MTL - Pampering My Cute Pet-Chapter 28 early morning

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Yu night shower is a refreshing, she opened the computer code to the word, during the rain, the rain also sent a video, so she used both minds while chatting and dealing with the idea of ​​a case in the novel.

"I don't know what my brother and Shen will say." Yu is still a little worried. After all, his brother recently saw that she and Shen Qingzhou are so close.

Jane rain ate the pizza called, with the old sauerkraut that she had mailed to her in the previous days, "Let's talk about it, then talk about you, what can the two men talk about, do you still talk about the basics?"

Yu night, a white eye, in the past, "You can't wait for me to be a family member."

The evil of Jian Yu’s laughter, “With Shen Qingzhou and Yu Huan’s style of painting, it’s really a good time to stand together.”

Yu’s calm typing, “Don’t let the dirty thoughts in your mind imagine ok? Besides, Shen Qingzhou is mine, how can my brother grab it.”

Jane rain screamed and laughed. "I know Miss Yu Da, Shen Qingzhou is yours, even if you are a close relative, you don't want to."

Yu night, "..." Mad, how to listen to strange.

The doorbell rang, and Yu got up late. "I am going to open the door. Maybe my brother is coming."


Sure enough, Yu Huan, and Shen Qingzhou did not go directly after chatting, but came to Yu to see here. Yu Huan walked in to see the computer on the desktop, and the video on the right was especially obvious.

"Rain is thick, you are also." Yu Huan stood in front of the computer, watching Jane rain thick left a piece of pizza, right hand a fork, "You are eating instant noodles?"

Jane Yuen waved a hand to Yu Huan. "Yu Ge, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"I haven't seen you for a long time." Yu Huan paused. "I didn't talk to you about instant noodles. You can't eat more. How do you always eat?"

"No, I only eat it once or twice a month, really."

Yu late silently came up from behind. "Oh, I will ask you the box that was sent to you two weeks ago."

"There are a lot left!" Jane rained and jumped. "Yu brother's teaching I remembered from childhood, Yu night, you don't want to tear down my desk."

Yu night turned his eyes.

Yu Huan has no choice but to shake his head. These two gimmicks have been used to bickering from childhood to childhood. "When are you coming back?"

Jane Yuen thought about it. "It’s not long before I go back on vacation. Yu Ge, don’t be too busy to let me find someone to eat.”

"No, I will ask you to have a meal when you come back."

"I can rest assured that."

Yu Huan and Jane Yuen finished talking to Yu late. "Well, I will come to see you, not too early, go to bed early."

Yu night sighed, thinking about it and asking some curiosity, "Brother, what did you say in the room that Shen had just said."

Jane Rain is on the side of the room. "You have just been on the side of Shen Shen. We are discussing the style of both of you. It is beautiful."

Yu Huan, "?"

Yu night gestured that Yu Huan didn't have to take care of Jane Rain, "What the **** is going on."

Yu Huan silently, remembering Shen Qingzhou's words, he always felt that Shen Qingzhou's temper was too cold, Yu late liked him to suffer, but finally did not expect Shen Qingzhou's attitude is not what he imagined, as if he was to his sister It is really up to heart.

"You don't have to listen to what adults say."

Yu night mouth slightly pumped.

Yu Huan smiled and his tone was serious. "I will go first. You and Shen Qingzhou will pay attention to it, and I will often call you to ask about your situation. Yu night, if I finally find that he is not good to you, I am not. Will agree to the two of you together."

Yu late’s heart was touched. “Know, brother, don’t worry, he won’t be bad for me.”

Yu Huan shook his head. "You are being miserable by him."

Jane Rain is at the end of the video, "Speaking of the essence."

Yu night, "..."

The next day, Yu night slipped into the room of Shen Qingzhou.

"Wang Wang!"

"Hey, he is sleeping."


Yu night touched the head of the red bean. "Hungry, give you some breakfast."

Yu went to the kitchen and ping pong began to make breakfast. Soon, the scent overflowed, the red beans were not excited at the side, Yu late put it on the ground, "Red beans, do you know what they said yesterday?"

Red bean bar, squatting, eating breakfast.

Of course, the red beans will not be ruined by Yu, and Yu will draw a circle and sigh.

"Talking about work, or else what else to say." The head came over someone to clear the cold voice, Yu night stunned, looked up and looked up, the eyebrows had brought a smile, "early."


"Definitely not only talk about work, you said that I am right."

Shen Qingzhou opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water. "The narcissism, nothing to say about what you do."

"Don't drink ice in the morning," Yu night took his water and said, "I don't believe it. My brother knows that you like me so much, how can you not interrogate you?"

Shen Qingzhou had a meal and turned to look at her, as if to say that there would be such a skinless person under the sun.

"Forget it, you don't say I probably know it too." Yu late raised an eyebrow. "I don't ask, eat breakfast."

Shen Qingzhou looked at it, "Breakfast."

"You do it."

"What?" Shen Qingzhou glanced at the joyful red beans that he ate, so yes, did some of the red beans eat him?

