MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v4 Chapter 5 Reconverge (2)

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Except for Du Xiaoli, everyone else has stopped.

"How can this look like this?" Meng Jiangzhuo looked at Han Mingxiang with a distressed heart. It is a big blow for a woman.

Han Mingxiang smiled bitterly and said, "Nothing, it’s already good to keep your life."

"I was in the Northland country? I remembered it. Xiaoli rushed to Beiyuanguo at the time. It seems that it was because you were dying, is it that time..." Ji Liuxia said.

Han Mingxiang nodded.

"My brother went there at the time. Does he know what you can't have?"

"Well, he also knows." Han Mingxiang stunned and responded.

"Since my brother knows, but still wants to marry you, it means that he does not care." Ji Liuxia said.

"But I care." Han Mingxiang said, "He is the only son of Jijia. He needs him to pass on the family. If I can't have children, then I need another woman to give birth to him. If I become his wife, I won't. Allow him to have a small mole. But if there is no small mole, then the family will be broken."

"What happened after the break!" Ji Liuxia said, "My brother did not have such an idea. I said how he would tell me at the beginning, but fortunately I am not the only son, it is."

"Does he say so?"

"Yeah, you just came back from Beibei." Ji Liuxia said, "I went home and lived, he was drunk, and said to me, fortunately, I am not the only son, we have uncles and uncles. There is a cousin. He knew that you couldn’t have children, even if you can’t have children, those cousins ​​will continue for the family."

"But, you have nothing to do with this one." Han Mingxiang did not expect the season wind to think about this thing so long ago, so many years still adhere to the original idea, the heart can not tell whether it is moving or helpless.

"Nothing is gone." Ji Liuxia said, "I have been fighting in the frontier for many years. I have seen more life and death, and I have not paid much attention to these requirements. When you and your family, my brother was so decadent, and later because of Xiao Glass said that he would find a way to bring you back, and he only got back on his feet. I said at that time, my brother is a seed of infatuation like him. After that, my brother would not care about it. So you don't have to worry about it. ""

"But..." Han Mingxiang was still a little embarrassed, even if they didn't care, she couldn't live through this.

Fu Yalan looked at Han Mingxiang so hesitantly and said: "Princess, you have paid so much, sacrificed so much, and considered so much for Fengmingguo. Now, you should have your own happiness."

Han Mingxiang was silent. She remembered the words that Du Xiaoli once said: the ideal is full, and the reality is very skinny.

Du Xiaoli nodded and said: "My incense, with my understanding of the wind, if you don't marry him, he will not be jealous of other women in this life. If so, it is not as good as two people. Your Body, I will help you study and see if there is any way to restore your fertility."

"Yeah, we are in a hurry, I have forgotten Xiaoli. Your medical skills are so good, should you be able to cure the princess?" Meng Jiangzhuo said.

"It is not completely hopeless." Du Xiaoli did not say anything. If he said that he was very sure, there would be no way at that time. Only Han Mingxiang would be disappointed again.

"You didn't have to say for sure that I can't have a baby?" asked Han Mingxiang.

"Your situation at the time did show that you couldn't have children. But at that time you have not recovered. Now that you have been conditioned for so many years, the situation is different. Maybe the situation will be fine. Moreover, there were more things at the time, I I haven't figured out how to do it. Now that I am free, I can study and study your situation. There may be a way to add medicine and surgery." Du Xiaoli said, "But this is not a 100% thing, so you Don't hold too much hope."

"There is hope." Meng Jiangzhuo said.

They are now the mothers of the three children, so I don't want the feeling of being a mother in Han Shuixiang.

"This thing will not be anxious for a while, and you need to relax your mind slowly." Du Xiaoli said, "But the things between you and the wind are no longer necessary."

"This, I will think about it again." Han Mingxiang said.

"Well, this matter is still to let the season generals worry about it. We are here to say a thousand words, maybe it is not enough for him to say a word." Fu Yalan said with a smile.

"Well, I will go back and say to my brother. If he dares to back down, I will take him with a whip." Ji Liuxia said, "But I believe that my brother will not back down. Anyway, you are from childhood. The blind man, I believe that no matter what, it will always arrive that day."

"Ha ha--"

"Well, let's not say these things." Han Mingxiang said, "Since we have a hard time getting together, don't say these unhappy things. Xiaoli, what arrangements can I have today?"

"Ah? Isn't it an invitation letter you sent us? It is up to you to arrange it today!" Du Xiaoli said.

"But this is not my site, and I think that eating and playing, or you are relatively good." Han Mingxiang very simply gave the burden to Du Xiaoli.

"Amount... I don't know how to arrange it today..." Du Xiaoli said.

