine that I have given you. This is not a matter of remembering it. You have to understand the contents, do you know?" said Niu Jing.

"Yeah, I know! Then I will go back first. Grandpa Niu see you again!" Du Xiaoli took the medical book in his arms and left after he said goodbye to Niujing.

Niu Jing smiled and turned around and saw Han Mingyu watching the back of Du Xiaoli's departure. He asked, "Young Master, what are you looking at?"

"She is deliberately neglecting me, or she is hiding from me." Han Ming said.

"Oh? Is there someone hiding from you? Are the girls of all sizes in Beijing not chasing you?" Niu Jing said, "It seems that our young master's long relative glass gimmick is not attractive! , have a certain strength! This way you can study hard!"

"You really like that girl." Han Ming said.

"Smart and lovely, why don't you like it? I didn't even have a child in my life. The girl is now with me. I naturally like it." Niu Jing said with a smile, but there is no indescribable in the voice.

"Mrs. knows your infatuation and waits for her for a lifetime, even if it is under Jiuquan, it will rest in peace." Han Mingxi said, "Not like my mother..."

"Young master, the sun is big, go back to the house." Niu Jing said.

"Yeah." Han Mingqi got up and went back to the house. The guards quickly moved the chaise longue back.

After Du Xiaoli returned to his home, he gave himself some food, then moved the stool to the eaves and looked down at the medical books given by Niu Jing. In the morning, Du Xiuheng asked her to make some cakes, and she would not come back to dinner at noon.

Su Suxin was famous in the village. When Du Hai brought her back, the people in the village said that he was blessed and married a young lady. Du Hai did not let her work in the field, just let her teach Du Xiuheng to study at home, and when Du Xiaoli grew up, she would teach her to read. So even if someone looks at her reading, she won't be surprised.

When the sun sets, Du Xiaoli will finish the dinner and she will not see Du Xiuheng coming back. She can't help but worry. After waiting for a while, he did not see him back. She covered the food and closed the door and went out to find him in the mountains. As a result, I did not go far, and I saw Du Xiuheng limping and carrying a large bundle of firewood to go home.

"Brother, what's wrong with your legs?" Du Xiaoli hurriedly greeted him and took down the wood on his back, and he looked down at his legs.

"That is to let the branches line up." Du Xiuheng subconsciously reduced his legs, but found that his legs were caught by Du Xiaoli, unable to move.