MTL - Pampered Poisonous Royal Wife-Chapter 724 Black, really black

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Because of the sorrowful pain in the chest of the six-two movement, the Northern Xinjiang King has an urgent situation. There is no time for him to get angry and angry. In order to save the hearts of the people and get the first time of the prescription, he ordered people to collect as many herbs as possible. . If you can't collect everything, then follow

A few concentrate on the acquisition, as long as it can monopolize several herbs, others have no role in the prescription.

However, the people who were sent down did not take long to go back and forth, saying that it was in the whole northern Xinjiang. The medicinal materials had been collected by the unknown caravans. Now the price is too high, the problem is that it is difficult to buy silver. "Hey!" Northern Xinjiang Wang He even slammed the tea slap at hand, and then still felt uneasy, and directly dumped the table to the ground. "Damn, geese all day long, I did not expect to be injured by a geese one day. Eyes, we thought that step by step, in fact, every step just stepped into the dug of others

In the pit. "He Lian Chuan stood on one side. He was very temperamental and had no patience. "Wang Xiong, I want to say that the little hybrid of He Lianyi should not be left in the first place. His mother is a slave to Dali." He is so low and humble, where can he go clean? No, it’s provoked us when we come back.

With such a big trouble, he sent troops to arrest him and chopped the wolf. "Herren did not agree with the frown: "The second brother, can't act impulsively. Now the Helianyi is not a slave that can be arbitrarily insulted before. Because of this prescription, his position in many tribes has risen a lot, killing. Personal is easy, but the name to be killed is justified, we must think carefully

It is. Helen storage sat impatiently on the chair, tilting his legs and looking impatient: "I can't understand what you and Wang Xiong said. Just how do you say how to do it, how to do it." If it is killing, I will go first, and I will bring you the dog heads of those people! "There are still killers."

It’s really annoying!

He Lianzhen has some helplessness, but Helen has always had the courage to do so. They have not reported too much hope: "Wang Xiong, what should I do now?"

Northern Xinjiang Wang He Liansheng said: "Dali has a good person there. It was convenient to use the caravan to buy a large number of medicinal materials from northern Xinjiang. Now we want to treat the people, we can only pinch the nose and plant flowers. Money will buy the medicine back!"

"Our land in northern Xinjiang is not suitable for farming. Although there are medicinal materials, the quantity is not much. Even if it is not acquired, it will have its own shortcomings. It is nothing to spend some money, and it is afraid that some people will use it in medicine."

He Lian Chuan interjected: "Dali is not advertised as a state of etiquette? If they use this method to damage my northern Xinjiang, is it not ruined?"

"Second brother, what is the reputation and interest?" He Lianzhen said that if he could not ruin the Dali Dynasty, he would be willing to throw his fame into the pit.

The northern king of the king smashed his eyebrows: "What good way can the three brothers have?" "The caravans that collected the herbs in advance have already decided to come from the Dali Dynasty. The purpose of doing this is either to make money or to kill. We first Wait patiently for a few days. If someone contacts us, it is simple, and the property will be offered. First, the medicine is used to stabilize the internal affairs of northern Xinjiang. If no one is in contact,

Then go to the king, and Helianyi can exchange his prescription for the treatment of the disease. We can also exchange medicines for treating the disease from his hands. ”

After thinking about it for a moment, Northern Xinjiang Wang Helian said, nodding, "Well, follow the method of the third brother."

He Lian Chuan is not convinced: "Isn't it been ruined by the people of Dali Dynasty? At this time, they don't blame the lion's mouth!" North Xinjiang and He Lianzhen looked at each other and flashed a face. A thick haze: "Dali is not too flat. Now we have received our money. After a while, let them spit out the profits! Third brother, you are now going to contact the emperor of Dali Dynasty and钺王, just say us

Northern Xinjiang intends to rely on it, hoping to get their help. ”

He Lian raised his lips and nodded. "Wang brother, this way, I will go now."

Helen’s account is unclear, so his eyes are not pleasing: “Wang brother, when do we need to rely on others to survive?” “Second brother, you must learn to use your brain. The government’s affairs are not based on brute force. What can be solved, now that the Dali is in the civil war, the king of the king is forced to rebel, the imperial court sent troops to suppress, just like they fight, and my northern Xinjiang is profitable, what is the use of verbal attachment?

Let them feel at ease and relax their vigilance. When to do it, what to do or how to do it. ”

Both sides show weakness, and then use it on both sides. As long as the court and the king fight, they are profitable.

"I don't understand these windings. Wang Xiong and the third brother looked at it. I went back to train the cavalry, Wang Xiong, my cavalry, but I haven't been bleeding for a long time. It's time for them to practice. Practiced."

"Reassured, very soon, there is their use."

After receiving a letter from Beijiang, Yan Wang took a look and immediately threw it aside: "What news can be heard from Kyoto?"

"Returning to the prince, Wang Hao’s letter has just been sent."

When Wang Wang’s eyes lit up, he got up and took the envelope from Yu Heng’s hand. He saw the familiar handwriting on the envelope and couldn’t help but slightly raised his lips: Yao’s use of his font is more and more skilled. After opening the letter, Wang Zhenzheng folded the letters and put them together. He told me that he was on the side: "Let the caravans do it, don't be polite, slaughter the northern Xinjiang, pay attention to safety. It’s okay to lose the medicinal materials. People must come back in good condition. In addition, let Yu Yi lead the troops.

Help and protect. ”

"Yes, Wang Ye." Yu Heng eyes brightened, waiting for so long, and finally can show their talents.

A large number of medicinal materials were continuously transported to the border of Dali Dynasty, and then they were exchanged for gold, silver, jewellery, cattle and sheep from the hands of the northern Xinjiang. Then they were transported back by the caravans and quickly transported to Kyoto through various trade routes. .

A month later, Mu Yunyao saw the first batch of money sent.

The poisonous lady stood on one side and looked at the box that was kept in the middle of the palace. She opened her eyes and looked at it. She couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. She only felt that the eyes were all in the color of gold: “Yunyao, those Is the medicinal value so silver?"

"If it is placed in the past, it is naturally worthless, but now it is not sold to the northern Xinjiang. Why do you not earn more when you earn money?"

"You are not afraid of their reversal in the middle?"

"Speaking on weekdays, let you know more about business, you are always shirking and not interested. Those herbs I gave in batches, especially the wood that plays a big role, I postponed to these silvers to send It’s only on the way that people are sent to the past. Do you dare to repent?” The poisonous lady took a moment and sighed with sigh: “Black, it’s really black!” In the future, it’s not easy to provoke Yunyao. It’s really hard to prevent, but it’s really cool to hear that North Xinjiang is so bad!