MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v4 Chapter 8 Endangered

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Han Mingyuan watched Sima Rui protect the Phoenix behind him, anxiously wanting to go up and pull her.



Sima Rui waved a sword in front of his chest and prevented him from going forward.

"His Royal Highness, I advise you not to go forward." Sima Rui looked at Han Mingyuan badly and said: "Otherwise, I can't guarantee that you can retreat today."

"Who are you?" Han Mingyuan's eyes sank. He felt that the strength of the other side was not weaker than himself. It is not easy to take away the Phoenix today.

"I don't matter who I am. The important thing is that Phoenix doesn't know you." Sima Rui said.

He had already heard that Phoenix had admitted his identity when he had not arrived, so he did not continue to conceal it now.

"I am her husband, how can she say that she does not know me!" Han Mingyuan looked at the strange eyes of the fire phoenix, and felt a pain in his heart.

He looked for her for so long, and finally found it. The result was that she didn't know him.

"You are his husband? Do you think you are so embarrassed to say this?" Sima Rui pointed to Han Mingyuan and said, "And not that Phoenix has already taken you off, even if you were together before, you can Have you ever been to a husband's responsibility? And, have you never had a round room? Phoenix married you for two years, waiting for you for so many years, but what have you done for her?"

When he saw Han Mingyuan, he couldn't help but vent his dissatisfaction and attacked him.

Han Mingyuan was also very embarrassed about the Phoenix. He did not refute Sima Rui’s words. When he saw him attacking, he only evaded and did not fight back.

"I know I used to be sorry for Phoenix, but I love her."

"Love her? Love her, you should stay away from her, not appear in front of her again."


"She is now losing her memory. I can't remember you anymore. Why should she be what it is now? You should be the clearest. For her sake, you shouldn't entangle her again!"

"Phoenix will not forget me!"


The two men spoke while they were talking. After a while, both parties arrived, and they saw that their masters were playing. A group of people did not say anything and also joined together.

Fire Phoenix saw this chaotic scene, thinking that Han Mingyuan said that he was his husband, and there was a dialogue behind the two people. He felt that his heart was blocked and his head hurt. He said, "Don't fight!"

The two sides will not listen to her, but Sima Rui and Han Mingyuan found that her voice is a bit wrong, and looking at her, seeing her kneeling on the ground, holding her head, is very painful.



The two both closed their hands and flew together toward the Phoenix. Han Mingyuan’s light work is better, and Sima Rui came to the Phoenix.

"Phoenix, what's wrong with you?" She hugged the phoenix and saw her face covered in a red face towel pale and frosty.

"Headache! Head... It hurts!" Fire Phoenix kept pounding his head and trying to ease some pain.


Sima Rui ran over and saw the appearance of the phoenix. He pushed Han Mingyuan forward and clicked twice on her.

"Sister, how?"

Fire Phoenix looked up at Sima Rui and said a good pain, then fainted.

Han Mingyuan was pushed away, and originally wanted to recapture the Phoenix. But when Sima Rui knew more about the situation of the Phoenix, he would not be able to heal, and he waited. Seeing that the phoenix fainted in the past, he anxiously asked: "What happened to Phoenix?"

Sima Rui held the fire phoenix in her left hand, and the right hand took the pulse for her, and her face was dignified.

"Ask you, Phoenix, how is she?" Han Mingyuan saw that he did not speak, shouted.

Sima Rui glanced at him and said: "In order to save you, the phoenix was seriously injured. Although I was forced to save it, her body has not been good. It should have been stimulated by you and the injury has recurred."

"Are you not going to be a doctor? Then you hurry to save her?!"

"If I can save her, will she still be okay now?" Sima Rui went back. "I was originally planning to take her back to Baidu Valley to ask for a teacher... Please ask the owner to save her. Who knows that you will suddenly Appeared to stimulate her condition to recur early!"

"You can suppress the second time for the first time, right?" Han Mingyuan ignored the blame in his words and asked.

Sima Rui shook his head and said, "I am controlled by poison. Now it recurs, which means it has failed. If it is used again, it is not a disease control for her, and it is deadly poison."

"There is no way?" Seeing Sima Rui’s silence, he was stepped back.

The two pairs of people who had been fighting together had stopped at this moment. A guard arrived and said to Han Mingyuan: "Wang Ye, not far from the capital, you may be able to find Wang Hao..."

"Xiao Li, right, Xiaoli medical technique is so good, she can certainly save the phoenix." Han Mingyuan's eyes brightened, and when he hugged the Phoenix, he flew toward the capital.

Sima Rui hesitated for two seconds, made a gesture to his subordinates, and flew to catch up.

The master left, and the two sides looked at each other and chased each other on the horse.

Ding Wangfu.

Du Xiaoli and Bai Ning are in the yard, watching the stones and playing with the white balls. Seeing that the stone smiled happily, she was in a good mood. She said to Bai Ningyuan: "Since it is here, live in the palace."