Yu night helped him wash the pot. "Today we eat cheese ham sandwich, you can do it."

Shen Qingzhou, "..."

"It's very simple, cut the toast, the egg is beaten, and then the toast is dipped in the egg... Oh, you take the toast first."

Shen Qingzhou stood still, Yu late had to put the egg in the bowl and hand it to his hand, and then went to get the toast himself. "Hurry up, you will have to go to the show, I am starving." ”

Shen Qingzhou blinked, and this seems to be more and more like to pick things up, and he is also very smug, and he is bold.

Fry the toast slices and let the cheese slices melt...

In the end, Shen Qingzhou still planned to put Yu a horse late, and quietly followed her instructions to make a come out.

"Good fragrance, it seems to be delicious, you taste it." Yu night cut a knife with a knife and fork, handed to Shen Qingzhou. Shen Qingzhou Yu Guang saw Yu’s move, and the micro side turned to pick up.


"Or I taste it." Yu night shrank back, ignoring the way Shen Qingzhou leaned over. "Well... it's delicious." Pick up the milk and take a sip. "It's better to match milk."

Shen Qingzhou looked at her with a deep eye.

Yu late did not find someone's eyes at all, and took the plate to the red beans. "Red beans, I don't want to taste it, Shen Shen did it."

"Wang Wang."

"Yu night."


"bring here!"

"You do one more, this I eat with red beans."

Shen Qingzhou’s temple jumped. “Red beans can’t eat that.”

"Then I will eat." Yu night took the plate and walked to the table. "I am bothering you."

Just put the plate down, Yu night felt a gust of wind behind her, then she was smashed in a direction, she was surprised to lift, and at a glance she saw Shen Qingzhou with a slightly dangerous look.

"I can bear it, huh?"

"What are you doing?"

Shen Qingzhou raised his eyebrows. "You said."

Yu night withstood the pressure and looked back, and muttered for a long time, "Who told you not to tell me what you said."

"Just want to know?" Shen Qingzhou slightly lips, brown tweezers so close to watch there is always a feeling of inspiration.

He held one hand on the table behind her, one hand holding her shoulder, Yu night can only be sandwiched between the table and him.

Yu night licked her lips and leaned back slightly. "Think, think..."

Shen Qingzhou's eyes became darker. In the next second, Yu suddenly suddenly saw his close face.

When was the last time so close...

Oh, when he was drunk, the breath was hot and the eyes were confused, but this time... the breath was lazy in the morning, and the eyes were clear as never before, she seemed to be able to see To the shape of the dove on his pupil.

Yu night breathes a stagnation, a cold lips, soft touch. It is only a little bit of water, but she puts the whole person to be burned by this kiss.

She looked at Shen Qingzhou awkwardly. At the moment, the latter was only five centimeters away from her. He was hanging down, his eyelashes were thick and long, and he looked good.

"I still want to hear it now." The voice was low and hoarse, and Yu night felt a little intoxicating.

Yu night swallowed, "If... I still want to hear it."

Shen Qingzhou raised her eyes, and her mouth was slightly bent. The hand on the table lifted her hand on her neck and pushed her forward. "I will tell you."

Yu night shook his eyes slightly, and he already bowed his head and kissed her lips.

This time, unlike the first time, the water was not like the drunkenness, and it was like a piece of cake on the day of drunkenness. Shen Qingzhou’s kiss brought a bit of fierceness, and the gentle and cool lips pressed Yu’s night, swaying and swaying everywhere. It shows the meaning of enchantment.

Yu’s cheeks are already red, and she knows clearly at this moment that this is Shen Qingzhou, who is sober, not Shen Qingzhou, who is confused...

She was surrounded by his whole person and could only stand leaning against him. She didn't close her eyes. She was not willing. She wanted to see it. The so-called dusty and cold guide was also a fireworks.

Slowly, both of them breathe a little. When Yu night was soft, Shen Qingzhou finally left her a little distance, and Yu night breathed a breath of deep breath in the fresh air.

Shen Qingzhou smiled lightly and slowly said, "This is the answer I told you."

Yu night is not clear, so look up at him.

Shen Qingzhou, "Not you chasing me, but... I want to get you."

at noon.

Yu night sat on the sofa in the room of Shen Qingzhou, next to the red bean classmate who was lazy.

"Red beans, you just... see it."

Red bean 砸 砸 , mouth, changed into a comfortable position to continue to squat.

Yu’s eyes are a bit empty. “Your family, Mr. Shen, actually kissed me and pressed me to death.”

Red beans, "..."

Yu night, "So, for the first time, you are seeing such a hot picture. Right... you really have a good eye."

Red beans, "..."


Yu Si, who was still in the morning and did not slow down in the morning, was shocked by the ringing of the mobile phone. "Hey, hello?"

"How can I not answer the phone for a long time?"

"I, I watched TV, I didn't hear it."

Yu Huan snorted. "I am in your crew, I will wait until you have nothing to eat."

"Ah? What are you doing there?"

Yu Huan snorted. "I thought you were here. I just came to investigate you and Shen Qingzhou. I only saw that he didn't see you. Come on."