MTL - Paper Plane-Chapter 89

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After saying this, both of them fell silent for a moment, and only when they were about to turn the corner did Yang Xuan speak again: "What happened in the past cannot be changed, if this is a hurdle for you..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Junhe turned his face to look out of the car window, and interrupted him in a low voice: "For me, this is not a hurdle, but a door." The hurdle will be passed, But the door was locked by himself.

After a long while, Yang Xuan sighed almost inaudibly, and it took a while for the blue veins on his forearm to disappear completely.

One kilometer away from the gate of the community, the phone rang. Because it is connected to the stereo in the car, the ringtone is particularly abrupt in the cramped car.

Yang Xuan glanced at the phone screen, the call was from You Xin. When the car drove into the community, Yang Xuan slowed down and picked up the phone: "I'm driving, I'll call back later if there's nothing urgent."

"Hey Captain, don't hang up yet, it's related to the case!"

"Say it."

"Surveillance captured a little side profile this time, and the Criminal Investigation Division made a simulated portrait based on the suspect's facial features, and I want you to identify it."

"I'll be there in a while." Yang Xuan parked the car downstairs of Tang Junhe.

"Wait—Captain, is Dr. Tang beside you?"

Seeing Yang Xuan on the phone, Tang Junhe unbuckled his seat belt, opened the door, and just about to get up and get out of the car, Yang Xuan suddenly stretched out a hand and grabbed his wrist. Tang Junhe stopped and looked back at him.

Yang Xuan raised his eyes and looked at him: "Wait a minute." Then he said to the phone, "He's here, what's the matter with you?"

"Why don't you ask him to come and identify him? After all, the hospital is full of people during the day, so maybe the suspect has been in the hospital."

Yang Xuan looked at Tang Junhe, but said to the mobile phone: "Tell him yourself." After speaking, he handed the mobile phone to Tang Junhe, and released his wrist with the other hand.

Tang Junhe first looked down at the phone screen, then looked up at Yang Xuan.

"About the case." Yang Xuan reminded him calmly.

Only then did Tang Junhe reach out to take the phone. He kept lowering his eyes to answer what was said there, and finally said "OK", then waited for the phone to be hung up and returned the phone to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan took the phone, looked at him and asked, "Let's go now?"

"I want to go upstairs first, the cat hasn't been fed yet," Tang Junhe finished, and added, "If you're in a hurry..."

Yang Xuan interrupted him: "How long will it take?"

Tang Junhe thought for a while and said, "Ten minutes."

"I'll wait for you downstairs." Yang Xuan said.

Watching Tang Junhe walk into the corridor, Yang Xuan left the back of the seat, leaned over his upper body, reached out to open the storage box in front of the passenger seat, took out the cigarette case and lighter, opened the door and got out of the car.

Just after finishing a cigarette, Tang Junhe appeared from the corridor. He didn't use it for ten minutes at all.

Yang Xuan stubbed out the cigarette, threw the cigarette **** into the trash can, and walked towards the car.

They opened the car door almost at the same time, and the moment they got into the car, Tang Junhe smelled the smell of smoke from Yang Xuan. And when Yang Xuan leaned over and threw the cigarette case and lighter back into the storage box, the smell of cigarettes came unabashedly.

The car made a slight starting sound. Tang Junhe looked ahead and said, "You must quit smoking and drinking before the stitches are removed. I thought the doctor's order was very clear." The doctor's order was made by him. exhorted.

Yang Xuan said lightly: "Didn't you already get off work?"

Tang Junhe waited for his next sentence without knowing why.

"Doctor Tang, it will be very tiring for you to be so dedicated to each of your patients."

Tang Junhe's temple twitched, but then he swallowed his throat, and quickly recovered his emotions: "This is my job."

Yang Xuan gave a low laugh, hummed slightly, and repeated: "Work."

For a moment, Tang Junhe felt that he had nowhere to hide in front of Yang Xuan. Perhaps his brother had already seen his uncontrollable obsession and longing, and he just kept his self-esteem in mind.

Of course, he is not so conscientious for every patient. What a surgeon needs to do is to perform the operation well and give the correct doctor's orders. As for whether patients follow the doctor's orders, that is not within the scope of his duties.

Yang Xuan is right, it will be very tiring to be so dedicated to every patient.

Ten minutes later, the car drove to the police station, and You Xin showed the simulated portrait of the suspect to the two of them: "Do you have any impression?"

