MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 75 pregnant!

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Du Xiaoli didn't expect Han Ming to ask her at this time, waving to the people around him and letting them all go down. Looked around and determined that no one, she only spoke.

"That, I haven’t been here this month."

Han Ming stunned for a few seconds, then his face was ecstatic.

"You mean, are you pregnant?!"

Du Xiaoli nodded and said: "The days of the war are actually just that the moon has not come, it is not sure. But you know, my monthly affairs are very punctual. Now after a few days, I can already be sure. It is."

"Is it in the Millennium Terrorist Forest?" asked Han Ming.

Du Xiaoli nodded.

When they were in the same room, they would adopt artificial contraceptive methods as long as they were in danger. Therefore, they have not been pregnant for so long. Only that time happened to be in her dangerous period, and Han Ming was poisoned and not controlled.

"Then I really want to be awkward!" Han Mingqi suddenly pulled Du Xiaoli into her arms and kissed her on her face.

Du Xiaoli saw the excitement of Han Ming, knowing that he had been expecting his children for a long time. Every time I saw them, I had some different emotions in my eyes. Just considering that Du Xiaoli's body has not matured, he has been restrained.

Today, it is also expected.

Suddenly, his face pulled down and he was cold and glared at Du Xiaoli.

"What's wrong?" Du Xiaoli was seen by him as a hairy.

"You guessed that you were pregnant, and even dared to bring people to fight?" Han Ming blinked and revealed a dangerous atmosphere.

"Cough, at that time, it is not certain." Du Xiaoli said, "One thousand is because the soil is not convinced, and there will be irregular events."

"Sophistication!" Han Mingyu hit a bit on her ass, and then annoyed and said: "Will you hurt our children?"

"Oh..." Seeing Han Mingqi like that, Du Xiaoli couldn’t help but smile, pinching his nose and saying, "Why is it so exaggerated! He is only the size of the beans, and he will know the pain."

"Okay." He couldn't help but smile when he saw the smile in Du Xiao's eyes, but he decided to go back and learn about pregnancy. "Now you have nothing to do, give them to them, and you will give me a baby, do you know?"

Du Xiaoli snorted and said, "You are so nervous, is it a nervous child or me?"

"Of course, you are nervous!" Han Mingxi said, before Du Xiaoli changed his face, he added: "But you are more nervous."

"Hey, I think you are nervous, the child is almost the same!" Du Xiaoli screamed twice.

"Are you eating your child's vinegar?" Han Ming's head suddenly opened up, and suddenly he understood how Du Xiaoli suddenly became awkward.

"Hey!" Du Xiaoli turned his face to the side and didn't look at him.

Han Ming glared at her waist and said, "Well, what vinegar to eat with your child! Don't you be nervous about him?"

"I am nervous about him, you are nervous!" Du Xiaoli said.

"Well, I am nervous about you, you are nervous about our children!" Han Mingxi felt that Du Xiaoli suddenly became a child, smiled and leaned his head on Du Xiaoli's shoulder. "I am going to be awkward..."

The incident of Du Xiaoli's pregnancy soon spread. She originally wanted to be low-key, but Han Mingqiu called them all cold and said that she was pregnant, especially let Xia Wei and Yangge take good care of Du Xiaoli. Don't let her do anything.

As soon as I heard that Du Xiaoli was pregnant, everyone was excited. They finally had to add a small master!

Du Xiaoli saw the happiness of Han Ming’s face on the side and reached out to touch his lower abdomen.

A small life has grown there!

Miao Wang, they heard about the pregnancy of Du Xiaoli, and they all came to congratulate. Han Ming said that he wanted to bring Du Xiaoli back. Miaojiang’s affairs have been dealt with almost now. Now he is giving him a wound, but his injury is almost good. He wants to bring Du Xiaoli back to Beijing. The various things in Beijing are still complete.

Du Xiaoli gave himself a pulse, perhaps because his body was good after all, and the pulse was particularly stable, unlike other people who were weaker in the first three months. If you leave now, there will be no big problem.

After negotiating with Miao Wang, Han Mingyu left Miao Village on the second day, and Miao Wang and Wu Yimu personally sent them out to Miaojiang.

The old Miao doctors looked at Han Ming in the mountains and they left, saying: "Aya, after this time is over, we will go to the Guanghan Temple and wish, thank God for sending them over."

"Yes, Master." Aya answered.

After a day and a half of walking, they went out of Miaojiang. Du Xiaoli went out to Muliangshan and saw the carriage stopped at the foot of the mountain. Cold two and Lengsan were already there waiting for them.

After returning to Yucheng, they realized that the county magistrate had been cleaned up by the monsoon. The rebel parties that had gathered in Yucheng and nearby cities were desecrated. Now they are in Ducheng and other cities. come out.