"Hah, since there are no arrangements, then let's play mahjong? I haven't played mahjong with Xiaoli for a long time." Ji Liuxia said with a smile.

"Playing mahjong?" Du Xiaoli looked at Ji Liu Xia, how did she think of playing mahjong?

"Yeah! You don't know, many people now play mahjong. This playing mahjong has become the main way of our leisure time." Ji Liuxia nodded.


Du Xiaoli did not expect that the rise of the moment, actually spread.

"Then we will play mahjong." Han Mingxiang said, "Every time I play mahjong with Liu Xia, she will be eaten by her, and she will lose a lot of money to her. How can I turn over and win the money today?"

The silver at the foot of Du Xiaoliang heard the word silver, and thought it was calling it, raising his head and whispering twice.

Du Xiaoli leaned over and patted the head of the silver and said, "Then we will go to play mahjong. Let Xia Yan go and get a pair of mahjong."

"No, mahjong has always been here." Fu Yalan said, "Before you were in the frontier, the three of us often gathered here, sometimes playing mahjong entertainment."

"Then let them talk about mahjong, we have five people playing five." Du Xiaoli said.

“How do five people fight?” asked Ji Liuxia.

"It’s similar to playing with four people, but the cards in your hand are a little less. When I play, I will tell you specifically." Du Xiaoli said.

"Okay, okay, let's play for a while, then eat barbecue at noon, how about eating hot pot at night?" Ji Liuxia said.

"Well, it is rare to take a child, we have to have fun today!" Meng Jiangzhuo said with a smile.

"Right, when will Jiang Zhuo return to Jiangnan?" Ji Liuxia asked.

"Ten days later." Meng Jiangzhuo said, "The husband has already sent a letter to remind me, and I will be ready to go back in a few days."

"When you leave, you don't know when you come back." Ji Liuxia said, "When we get together, we will be one less!"

"You can also go to Jiangnan to play at the time. When the last time Xiaoli came, there were so many things, and there was no fun. Next time you can come together, there is a glass, you don’t have to worry about safety. Don't worry about getting sick." Meng Jiangzhuo smiled.

"This is let me be a bodyguard and accompanying doctor!" Du Xiaoli pushed the season Liu Xia and said: "I am not free to travel, you have to ask me to be a bodyguard and a doctor, then I have to give you all the expenses. It is."

"Oh, you, we are the richest in this group of people! You have a lot of restaurants, you have earned a lot of money. Not to mention other industries." Ji Liuxia said, "So I decided, if we are going to travel, let Xiaoli ask us, how?"

"I think it's feasible." Han Mingxiang nodded with something, and echoed the words of the season.

"Yalan, what do you think?" Ji Liuxia turned his attention to Fu Yalan.

Fu Yalan smiled and said: "You forgot, I and Xiaoli are now aunts."

"Yeah, you must be standing on the side of Xiaoli." Ji Liuxia said, "But it doesn't matter, now two to one, or we have a large number."

"Hey, you are a smart ghost!" Du Xiaoli smiled.

"But really, do we want to go to Jiangnan to play together?" Ji Liuxia asked with both eyes.

She has always admired Du Xiaoli to go everywhere, but she has never gone out to play. Now, the child is a little big, and I don’t have to look at it every day. Her active heart is starting to stir up again.

"In the past, Xiaoli often said that he would go everywhere afterwards. She did go everywhere. There are her footprints in the southwest and south of the Yangtze River, but we still have been in this capital!" Fu Yalan said.

"Not only that, you see Xiaoli is Wang Hao, Ming Xiang is a princess, you are all royals, you can also observe the people's feelings when you play around, maybe we can open a violent security, how good, right? ”

The more the season, the more excited, the more excited, I can't wait to take the gift to play.

"But if you go out to play, will your husband's family agree?" Du Xiaoli said.

"Hey, don't think that the king will let you run around. I have already said it to Qu Yi. I have to go around in the future. He said that I will spend time with me. If it is with you, He will not object to it!" Ji Liu Xia proudly said.

"Shen Heng is influenced by you, and it is very open to these." Fu Yalan said.

"I am still a person now, no matter whether it will become two people in the future, no one can stop what I want to do. Not to mention following you." Han Mingxiang said.

"Since there is no problem, then we will have time to go out to play later!" Ji Liuxia said.

"That's it! I will wait for you to come over in Jiangnan." Meng Jiangzhuo said, "Well, if you go to other places to play, you will bring me along. Although my mother-in-law is more old-fashioned, But if it is said that Xiaoli and the princess ordered me to drive, there is no problem."

Du Xiaoli looked at a few people and decided to go out to play when he was free. He felt guilty, regardless of whether it was ancient or modern, women are a virtue!