Tang Junhe shook his head and said, "I've never seen this person before."

"This is Dr. Tang," You Xin explained while sitting on a computer chair. "This is just a simulated portrait. In reality, the suspect will not look like this. You focus on features such as height, jaw, and nose..."

"I know," Tang Junhe said, "If I had seen it, I wouldn't be completely unimpressed."

"Ah yes," You Xin said with a smile, "I forgot that you are the number one in the city..."

Tang Junhe looked at her with some surprise. He and You Xin only met a few times in the hospital, and the only few exchanges were all about Yang Xuan's condition. Maybe she heard it from Yang Xuan.

Why did Yang Xuan mention this matter? As soon as this idea came to Tang Junhe's mind, he was attracted by You Xin's next sentence.

You Xin looked up at Yang Xuan, who was frowning, and hurriedly raised his upper body and asked, "Captain, do you have any impression?"

"Is there any clue about the cut mark of the amputated finger?"

"Yes, I forgot to tell you last time, judging from the cut marks, the criminal should be left-handed," You Xin added, "just like you."

Yang Xuan ignored the joke, frowned and said, "Jiang Yuliang's information needs to be adjusted."

"The drug lord you went undercover back then? Has something to do with him?"

"I'm not sure yet, let's check first. This person didn't have a high sense of existence at the time. I only met him once or twice."

"Oh, okay, I'll check in a while..." You Xin responded, before she finished speaking, a calm middle-aged male voice came from behind: "Yo? Isn't this the hero who stood up for justice?"

Yang Xuan looked back, straightened up and called out, "Director Wu."

"I haven't seen you for a few years, Yang Xuan." Wu Chu walked in from the door, and patted Yang Xuan's back with his hand, "Your body is okay, much stronger than before."

Yang Xuan smiled: "When you saw me, I had only been in the army for two years."

"Two years?" Wu Chu raised his eyebrows and said, "That's reasonable. How about it, I let You Xin pass on what should be passed on. When will you come here to report?"

"I heard there was three months' sick leave."

Wu Chu laughed loudly: "Okay, I'll give you time, I won't rush you, it's time to rest..." Immediately afterwards, he saw Tang Junhe, an unfamiliar face, and asked, "Who is this?"

"Wu Chu, your memory is too bad, it's in the newspaper." You Xin reminded from the side.

That report had sparked heated discussions in the Serious Crime Squad. After You Xin reminded him a little, Wu Chu remembered: "Oh, Yang Xuan's younger brother."

You Xin introduced: "Dr. Tang is also one of brother Xuan's chief surgeons."

"Young and promising." Wu Chu stretched out his hand to Tang Junhe.

Tang Junhe shook hands with him, and clarified: "You misunderstood, I am not the chief surgeon, but my master, Mr. Xue."

"Xue Yuanshan, I know him. He performed my surgery ten years ago. Old Xue is not easy to deal with." Wu Chu said, putting his hand on Yang Xuan's back, "Just happened to be in the last case. Jie, I'm going to take everyone in Group C out to have a good meal tonight, Yang Xuan, you two brothers have caught up, let's go together and get to know each other in advance."

Upon hearing this, You Xin responded, "That's a good thing, captain, you and Dr. Tang are going, you two are the current celebrities in our serious crime team."

"All go, all go, You Xin went upstairs and asked them to leave now, I'll go outside and drive first, and you will divide into three to sit in my car later."

"Okay, leader." You Xin said, turned off the computer swiftly, left the room and locked it, turned around and said, "Captain, wait here with Dr. Tang, I'll come over as soon as I finish calling."

Both Wu Chu and You Xin left, leaving only Yang Xuan and Tang Junhe standing at the door.

Yang Xuan leaned against the window sill, looked at Tang Junhe after a while and said, "If you don't want to go, I'll send you back first."

Tang Junhe really didn't want to go, he didn't like to socialize, especially when he was eating at the same table with so many people he didn't know at once, and he had to face Yang Xuan's future immediate boss, and he felt a little conflicted from the bottom of his heart.

"Can you not go if you don't want to go?" Tang Junhe raised his eyelashes, looked at him and asked.

"Why don't you want to go?" Yang Xuan said it as a matter of course, as if he was not worried about being slapped in the face.

You Xin came down from upstairs at this time, seeing that the atmosphere between the two was a bit weird, she asked Tang Junhe with concern: "Does Doctor Tang have anything else to do?"

