MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1094 fight

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The Prince of Heaven's Royal Swordsmanship is the perfect blend of Gao Weijian and Huangtian Avenue.

At this moment, the Prince has not only the power of the amazing martial arts will cultivated by Huangtian Avenue, but also the ability to strike across dimensions.

Behind her, at this moment, there is half of the world's dragon gas as a grain of food, and constantly strengthen her power.

Under the golden light, it is the absolute collision of power and strength. In the face of the high-dimensional strike of the Prince, there is no possibility of any dodge. Fang Xingjian directly turns into a light spot and completely evaporates.

One shot killed Fang Xingjian, but the Prince did not relax at all, because she knew that Fang Xing could not be killed by her in any way.

However, after a move, Fang Xingjian disappeared, and even the Prince’s **** feelings could not find the other’s existence.

"How can it be?"

"Is it really dead?"

Just when the Prince felt confused, the Fang Xingjian in the high-dimensional space and time had changed the shape slightly, so the second martial projection appeared on the Goddess Gorge.

Different from the martial arts projection of the 诛 剑 剑 , , , , 这一 这一 这一 这一 这一 这一 这一 这一 这一 这一 这一 这一 这一 这一 这一 这一 这一 这一 这一 这一 这一 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛 诛

At the moment when the heart of the kendo appeared, powerful illusion had erupted at the same time. The whole person of Fang Xingjian disappeared in the eyes of everyone, as if it had never appeared before.

But this is enough to deceive the top illusion of most of the six-level power of the gods, but can not deceive the prince who has mastered the high-dimensional perception ability at this moment.

In the eyes of the Prince, the entire three-dimensional world is connected at the moment. Any operation based on three-dimensional time and space cannot overcome her perception. Even the behavior of directly changing the electromagnetic wave is the same.

The bang banged and thousands of swords in the sky had already slammed down, and the sacred road was instantly projected.

Perceive the Fang Xing sword that once again disappeared from this world. Prince is cold and cold: "Fang Xingjian, what kind of trick are you playing?"

Fang Xingjian did not speak. He just turned his high-dimensional body again and placed the next projection into the three-dimensional material world.

This time it is the martial projection of Huangtian Avenue.

Almost immediately, it was the golden light that accompanied the Fang Xingjian. It floated like a golden carpet at his feet, and it immediately formed a sharp contrast with the golden virtual image of the prince in the sky.

Once on the two gold, the same domineering, the same honor, but the opposite, it seems that the fire is not allowed.

And just as Fang Xingjian appeared again, a golden giant palm has been shot.

"Use the Emperor Avenue in front of me? I will also use the same thing to defeat you!"

The whole palm is almost like the size of a city. The uneven skin and texture are so clear, but in this case, it is like a small earthen bag and a gully, which makes people feel shocked.

With such an earth-shattering shot, the entire state government was almost blown by a gust of wind brought by the giant palm, and large blocks of trees were directly blown into the sky.

In the face of the prince's palm, Fang Xingjian did not evade, and the same palm shot, the golden light of the body gathered in a moment to become a slightly smaller palm than the Prince.

Two golden giant palms slammed into each other in the air, and the earth-shattering collision was almost clear even hundreds of miles away, just because both palms were too big.

With the violent impact of the two forces, the storm was directly squeezed out of the palm of your hand and shot in all directions.

The horrible storm swept down the road, blowing all the dust, sand, vegetation, houses, and how many people died under the storm.

It’s just such a temptation to attack the two palms, which directly caused a horrific storm of a thousand years. The losses caused are almost innumerable. In the entire territory of the state, I don’t know how many houses collapsed and how many trees were blown. In the sky, how many farmland was destroyed.

After the first strike, the entire Shennong Gorge could not stand the shock wave formed by the violent air flow, and collapsed directly. Tens of thousands of tons of rocks and sediments fell directly into the Qinghe River, and the entire river was blocked.

The warriors who watched the war around the four sides could not stand the hurricane that came to the forefront. Most of the invaders of the invaders were directly blown out. As long as a few people in the dilemma and the heavenly borders could stay in their original positions, they were shocked. Looking at the sky.

If the average force of the world is not strong enough, I am afraid that the first attack is enough to kill hundreds of thousands or even millions of people.

Fang Xingjian looked at the rivers blocked by his feet, his hands were printed, and a large handprint of the Emperor was gently photographed. The rocks that blocked the rivers had all been broken, and the rivers were once again smoothed.

"With our current strength, and then hand in hand, I am afraid that all the creatures in this world will be killed. This way the world has completely lost its civilization, and we cannot go back through Tianguan."

The Prince is cold and cold: "How are you waiting?"

"It's better to change the battlefield?" Fang Xingjian smiled lightly.

During the speech, the golden light dissipated, and the Fang Xingjian disappeared again, but this time, the space gap between him and his body was constantly generating and disappearing.

This is a martial projection of the broken void.

"The special world of this world also knows that countless parallel worlds are nearby, and as long as they can connect with world consciousness, they can find them."

Between the words, I saw Fang Xingjian's palms together, and a dark tunnel had been generated from his palm, and instantly expanded to a height.

"Come with me." Fang Xingjian turned and crossed, and has entered this tunnel and disappeared.

"Afraid of you!"

The prince was cold and cold, and the next moment of golden light seemed to be a strand of paint that rushed into the black tunnel.

The golden sky that was originally seen on the entire continent, like the paint washed away with water, faded away and the entire sky returned to its original state.

On the Shennong Gorge, which has been turned into a shoal, thousands of warriors watching the sky are silent, still shocked in the picture of just two people.

Every move is a sight of destroying the earth and destroying the land. It seems that the whole world cannot withstand the embarrassment of the two.

Although the battle has not yet come to fruition, the battle between the two has been destined to become a legend and become a myth, recorded in the annals of history.


Fang Xingjian once saw the giant body made up of countless worlds. Even if he came to this martial art world, it was just one of the countless worlds in that body.

And each of these worlds is a planet of different sizes.

Fang Xingjian is now at the moment by breaking the void and locking the world consciousness, breaking the void and coming from one world to another.

Just as he stepped out of the tunnel, he realized that the world in front of him was a new planet.