When I saw Du Xiaoli sitting in the carriage and coming off, Han Mingyu was still holding her carefully, and everyone seemed to understand what.

"The season general, is this general... eh?" Lu Dahai gathered around the monsoon and asked with a smile.

The monsoon wind gave him a look and said, "You have the courage to ask?"

"No." Lu Hai shrunk back in an instant, joking, he asked, waiting to be cut!

Han Minghao came over with Du Xiaoli and said, "The glass is tired. You can report anything directly to the king at this time. Now go back first, and those things will be discussed tomorrow."

Du Xiaoli’s act of directly cutting his military power for Han Mingyu turned his eyes in his heart, but did not say anything. He was the first time he was jealous, and he was nervous because of him.

But then again, she is also the first time to be a mother, why is she not so nervous?

After Han Minghao finished, he pulled Du Xiaoli and went back to his place to rest.

"One, two, three!" Luhai, they formed a circle, shot together, and then everyone sympathetically shot the shoulders of Lu Hai, said: "Go."

Lu Dahai hated everyone and glanced at them. They were not willing to chase Du Xiaoli and they went.

Zeng Tai and the monsoon winds waited in the same place, saying: "This Lu Lu, only knowing the cloth every time, has been so long, and he has not seen him the second gesture."

"If it wasn't for him, he would only release it. How would you win him every time?" Zeng Tai smiled.

"I don't know if he will ask if he will be flying by the prince?"


"That's a miserable."

"Sympathize with him."

When everyone sympathized with the Lu Da poster, he came back with a sigh of relief, and there was no injury at all.

"Ask the result?" Zeng Tai asked.

"That is!" Luhai proudly lifted his chin.

"How are we guessing it?"

"I won't tell you!" Lu said.

"Why don't you say it?!" everyone was in a hurry.

"You only said who guessed the box and said who asked. If you didn't ask, you must say it!" Lu said. "Don't think I don't know. You know that every time I leave the cloth, I will hang it." !"


This guy actually knows!

"Do you know that you are still like this?"

"Hey, I can't control myself when I don't guess the boxing?" Lu said. "But I have already thought about it. I asked, I just asked, but I just don't tell you the answer. Hahahaha!"

Lu Hai laughed and walked away, leaving others to face each other.

When did the guy with a simple mind and limbs become smarter?

"What should I do now?" someone asked.

"Of course, go to open the mouth of Luhai! Let's go together!"

It’s better to lick his mouth than to ask Han to marry them.

"Hey, hello, the sea, don't go!"

A group of people all chased the past with the sea. The monsoon looked at them and smiled and went into the house.

Han Mingqi, they just sat down, the season winds came in, found a position to sit down and said: "You can count it back, and then those guys will be back again."

"Do you still worry about their skin?" Du Xiaoli said with a smile.

"Those guys don't listen to you except you," said Ji Liufeng. "Yes, I gave Tang Yan a vacation. His family is just around the corner, saying that he wants to go home and see, after the mission is over, I will Let him go back."

"Yeah." Du Xiaoli nodded and said: "I have heard Tang Yan said before, and he has already allowed him to leave after he has finished. He has not returned for several years."

"The remnant party here has already been cleaned up. The county towns have recovered calm. When are we going back?" asked the monsoon.

"On these two days." Han Mingxi said, "You go back with the team first, and we will set off later."

"Good." The season winds and winds, then look at Du Xiaoli and Han Mingyu, he said: "They all say that you are so rude, are you pregnant?"

According to the ceremony, a man does not change the words of the woman, but their relationship is not the same, and they do not care.

When it comes to children, Han Ming’s eyes reveal that kind of happiness, nod and say, "Yes, it has been more than a month."

"Really, that's really congratulations to you!" The monsoon is also happy for the two. He knows that Han Mingyi has always wanted a child, and now he is finally getting what he wants.

"Well, so I will be responsible for everything in the military in the future. If anything, report it directly to me." Han Mingxi said.

"Okay." The season nodded.

"Hey, hello," Du Xiaoli was not happy here. "You are depriving me of military power!"

"We are letting you raise your baby." Ji Liufeng said with a smile, "You are a woman first, then a general."

"Okay." Du Xiaoli said, "Now I am going to rest in this pregnant woman. You haven't seen each other for so long. I have something to say, I will not bother. Xia Wei, with a small white ball, let's rest."

"Yes, the master."

Du Xiaoli left, and the monsoon looked at her back and said, "She is not happy?"

"Nothing, she is not letting her do anything to me!" Han Ming said.

"Then you have gotten back," said the monsoon. "But then, how many women have her busy."

