MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 59 Miao Xinjiang people

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On the mountain, Han Minghong sat on a bare stone, meditating against the sunset, and heard Du Kexin's voice, he opened his eyes. In the past, the warmth was not seen, and the eyes were full of radiance.

"Have she come?" Han Minghong's voice became hoarse, as if the donkey was injured.

Du Kexin sneered at him and looked at his eyes full of contempt.

"Look at you in a hurry, do you want to see her?" She walked over to Han Honghong step by step, leaning over and facing his face. "Even if you think about her, she doesn't know. If she is told, I’m afraid I will laugh at my tears. Don’t forget, you didn’t take it before you start!”

"At the beginning, I was fainted by your appearance, so I will be impulsive to write a book." Han Minghong said.

"Come to blame me now? Hahaha--" Du Kexin stood up and laughed twice. "Han Minghong, you are so ridiculous, you remember how you said it? You said someone like you." Naturally, I want the best woman to match. How can a village girl like Du Xiaoli become your king, you can never tolerate her becoming your king. You now say that I am confusing you, what else can you say? Funny words?!"

Han Minghong was fired by Du Kexin’s words. Looking at her ironic eyes, Du Kexin was sucked in.


Du Kexin’s neck was tightly held by Han Minghong, and she reached out and grabbed him.

"Is it irritated? When she was still dusty, you abandoned her. Do you still want her to accept you again? When you are tortured by locusts, she is still overwhelming with the king! You abandoned me, you are the same Can't get what you want! Hahaha-"

"Do you say another one?!" Han Minghong was scared with red eyes and looked at Du Kexin with anger.

"Why, want to kill me? I am the saint of Miaojiang, do you dare to kill me? You don't want Miaojiang's support?" Du Kexin looked at the angry Han Honghong without fear, saying, "There is You will kill me."

"Do you think I dare?" Han Minghong tightened his fingers, as long as she used another force, Du Kexin would be dead.

"You are a coward!" Du Kexin had difficulty breathing and said hard.

"What do you think you are good? Are you qualified to say me? Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

Han Minghong tightened his fingers a little bit and let Du Kexin slowly feel the arrival of death.

Just as Du Kexin felt that he was about to die, the crisp ringtone came from the foot of the mountain and replaced Han Zhihong’s reason.

"Hey--" Han Minghong released his hand and Du Kexin sat down on the ground.

As the ringtone approached, Fan Nuoer slowly walked up and saw Du Kexin on the ground. She went up and reached for her to help her.

"Get out of the way!" Du Kexin pushed the hand of Fan Nuoer.

"Sister, what are you doing? I am kind." Fan Nuo said with aggrieved.

Du Kexin snorted and said, "You will have good intentions? Don't laugh!"

"How can my sister say this to me?" Fan Nuoer came to Han Minghong and said, "Becoming a Miaojiang saint, you must keep the virgin body. This is your choice. Although you can now share the same room with Wang Ye. Me, but Wang’s heart still has your place.”

"Hey, you know that I am not talking about this!" Du Kexin said.

"Isn't this? What is it?" Fan Nuo's child seems to be puzzled. "When my sister killed me, I didn't blame my sister. Why do you still say that I am not well?"

"I said, it was an accident! Maybe it was you who did something to move the tires, and I was accidentally pushed down to make a small production." Du Kexin looked at Fan Nuo with disdain.

"Sister is laughing, I can do something, I am very baby prince and my child. Wang Ye, you know this, right?" Fan Nuoer said, "That is your last child, but unfortunately Can come to this world."

After that, she also wiped the tears in her eyes with her sleeves.

Referring to the dead child, Han Minghong looked at Du Kexin's eyes more cold.

In order to train this martial art, he must rely on a kind of locust. Although he can quickly develop a deep internal force, the consequences are no longer fertile.

Therefore, Fan Nuo's child was the last flesh, but he died because of an "accident."

Therefore, Han Minghong can't taste what it is like in this life.

"You are poorly loaded here!" Du Kexin patted the dirt on his body. "Don't think that I don't know what you seduce me. I don't care about the betrayal of this man, but I enter the door of my mother's house. You Don't even think about it!"

"Betrayed the lord? How could it be, the thing you said, but the prince asked me to accompany you for a few days. Who knows that you will be so obsessed with me, I really flattered it." Fan Nuoer said, "But You are now a high priest. The rights in Miaojiang are so great that you can listen to me occasionally and it is very helpful to the prince."

"A woman who doesn't know shame! I know you don't have any good intentions!"