Bai Ning was a long-lost man. "It’s really good to have a sister-in-law. This palace can live anywhere."

Du Xiaoli poked him with his elbow and said, "Hey! How come you suddenly came to Kyoto?"

"It's not because of the younger sister." When it comes to this, Bai Ningyuan's face is not smiling, saying: "There was a message a few days ago, saying that there is a little sister's whereabouts, I will come over and see."

"I also sent people to find it, but the people who took her erased their whereabouts." Du Xiaoli frowned. "I haven't been idle since I returned to Beijing, I heard about the previous two days. Appeared around the capital, I was planning to go out and look for it. Do you get the news specific?"

Bai Ningyuan shook his head: "Because the news is too vague, I will come back from Beiqi. Master, his old man is now, hehe..."

"The phoenix is ​​missing, he must be uncomfortable." Du Xiaoli also sighed. "I have already experienced the white-haired people to send black-haired people. If the phoenix has another three long and two short, the attack on him is too big."

"In fact, the missing of the younger sister is relatively better." Bai Ningyuan said, "At least he still has a head, and he still thinks that she might live somewhere."

"Well, where are you going to start looking?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"When I came here, I brought some people from the family and asked them to go out and find them." Bai Ningyuan said.

"Before she had no news, she is now in the vicinity of the capital. I guess she may be going back to Baiduo Valley. People looking for all the cities that lead to Jiangnan should be able to find her. Even if she can't find it, she It should return to Baidu Valley soon." Du Xiaoli analyzed.

"I thought so before, but if this is the case, why is her trace erased?" Bai Ningyuan is not at ease.

"You mean...may she be coerced?" Du Xiaoli asked.

Bai Ning nodded and said: "I know that your younger brother has been looking for her, and Baidu Valley has been looking for it. Our power is not weak, but we have found Fengming from Beiyuan, we have not found her, why now Will it appear near the capital? Why is there no trace after that? If she is alone, it is impossible to do this."

Du Xiaoli was also worried about it. He said: "If the person who is not saving her is cautious, someone will hold her up uneasy. If the former is okay, if it is the latter... I will go with you tomorrow."

"Mother, where are we going?" Because she was too sticky, the stone heard that she was leaving, and ran with a small white ball to ask.

Du Xiaoli went down and rubbed the sweat on his forehead and said, "There is a glimpse of it, and the mother is going to find her."

"The stone also goes." The little red face of the stone slammed, and Du Xiaoli couldn't help but squeeze it.

"The stone can't go. You have to wait for the girl at home."

"Don't you, the stone is going to be with the mother!" The stone saw Du Xiaoli saying that he would leave him at home and suddenly cried.

Just as Han Mingqi came back from the outside and heard the cries of the stone, he walked over.

"What's wrong?" He saw the stone in the yard crying and asked.

"Come back. Things are done?" Du Xiaoli stood up and said.

Han Mingqi shook his head and said, "There are some. How did the stone cry?"

"Father, the mother said to go out, without stones." The stone cried and complained.

"You are going to find the Phoenix?" Han Mingyu guessed it all at once.

"Well, I just said something to my cousin, I plan to go out and look for her tomorrow." Du Xiaoli said.

"Don't you, the mother is going to be with the stone." The stone cried.

"Stone, do you want to go to the military camp with your father?" Han Ming asked.

"Where is the military camp?" The stone stopped crying and asked.

"It's a very fun place. Are you going?" Han Ming said.

"A very fun place? Well, I am going!" The stone didn't cry when he heard it.

"Then you can't see the mother when you go to the military camp." Han Ming said.

The stone thought about it and said, "I want to go to the military camp with my father. Mother, go. Stone and father."

After he finished, he ran to the side and played with the white ball, making a small white ball screaming.

Du Xiaoli applauded and looked at Han Mingyu and said, "But is it convenient for you to take him to the military camp?"

"What is inconvenient." Han Mingxi said, "He likes to cry so much, just throw it into the military camp to see."

"Okay. In this case, cousin, we will go to the place where we got the news before tomorrow morning."

However, Du Xiaoli was noisy until dawn.

Han Mingyuan and Sima Rui flew directly from the courtyard wall of Dingwangfu and shouted: "Little scorpion, little scorpion, hurry to save the phoenix!"

The lights of many rooms in Dingwangfu were lit. The guards of the night patrol noticed that some people came in and gathered together. They heard the voice of Han Mingyuan and stopped, not attacking them.

Du Xiaoli just fell asleep soon. When she heard the voice of Han Mingyuan, she blinked and suddenly got up from the bed.

"Little scorpion, hurry to save the phoenix!"

Han Mingyuan came directly to the courtyard of Du Xiaoli and Han Mingyu with the fire phoenix.

Du Xiaoli put on a coat and opened the door. He saw Han Mingyuan holding a woman and waited anxiously in the yard. When she saw her out, she whimpered and said, "Small sister-in-law, you will save the phoenix..."