"Yeah, with her talent, even if it is..." Han Mingqi said, "It is the happiest and luckiest thing in my life to be able to marry her."

"It's really enviable." The monsoon said with some emotion. "I heard Luo Qi and they said that you have killed the rebel?"


Du Xiaoli returned to his room, let Xia Hao put the white ball on the table, and then put the golden enamel on the table, watching them chat.

"Xia Wei, you said, these two guys have different languages. Can you understand what the other person said?" Du Xiaoli squatted on the table and reached out and poked the white ball into a round body, boring.

"Master, this we can't guess." Xia Wei looked at Du Xiaoli's bored look, gently shook his head, used to be busy, and now she is bored.

They still can't figure out why the white ball is so so like Jin Hao. Every day, it will be satisfied with it for a long time. Once you don't see Jin Hao, you will have no spirit all day, like a lovelorn.

However, Du Xiaoli feels that the two languages ​​are different. Shouldn't they really fall in love?

Or is it that the white ball is in estrus? However, I have not seen any estrus in the past two years.

I can't figure it out, she doesn't bother to think about it. Anyway, this golden plaque is also her, and the white ball likes to play it.

Du Xiaoli Two days after they took the city, the new county magistrate came to the office, and the matter of the city was handed over. The monsoon wind returned to Beijing with the special team's Chinese paper.

Du Xiaoli also packed up things and took the carriage slowly.

For the carriage ride, Du Xiaoli does not like it, but for the children in the stomach, she can only press the idea of ​​riding. The bumps like horseback are especially bad for the stomach. In case something happens, she has to regret it.

This time, Han Mingyu accompanied her slowly, and she did not rush to return to Beijing. Du Xiaoli asked him, it was not a secret in the past few days, how could he not see him leave.

Han Mingqi said that he told Du Mungli about the pregnancy, Han Shunze said, by the way, his injury has not healed, Han Ming did not say anything, directly give him a holiday, let him accompany Du Xiaoli slowly back.

"When I went to Jiangnan last time, I said that I would like to play with you. The result is too hasty to go back. This time we can use it to play along the way. The scenery here is not as good as Jiangnan, but it also has a charm." In the carriage, Du Xiaoli lay on the couch with his head on his leg.

"Okay, then let's go back slowly! I want to eat all the food! See the beauty of the place!"

Du Xiaoli's eyes are shining. Is this not their honeymoon trip?

"Well, as long as you are willing, it will not be bad for our children, you can do whatever you want." Han Mingyu said.

With the guarantee of Han Mingyu, Du Xiaoli was full of joy and thought that she could have a good journey, but she underestimated the degree of Han Mi's chicken.

"There are too many peppers, eat more and get angry, come and eat light." After he finished, he took the spicy chicken in front of Du Xiaoli and put a stack of light dishes in front of her.


"I heard that eating is bad for the fetus, not good for pregnant women, don't eat it." After that, she left her favorite snack.


"The wind is big outside. When you go out and be taken care of, you can take a look at the carriage."


There are too many things like this. Du Xiaoli couldn’t help it anymore, saying: “Han Ming, I think you are very embarrassed!”

"For the husband, this is caring for your mother and daughter." Han Mingqi looked at Du Xiaoli.

Du Xiaoli was seen by Han Mingyu without words, but this gas was gone. This guy actually learned to sell Meng, who taught him? !

Han Ming saw that Du Xiaoli was not angry. When she turned around, she sighed with relief and looked at the white ball that was playing on the couch and Jin Hao. I didn’t expect it to be really useful. .

If Du Xiaoli knows that his sales are learning with Xiaobaiqiu, I don't know if he will be angry to throw them both out of the carriage.

Being restricted to freedom, Du Xiaoli also lost his mind and let Han Minghao return directly to Beijing.

Han Mingxi also endured Du Xiaoli's temper at this moment. Who told him that this pregnant woman's temper would be more violent, and that this would be irritating for small things, making him think she is more like a little woman.

So they changed the route, gave up the play plan, and drove back to Beijing. Along the way, he let the cold ones drive the carriage slowly, and dragged them for a few days before returning to the capital.

Fortunately, the performance of Du Xiaoli's pregnancy, which is the most disgusting to the carriage, slowly appeared, becoming particularly sleepy and sleeping most of the day.

Every time I saw her quiet sleep, I thought that my beloved woman had a child for herself, and Han Ming’s heart was gone.

At the beginning of August, the horses carried Du Xiaoli and they swayed back to Beijing. When I thought of leaving, I was still alone. Now I am back, and I have had more life in my stomach.

------Off topic ------

Haha, a lot of mushrooms have guessed the little buns, this buns have finally come out, although it is still a small embryo wow hahaha ~\\(≧▽≦)/~