"You are not the same?! As a saint, on the surface to help the prince, in fact, what to do in secret, who knows!" Fan Nuoer sneered. "Although I sold out my body, I exchanged a lot of benefits for the prince. At least my heart is still toward the prince. Wang Ye, it’s not clean, you will be awkward?"

When Han Kehong and Fan Nuoer spoke, Han Minghong was silent. When he heard Fan Nuo’s words, he reached out and grabbed her. He said, "This is all arranged by the king. You sacrificed so much for the king. How can this king dislike you!"

Fan Nuoer smiled happily and looked at Du Kexin's eyes full of pride.

"Sure enough, a pair of dogs and men!" Du Kexin sneered. "Although I hate you now, as long as we don't destroy the common purpose of destroying Fengming, we are disgusting."

When she finished, she turned and left. When she walked down the hill, she turned and looked at Han Honghong.

"Forgot to tell you, in addition to Du Xiaoli, Han Mingyu also came. It seems that the court is ironic to clean up this time. Also, I have not married Han Hanhong, don't call my sister, I have nothing to do with him. ""

After Du Kexin left, Han Minghong squeezed his fists into fists.

"Han Ming, you have finally arrived, I have been waiting for this for a long time..."

"Wang Ye..." Fan Nuoer looked worriedly at Han Honghong.

"You go to the high priest, I want to go out."

"Wang Ye, now the sky is already so late, the mountain road here is so dangerous, it is better to start tomorrow." Fan Nuoer said.

Han Minghong thought for a moment and finally nodded and said, "You go back first, I will continue to refine."

"Good. It's getting dark, you come back soon." Fan Nuo said softly.

Han Minghong did not answer her again, closing her eyes and continuing to meditate.

Fan Nuer got up from the stone, looked at him, then turned and left.

She actually wants to ask him, he is anxious to go out, is he wanting to see Han Ming, or want to see her?

She looked up at the sunset and her eyes filled with hatred.

Du Xiaoli, you are finally here, I am looking forward to seeing you again...

Outside the city, Du Xiaoli and his party walked slowly on the horse.

"Wang Hao, you are so powerful today, one person singled out ten people, no internal force, they will also find the teeth to find the teeth! The subordinates are too admired." Cold seven worship to Du Xiaoli said.

"Oh, in fact, you have all been fooled." Du Xiaoli smiled. "Although I let them go together, but in the distance that can hurt me, I can’t stand so many people, so in fact, every time I come together, it’s not so Many people. And although I don't use internal force, but because of practicing martial arts for a long time, my body is much lighter than them, the speed is much faster, and the reaction is much faster."

"Even so, it is very powerful!" said Cold Three. "I see the soldiers, all of them are stupid."

"They have not been good enough recently. I have been exercising their bodies, but I have neglected their attitudes. Fortunately, there is not much loss this time, otherwise I have to regret it." Du Xiaoli took the reins and sighed.

"It is the capital that you give them pride." Han Ming said.

"The arrogant soldiers will be defeated. This is not unreasonable. I hope they can learn the lesson this time." Du Xiaoli said.

"I see things last night and they will reflect on themselves, but more is stimulated by Wang Hao." Cold two said, "Even if we look at the side, we are all excited."

"If they are so powerful, I wouldn't dare to say that ten are together." Du Xiaoli took a moment and said seriously.

"Haha, Wang Hao, is this to praise us?" Cold six laughs.

"However, without the internal force, if you are seven, you can still try it."


The laughter of the cold six stopped short. Really, don't make people happy for a while!

"Go back and train them." Han Ming said faintly, but let the cold one cool behind them.

"Master, we all have martial arts, we don't need such training," said Leng Er.

"If you are poisoned, can't you use internal force?" Han Mingxi said, "If you can win the glass, you can not train."

"Please ask Wang Hao to design a training method for us." Leng Yi understood the meaning of Han Ming, said to Du Xiaoli.

"As long as you are willing, it is not difficult to get back to you when you have time." Du Xiaoli should bear the way.

Looking at the cold and cold and bitter, they have already seen the tragic life in the future, only hope that it will not be too bad...

Returning to the place where the grandfather of Yucheng County arranged for them to live, and had not had time to drink saliva, the county magistrate took a person to ask for it, saying that it was the secret of the emperor.

"Imperial secret? Is it a person from the capital?" asked Han Ming.

"Back to the prince, not the capital, look at the wear, is the Miaojiang people." The guard answered.

"Miaojiang people? Let them come in."


The guards went out, and soon the grandfather of Yucheng County walked in with two people. Du Xiaoli saw it and found out that he actually knew.