Tang Junhe shook his head and said, "It's okay, let's go."

"The captain, I sat in your car, and I will show you the way by the way."

Sitting around the table were more than a dozen police officers from the Serious Crime Squad. They took off their uniforms and looked nothing special, except that they seemed to drink a lot more.

Wu Chu didn't have any airs of leadership, so he introduced straight to the point: "This is Yang Xuan whom You Xin often mentioned."

You Xin added on the side: "I am the captain."

"This is Yang Xuan's younger brother, Doctor Tang, right?"

"Tang Junhe." Tang Junhe said.

A table of people looked at these two people with burning eyes—there was a lot of heated discussion on the Internet a few days ago, popular people!

Zheng Rui is a member of Group B, because he used to be comrades-in-arms with Yang Xuan and You Xin, and he was also pulled over to eat together. At this time, he joked: "When Xiaoyou first joined the army, he swore to chase the captain .”

"Go, go, why are you bringing this up again?" You Xin glared at him, but when it was her turn to mention this, she was not shy and said generously, "Later the captain saved my life, and I I don’t dare to make up his mind, for fear of being punished by God.”

As soon as this incident was mentioned, the atmosphere on the table suddenly became active. Du Chong, who had the best drinker, stood up and toasted Yang Xuan: "Little You is a little red in the green bushes of our serious crime team. It's not easy. We have to thank Brother Xuan."

"Come on," You Xin said, "The stitches haven't been removed from the gunshot wound, so I can't drink."

"The doctor didn't say anything, but you are protecting your captain."

You Xin turned to look at Tang Junhe: "It's the doctor's order given by Dr. Tang, what do you think, Dr. Tang?"

Tang Junhe glanced at her, and said in a moderate voice: "Before the stitches are removed, smoking and alcohol must be banned."

"Then respect Dr. Tang." Du Chong changed his target in an obedient manner, "Thank you, Dr. Tang, for taking care of Brother Xuan a few days ago."

Tang Junhe held the wine glass and was about to pick it up when Yang Xuan stretched out his hand to pinch the bottom of the glass, looked at Du Chong and said, "He doesn't know how to drink, remember this time first, and drink it together next time when I recover from my injury. "

The drunkards at the table immediately regained their spirits and flirted with each other. Another said, "Then we have to respect Dr. Tang tonight."

"Who said I can't drink?" After Tang Junhe finished speaking, he used some strength to pull the wine glass out of Yang Xuan's hand, and drank the glass of wine to the bottom without blinking.

"Brother Xuan, you lied to us," Du Chong picked up the wine bottle and filled Tang Junhe with wine, "It's better for Dr. Tang to drink as he pleases."

"A group of you guys with guns teamed up to pour down a doctor, you can't do anything." You Xin glanced at the next person who planned to toast.

The man laughed aloud: "We take guns, Dr. Tang holds knives, one is suitable for long-distance fighting and the other is suitable for short-distance fighting, Xiaoyou, don't look down on people, okay?"

Fortunately, Tang Junhe was an outsider after all, although he said that he wanted to drink, but in fact, several people still had some sense of propriety towards Tang Junhe.

Halfway through the meal, Tang Junhe got up and went to the bathroom. When he came back, he felt a little dizzy, so he stood by the window in the corridor to blow the wind for a while. Just as he was about to turn around and enter the private room, You Xin walked towards him: "Does Doctor Tang drink too much?"

"It's okay." Tang Junhe said. After learning that You Xin once had some thoughts about Yang Xuan, it was difficult for him to treat her with a normal attitude.

"Doctor Tang," You Xin seemed hesitant to speak, "I don't know if there is any conflict between you and the captain, but the captain always says less and does more, you must know this better than me Bar?"

Tang Junhe looked at her: "What do you want to say?"

You Xin seemed to be struggling in his heart, and it took a while before he said: "I'll tell you one thing, when we set out missions, we had to leave them in advance..."

Halfway through her words, Tang Junhe's cell phone rang. He picked it up, and it was Aunt Zhou calling—it should be related to Tang Xiaonian's condition. He said sorry, and when he picked it up, Aunt Zhou said in panic, "Doctor Tang, your mother's heartbeat just stopped suddenly."

Tang Junhe's expression sank, and he asked, "How is the situation now?"

"Don't worry, you were sent to the emergency room just now, and now your heartbeat has recovered, but you are still being rescued."

"I'll go back now." Tang Junhe said.